Tato metodika stanovuje ramec pro provaděni hodnoticich studii zaměřených na hodnoceni kauzalniho... more Tato metodika stanovuje ramec pro provaděni hodnoticich studii zaměřených na hodnoceni kauzalniho dopadu kampani na individualni mitigacni nebo adaptacni chovani, anebo na motivacni faktory takoveho chovani (např. postoje, znalosti a představy). Metodika vychazi z osvědcených postupů kauzalniho usuzovani (Rubin, 1974) a je postavena na využiti kvantitativnich experimentalnich a kvazi-experimentalnich postupů. Tim, že tato metodika umožňuje měřit a zvysovat kauzalni efekty kampani, přispiva i ke zvysovani jejich ekonomicke efektivity. Metodika je rozdělena do tematických kapitol pokrývajicich. (i) výběr cilových indikatorů; (ii) způsoby odhadu kauzalniho efektu; (iii), posuzovani velikosti efektu; (iv) výběr odpovidajici urovně hodnoceni; (v) výběr realizatora hodnoceni. Novost: Podobna metodika pro hodnoceni kauzalnich dopadů klimatických kampani (ani kampani obecně), ktera by vychazela z osvědcených postupů pro zkoumani kauzalniho efektu, nebyla doposud v CR zpracovana.
This study analyses the distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and... more This study analyses the distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate change related attitudes. Even though the influence of accessed information on actual behaviour is usually described as rather small by most studies, we would like to point out that the effect of knowledge on a specific behaviour can become significant from a long-term perspective – but we lack this kind of academic result because of methodological issues (Bas, 2010). Thus the main focus of this exploratory study is to offer a segmentation of Czech adolescents regarding the issue of climate change as it relates to the information sources they trust and as it relates to particular types of information on climate change – such as documents, processes, terms or numerical data. A sample of self-selected students from Masaryk University and students from several grammar schools in the Czech Republic participated in a quantitative study focusing on their knowledge of climate cha...
Prace si klade za cil napomoci odhalit vazby mezi informovanosti ceských dospivajicich studentů o... more Prace si klade za cil napomoci odhalit vazby mezi informovanosti ceských dospivajicich studentů ohledně změny klimatu, jejich postoji a environmentalni setrnosti jejich jednani. Prace pojmenovava specifika ceskeho prostředi na zakladě jeho srovnani s Velkou Britanii, shrnuje a vyhodnocuje dostupne výzkumy a teoreticke koncepty a analyzuje hlavni vlivy na dospivajici v Manchesteru a v Brně. V prakticke casti je diskutovan průzkum uskutecněný v ramci bakalařske prace. V zavěru jsou popsany možne vazby a zminěny faktory, ktere mohou vest k odlisnostem mezi britským a ceským, středoskolským a vysokoskolským prostředim. Z výsledků průzkumu vyplýva, že někteři cesti politici popirajici zavažnost změny klimatu nejsou pro studenty důvěryhodni. S odkazem na srovnani vlivů působicich v britskem a ceskem veřejnem prostoru lze řici, že pro zvýseni povědomi o změně klimatu a s nim i pocitu vlastni odpovědnosti, ktere jsou mezi ceskou mladeži nesmirně nizke, by mohlo mit podstatný efekt rozsiřeni...
Tento clanek předklada ctenařům přehled dvou nastrojů, ktere mohou být užitecne v klimatických ka... more Tento clanek předklada ctenařům přehled dvou nastrojů, ktere mohou být užitecne v klimatických kampanich: jedna se o přistupy založene na poskytovani informaci o některých aspektech klimaticke změny a přistupy založene na ramovani. Oba tyto přistupy mohou být snadno implementovany v klimatických kampanich zaměřených na veřejnost. Nas přehled odhaluje, že informace o dopadech globalni klimaticke změny bude mit pravděpodobně pozitivni vliv na klimaticke představy, postoje a chovani. Podobně i přistupy, ktere využivaji ramovani negativnich zisků (tim, že informuji o ztratach, kterým může být zamezeno skrze klimatickou akci), povedou pravděpodobně k pozitivnim změnam v představach, postojich a chovani. Naproti tomu existuji některe přistupy (např. informovani o možnostech řeseni klimatických problemů, prezentovani konsensu odborniků o klimaticke změně), u nichž je stale nejistota o jejich efektech, pravděpodobně v důsledku vlivu moderujicich a mediujicich faktorů, ktere nejsou jestě zce...
