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You're holding the balalaika wrong!

"Hats off!" to the noble balalaika. But why are we forced to hold our Balalaikas like drooping flowers? Must they hang their heads in shame? Nay! Their heads must be held high! Like this: (...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 474
1 vote
2 answers

Are secret 'hat triggers' different for employees of Stack Exchange?

I notice that employees get hats and place in the top ten (probably due to our upvotes, and appreciation of their helpfulness, and for no other reason). Do they get secret hats based on a different ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 17.9k
252 votes
85 answers

A Moose, Some Silly Putty ... And A Desperate Plea For Help [closed]

Note: This event ended on Friday, December 22. This question is now closed to prevent submissions of new answers. Due to a rather unfortunate series of events that can be directly attributed to a ...
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