
21 Pins
Golden Future for Some Print Set Avail. 10/17! - Obey Giant
Golden Future for Some Print Set Avail. 10/17! - Obey Giant
The "T" in Trump doesn't stand for transparency - The Strident Conservative ™
The "T" in Trump doesn't stand for transparency
Wrong Path Print Avail. 12/05! - Obey Giant
The Wrong Path print is a recognition of the challenges anyone championing environmental responsibility face as well as a comment on the...
Shepard Fairey: How I’m Taking on Abuse of Power and Political Corruption in ‘On Our Hands’
Pay Up or Shut Up by Shepard Fairey. Citizens United and later court decisions have given the fossil fuel industry undo political power, as much as they can buy, allowing them to obstruct action on climate change. Fairey: "The most crucial step in fighting against political corruption and forcing politicians to get back to creating the greatest good for the greatest number of people is to reform our current campaign finance structure." #ObeyGiant
There are many lines that make up the head cover for the girl in this image. The lines in this especially are important, because they're almost creating an optical illusion.
52 Creative Poster Design Ideas for Inspiration
Obama Modern Creative Poster Idea - 35. Improve almost any photograph with a duotone