Sky View

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12/22/2015 Medina Quarter Marrakesh, Morocco 31.633080724°, -7.986173343° In advance of the new year, this week I will be sharing some of my favorite Overviews from 2015. To start, here is the medina quarter in Marrakesh, Morocco that was posted on June 18th. The district is characterized by its winding, maze-like streets and is generally free from car traffic because the intricately connected honeycomb of alleyways narrows to less than a meter wide (~ 3 feet) at certain spots.
Brussels. I never realised just how many geometric patterns it presents from an aerial perspective.
Vista aérea Petare, Caracas, Venezuela. sabanas y montañas de ranchos en caracas fruto de la democracia mal entendida,,,, y mientras tanto el campo abandonado.....
3/14/2016 Ankara Ankara, Turkey 39.987497075°, 32.850163076° Today our thoughts are with the people of Ankara, Turkey after they suffered a brutal bombing attack yesterday in one of the city’s public squares. Ankara is home to more than five million residents and serves as the country’s capital. Residential housing in the northern section of the city is visible in this Overview.
sweet the sound - Nouakchott Photography: Steve McCurry National...
Nuakchot, Mauritania
African Traditional Abodes & Achitecture
Africa | Aerial view of Labbezanga near the Mali-Niger border. 1972 | ©Georg Gerster
Ghadames, Libia fotografía de George Steinmetz racimos apretados de las casas tradicionales de adobe-and-palma han resistido durante siglos en Ghadames, una ciudad oasis pre-romana en el Sahara. pasarelas azoteas permitió que las mujeres se mueven libremente, oculto a la vista de los hombres. Crédito: National Geographic.