The use of chemical pesticides to protect agricultural products is a global concern because of th... more The use of chemical pesticides to protect agricultural products is a global concern because of their adverse effects on the environment and public health. To avoid the dangers of synthetic herbicides, research has turned to natural alternatives. This study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic effect of essential oil (EO) extracted from Origanum syriacum, Origanum onites, and Origanum majorana. In addition, the chemical composition of the essential oil was elucidated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis. A total of 11 different components of O.syriacum were identified, and the main components were carvacrol (88.49), p-Cymene (5.71), γ-Terpinene (1.63), β-Caryoplhyllene (1.48), and Terpinen-4-ol (0.65), respectively. For O. onites, 10 different compounds were identified, and the main components were carvacrol (58.65), Thymol (30.97), Linalool (4.17), p-Cymene (1.94), and β-Caryoplhyllene (0.98), respectively. Finally, for O. majorana, 14 different compoun...
Peptones are one of the most expensive components of culture media. This study was performed to p... more Peptones are one of the most expensive components of culture media. This study was performed to produce exopolysaccharide (EPS) and mycelial biomass from the edible mushroom Lentinus edodes by using the peptone prepared from waste sheep wool. Wool peptone I (WPI) was prepared by HCl hydrolysis and NaOH neutralization and wool peptone II (WPII) by NaOH hydrolysis and HCl neutralization. The efficiency of wool peptones in EPS and mycelia production was compared with commercial tryptone peptone (TP) and proteose peptone (PP). Protein contents of TP, PP, WPI, and WPII were measured as 83.4, 83.7, 53.6, and 66.7 g/100 g, and their ash contents as 7.4, 10.3, 41.2, and 30.4 g/100 g, respectively. Compared to TP and PP, WPI and WPII were found to be richer in minerals, especially Na and Cl. At the optimal peptone concentration, relatively higher mycelial biomass concentrations were achieved in the presence of commercial peptones. Conversely, wool peptones, especially WPI, were found to be more favorable for EPS synthesis. In WPI, WPII, PP, and TP-based cultures, the maximum concentrations of produced EPS were determined as 0.55, 0.41, 0.35, and 0.21 g/L, respectively. It was determined that EPS samples produced in the presence of wool peptones had lower molecular weight but higher antibacterial activity. This is the first report on usability of wool protein hydrolysate as peptone source for production of mycelial biomass and polysaccharides from mushrooms including L. edodes.
Az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE) tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılan plastiklerden biridir ve LDPE’de... more Az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE) tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılan plastiklerden biridir ve LDPE’den üretilen malç filmlerin bozunabilirliği termoplastik nişasta (TPN) eklenmesi ile artırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bileşiminde %20’den %40’a kadar değişen oranlarda TPN bulunan TPN/LDPE karışımları çift vidalı karıştırıcı kullanılarak hazırlandı. TPN’nın ara yüzey yapışmasını geliştirmek ve matris içinde daha iyi dağılmasını sağlamak için, sitrik asit ve stearik asit uyumlulaştırıcıları ilave edildi. Bozunmayı hızlandırmak için kobalt(II) asetilasetonat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmıştır. Malç filmler bozunması için 180 gün Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quél ve Postia plasenta (Fr.) M.J. Larsen & Lombard ile aşılanmış topraklara gömüldü. Filmlerin kimyasal yapılarındaki değişiklikler toprağa gömülmeden önce ve sonra FTIR spektroskopisi ile değerlendirildi. Tüm örneklerin ağırlık kaybı 180 gün biyobozunmadan sonra ölçüldü ve artan nişasta içeriği ile ağırlık kaybının hızlandığı görüldü. Uyumlaşt...
Truf yetistiriciligi, ozellikle kirsal ekonomiyi canlandirmakta onemli bir faaliyet olmasinin yan... more Truf yetistiriciligi, ozellikle kirsal ekonomiyi canlandirmakta onemli bir faaliyet olmasinin yani sira, turizm ve diger sektorlere olan katkisindan dolayi oldukca onemlidir. Bu calismada, Tuber aestivum Vittad. (yaz trufu) gelisimi icin en uygun mese turunun belirlenmesi ve truf bahcesi kurulumu icin rehber olmak amaclanmistir. Calismada Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L. turlerinin tohumlari cimlendirilip, elde edilen fidanlar biyolojik cesitliligimizin onemli bir parcasi olan truf mantari turlerinden T. aestivum ile asilanmistir. Asilanmis fidanlarin 15 aylik gelisim sureci sonunda koklerdeki mikoriza sayimlari yapilmistir. Yapilan sayimlar sonucunda mikorizali kok orani (PT) Q. robur L. da 0,93; Q. coccifera L. da 0,91; Q. ilex L. de 0,90 bulunmustur. Kontamine kok orani (PC) ise Q. robur L. da 0,28; Q. ilex L. de 0,29; Q. coccifera L. da ise 0,30 olarak tespit edilmistir. Bu sonuclara gore mikorizal gelisimin en yuksek oldugu mese turu Q. robur’dur.