Substantial part of the social science research concerning climate change deals with the question... more Substantial part of the social science research concerning climate change deals with the question, how is it possible to influence climate attitudes and behaviours of the individuals. We aim to provide a review and classification of interventions, which are capable to affect individuals´ attitudes and behaviours concerning the global climate change and to compare the reported effects of these interventions.
In our evaluation study, we survey longitudinal effects on behaviour and attitudes of participati... more In our evaluation study, we survey longitudinal effects on behaviour and attitudes of participation in competition-based campaign promoting commuting on bike.
Current environmental problems are usually associated with late-modern forms of lifestyle. Interd... more Current environmental problems are usually associated with late-modern forms of lifestyle. Interdisciplinary conference will provide a space for reflection on their current forms; will discuss the effects of consumerism on the environment and critical examination of alternatives. It will also focus on different dimensions of transformation that lifestyles are going through.
Abstract This paper describes the impact of the One World in Schools human rights education progr... more Abstract This paper describes the impact of the One World in Schools human rights education programme on the attitudes, self-efficacy and intention to act of a sample of Georgian secondary school students (n = 303). For the evaluation, a mixed approach was applied, combining pre/post experimental/control group design, post-programme teacher and student surveys, and focus groups (n = 48) with students. Data were collected from September 2014 to June 2015 in sampled Georgian schools. The analysis revealed that the programme had an impact in both the quantitative and qualitative parts of the research. In the qualitative part, the students reported a high level of empowerment thanks to the programme’s activities, while the changes reported in the pre/post testing were rather moderate. Moreover, the programme seems to have influenced girls more than boys. The cultural context of the evaluation and the implications for further implementation of the programme are discussed as well.
Cílem tohoto textu je přiblížit cíle a využití Metodiky pro hodnocení dopadů klimatických kampaní... more Cílem tohoto textu je přiblížit cíle a využití Metodiky pro hodnocení dopadů klimatických kampaní. Tato Metodika stanovuje rámec pro provádění hodnotících studií, které se zaměřují na hodnocení kauzálního dopadu klimatických kampaní na změnu individuálního mitigačního nebo adaptačního chování, anebo jeho motivačních faktorů (např. postojů, znalostí a představ). Hodnocení kauzálních dopadů vychází z rámce potenciálních výsledků (Rubin, 1974) a je postaveno na kvantitativních experimentálních a kvazi-experimentálních přístupech. Tato Metodika by měla usnadnit vyhodnocování efektů klimatických kampaní a měla by umožnit akumulaci poznatků o efektech různých typů intervencí. Využívání Metodiky při realizaci a hodnocení kampaní by mělo přispět nejen ke zvýšení efektů realizovaných kampaní a tím ke zvýšení efektivity vynaložených prostředků na klimatické kampaně, ale mělo by také zvýšit důvěru donorů a širší veřejnosti v to, že klimatické kampaně jsou efektivními nástroji klimatické politi...
The aim of this paper is to provide the review of recently tested interventions that seek to chan... more The aim of this paper is to provide the review of recently tested interventions that seek to change beliefs, attitudes and behaviors related to global climate change (GCC). The two major approaches, information-based interventions and framing interventions, are presented and discussed. Information-based interventions differ in the underlying models of attitude change, and also in the types of information they use to drive the attitude and behavior change. Interventions focusing on the communication of scientific consensus about the GCC and interventions providing information about the mechanism of GCC are capable to positively influence attitudes to GCC without having polarization effect. Framing interventions emphasize certain dimensions of an issue so that they interact with pre-existing schemata, values, and mental models, which people hold. Gain frames describing the gains that will occur from GCC mitigation are capable to increase concern about GCC as well as positive attitudes...
The distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate chang... more The distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate change related attitudes are analysed in this study. Even though the influence of accessed information on actual behaviour is usually described as rather small by most experimental studies, we argue that the effect of knowledge on specific behaviour becomes significant in a long time perspective. The main focus of the study is thus to offer a segmentation of youth in the issue of climate change related to information sources they trust and also related to the type of information on climate change – such as documents, processes, terms or numeral data.A sample of students from Masaryk University and several grammar schools from Czech Republic participated in the quantitative study focusing on their knowledge of climate change, information sources they use and proenvironmental attitudes.The survey highlighted the extremely low level of students’ knowledge. A strong tie between the amount of acce...
