
40 Pins
PreK Goals Sheet and asssessments
This preschool skill goal sheet is a one page sheet of typical skills that a preschooler may learn. It is a fun and very visual way for the kids to see what skills they have mastered and document the child's learning. When a skill has been mastered, the child can put a sticker in the box.
Preschool Assessments
Preschool Assessment- could be modified to be used as an OT functional screen. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources
Preschool Progress Report
I developed this preschool progress report to use with the Preschool Assessment I developed. I use this to show to the parents how their child is ...
Preschool Assessments
Kindergarten Beginning of the Year this for real? I don't pretend my child is a genius but I'll be pissed if she has to waste time "learning" colors and shapes that's she's known since she was 3. Teacher friends, help me out. Is this really what she'll be doing in kindergarten??
Preschool Assessment Forms | Report Card | Progress Report
pre-k kindergarten assessment packet, pre-k progress report and report card (downloadable for fee)
Pre-K Assessment Forms
Pre-K developmental checklist that may be quicker than Creative Curriculum - always a plus. Common Core??
Free printable marshmallow and hot chocolate letter recognition assessment for preschoolers and kindergarteners from Modern Preschool!
Preschool Assessments
Preschool Assessments --- Just printed off for next school year. Do it three times a year just to get a feel on what she's learning and what she needs more practice in. Sooo glad I didn't have to come up with this myself!
Preschool End of the Year Assessment Packet
Free Preschool Assessment Printable Workbook
Free Preschool Assessment Printables - Not all kids like this type of work, but some kids thrive on it.
Preschool Assessment
Preschool Assessment