Computer Programmers Code (of conduct)

Self-employed Programmer/Analyst
10 Pins
What Needs to Happen for More Women, Minorities to Get Into Computer Science | Entrepreneur
What Needs to Happen for More Women, Minorities to Get Into Computer Science
Computer Science is Everywhere! (Even Photography)
The Female Perspective of Computer Science: Computer Science is Everywhere! (Even Photography)
Inspiring women who made computing history - Namecheap Blog
she++: Inspiring Women to Empower Computer Science -check out to learn more about you can become a computer programmer!
So tell me all about how women are less naturally inclined towards computer science again, please.
What Most Schools Don't Teach
What Most Schools Don't Teach - computer science. is a non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer science education.
Girls Who Code: Launched in Spring 2012, Girls Who Code is a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors. #Girls #Technololgy #Engineering