The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention m... more The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention manipulating the self-nature relation through a new construct of environmental problem salience is capable of causing a situational change in implicit and explicit attitudes towards nature. We were interested in how the self would connect itself to the state of nature portrayed as a threatening problem for which the self is possibly responsible. The participants were divided into two groups based on their environmental profiles and exposed to a video clip which implied a global environmental problem. The study treatment was designed to make the environmental problem salient. We have observed a clear effect of the field of study, yet the sample size (N=77) was not sufficient for the treatment effect to be statistically significant. Our study brings mainly preliminary result and further and more robust research is needed. We observed a slight change in attitudes. The attitudes had divergent...
This study presents an analysis of a Czech pilot project in implementing the Eco-School program i... more This study presents an analysis of a Czech pilot project in implementing the Eco-School program in kindergartens. The evaluation applied a mixed design that included pre/post testing of children using picture-based questionnaires, and interviews with the teachers responsible for conducting the program. The findings revealed a significant increase in the pro-environmental attitudes of the children (N = 419) between the pre-test and the post-test. The results of the qualitative part showed a broad spectrum of the ways in which the program was interpreted by the teachers (N = 16): while some teachers interpreted the program in a highly instrumental way, others interpreted it as emancipatory. Their different ways of interpreting the program led the teachers to different models of distribution of power between the adults and the children. Some of the teachers made the effort to establish a democratic participation of the children in setting the program agenda, but others manipulated the children to obtain their agreement with pre-selected activities. Although the study did not find any evidence that the instrumental implementation of the program would be less effective in promoting children’s attitude change, it showed differences in the interpretation of the merit of the program among the teachers.
This study focuses on the content of the complete transcripts of parliamentary debates about Nati... more This study focuses on the content of the complete transcripts of parliamentary debates about National Park Šumava (ŠNP) in the Chamber of Deputies between 1990 and 2013. The study shows that politicians have been using the situation in the ŠNP to support their political strategies. During the parliamentary debates they refer to the regional atmosphere while highlighting peripheral character of the region and exclusion of local people from decision-making. They ignore plurality of conditions in the area and role of politics in the construction of the problem. The study also summarizes the legislative proposals relating to ŠNP through examination of evolution of accents and dictions in different bills and description of legislative process. Basic patterns and roles represented in the discussion are analysed, as well as the way they are reflected in the conceptual framing of the topic and accents of legislative proposals. The study concludes that scientific approach, reducing political...
In the decades to come, global climate change poses a significant environmental, social, and econ... more In the decades to come, global climate change poses a significant environmental, social, and economic threat. Among the various strategies that are being implemented to reduce this threat are those that focus on decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the climate-friendly behaviour of the general public. The present study is focused on Czech Greenpeace donors. These donors represent a segment of the public that, while engaged in supporting systemic policy measures in the area of climate protection, also has the potential to grow in the area of climate-friendly household behaviour. Our research is based on a sample of 504 respondents and deals with this group’s climate-relevant household behaviour. In relation to Community-Based Social Marketing, we examine the potential of Greenpeace donors to behave in a climate-friendly way, and we identify the barriers that prevent them from getting involved in a broader spectrum of climate-friendly behaviour. Our analysis is informed b...
This paper focuses on influences on voting by members of the Parliament (MPs) of the Czech Republ... more This paper focuses on influences on voting by members of the Parliament (MPs) of the Czech Republic on environmental legislation. First, the influence of each MP's sociodemographic and membership variables on voting is discussed. Next, an analysis of influence of the length of mandate, age of MPs, party and committee membership, education, sex and region was conducted on a sample of 156 votes between 1995 and 2010. The outputs of analysis show that the prevailing influence on voting on the environment was party membership, which strongly correlates with other significant factors such as sex and election period. Despite the high party uniformity of voting, the possibility of influencing legislative acts through amendments does exist in the Czech Parliament: the proposal of amendments to the Czech Clean Air Act (zákon o ovzduší) is presented as a case study in the second part of the article. Nevertheless, the proposal of amendments seems to be used as a tool of legislative strategies by political parties. Having in mind the need for an increase in transparency and responsibility in the Czech Parliament, any effort to regulate the proposal of amendments that is not joined by an increase in transparency in party processes may be seen as inefficient.
