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Rel design pattern

There is no need for the notion of "rel design pattern". Simply using the rel attribute as it is defined in the HTML spec is not a "design pattern". It's not a "design". It's not a "pattern". It's just using a single feature as it is defined in a spec.


  1. go through all the pages that link to this one and edit them to not depend on this page, they should simply refer to a rel attribute page if anything.
  2. delete most of the content of this page, and leave in place a warning to avoid creating unnecessary "-design-pattern" pages which are simply restatements of using a single feature as already defined in another spec.

Tantek 23:43, 30 September 2009 (UTC)


Use the rel-design-pattern to indicate the meaning of a link (i.e. a href) in an XHTML document

How to use it

  • define the semantic meaning of a link (A with href) within a microformat and give it a name mf-rel-value
    • this definition may also extend to the value of elements and text enclosed by the link
  • add rel="mf-rel-value" to hyperlinks that have that semantic meaning within that microformat.
  • simple microformats that use only the rel-design-pattern are typically named after the rel-value



The HTML4 spec describes a bookmark as "a link to a key entry point within an extended document". By convention (citation needed), this entry point also captures the notion of a "permalink".

<a href="" rel="bookmark">A Document Entry</a>


rel-tag defines semantic meaning for by the URI and enclosed elements using rel="tag"

<a href="" rel="tag">tech</a>

See Also