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-13 votes
3 answers

How can I stop receiving downvotes from a question that the community is keeping up? [duplicate]

Recently, I read the help article on bounties. I initially misread the article and asked the following question based on that misunderstanding: Why Manually Award Bounties? This was obviously an error ...
Lukephil Brecht's user avatar
-17 votes
2 answers

Why was I voted down so many times for asking this question?

The question was valid and I didn't find any real good explanation outside of spam, which makes no sense really if you allow questions if a spammer cares whether its a comment or a ...
Philip Ingram's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What's wrong with my locked post?

I wrote a solution which had 2 upvotes last time I checked. Now it has 4 downvotes and it's been locked and deleted by the community. Why is that? I got around -200 reputation because of this and I ...
Svisstack's user avatar
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