Tato metodika stanovuje ramec pro provaděni hodnoticich studii zaměřených na hodnoceni kauzalniho... more Tato metodika stanovuje ramec pro provaděni hodnoticich studii zaměřených na hodnoceni kauzalniho dopadu kampani na individualni mitigacni nebo adaptacni chovani, anebo na motivacni faktory takoveho chovani (např. postoje, znalosti a představy). Metodika vychazi z osvědcených postupů kauzalniho usuzovani (Rubin, 1974) a je postavena na využiti kvantitativnich experimentalnich a kvazi-experimentalnich postupů. Tim, že tato metodika umožňuje měřit a zvysovat kauzalni efekty kampani, přispiva i ke zvysovani jejich ekonomicke efektivity. Metodika je rozdělena do tematických kapitol pokrývajicich. (i) výběr cilových indikatorů; (ii) způsoby odhadu kauzalniho efektu; (iii), posuzovani velikosti efektu; (iv) výběr odpovidajici urovně hodnoceni; (v) výběr realizatora hodnoceni. Novost: Podobna metodika pro hodnoceni kauzalnich dopadů klimatických kampani (ani kampani obecně), ktera by vychazela z osvědcených postupů pro zkoumani kauzalniho efektu, nebyla doposud v CR zpracovana.
This study analyses the distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and... more This study analyses the distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate change related attitudes. Even though the influence of accessed information on actual behaviour is usually described as rather small by most studies, we would like to point out that the effect of knowledge on a specific behaviour can become significant from a long-term perspective – but we lack this kind of academic result because of methodological issues (Bas, 2010). Thus the main focus of this exploratory study is to offer a segmentation of Czech adolescents regarding the issue of climate change as it relates to the information sources they trust and as it relates to particular types of information on climate change – such as documents, processes, terms or numerical data. A sample of self-selected students from Masaryk University and students from several grammar schools in the Czech Republic participated in a quantitative study focusing on their knowledge of climate cha...
Prace si klade za cil napomoci odhalit vazby mezi informovanosti ceských dospivajicich studentů o... more Prace si klade za cil napomoci odhalit vazby mezi informovanosti ceských dospivajicich studentů ohledně změny klimatu, jejich postoji a environmentalni setrnosti jejich jednani. Prace pojmenovava specifika ceskeho prostředi na zakladě jeho srovnani s Velkou Britanii, shrnuje a vyhodnocuje dostupne výzkumy a teoreticke koncepty a analyzuje hlavni vlivy na dospivajici v Manchesteru a v Brně. V prakticke casti je diskutovan průzkum uskutecněný v ramci bakalařske prace. V zavěru jsou popsany možne vazby a zminěny faktory, ktere mohou vest k odlisnostem mezi britským a ceským, středoskolským a vysokoskolským prostředim. Z výsledků průzkumu vyplýva, že někteři cesti politici popirajici zavažnost změny klimatu nejsou pro studenty důvěryhodni. S odkazem na srovnani vlivů působicich v britskem a ceskem veřejnem prostoru lze řici, že pro zvýseni povědomi o změně klimatu a s nim i pocitu vlastni odpovědnosti, ktere jsou mezi ceskou mladeži nesmirně nizke, by mohlo mit podstatný efekt rozsiřeni...
Tento clanek předklada ctenařům přehled dvou nastrojů, ktere mohou být užitecne v klimatických ka... more Tento clanek předklada ctenařům přehled dvou nastrojů, ktere mohou být užitecne v klimatických kampanich: jedna se o přistupy založene na poskytovani informaci o některých aspektech klimaticke změny a přistupy založene na ramovani. Oba tyto přistupy mohou být snadno implementovany v klimatických kampanich zaměřených na veřejnost. Nas přehled odhaluje, že informace o dopadech globalni klimaticke změny bude mit pravděpodobně pozitivni vliv na klimaticke představy, postoje a chovani. Podobně i přistupy, ktere využivaji ramovani negativnich zisků (tim, že informuji o ztratach, kterým může být zamezeno skrze klimatickou akci), povedou pravděpodobně k pozitivnim změnam v představach, postojich a chovani. Naproti tomu existuji některe přistupy (např. informovani o možnostech řeseni klimatických problemů, prezentovani konsensu odborniků o klimaticke změně), u nichž je stale nejistota o jejich efektech, pravděpodobně v důsledku vlivu moderujicich a mediujicich faktorů, ktere nejsou jestě zce...
