Hello, Sister Bee: Themes from Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si' Retold for Children
Water is very precious. The sky & the earth are beautiful & bountiful. So are all creatures living on the earth, including bees! We need to take great care of everything because it is all so lovely & valuable. In a funny & captivating way, themes from Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' are retold for children in this beautifully illustrated book. Children are taught how each of us is responsible for taking care of 'our common home'. Thomas & Clara discover this on their adventure with nature.
Earth Day Ideas and Classroom Activities
Earth Day is an important day for teachers to teach children about keeping the Earth clean with these engaging classroom activities. Includes ideas about an Earth Day bulletin board using newspaper kids, art activities, book suggestions for lessons, and a writing FREEBIE!
Earth Day BINGO | Earth Day Vocabulary Games | Earth Day Activities
BINGO: Earth Day is a fun way to celebrate Earth Day with your students, while learning or reviewing different topics related to Earth Day. This game can be played either whole group or in small groups. There are 30 boards in color and 30 boards in black