
474 Pins
Gardenia Jasminoides
Gardenia Jasminoides, also known as the “Cape Jasmine Plant”, is an ornamental plant that features shiny, feathery, deep green leaves. It is grown mostly because of its fragrance. Their creamy white flowers produce an intoxicating fragrance that is loved by many.
🌿TRADESCANTIA NANOUK MAINTENANCE 🌿 This tradescantia nanouk sits on the windowsill in my bathroom and gets south facing light, so it’s a fast grower! I’ve noticed that this plant easily gets leggy, even when it gets a lot of light. Constantly pruning and propagating it is the best way to keep it looking its best! Propagating this plant is so easy because you can plant the cutting into the soil right away. The one IMPORTANT tip I have is to only propagate this plant after it’s been watered...
#plants #greenhouse #green #tradescantia #albiflora #chlorophytum #домашниецветы #растения #хлорофитум #традесканция #альбифлора #озеленениебалкона #зеленый #зигокактус #декабрист #герань #пеларгония
Balloon Flower Blue Open Pollinated | 201268
0.1g approx. 75 seeds. A winter hardy perennial grows 45-50cm (17-20in.) tall. Single, cup-shaped, intense blue flowers, diameter 5-6cm (2-2.5in.). Blooms for 2 months, starting mid-July. Use for rock garden, group plantings, mix borders and cutting.