Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Weekend in NYC

Last weekend I flew to NYC to spend the weekend
with my daughter Kate.
It was a whirlwind trip,
and I'm still playing catch-up.

I arrived around lunch time on Saturday.
We headed to So Ho and "Prune,"
a resturant I had recently read about,
but there was an hour and half wait,
so we wandered around and found
the So Ho Park and had lunch there instead.

We shared the onion rings, which caught both our eyes
because of the curry mayonnaise served with them.
First rate!

Kate and I have always been big movie fans,
so we caught Tom Cruise's new movie,
Rock of Ages.
Kate, who  had just seen the Broadway play
the weekend before decided she
liked the movie better.
It was fun to see Tom Cruise
in a totally different role and finally,
not taking himself too seriously.

On Sunday morning Kate took me to
Ess a Bagel
to try her favorite NY bagel.
We had a great brunch and the bagels are wonderful!

Afterwards, we took a long walk through Central Park.
It was the perfect day for it--pleasantly warm
and there were lots of street performers.

That evening we saw a Broadway show,
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
It was the show's final night,
so I can't urge you to see it!
It was a big, flashy, campy, over the top,
show and we both had fun!

Did I mention it was a whirlwind trip?
The next morning Kate put me in a taxi
for the airport as she headed off to work.
Short, sweet and non stop,
a perfect weekend!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Can See Clearly Now!!!

Thursday morning of this week, I was up and out early.  I had to be at a nearby eye surgery center by 6:45.  Since last year a cataract in my right eye has been getting worse.  My doctor had told me then, “when it’s time to have it taken out, YOU’LL know.”  So this year when I went in for my yearly checkup, he took one look and, “It’s time.”  I already knew it, but was waiting for his opinion.
So, Thursday morning I had the operation.  I hate to even call it surgery because the medical staff  had it down to such an art, it seemed like a simple procedure.  I was back home within three hours!  Other than putting in a couple of different drops throughout the day and wearing a eye shield at night, I am totally back to normal.
EXCEPT!!!…I can see clearly again!  I can’t really convey to you how wonderful it is to sit at my desk and look out my window at the garden, and to see everything crystal clear…without glasses!!!DSC06439
My only concern now is what am I going to do with all those cute little readers I’ve been accumulating?
sheep w glasses
Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Peach Sangria...Let the Weekend Begin!

Is it just me, or have the peaches been exceptionally good this summer?

All summer long I've enjoyed fresh peaches and cottage cheese for breakfast. That may not be every one's idea of the perfect breakfast, but for me, it doesn't get any better. Isn't it nice when something you like to eat is also healthy?
Enjoy the peaches while they last. They won't be around too much longer.

Last weekend at a neighborhood dinner, Virginia, from down the street, brought Peach Sangria and it was outstanding.

Here's her recipe:

Virginia's Peach Sangria
One bottle white zinfandel
1/2 can frozen lemonade
1/3 cup sugar
3 fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
3/4 cup peach brandy
Mix all together. Pour over ice and serve.
This evening I made a pitcher. I had peach schnapps instead of peach brandy on hand, so I used that instead. It was incredibly good.
Thank you Virginia!
We invited a new friend over to help us drink it, along with a few appetizers and it was an excellent start to the weekend.
Now, what to do with all those marinated peaches at the bottom of the pitcher when the sangria is gone (IF there are any left...)??? I had made some small pound cake muffins earlier and they were great with the peaches and a little whipped cream.

Have yourself a peachy weekend!

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