valdvin asked:
"I never had my site compared to Pepto-Bismol before."
I consider pink, chalky, and soothing a life goal.
LOL due!
valdvin asked:
"I never had my site compared to Pepto-Bismol before."
I consider pink, chalky, and soothing a life goal.
LOL due!
My favorite is the Lemon Corned Beef Hash Pudding Pie.
Family Circle - November 1958
Cover by Frank Magsino & Alex Nino – April 1975
Wait, cakes can “dry” out over time? In my experience cake doesn’t last long enough to dry out.
Family Circle - November 1959
Whirlpool it is then, I guess.
Life - May 22nd 1964
The winner: Betty Crocker’s We’ll Call It What Every We Want Anyway Kitchen. Won by Julia Marshall, sister to the Vice-President of Betty Crocker’s Depart of Promotion and Product Integration.
Family Circle - September 1958
Parents Magazine - April 1944
Lady’s Home Journal - November 1973
A book you very likely don’t have on your shelf #729
Now mowing the lawn literally sucks.
Better Homes and Gardens - March 1972