– links to the current site's Meta; link text is the site name (e.g. "Meta Super User"). Does nothing if the site doesn't have (or already is) a Meta site.[main]
– like [meta], just the other way around (i.e. it doesn't work on main sites; only works on meta sites which have an associated main site).[edit]
– links to the edit page for the post the comment is on, i.e. /posts/{id}/edit. Link text is "edit" (capitalization is respected).Help center links. Link text for all of these is "help center":
– links to the help center (/help).[meta-help]
– links to "What is meta?" (/help/whats-meta)[help/on-topic]
– links to "What topics can I ask about here?" (/help/on-topic).[help/dont-ask]
– links to "What types of questions should I avoid asking?" (/help/dont-ask).[help/behavior]
– links to "What kind of behavior is expected of users?" (/help/behavior).
– links to (<main site>/tour). Link text is "tour" (capitalization is respected). Legacy magic link[about]
is still supported.[meta-tour]
– links to (<meta site>/tour). These only work on meta sites. Link text is "tour" (capitalization is respected). Legacy magic link[meta-about]
is still supported.[ask]
– links to the "How to Ask" page. Link text is "How to Ask".[what you are asking]
– links to the "How to Ask" page. Link text is "what you are asking".[answer]
– links to the "How to Answer" page. Link text is "How to Answer".Links to the front page of Stack Exchange sites (link text is the site name):
– links to Stack Overflow[su]
– links to Super User[sf]
– links to Server Fault[metase]
– links to Meta Stack Exchange[ubuntu.se]
– links to Ask Ubuntu[mathoverflow.se]
– links to MathOverflow[a51]
– links to Area 51[se]
– links to the Stack Exchange- Localized Stack Overflow sites can be linked as
– links to Stack Overflow en español[ja.so]
– links to スタック・オーバーフロー[pt.so]
– links to Stack Overflow em Português[ru.so]
– links to Stack Overflow на русском
- All other Stack Exchange sites, except Stack Apps:
– links to something.stackexchange.com, if that site exists. Link text is the site name.[sitename.meta.se]
– links to a site-specific Meta site. Link text is "Meta <sitename>".
– links to the current site's chat site (https://chat.stackoverflow.com/ for SO, https://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/ for Meta SE, https://chat.stackexchange.com/ everywhere else – that last one showing a list of active rooms from the referring site), the link text being "{site name} Chat".[code block]
– links to the "Code and Preformatted Text" section of the Markdown Editing Help page (/editing-help#code). Link text is "code block".On Stack Overflow only:
[english[English-only site]
– links to the (SO-only) Help Center page "Can I ask a question in a language other than English?". Link text is "English-only site".[help/sg]
– links to the (SO-only) Help Center page "What is the Staging Ground?". Link text is "help/sg""What is the Staging Ground?".
On Stack Overflow and localized Stack Overflow sites (these do not work on the associated meta sites):
– links to the How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example page for the site. Link text is "minimal reproducible example", or localized text on localized sites. Capitalization doesn't matter and is not respected.
Links to specific tags. These work in questions, answers, comments, and chat – but in comments, they are just formatted like regular links, rather than appearing like tags. Link text is just the name of the tag. These will link to the specified tag, regardless of whether the tag actually exists:
creates a link to the named tag on the main site, e.g tag-name. (Whether it's used on the main site or the meta site, the link will point to a tag on the main site.)[meta-tag:meta-tag-name]
creates a link to a tag on meta, e.g meta-tag-name. (Whether it's used on the main site or the meta site, the link will point to a tag on the meta site.)- (On Meta Stack Exchange, which doesn't have a main site,
work exactly the same way.)
V2Blast StaffMod
- 7.8k
- 4
- 37
- 78
V2Blast StaffMod
- 7.8k
- 4
- 37
- 78
The Amplitwist
- 2.1k
- 3
- 10
- 29
fedorqui 'SO stop harming'
- 11.6k
- 4
- 30
- 73
- 1.8k
- 2
- 13
- 23
iBug says Reinstate Monica
- 29.8k
- 5
- 63
- 123