2024 Agu 3 - Citronella Tiki Torches Ashley Poskin at Hello Natural created these citronella tiki torches that double duty as insect repellent and outdoor decor. A Cool Bookshelf Roy Mohan Shearer via Flickr has a great use of all those wine bottles that you throw away. Simply combine them with wood and make a bookshelf. Wine Bottle Bird Feeders Rebecca at The Garden-Roof Coop made these lovely bird feeders after drilling holes in wine bottles. After that she attached a saucer and a copper wire for hanging. Tissue Paper Decoupage Vases Fave Crafts shows us how a simple material like tissue paper can transform your old wine bottles into awesome vases like these. Unique Serving Trays Lisa from Concord Cottage turned some empty wine bottles into these stunning serving trays. Two thumbs up! A Wonderful Chandelier Brian Patrick Flynn at diy Network built a marvelous chandelier from old wine bottles. This is just amazing, isn’t it? Washi Tape Decorated Bottles Lisha via One House One Couple gave a new life to some bottles after spraying them with paint and embellishing them with washi tape. Recycled Wine Bottle Candles Etsy Shop Napauncorked will inspire you to recycle your wine bottles into some lovely candles like these. A Cool Garden Art The Alley To The Gallery Blog has yet another astounding idea where a garden art is made with old wine bottles and salvaged fence boards. Wine Bottle Planters Donna at Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents has a smashing idea to cut and make planters out of wine bottles. A Wintery Christmas Display Creative Tracie at Cleverly Inspired covered three wine bottles in epsom salt and combined them with silver accents to make this wintery Christmas display. A Chalkboard Painted Bottle for Candy Filling Instructables shares an inventive idea to paint a wine bottle with chalkboard paint and use it to store candy. A Wall Vase Set Johnnie from Saved by Love Creations combined reclaimed wood with old wine bottles to create this amazing vase holder. Halloween Ghosts Decor Hinzpirations via Etsy has an idea for the upcoming Halloween. Simply make ghosts from wine bottles and enjoy.