Bu calismada agac koruyucu malzeme olarak indigo bitkisinden elde edilen ekstraktlarin mantara k... more Bu calismada agac koruyucu malzeme olarak indigo bitkisinden elde edilen ekstraktlarin mantara karsi etkisi ve antimikrobiyel ozelligi arastirilmistir. Ekstrakt indigo bitkisinden ( Indigofera tinctoria L..) elde edilmis; saricam ( Pinus sylvestris L.), maun ( Swietenia sp .) ve kestane (Castanea sativa Mill. ) deney orneklerine daldirma ve daldirma+ultrasonik yontemleri ile islemi uygulanmistir. Mordan olarak demir sulfat (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .7H2O), aluminyum sulfat (KAl 2 (SO 4 ) 3 18H 2 O), ve sirke kullanilmis, sonuclar sentetik boya ile karsilastirilmistir. Uygulama yapilan ornekler Postia placenta ve Trametes versicolor mantarlarinin bulundugu ortama TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 standardina gore 16 hafta sure ile birakilmistir. Bakteriler icin disk yayilma metodu kullanilarak antimikrobiyel ozelligi belirlenmistir. Sonuclara gore indigo bitkisinin demir sulfat (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .7H2O) ve aluminyum sulfat (KAl 2 (SO 4 ) 3 18H 2 O) ile yapilan mordanlama sonuclari, butun mikroorganizmalara...
K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik n... more K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik nişasta (TPN) ile çift vidalı ekstruder yardımıyla karıştırıldı. Bu çalışmada, demir(III) stearat ve manganez(II) stearat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmışve farklı pro-oksidanların karışımların bozunması üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Malç filmler Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quel ile aşılanmış toprağa gömülerek 180 gün boyunca degrede edilmiştir. Filmlerin kimyasal yapıları FTIR spektroskopisi ile belirlenmiş ve tüm numunelerin ağırlık kaybı toprakta bozunma öncesi ve sonrası ölçülmüştür. İki farklı pro-oksidanın, malç karışımların ısıl ve germe özellikleri üzerine etkisi TGA ve mekanik analiz ile tespit edilmiştir. Demir (III) stearat ve sitrik asitin birlikte kullanılmasıyla sinerjik bir etki gözlenmiştir. Her ikisinin birlikte kullanıldığı karışımlarda TPN'nin yüksek ısıl kararlılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, mekanik özelliklerinde belirgin düzelme gözlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, manganez(II) stearat sitrik asit ile birlikte kullanıldığında stearik asitli karışımlarına kıyasla daha zayıf mekanik özellikler göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler AYPE, termoplastik nişasta, pro-oksidan, demir stearat, manganez(II) stearat.
Three compost formulas; wheat straw based and using different activator materials such as wheat b... more Three compost formulas; wheat straw based and using different activator materials such as wheat brain, chicken manure, and pigeon manure were used for Agaricus bisporus cultivation. Locally available casing materials such as peat of Bolu, peat of Agacbasi, peat of Caykara, and their mixture (80:20; v:v) with perlite were used. Temperature degrees of all of compost formulas were measured during composting at various depth in order to determine the compostability level. Results showed that inner compost temparature increased until the 8 th and 9 th day of composting for formula I, formula II, and formula III composts, respectively. The maximum inner compost temperature degrees were measured for all compost formulas at the second turning stage of composting. The highest mushroom yield (1707.2 g) was recorded by wheat straw mixed with pigeon manure with the peat of Caykara and perlite mixture as casing material.
