
208 Pins
Raise Mealworms for Your Chickens To Save Money!
Raising mealworms to replace chicken feed is easy, frugal, and can be done in any warm, dark corner of your property. Here's how to get started for pennies!
Keep your Duck Water from Freezing | No Electricity Needed
a heated dog water bowl. They're easy to clean and refill, and keep the water safely warmed to just above freezing.
Hannah Inez • Homemaker & Homestead Lifestyle on Instagram: "This has saved us! We were having to refill their water at least 3 times a day since they aren’t free ranging yet! #homesteadlife #ducklings #metzerfarms #farmlife #homesteaders #homesteadersofinstagram @metzerfarms"
How to get your ducks to like you: 3 tips
3 Tips: How to get your ducks to like you. #duck #petduck #poultry #homestead #raisingducks #hosueduck #tyrantfarms
How to Understand the Behavior of Your Ducks
Ducks have a wide range of behaviors that will tell you if there's a problem, and if you should help. Here's what the ways your ducks behave mean. #ducks #homesteading
Duck Housing And Duck Coops | The Happy Chicken Coop
Duck housing, coops, and runs often resemble chicken coops or rabbit hutches without stilt-style legs. Some duck keepers would even create a duck house that resembles (or is recycled from) a dog house!