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Protest to demand Bank of England give gold back to Venezuela

PROTESTERS will gather at the Bank of England on Thursday to demand the bank gives Venezuela back its 31 tonnes of gold, worth almost £1 billion.

The Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, which has organised the demonstration, says that Juan Guaido, the right-wing pretender to socialist leader Nicolas Maduro’s presidency of the country, has written to British Prime Minister Theresa May to request that she send the gold to him instead.

Campaign vice-chair and GFTU general secretary Doug Nicholls said: “Piracy seems to be up and running at the Bank of England.

“On the one hand British politicians cry crocodile tears over what they see as impoverishment and hunger in Venezuela; on the other they ignore even the UN’s recognition that this has been caused by US sanctions — and to rub salt into the wound they’re trying steal Venezuela’s gold sent here for safekeeping by their government.

“It’s simple theft and the bank should immediately agree to Venezuela’s request to repatriate their wealth back to the legitimate government of President Maduro.”

The picket will gather at the Bank of England, Threadneedle Street, London, from 12.30 to 2pm.


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