The ability of Sternbergia candida (SB Candidum Mathew.) extract to suppress attack by Postia pla... more The ability of Sternbergia candida (SB Candidum Mathew.) extract to suppress attack by Postia placenta (Fries) M. Larsen et Lombard (Mad 698), (a brown-rot) and Trametes versicolor (L.ex Fr.) Quel. (a white-rot) was investigated. The extract was dissolved from Sterinbergia Candidum's bulb and leaves in 96% ethyl alcohol. Poisonous extract impregnated into wood blocks of Turkish oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Extract dosages were 0.25, 0.75, 1.50 and 3.00%. Treated blocks were exposed to P. placenta and T. versicolor attack for 12 weeks by the soil block method. Only extract dosages of 0.25 and 0.75% were found efficacious in suppressing attack. A tukey studentized test found both dosages significant at 5% level. In conclusion, the poisonous extracts could be used as effective wood preservative when concentration was adjusted.
This study was performed to determine the effects of composts and casing materials on dry matter,... more This study was performed to determine the effects of composts and casing materials on dry matter, protein, and carbohydrate contents of the fruit bodies of Agaricus bisporus . Results showed that dry matter of A. bisporus cultivated on peats was remarkably higher than cultivated on other casing materials No significant differences were found among casing soil groups in terms of protein content cultivated on wheat straw. But, there were significant differences between casing soil groups in terms of protein content cultivated on waste tea leaves. Carbohydrate content of A. bisporus on peats was higher than those of other casing materials.
The study was conducted to investigate yields of mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) on wheat straw an... more The study was conducted to investigate yields of mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts. Mixtures (50:50, v/v) of some locally available peats including peat of Bolu (PB), peat of Agacbasi (PA), peat of Caykara (PC) and their mixture (80:20; v/v) with which piece of mosaic and sand were used. Also, some activator materials such as wheat bran, wheat chaff, chicken manure, pigeon manure, and poplar leaves were used for A. bisporus cultivation. The results on wheat straw based composts provided the highest mushroom yield (23.01%) that was obtained on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost using a mixture of PA with PC (50+50; v/v) as casing material. For waste tea leaves based composts, the highest mushroom yield (24.90%) were recorded on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost using a mixture of PC with sand (80+20; v/v) as casing material.
Most of the oxalotrophic bacteria are facultative methylotrophs and play important ecological rol... more Most of the oxalotrophic bacteria are facultative methylotrophs and play important ecological roles in soil fertility and cycling of elements. This study gives a detailed picture of the taxonomy and diversity of these bacteria and provides new information about the taxonomical variability within the genus Methylobacterium. Twelve mesophilic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic oxalateoxidizing strains were included in this work that had been previously isolated from the soil and some plant tissues by the potassium oxalate enrichment method. The isolates were characterized using biochemical tests, cellular lipid profiles, spectral characteristics of carotenoid pigments, G+C content of the DNA, and 16S rDNA sequencing. The taxonomic similarities among the strains were analyzed using the simple matching (S SM) and Jaccard (S J) coefficients, and the UPGMA clustering algorithm. The phylogenetic position of the strains was inferred by the neighbor-joining method on the basis of the 16S rDNA sequences. All isolates were Gram-negative, facultatively methylotrophic, oxidase and catalase positive, and required no growth factors. Based on the results of numerical taxonomy, the strains formed four closely related clusters sharing ≥85% similarity. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences demonstrated that oxalotrophic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic strains could be identified as members of the genus Methylobacterium. Except for M. variabile and M. aquaticum, all of the Methylobacterium type strains tested had the ability of oxalate utilization. Our results indicate that the capability of oxalate utilization seems to be an uncommon trait and could be used as a valuable taxonomic criterion for differentiation of Methylobacterium species.
This study was designed to determine pin head formation time of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw ... more This study was designed to determine pin head formation time of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts. Locally available peat materials such as peat of Bolu (PB), peat of Agacbasi (PA), peat of Caykara (PC), and their mixture (80:20; v:v) with piece of mosaic (PM), perlite (P), and sand (S) were used as secondary casing materials. Also, some activator materials such as wheat bran, chicken manure, and pigeon manure were used for A. bisporus cultivation. For wheat straw based composts, the fastest pin head formation times were observed with a mixture of PA with PM casing material on wheat straw and chicken manure based compost and with PA casing material on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost. For waste tea leaves based composts, the fastest pin head formation times were obtained with a mixture of PA with PM and PC with PM on waste tea leaves and chicken manure based compost. Generally, when peat materials were used in combination with each other, the period of pin head formation times shortened compared to their individual use. A mixture of forest soil with sand (80 + 20; in volume) gave the worst results in terms of pin head formation times for both composts. In secondary casing materials, PM gave the best results in terms of pin head formation time for both composts.
Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts using poplar ... more Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts using poplar leaves as activator material
Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors... more Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors and is a significant activity especially in stimulating rural economy. In this article, it is aimed to determine the most suitable oak species for the development of the Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle) and to provide guidance for the establishment of truffle gardens. Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with...
Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors... more Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors and is a significant activity especially in stimulating rural economy. In this article, it is aimed to determine the most suitable oak species for the development of the Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle) and to provide guidance for the establishment of truffle gardens. Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with the highest mycorrhizal development rate. Keywords: Tuber aestivum, Truffle, Oak, Muğla, Turkey
In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determ... more In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determined when used as an environmentally-friendly wood preservative. The extract was dissolved from indigo (Indigofera tinctoria L..) by using and ultrasound assisted method and applied to Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) , maun (Swietenia sp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood blocks with the immersion (classic) methods. ferrous sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O), aluminum sulfate (KAl2(SO4)318H2O) and vinegar were used for mordants, result were compared with syntheticdye. Treated blocks were exposed to Postia placenta and Trametes versicolor attacks for 16 weeks, according the standard TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 method. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts was determined with the agardilution method by using the disk diffusion method for bacteria. Results showed that the mordant mixes were considerably more resistant to fungal decay compared to their untreated and synthetic counter parts. As a result of substance indigo dye mordant mixtures of ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate showed better antimicrobial activity against all types of microorganisms. As a result , it was found that indigo extracts , indigo + liquid glass and mordant mixes could be used as wood preservatives.
K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik n... more K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik nişasta (TPN) ile çift vidalı ekstruder yardımıyla karıştırıldı. Bu çalışmada, demir(III) stearat ve manganez(II) stearat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmışve farklı pro-oksidanların karışımların bozunması üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Malç filmler Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quel ile aşılanmış toprağa gömülerek 180 gün boyunca degrede edilmiştir. Filmlerin kimyasal yapıları FTIR spektroskopisi ile belirlenmiş ve tüm numunelerin ağırlık kaybı toprakta bozunma öncesi ve sonrası ölçülmüştür. İki farklı pro-oksidanın, malç karışımların ısıl ve germe özellikleri üzerine etkisi TGA ve mekanik analiz ile tespit edilmiştir. Demir (III) stearat ve sitrik asitin birlikte kullanılmasıyla sinerjik bir etki gözlenmiştir. Her ikisinin birlikte kullanıldığı karışımlarda TPN'nin yüksek ısıl kararlılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, mekanik özelliklerinde belirgin düzelme gözlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, manganez(II) stearat sitrik asit ile birlikte kullanıldığında stearik asitli karışımlarına kıyasla daha zayıf mekanik özellikler göstermiştir.
In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determ... more In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determined when used as an environmentally-friendly wood preservative. The extract was dissolved from indigo (Indigofera tinctoria L..) by using and ultrasound assisted method and applied to Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) , maun (Swietenia sp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood blocks with the immersion (classic) methods. ferrous sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O), aluminum sulfate (KAl2(SO4)318H2O) and vinegar were used for mordants, result were compared with syntheticdye. Treated blocks were exposed to Postia placenta and Trametes versicolor attacks for 16 weeks, according the standard TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 method. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts was determined with the agardilution method by using the disk diffusion method for bacteria. Results showed that the mordant mixes were considerably more resistant to fungal decay compared to their untreated and synthetic counter parts. As a result of substance indigo dye mordant mixtures of ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate showed better antimicrobial activity against all types of microorganisms. As a result , it was found that indigo extracts , indigo + liquid glass and mordant mixes could be used as wood preservatives.
The use of chemical pesticides to protect agricultural products is a global concern because of th... more The use of chemical pesticides to protect agricultural products is a global concern because of their adverse effects on the environment and public health. To avoid the dangers of synthetic herbicides, research has turned to natural alternatives. This study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic effect of essential oil (EO) extracted from Origanum syriacum, Origanum onites, and Origanum majorana. In addition, the chemical composition of the essential oil was elucidated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis. A total of 11 different components of O.syriacum were identified, and the main components were carvacrol (88.49), p-Cymene (5.71), γ-Terpinene (1.63), β-Caryoplhyllene (1.48), and Terpinen-4-ol (0.65), respectively. For O. onites, 10 different compounds were identified, and the main components were carvacrol (58.65), Thymol (30.97), Linalool (4.17), p-Cymene (1.94), and β-Caryoplhyllene (0.98), respectively. Finally, for O. majorana, 14 different compoun...
