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28 votes
2 answers

Why is there one remaining page on Windows Phone Meta SE?

Note: while theoretically this question "Only relates to one network site", the per-site Meta is gone (or not!), so I can't really post there, so I picked MSE. On November 17th, 2022 Windows ...
cocomac's user avatar
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How to get the Autobiographer badge in Area 51-discussion / Area 51 meta

I signed up on Area 51 and filled out my profile there to get the Autobiographer badge, which also worked. It was only later that I came across the Area 51 Discussion Zone (Area 51-discussion) and had ...
fcdt's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it fine to promote an Area51 proposal on any meta site?

I am not much of a meta guy but I do understand that the meta sites are usually scoped to their related main sites. I saw a proposal on Area51 and I liked it. Since there is a related existing SE ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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7 votes
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My Area 51 reputation is different from my Area 51 discuss reputation

At time of writing this question, my Area 51 reputation is 222, while my Area 51 discussion reputation is 207. It has been this way for weeks. I thought that Area 51 discussion was a meta site for ...
John Militer's user avatar
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Include the child metas of closed sites in their data dump

When a site fails, its questions and answers (plus some other data) are shoved into a data dump, which is attached to the Area 51 proposal. The associated child meta site, however, is not included (...
Ben N's user avatar
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Remove precognitive & beta badges on meta [duplicate]

"Quorum" and "Convention" participation badges are listed on non-meta sites but not on the meta sites, sensibly (they are for participation on meta). "Precognitive" and "beta" should also be not ...
WBT's user avatar
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Why do visitors need to click on help button on discuss.Area51 to get back to the main proposal site?

I wonder if there is actually a good reason, why visitors of discuss.Area51 need to click on the "help" menu button first in order to get back to the main Area51 site: In words, this seems to me more ...
elegent's user avatar
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Links to questions on metas of closed sites should redirect to the Area 51 proposal (for the main site)

If you click on a link to a question that was on a site that is now closed, you get redirected to the Area 51 proposal page for that site - for example, Why is the timeline of Catch-22 all messed up?, ...
senshin's user avatar
  • 14.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Does Fulfillment take into account Meta posts? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Does participation on a per-site meta count toward completing a commitment to that site? Does Area 51 take participation on the meta site (e.g. http://meta.webapps....
waiwai933's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't Area 51 have its own Meta?

According to the blog, per-site Metas have opened up for all sites except for the special case of SO/MSO. (Discussion about the special case is discussed further here.) Area 51 is not mentioned, ...
Pops's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Include a link from the meta profile to the main profile

As I'm sure everyone knows, the user account on meta sites of new SE beta sites are tied to the user accounts of the main site and the profile pages on the meta sites are slightly cut down (there is ...
Simon P Stevens's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Commitment Phase could be improved

I don't think the commitment phase on Area 51 takes too long, as many have suggested. I just think there's not enough to do for members that have actually committed. So here my proposal: Open the ...
Jouke van der Maas's user avatar