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This is so fun and easy to pickup! Would love to see you continue down this path! I would totally buy this game with a fleshed out story, more mechanics, and levels!




I love this type of games, good job man :)


too hard

This is so cool! Great job!!

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i defeat every boss and the game is coool add pc build and more bosses

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I regret to inform you that I accidentally deleted my project file and, unfortunately, didn't have a backup. I cant updating anything to the game from now on. Thanks for playing my game :)

good while it lasted but i have a question about the repose on forest tarzan like how do you repose i beet him mixing in attacks between his attacks

aint no way man but could u please please pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase create a new one

incredible, but i can not jump, in parameter, i can not change key, but it's splendid game

How can I download it? It isn't really comfortable to play in browser

yes its need pc build

The  attack/parry system feels really great!
Compared to Sekiro I felt that enemies aren't really affected by your parry except when they got stun when their posture breaks.

Once you get the game, it clicks, but at first, there's a big learning curve. Great game. It took me forever to learn the attack pattern of the king, but I pretty much powered through the jungle dude. Seems like an interesting concept, I hope it turns out great!

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how do i change keybindings on web? (i want to try and do Z/X for attack and parry, controls I am more used to)

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Hi! Thanks for playing my game. Currently, I haven't implemented keybinding changes in the game yet, but I will do it in the future.


bro that main character sprite is really cool!!!!
keeping developing please.



excited to see where this game goes. 

Deleted 1 year ago

For some reason the forest guy is able to float above you Sometimes and the only way to get him down is by jumping and moving at the same time at one direction. May you fix this 

Hi Basil, thanks for the feedback! I will figure out how to fix the bug in the next update


  • combat is intense
  • good pixel graphic
  • nice sfx & vfx
  • amazing mechanics
  • fair control

I really like the game, and I do have fun with it. Thanks

I appreciate the feedback! Thank you so much :)


I'd say the stamina bar is obsolete or should be reworked entirely. I think the main issue is It just doesn't make sense to have blocking use up stamina. Imagine Sekiro but you had to walk away from the boss after 25 seconds (or just stand there waiting for the refill while getting hit, as did I).

I would scrap it entirely and maybe weaken normal attacks a tiny bit (while giving him less defense after his posture is broken).

But if you wanna keep in some stamina management maybe deflecting attacks could fill it up faster.

Otherwise this is a really solid project. The bosses might be bit too fast (or that's just me not having played sekiro in ages) and have too little attacks, but what they got is solid. I especially like the wandering kings teleportation, might need some tweaking so you can properly react to him appearing behind you (which I think needs you turning around which made me mess up), but other than that I am a huge fan of any and all teleportation shenanigans.

Hi Star! I have read your comment seriously and am thinking about what I should do with the stamina bar. I will find a way to enhanced player experience in the next update :)

Your game definitely has potential, beautiful graphics, backgrounds and ost. I spent a little time and the control seemed to me not convenient (I'm most likely stupid), it seemed not convenient that you had to not press the buttons to press the button. I mean, when I was running, I sometimes didn’t press the jump or I tried to parry (also while running) expecting that the run would be interrupted and I parried the blow, but it just didn’t press, it was more convenient for me to run away from the boss’s blows, and not parry them. In general, the game is cool, I liked the way it looks!

Thanks for the feedback! I will enhance player control to be more precise in the next update!


I really genuinely enjoyed this game I think you should add a pause button I notice the player model you used and I am using the same on to make my own game (I have never done before) I am wondering if you'd willing to add a link to the code in the description as I could probably use some of it. Other than that request I think this game has alot of potential you should add somemore features and keep it in the oven a bit longer and i think it would be a hit of a casual game to pass some time or even speedrun>

Hi Argonstriker! Happy you like my game! I will make it better in the next update.

This game is cool, it has a lot of potential! I wish you good luck in the future!

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Hi Spruce! Thanks for playing my game and complement! I will make it better in the future!

This is great news!

Take care! if you crouch in the boss arena, you can never stand again!  Game seems like it would be fun if it was made.  You got the mechanics pretty well down.  The lack of mortal blows is interesting and would require work to keep posture damage relevant, but it could be fine.  Fighting the boss was fun.  

Hi xyncht! Thanks for playing my game and providing me with feedback! I will try to fix the bug you encountered in the boss arena and upload the latest version in the next update!


This game has incredible potential, visually, the sprite work and animations are fantastic, the combat system has great potential and the backgrounds look great. The movement system needs some work, the jumping feels sluggish, and you bang your head on everything, I found a couple different infinite jump glitches, if you jump into the side of collision it gives you another jump, so if you walk into a wall and spam jump you can get out of bounds in the first zone and the second zone, in the boss arena area you can jump infinitely regardless on whether or not your touching something and the air attack that you can use in the other sections doesn't work. The bosses teleport mechanic reminds me of old snes games, which I think is cool, but when the boss would attack it would fade away right after hitting than hit again, i'm unsure if this was intentional but it was almost like the boss was trying to fake me out, you can also stand on the boss like a platform to avoid taking damage. If this game was fleshed out more, I would absolutely buy it! Keep developing and refining because this game has lots of potential.

Hi samDaman! Thank you for the comment. I will try to fix the bugs and update in the next patch


I changed the name of my game to Pixel Kishi, which I believe is more appropriate for my game.