Peptones are one of the most expensive components of culture media. This study was performed to p... more Peptones are one of the most expensive components of culture media. This study was performed to produce exopolysaccharide (EPS) and mycelial biomass from the edible mushroom Lentinus edodes by using the peptone prepared from waste sheep wool. Wool peptone I (WPI) was prepared by HCl hydrolysis and NaOH neutralization and wool peptone II (WPII) by NaOH hydrolysis and HCl neutralization. The efficiency of wool peptones in EPS and mycelia production was compared with commercial tryptone peptone (TP) and proteose peptone (PP). Protein contents of TP, PP, WPI, and WPII were measured as 83.4, 83.7, 53.6, and 66.7 g/100 g, and their ash contents as 7.4, 10.3, 41.2, and 30.4 g/100 g, respectively. Compared to TP and PP, WPI and WPII were found to be richer in minerals, especially Na and Cl. At the optimal peptone concentration, relatively higher mycelial biomass concentrations were achieved in the presence of commercial peptones. Conversely, wool peptones, especially WPI, were found to be more favorable for EPS synthesis. In WPI, WPII, PP, and TP-based cultures, the maximum concentrations of produced EPS were determined as 0.55, 0.41, 0.35, and 0.21 g/L, respectively. It was determined that EPS samples produced in the presence of wool peptones had lower molecular weight but higher antibacterial activity. This is the first report on usability of wool protein hydrolysate as peptone source for production of mycelial biomass and polysaccharides from mushrooms including L. edodes.
Az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE) tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılan plastiklerden biridir ve LDPE’de... more Az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE) tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılan plastiklerden biridir ve LDPE’den üretilen malç filmlerin bozunabilirliği termoplastik nişasta (TPN) eklenmesi ile artırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bileşiminde %20’den %40’a kadar değişen oranlarda TPN bulunan TPN/LDPE karışımları çift vidalı karıştırıcı kullanılarak hazırlandı. TPN’nın ara yüzey yapışmasını geliştirmek ve matris içinde daha iyi dağılmasını sağlamak için, sitrik asit ve stearik asit uyumlulaştırıcıları ilave edildi. Bozunmayı hızlandırmak için kobalt(II) asetilasetonat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmıştır. Malç filmler bozunması için 180 gün Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quél ve Postia plasenta (Fr.) M.J. Larsen & Lombard ile aşılanmış topraklara gömüldü. Filmlerin kimyasal yapılarındaki değişiklikler toprağa gömülmeden önce ve sonra FTIR spektroskopisi ile değerlendirildi. Tüm örneklerin ağırlık kaybı 180 gün biyobozunmadan sonra ölçüldü ve artan nişasta içeriği ile ağırlık kaybının hızlandığı görüldü. Uyumlaşt...
Truf yetistiriciligi, ozellikle kirsal ekonomiyi canlandirmakta onemli bir faaliyet olmasinin yan... more Truf yetistiriciligi, ozellikle kirsal ekonomiyi canlandirmakta onemli bir faaliyet olmasinin yani sira, turizm ve diger sektorlere olan katkisindan dolayi oldukca onemlidir. Bu calismada, Tuber aestivum Vittad. (yaz trufu) gelisimi icin en uygun mese turunun belirlenmesi ve truf bahcesi kurulumu icin rehber olmak amaclanmistir. Calismada Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L. turlerinin tohumlari cimlendirilip, elde edilen fidanlar biyolojik cesitliligimizin onemli bir parcasi olan truf mantari turlerinden T. aestivum ile asilanmistir. Asilanmis fidanlarin 15 aylik gelisim sureci sonunda koklerdeki mikoriza sayimlari yapilmistir. Yapilan sayimlar sonucunda mikorizali kok orani (PT) Q. robur L. da 0,93; Q. coccifera L. da 0,91; Q. ilex L. de 0,90 bulunmustur. Kontamine kok orani (PC) ise Q. robur L. da 0,28; Q. ilex L. de 0,29; Q. coccifera L. da ise 0,30 olarak tespit edilmistir. Bu sonuclara gore mikorizal gelisimin en yuksek oldugu mese turu Q. robur’dur.
Bu calismada agac koruyucu malzeme olarak indigo bitkisinden elde edilen ekstraktlarin mantara k... more Bu calismada agac koruyucu malzeme olarak indigo bitkisinden elde edilen ekstraktlarin mantara karsi etkisi ve antimikrobiyel ozelligi arastirilmistir. Ekstrakt indigo bitkisinden ( Indigofera tinctoria L..) elde edilmis; saricam ( Pinus sylvestris L.), maun ( Swietenia sp .) ve kestane (Castanea sativa Mill. ) deney orneklerine daldirma ve daldirma+ultrasonik yontemleri ile islemi uygulanmistir. Mordan olarak demir sulfat (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .7H2O), aluminyum sulfat (KAl 2 (SO 4 ) 3 18H 2 O), ve sirke kullanilmis, sonuclar sentetik boya ile karsilastirilmistir. Uygulama yapilan ornekler Postia placenta ve Trametes versicolor mantarlarinin bulundugu ortama TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 standardina gore 16 hafta sure ile birakilmistir. Bakteriler icin disk yayilma metodu kullanilarak antimikrobiyel ozelligi belirlenmistir. Sonuclara gore indigo bitkisinin demir sulfat (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .7H2O) ve aluminyum sulfat (KAl 2 (SO 4 ) 3 18H 2 O) ile yapilan mordanlama sonuclari, butun mikroorganizmalara...
K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik n... more K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik nişasta (TPN) ile çift vidalı ekstruder yardımıyla karıştırıldı. Bu çalışmada, demir(III) stearat ve manganez(II) stearat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmışve farklı pro-oksidanların karışımların bozunması üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Malç filmler Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quel ile aşılanmış toprağa gömülerek 180 gün boyunca degrede edilmiştir. Filmlerin kimyasal yapıları FTIR spektroskopisi ile belirlenmiş ve tüm numunelerin ağırlık kaybı toprakta bozunma öncesi ve sonrası ölçülmüştür. İki farklı pro-oksidanın, malç karışımların ısıl ve germe özellikleri üzerine etkisi TGA ve mekanik analiz ile tespit edilmiştir. Demir (III) stearat ve sitrik asitin birlikte kullanılmasıyla sinerjik bir etki gözlenmiştir. Her ikisinin birlikte kullanıldığı karışımlarda TPN'nin yüksek ısıl kararlılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, mekanik özelliklerinde belirgin düzelme gözlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, manganez(II) stearat sitrik asit ile birlikte kullanıldığında stearik asitli karışımlarına kıyasla daha zayıf mekanik özellikler göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler AYPE, termoplastik nişasta, pro-oksidan, demir stearat, manganez(II) stearat.
Three compost formulas; wheat straw based and using different activator materials such as wheat b... more Three compost formulas; wheat straw based and using different activator materials such as wheat brain, chicken manure, and pigeon manure were used for Agaricus bisporus cultivation. Locally available casing materials such as peat of Bolu, peat of Agacbasi, peat of Caykara, and their mixture (80:20; v:v) with perlite were used. Temperature degrees of all of compost formulas were measured during composting at various depth in order to determine the compostability level. Results showed that inner compost temparature increased until the 8 th and 9 th day of composting for formula I, formula II, and formula III composts, respectively. The maximum inner compost temperature degrees were measured for all compost formulas at the second turning stage of composting. The highest mushroom yield (1707.2 g) was recorded by wheat straw mixed with pigeon manure with the peat of Caykara and perlite mixture as casing material.
The ability of Sternbergia candida (SB Candidum Mathew.) extract to suppress attack by Postia pla... more The ability of Sternbergia candida (SB Candidum Mathew.) extract to suppress attack by Postia placenta (Fries) M. Larsen et Lombard (Mad 698), (a brown-rot) and Trametes versicolor (L.ex Fr.) Quel. (a white-rot) was investigated. The extract was dissolved from Sterinbergia Candidum's bulb and leaves in 96% ethyl alcohol. Poisonous extract impregnated into wood blocks of Turkish oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Extract dosages were 0.25, 0.75, 1.50 and 3.00%. Treated blocks were exposed to P. placenta and T. versicolor attack for 12 weeks by the soil block method. Only extract dosages of 0.25 and 0.75% were found efficacious in suppressing attack. A tukey studentized test found both dosages significant at 5% level. In conclusion, the poisonous extracts could be used as effective wood preservative when concentration was adjusted.
