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16 votes
1 answer

Unsuspend link on meta is broken

There is a broken markdown link when you click the "Mod" link on a suspended user's meta profile: In case it's relevant, the link in the broken part has dashes in it (that is, the username ...
hyperneutrino's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Different text for network-wide suspended users on meta [duplicate]

If you look at a profile of a user who is suspended networkwide, you get the text: "This account is temporarily suspended network-wide. The suspension period ends on..." However, if you click on "...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
-27 votes
1 answer

Please give suspended users an option to explain their side of the story on the meta site

As it is written here by Jon Ericson (CM), the secrecy of the details of the individual suspensions is reasoned to protect the suspended users: Since suspended users are unable to tell their side ...
peterh's user avatar
  • 1
19 votes
0 answers

Suspension reason shows on main, but not on meta

I recently discovered that there was a high-rep user suspended on Arqade, so that they could calm down a bit. When I was looking at their profile, I noticed that the suspension reason was shown on ...
angussidney's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why do network wide suspensions originate from per-site metas?

In the moderator annotation log suspensions that have been applied seem to be logged as originating from per-site-metas rather than the site themselves: Why is this? Is it a mistake in the wording ...
Rory's user avatar
  • 11.7k
-15 votes
3 answers

Can we have in/voluntary Meta suspensions on other sites without suspension on the main sites?

For the purposes of this discussion, I am referring to Main sites and Meta sites, as sites other than Stack Overflow or Stack Overflow Meta. Some users contribute successfully on SE sites, but not ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Something is wrong with this user's suspension

This user is currently suspended on meta. There is however no hint of this on his user page except for the fact he has 1 reputation on meta and 21 on the main site. I picked a custom ban reason for ...
badp's user avatar
  • 33.6k
9 votes
2 answers

What happens when a user is suspended from a meta site? [closed]

In particular: Can the suspended user still access the main site normally? Can the suspended user still access chat normally? (This question doesn't really apply to MSO, as this is not a proper per-...
badp's user avatar
  • 33.6k
7 votes
2 answers

Should suspensions on parent sites follow through to meta sites?

If a user is suspended on the main site, should that suspension carry over to the meta site? For example, vgv8 is here asking about their suspension on SF and SU. These questions should be asked on ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar