The molecular oxygen or dioxygen (O 2) molecule has 6 molecular orbitals (MO) in its triplet stat... more The molecular oxygen or dioxygen (O 2) molecule has 6 molecular orbitals (MO) in its triplet state, of which the two 2p * MO contain each one electron. Thus, O 2 has two unpaired electrons (indicated by a dot •); that is, O 2 is an uncharged diradical molecule: • O-O •. An electron that is donated by another molecule is incorporated in one of the two 2p * MO of the O 2 molecule; that is, one 2p * MO contains a single unpaired electron. Thus, 1-electron reduction of O 2 yields a negatively charged radical species, that is, the superoxide radical anion (O 2 −•). Subsequent 1electron reduction of O 2 −• yields a doubly negatively charged
Epilepsy causes a significant burden to patients as it is linked with various somatic and psychia... more Epilepsy causes a significant burden to patients as it is linked with various somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, social issues, impaired quality of life, and increased mortality. Improving the population’s knowledge and attitudes about epilepsy patients could be beneficial as it could raise social awareness and lead to more social support for patients. For those reasons, a survey-based cross-sectional study was conducted to determine Croatian students’ knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy. A previously developed survey questionnaire was adapted for the Croatian setting and distributed online to the students (n = 544). Croatian students generally had positive attitudes towards people with epilepsy (median score 28.0, interquartile range 29.0–26.0, with the minimum possible score being 0.0 and the maximum 30.0), with the female gender (B (male) = 0.664 (95% CI −1.158, −0.170), p = 0.009), biomedical education (B (other) = −0.442, (95% CI −0.823, −0.061), p = 0.023), and persona...
Background Seasonal variations in body composition and parameters that re ect nutritional status ... more Background Seasonal variations in body composition and parameters that re ect nutritional status are well established in haemodialysis (HD) patients. However, no study has assessed changes in oxidative stress (OS). The objectives of our study were to assess seasonal variations in OS, body composition and other nutritional parameters, as well as their interactions. Methods Seasonal variations in fat tissue mass (FTM), fat tissue index (FTI), adipose tissue mass (ATM), lean tissue mass (LTM), lean tissue index, body cell mass (BCM and overhydration (OH), OS (the blood levels
resolve a DRP. Results All community pharmacists had a mean score of 45.5 ± 8.6, while pharmacist... more resolve a DRP. Results All community pharmacists had a mean score of 45.5 ± 8.6, while pharmacists from a pharmacy chain with mandatory education had a higher mean score of 50.2 ± 6.5. Multivariate linear regression revealed that only additional education (β = 0.272, p < 0.001) is associated with a higher mean score, while age and gender have no influence on the survey score. Conclusion Additional education of community pharmacists could increase their clinical knowledge to detect and resolve DRPs.
In this work, 114 volunteers were dosed with 80-proof liquor to produce peak blood-alcohol concen... more In this work, 114 volunteers were dosed with 80-proof liquor to produce peak blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) or breath-alcohol concentration (BrAC) of 0.040–0.080 g/100 mL blood or g/210 L breath. This was followed by a 30 minute deprivation period before simultaneous blood and breath samples were collected and the alcohol concentration quantified. BAC was determined by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection and BrAC by a dual-sensor Intox EC/IR II instrument. Paired Student t-tests showed that differences between paired blood- and breath-alcohol results differed significantly. Results from these two measurement methods are highly correlated and, on average, measured BAC was 11.3% greater than BrAC. There were 10 instances of BrAC being greater than the corresponding BAC, and the average difference between these two values was 0.0059 g/100 mL. Agreement plots of coupled BAC and BrAC revealed a mean bias of 0.00754 g/100 mL and 95% limits of agreement (LOA) at −0.00705 ...
Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene radnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijeko... more Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene radnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijekovima. Upravo njihovom otvorenom suradnjom i zajednickim angažmanom moguce je dodatno unaprijediti zdravstvenu skrb, u smislu racionalne farmakoterapije. Ljekarnik je zdravstveni radnik u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zastiti koji može znacajno pomoci lijecniku u postupku prenosenja ispravnih uputa za koristenje propisane terapije, pracenja ishoda propisane terapije, te ljekarnickih intervencija u slucaju kada su one potrebne (npr. problemi vezani za lijekove, eng. „drug-related problems“, DRP). Stoga je neophodno informirati lijecnike i ljekarnike da pažljivo strukturirana, međusobna komunikacija može znacajno unaprijediti ishod propisane farmakoterapije i povecati njezinu sigurnost. Zbog svega gore navedenoga, Medicinski fakultet u Splitu, uz sveobuhvatnu podrsku tvrtke Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o., u ožujku i travnju 2014. godine organizirao je poludnevni tecaj pod nazivom „Kako lijecnik i ljekarnik...
