Sheet catalogue

16 Pins
This may contain: an orange piece of metal sitting on top of a table
Witness the Fascinating Journey of Transforming Recycled Plastic into Sheets!
At Placyle Reel, we take you behind the scenes to unveil the remarkable process of turning discarded plastic into functional sheets of eco-friendly wonder. #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainable #sustainableliving #eco #upcycling #recycle #buylocal #savetheplanet #zerowaste #reuse #reduce #greenliving #upcycled #plastic #upcycle #plasticfree #circulareconomy #cleanup #ecofriendlyliving #repurpose #environmentallyfriendly #recycled #design #sheet #plastic4plastic #placyle
ROBRIES | 100% Recycled Plastic on Instagram: "Always start with something small! Through the smallest thing, you can do good for the environment. This custom made keychain for @drsoapofficial is of course, made with 100% recycled plastic. Isn't that the cutest little thing? You can help too! Let's create something good for the environment together! Contact us through WhatsApp to +62-896-8552-0389 or click link in bio! --- #MadebyRobries #RobriesGallery #forBetterLiving"
Post consumer waste design: Jane Atfield’s groundbreaking recycled chair turns 30
Post consumer waste design: Jane Atfield’s groundbreaking recycled chair turns 30