Norwegian Embassy. Photo taken by uploader on a cold February day of 2007. Will be used for w:List of Washington, D.C. embassies. All rights released. Williamborg 00:11, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
Ingen maskinlesbar opphavsperson oppgitt. Williamborg er antatt opphavsperson, basert på opplysninger om opphavsrett.
The architectural work depicted in this photograph may be covered under United States copyright law (17 USC 120(a)), which states that architectural works completed after December 1, 1990 are protected. However, architectural copyright in the United States does not include the right to prevent the making, distributing, or public display of pictures, paintings, photographs, or other pictorial representations of the work. See COM:CRT/United States#Freedom of panorama for more information.
This law only applies to architectural works (such as buildings or other structures) and not other forms of 3D or 2D artwork such as sculptures, paintings, or posters. Images of these artworks taken in the US must be deleted unless they are in the public domain, or their presence is trivial.
Jeg, opphavsrettensholderen til dette verket, frigir dette verket til allmennheten. Dette gjelder på verdensbasis. I enkelte land kan dette være juridisk umulig. I så fall: Jeg gir hvem som helst retten til å bruke dette verket for ethvert formål, uten noen vilkår, med mindre slike vilkår kreves ved lov.
Legg til en kort forklaring på hva filen representerer
Norwegian Embassy. Photo taken by uploader on a cold February day of 2007. Will be used for w:List of Washington, D.C. embassies. All rights released. ~~~~