Hacker News Security

If you find a security hole, please let us know at [email protected]. We try to respond (with fixes!) as soon as possible, and really appreciate the help.

Thanks to the following people who have discovered and responsibly disclosed security holes in Hacker News:

2023-01-02: Carter Sande, Mark Slater, James Darpinian

2022-09-04: Dimitris Triantafyllidis

2021-07-04: RyotaK

2021-06-07: Atamyrat Hezretgulyyev

2021-02-14: Michael Brooks

2017-04-30: Michael Flaxman

2017-04-14: Blake Rand

2017-03-15: Blake Rand

2017-03-01: Jaikishan Tulswani

2016-02-17: Eric Tjossem

2016-01-13: Mert Taşçi

2015-09-07: Sandeep Singh

2015-09-04: Manish Bhattacharya

2015-08-27: Chris Marlow

2015-06-24: Stephen Sclafani

2015-03-02: Max Bond

2014-11-01: Ovidiu Toader

2014-10-27: San Tran

2014-05-01: Jonathan Rudenberg

2012-08-01: Louis Lang

2012-07-20: Michael Borohovski

2010-01-12: Zain Memon

2009-06-03: Daniel Fox Franke

Missing From This List? If you reported a vulnerability to us and don't see your name, please shoot us an email and we'll happily add you. We crawled through tons of emails trying to find all reports but inevitably missed some.