This study was performed to determine the effects of composts and casing materials on dry matter,... more This study was performed to determine the effects of composts and casing materials on dry matter, protein, and carbohydrate contents of the fruit bodies of Agaricus bisporus . Results showed that dry matter of A. bisporus cultivated on peats was remarkably higher than cultivated on other casing materials No significant differences were found among casing soil groups in terms of protein content cultivated on wheat straw. But, there were significant differences between casing soil groups in terms of protein content cultivated on waste tea leaves. Carbohydrate content of A. bisporus on peats was higher than those of other casing materials.
The study was conducted to investigate yields of mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) on wheat straw an... more The study was conducted to investigate yields of mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts. Mixtures (50:50, v/v) of some locally available peats including peat of Bolu (PB), peat of Agacbasi (PA), peat of Caykara (PC) and their mixture (80:20; v/v) with which piece of mosaic and sand were used. Also, some activator materials such as wheat bran, wheat chaff, chicken manure, pigeon manure, and poplar leaves were used for A. bisporus cultivation. The results on wheat straw based composts provided the highest mushroom yield (23.01%) that was obtained on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost using a mixture of PA with PC (50+50; v/v) as casing material. For waste tea leaves based composts, the highest mushroom yield (24.90%) were recorded on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost using a mixture of PC with sand (80+20; v/v) as casing material.
Most of the oxalotrophic bacteria are facultative methylotrophs and play important ecological rol... more Most of the oxalotrophic bacteria are facultative methylotrophs and play important ecological roles in soil fertility and cycling of elements. This study gives a detailed picture of the taxonomy and diversity of these bacteria and provides new information about the taxonomical variability within the genus Methylobacterium. Twelve mesophilic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic oxalateoxidizing strains were included in this work that had been previously isolated from the soil and some plant tissues by the potassium oxalate enrichment method. The isolates were characterized using biochemical tests, cellular lipid profiles, spectral characteristics of carotenoid pigments, G+C content of the DNA, and 16S rDNA sequencing. The taxonomic similarities among the strains were analyzed using the simple matching (S SM) and Jaccard (S J) coefficients, and the UPGMA clustering algorithm. The phylogenetic position of the strains was inferred by the neighbor-joining method on the basis of the 16S rDNA sequences. All isolates were Gram-negative, facultatively methylotrophic, oxidase and catalase positive, and required no growth factors. Based on the results of numerical taxonomy, the strains formed four closely related clusters sharing ≥85% similarity. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences demonstrated that oxalotrophic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic strains could be identified as members of the genus Methylobacterium. Except for M. variabile and M. aquaticum, all of the Methylobacterium type strains tested had the ability of oxalate utilization. Our results indicate that the capability of oxalate utilization seems to be an uncommon trait and could be used as a valuable taxonomic criterion for differentiation of Methylobacterium species.
This study was designed to determine pin head formation time of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw ... more This study was designed to determine pin head formation time of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts. Locally available peat materials such as peat of Bolu (PB), peat of Agacbasi (PA), peat of Caykara (PC), and their mixture (80:20; v:v) with piece of mosaic (PM), perlite (P), and sand (S) were used as secondary casing materials. Also, some activator materials such as wheat bran, chicken manure, and pigeon manure were used for A. bisporus cultivation. For wheat straw based composts, the fastest pin head formation times were observed with a mixture of PA with PM casing material on wheat straw and chicken manure based compost and with PA casing material on wheat straw and pigeon manure based compost. For waste tea leaves based composts, the fastest pin head formation times were obtained with a mixture of PA with PM and PC with PM on waste tea leaves and chicken manure based compost. Generally, when peat materials were used in combination with each other, the period of pin head formation times shortened compared to their individual use. A mixture of forest soil with sand (80 + 20; in volume) gave the worst results in terms of pin head formation times for both composts. In secondary casing materials, PM gave the best results in terms of pin head formation time for both composts.
Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts using poplar ... more Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on wheat straw and waste tea leaves based composts using poplar leaves as activator material
Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors... more Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors and is a significant activity especially in stimulating rural economy. In this article, it is aimed to determine the most suitable oak species for the development of the Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle) and to provide guidance for the establishment of truffle gardens. Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with...
Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors... more Truffle cultivation is important because it has contributions to tourism as well as other sectors and is a significant activity especially in stimulating rural economy. In this article, it is aimed to determine the most suitable oak species for the development of the Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle) and to provide guidance for the establishment of truffle gardens. Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with the highest mycorrhizal development rate. Keywords: Tuber aestivum, Truffle, Oak, Muğla, Turkey
In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determ... more In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determined when used as an environmentally-friendly wood preservative. The extract was dissolved from indigo (Indigofera tinctoria L..) by using and ultrasound assisted method and applied to Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) , maun (Swietenia sp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood blocks with the immersion (classic) methods. ferrous sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O), aluminum sulfate (KAl2(SO4)318H2O) and vinegar were used for mordants, result were compared with syntheticdye. Treated blocks were exposed to Postia placenta and Trametes versicolor attacks for 16 weeks, according the standard TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 method. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts was determined with the agardilution method by using the disk diffusion method for bacteria. Results showed that the mordant mixes were considerably more resistant to fungal decay compared to their untreated and synthetic counter parts. As a result of substance indigo dye mordant mixtures of ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate showed better antimicrobial activity against all types of microorganisms. As a result , it was found that indigo extracts , indigo + liquid glass and mordant mixes could be used as wood preservatives.
K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik n... more K ısmen bozunabilen malç filmleri hazırlamak için az yoğunluklu polietilen (AYPE), termoplastik nişasta (TPN) ile çift vidalı ekstruder yardımıyla karıştırıldı. Bu çalışmada, demir(III) stearat ve manganez(II) stearat pro-oksidan olarak kullanılmışve farklı pro-oksidanların karışımların bozunması üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Malç filmler Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quel ile aşılanmış toprağa gömülerek 180 gün boyunca degrede edilmiştir. Filmlerin kimyasal yapıları FTIR spektroskopisi ile belirlenmiş ve tüm numunelerin ağırlık kaybı toprakta bozunma öncesi ve sonrası ölçülmüştür. İki farklı pro-oksidanın, malç karışımların ısıl ve germe özellikleri üzerine etkisi TGA ve mekanik analiz ile tespit edilmiştir. Demir (III) stearat ve sitrik asitin birlikte kullanılmasıyla sinerjik bir etki gözlenmiştir. Her ikisinin birlikte kullanıldığı karışımlarda TPN'nin yüksek ısıl kararlılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, mekanik özelliklerinde belirgin düzelme gözlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, manganez(II) stearat sitrik asit ile birlikte kullanıldığında stearik asitli karışımlarına kıyasla daha zayıf mekanik özellikler göstermiştir.
In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determ... more In this study, the antifungal and antimicrobial property of plant extracts from indigo was determined when used as an environmentally-friendly wood preservative. The extract was dissolved from indigo (Indigofera tinctoria L..) by using and ultrasound assisted method and applied to Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) , maun (Swietenia sp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood blocks with the immersion (classic) methods. ferrous sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3.7H2O), aluminum sulfate (KAl2(SO4)318H2O) and vinegar were used for mordants, result were compared with syntheticdye. Treated blocks were exposed to Postia placenta and Trametes versicolor attacks for 16 weeks, according the standard TS 5563-EN 113, 1996 method. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts was determined with the agardilution method by using the disk diffusion method for bacteria. Results showed that the mordant mixes were considerably more resistant to fungal decay compared to their untreated and synthetic counter parts. As a result of substance indigo dye mordant mixtures of ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate showed better antimicrobial activity against all types of microorganisms. As a result , it was found that indigo extracts , indigo + liquid glass and mordant mixes could be used as wood preservatives.
Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with
mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with the highest mycorrhizal development rate.
Keywords: Tuber aestivum, Truffle, Oak, Muğla, Turkey
Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L were germinated, the seedlings were inoculated with T. aestivum which is an important element of Turkish biological diversity. The mycorrhiza were counted in the roots after the 15-month growth period of the seedlings to which T. aestivum was inoculated. As a result of the counts, it was determined that the rate of the roots with
mycorrhiza (PT) was 0.93 in Q. robur L., 0.91 in Q. coccifera L. and 0.90 in Q. ilex L. Contaminated root rate (PC) was 0.28 in Q. robur L., 0.28 in Q. ilex L. and 0.30 in Q. coccifera L. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with the highest mycorrhizal development rate.
Keywords: Tuber aestivum, Truffle, Oak, Muğla, Turkey