Substantial part of the social science research concerning climate change deals with the question... more Substantial part of the social science research concerning climate change deals with the question, how is it possible to influence climate attitudes and behaviours of the individuals. We aim to provide a review and classification of interventions, which are capable to affect individuals´ attitudes and behaviours concerning the global climate change and to compare the reported effects of these interventions.
In our evaluation study, we survey longitudinal effects on behaviour and attitudes of participati... more In our evaluation study, we survey longitudinal effects on behaviour and attitudes of participation in competition-based campaign promoting commuting on bike.
Current environmental problems are usually associated with late-modern forms of lifestyle. Interd... more Current environmental problems are usually associated with late-modern forms of lifestyle. Interdisciplinary conference will provide a space for reflection on their current forms; will discuss the effects of consumerism on the environment and critical examination of alternatives. It will also focus on different dimensions of transformation that lifestyles are going through.
Abstract This paper describes the impact of the One World in Schools human rights education progr... more Abstract This paper describes the impact of the One World in Schools human rights education programme on the attitudes, self-efficacy and intention to act of a sample of Georgian secondary school students (n = 303). For the evaluation, a mixed approach was applied, combining pre/post experimental/control group design, post-programme teacher and student surveys, and focus groups (n = 48) with students. Data were collected from September 2014 to June 2015 in sampled Georgian schools. The analysis revealed that the programme had an impact in both the quantitative and qualitative parts of the research. In the qualitative part, the students reported a high level of empowerment thanks to the programme’s activities, while the changes reported in the pre/post testing were rather moderate. Moreover, the programme seems to have influenced girls more than boys. The cultural context of the evaluation and the implications for further implementation of the programme are discussed as well.
Cílem tohoto textu je přiblížit cíle a využití Metodiky pro hodnocení dopadů klimatických kampaní... more Cílem tohoto textu je přiblížit cíle a využití Metodiky pro hodnocení dopadů klimatických kampaní. Tato Metodika stanovuje rámec pro provádění hodnotících studií, které se zaměřují na hodnocení kauzálního dopadu klimatických kampaní na změnu individuálního mitigačního nebo adaptačního chování, anebo jeho motivačních faktorů (např. postojů, znalostí a představ). Hodnocení kauzálních dopadů vychází z rámce potenciálních výsledků (Rubin, 1974) a je postaveno na kvantitativních experimentálních a kvazi-experimentálních přístupech. Tato Metodika by měla usnadnit vyhodnocování efektů klimatických kampaní a měla by umožnit akumulaci poznatků o efektech různých typů intervencí. Využívání Metodiky při realizaci a hodnocení kampaní by mělo přispět nejen ke zvýšení efektů realizovaných kampaní a tím ke zvýšení efektivity vynaložených prostředků na klimatické kampaně, ale mělo by také zvýšit důvěru donorů a širší veřejnosti v to, že klimatické kampaně jsou efektivními nástroji klimatické politi...
The aim of this paper is to provide the review of recently tested interventions that seek to chan... more The aim of this paper is to provide the review of recently tested interventions that seek to change beliefs, attitudes and behaviors related to global climate change (GCC). The two major approaches, information-based interventions and framing interventions, are presented and discussed. Information-based interventions differ in the underlying models of attitude change, and also in the types of information they use to drive the attitude and behavior change. Interventions focusing on the communication of scientific consensus about the GCC and interventions providing information about the mechanism of GCC are capable to positively influence attitudes to GCC without having polarization effect. Framing interventions emphasize certain dimensions of an issue so that they interact with pre-existing schemata, values, and mental models, which people hold. Gain frames describing the gains that will occur from GCC mitigation are capable to increase concern about GCC as well as positive attitudes...
The distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate chang... more The distribution of climate change awareness of Czech adolescent students and their climate change related attitudes are analysed in this study. Even though the influence of accessed information on actual behaviour is usually described as rather small by most experimental studies, we argue that the effect of knowledge on specific behaviour becomes significant in a long time perspective. The main focus of the study is thus to offer a segmentation of youth in the issue of climate change related to information sources they trust and also related to the type of information on climate change – such as documents, processes, terms or numeral data.A sample of students from Masaryk University and several grammar schools from Czech Republic participated in the quantitative study focusing on their knowledge of climate change, information sources they use and proenvironmental attitudes.The survey highlighted the extremely low level of students’ knowledge. A strong tie between the amount of acce...
