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-2 votes
1 answer

Did Agnetha and Anni-Frid always sing in unison? [closed]

I was listening to some ABBA songs that I hadn't paid much attention to since my childhood, and it occurred to me that, even though they are known for being a multi-singer group, they never really ...
Shiny and New's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Playing the same melody over different chord progressions

I'm considering a structure of the following sort for a jazz/rock fusion song: Section A: 2-bar instrumental guitar line repeated a couple of times over a chord progression like C-G-C-G, followed by ...
Chloe's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Are there songs written using non-functional harmony

I have been trying to write music that does not resolve to a tonic. Would this be non-functional harmony? CMaj7 / Dbdim7 / BMaj7 / Eb7b5
Flashshockley's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between harmony and consonance in music?

I am new to music theory and I was wondering what the difference is between harmony and consonance/dissonance. What are the reasons behind these terms and how can you apply it in practice if, for ...
Hiluluk Adde's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Approach notes on bass guitar clashing with vocal

When I write bass lines, I find that they sound better with approach notes but I also find that sometimes the approach notes clash with or clutter certain run-in vocal phrases that start with a few ...
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1 answer

Harmonization of bebop scale

When you harmonize a bebop scale, you get a succession of X6 and X° chords with tight voicings, which can be thought of as tiny I and V chord progressions. I've read that musicians with polyphonic ...
user45784's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do certain vocal melodies work in context when those same melodies would sound dissonant on instruments?

I've been transcribing more vocal lines lately in songs I like, to go along with the usual instrument transcription I do, and I've noticed something interesting - a lot of my favorite vocal parts ...
wisew's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is this a harmonic riff?

Here's the riff. For me a harmonic riff sounds harmonic. Without any thinking about the theory I can hear it most of the times. But in this case I'm not sure. Especially G 1 sounds a little bit off. ...
Fabic's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Identifying Vocal Harmonies

I have been trying to improve my songwriting, and have hit a block when it comes to vocal harmonies. To train myself in this regard I have been listening to a lot of Beatles tunes and other rock ...
charlie's user avatar
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