Jamie Wardman
I am a social scientist with interdisciplinary interests and expertise in the areas of risk management and communication, science and technology studies, and digital media and society. My research broadly adopts practice based theory and modes of inquiry to examine the sociocultural dynamics of how and why risk knowledge and meaning is represented, projected and acted upon by people across various social, organizational and political contexts. In my applied work I aim to draw out the implications and critical lessons learned from these observations to promote civic empowerment and more socially innovative and responsible approaches to risk communication, risk management and public policy design. I have undertaken research on such wide-ranging issues as food hazards, public responses to terrorism, fear of crime, urban and transboundary environmental problems, sustainability, pharmaceutical safety, and new technology controversies. I have been awarded research funding from HEFCE, the European Food Safety Authority, the World Health Organisation, and the Hong Kong Government Research Grants Council. I earned my BSc and MSc degrees at the University of London and University of Surrey, respectively, before completing my PhD at King’s College London. After working as a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Lincoln I joined the University of Hong Kong where I worked as a Research Fellow until recently when I joined the Nottingham University Business School as an Assistant Professor of Risk Management. I am also currently the Managing Editor of the Journal of Risk Research.
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Papers by Jamie Wardman