The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention m... more The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention manipulating the self-nature relation through a new construct of environmental problem salience is capable of causing a situational change in implicit and explicit attitudes towards nature. We were interested in how the self would connect itself to the state of nature portrayed as a threatening problem for which the self is possibly responsible. The participants were divided into two groups based on their environmental profiles and exposed to a video clip which implied a global environmental problem. The study treatment was designed to make the environmental problem salient. We have observed a clear effect of the field of study, yet the sample size (N=77) was not sufficient for the treatment effect to be statistically significant. Our study brings mainly preliminary result and further and more robust research is needed. We observed a slight change in attitudes. The attitudes had divergent...
This study presents an analysis of a Czech pilot project in implementing the Eco-School program i... more This study presents an analysis of a Czech pilot project in implementing the Eco-School program in kindergartens. The evaluation applied a mixed design that included pre/post testing of children using picture-based questionnaires, and interviews with the teachers responsible for conducting the program. The findings revealed a significant increase in the pro-environmental attitudes of the children (N = 419) between the pre-test and the post-test. The results of the qualitative part showed a broad spectrum of the ways in which the program was interpreted by the teachers (N = 16): while some teachers interpreted the program in a highly instrumental way, others interpreted it as emancipatory. Their different ways of interpreting the program led the teachers to different models of distribution of power between the adults and the children. Some of the teachers made the effort to establish a democratic participation of the children in setting the program agenda, but others manipulated the children to obtain their agreement with pre-selected activities. Although the study did not find any evidence that the instrumental implementation of the program would be less effective in promoting children’s attitude change, it showed differences in the interpretation of the merit of the program among the teachers.
This study focuses on the content of the complete transcripts of parliamentary debates about Nati... more This study focuses on the content of the complete transcripts of parliamentary debates about National Park Šumava (ŠNP) in the Chamber of Deputies between 1990 and 2013. The study shows that politicians have been using the situation in the ŠNP to support their political strategies. During the parliamentary debates they refer to the regional atmosphere while highlighting peripheral character of the region and exclusion of local people from decision-making. They ignore plurality of conditions in the area and role of politics in the construction of the problem. The study also summarizes the legislative proposals relating to ŠNP through examination of evolution of accents and dictions in different bills and description of legislative process. Basic patterns and roles represented in the discussion are analysed, as well as the way they are reflected in the conceptual framing of the topic and accents of legislative proposals. The study concludes that scientific approach, reducing political...
In the decades to come, global climate change poses a significant environmental, social, and econ... more In the decades to come, global climate change poses a significant environmental, social, and economic threat. Among the various strategies that are being implemented to reduce this threat are those that focus on decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the climate-friendly behaviour of the general public. The present study is focused on Czech Greenpeace donors. These donors represent a segment of the public that, while engaged in supporting systemic policy measures in the area of climate protection, also has the potential to grow in the area of climate-friendly household behaviour. Our research is based on a sample of 504 respondents and deals with this group’s climate-relevant household behaviour. In relation to Community-Based Social Marketing, we examine the potential of Greenpeace donors to behave in a climate-friendly way, and we identify the barriers that prevent them from getting involved in a broader spectrum of climate-friendly behaviour. Our analysis is informed b...
This paper focuses on influences on voting by members of the Parliament (MPs) of the Czech Republ... more This paper focuses on influences on voting by members of the Parliament (MPs) of the Czech Republic on environmental legislation. First, the influence of each MP's sociodemographic and membership variables on voting is discussed. Next, an analysis of influence of the length of mandate, age of MPs, party and committee membership, education, sex and region was conducted on a sample of 156 votes between 1995 and 2010. The outputs of analysis show that the prevailing influence on voting on the environment was party membership, which strongly correlates with other significant factors such as sex and election period. Despite the high party uniformity of voting, the possibility of influencing legislative acts through amendments does exist in the Czech Parliament: the proposal of amendments to the Czech Clean Air Act (zákon o ovzduší) is presented as a case study in the second part of the article. Nevertheless, the proposal of amendments seems to be used as a tool of legislative strategies by political parties. Having in mind the need for an increase in transparency and responsibility in the Czech Parliament, any effort to regulate the proposal of amendments that is not joined by an increase in transparency in party processes may be seen as inefficient.
Papers by Jan Skalík