
11 Pins
長得萌果然好處多!管理員不但沒有趕走牠們,還免費提供柚子溫泉來禦寒 - A Day Magazine
Capybara hot springs now available all over Japan 5
When Alex and I first traveled to Japan for our honeymoon in 2018, I was determined to find an open-air onsen (rotemburo), that allowed tattoos and mixed-gender bathing. On top of this, I wanted the onsen to be attached to a ryokan and in the middle of the mountains. When I stumbled upon Takaragawa Onsen, it checked all of those boxes. Have you been to an onsen before? If not, what questions do you have? #onsen #ryokan #japantravel hidden gems of Japan, travel blogger in Japan, tranquil r...
A Private Onsen With A Snowy View
A ryokan room with its own outdoor onsen where you can enjoy looking at a snowy landscape. This is an AI artwork designed with Midjourney.
Visit Kinosaki - Best Onsen Town in Japan
Visit Kinosaki - Best Onsen Town in Japan | The Official Site