gothic architecture

13 Pins
teCLa -- Rivista -- numero 8 - Dotto
tecla 8 - Augusto Garneri, Girali e finestra gotica, da Corso elementare di disegno geometrico, Roma 1895, tav. XXXV
St Patricks Cathedral - Melbourne Australia
St Patricks Cathedral - Melbourne Australia by JanetGrima, via Flickr
3.3.2. Wind roses and rose windows
The division of space in the directions of the winds has been a very old way of orienteering. The sailors might have been the first who perfected the way of finding their next port by a dominant w…
An Introduction to Gothic Tracery (With a Router) | Popular Woodworking
This week I’m finishing up work on an aumbry for a future issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine. More than anything, this project has been about exploring Gothic geometry. But as with any project, I always have a lot of detours and dead ends. The pierced carvings on the front of the aumbry are fairly simple, yet I was afraid they would be off-putting for some beginning woodworkers. So I started … may be for sale, negotiate directly with the owner on DomainAgents
Image of geometric construction of trefoil tracery (for a Gothic cathedral window.)
gothic facade with rose window by dashinvaine on DeviantArt
Gothic facade with rose window by dashinvaine on deviantart
An Introduction to Gothic Tracery (With a Router) | Popular Woodworking
This week I’m finishing up work on an aumbry for a future issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine. More than anything, this project has been about exploring Gothic geometry. But as with any project, I always have a lot of detours and dead ends. The pierced carvings on the front of the aumbry are fairly simple, yet I was afraid they would be off-putting for some beginning woodworkers. So I started …