UVOD: Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene djelatnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecen... more UVOD: Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene djelatnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijekovima. Upravo njihovom otvorenom suradnjom i zajednickim angažmanom moguce je dodatno unaprijediti zdravstvenu skrb, u podrucju racionalne farmakoterapije. Svrha ovog istraživanja je steci uvid u stav hrvatskih lijecnika obiteljske medicine i ljekarnika o njihovoj međusobnoj suradnji [1-3]. METODE I MATERIJALI: Medicinski fakultet u Splitu u ožujku 2014. godine u 9 hrvatskih gradova organizira poludnevni tecaj pod nazivom „Kako lijecnik i ljekarnik suradnjom mogu unaprijediti skrb za svog pacijenta“, uz sveobuhvatnu podrsku tvrtke Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. U sklopu tecaja se ispituje stav lijecnika i ljekarnika o njihovoj međusobnoj suradnji u podrucju racionalne farmakoterapije, koristenjem validiranog upitnika [4]. Predviđeno je ukljuciti u studiju približno 1000 ispitanika iz cijele Republike Hrvatske. REZULTATI I ZAKLJUCAK: Nakon prikupljanja i obrade podataka, konacni rezultati ...
BackgroundHelicobacter pylori(H pylori) eradication is becoming increasingly difficult. The aim o... more BackgroundHelicobacter pylori(H pylori) eradication is becoming increasingly difficult. The aim of our study was to determine the knowledge of current guidelines and attitude in the diagnosis and treatment ofH pyloriinfection in primary care physicians (PCPs) and medical students in Croatia.Materials and MethodsA study was conducted among PCPs and medical students to evaluate adherence to Maastricht V consensus guidelines. Questionnaire was distributed by e‐mail to 2338 PCPs offices in Croatia and to the medical students from the University of Split School of Medicine. Responses were collected electronically from June 22 to August 22, 2020.ResultsTwo hundred forty‐nine PCPs and 169 medical students were included in the study. Bismuth or non‐bismuth‐based quadruple therapy as first‐line treatment forH pyloriwas the choice of 4.8% of PCPs and 13% of students, while 66.3% PCPs and 79.9% students would choose clarithromycin‐based triple therapy. Bismuth‐based quadruple therapy was the m...
The aim of this study was to evaluate pharmacists' and physicians' attitudes and knowledge about ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate pharmacists' and physicians' attitudes and knowledge about antimicrobial treatment and resistance and based on the results to identify possible gaps and suggest opportunities for collaboration between the two professions. Methods: The physician's questionnaire consisted of 47 items and the pharmacists' questionnaire consisted of 50 items. Participants were asked to identify situations in which they were more likely to prescribe/dispense an antimicrobial without a firm indication, to identify the greatest contributors to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among health care workers, to rate statements related to AMR, how frequently they used different sources of information and to rate the possible causes of AMR. Furthermore, preparedness for specific actions in practice was self-rated and knowledge was evaluated. The questionnaires were anonymous and participation in the study was voluntary. Results: This research included 180 community pharmacists and 181 physicians. As many as 76 (42.0%) physicians stated they would prescribe an antimicrobial when unsure whether the infection was of viral or bacterial etiology. More than half of the participants considered family medicine doctors the greatest contributors to AMR (N = 216, 59.8%), followed by patients (N = 175, 48.5%). In questions focusing on knowledge, physicians scored significantly higher compared with pharmacists (4.06-1.01 vs. 3.71-1.08, p = 0.001). Conclusion: This research revealed practices among pharmacists and physicians that should be improved and it highlighted gaps in knowledge by both professions. More attention should be given to patient consultation when dispensing and prescribing an antimicrobial as this may reduce their contribution to AMR.
Human in vivo skin damage models simulate different cutaneous conditions, and for this reason, th... more Human in vivo skin damage models simulate different cutaneous conditions, and for this reason, they have been used as a substitute for the patients in the clinical trials. 1,2 Models have multiple uses, from the investigation of the changes in the damaged skin, mechanism of the skin damage and healing, kinetics of the skin recovery to effectiveness of different therapeutic agents. 2,3 Protocols for implementation of some models have been standardized and reported in their specific guidelines, 2 but for the
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2020
Liatsos et al. recently published a Letter to the Editor entitled "Correlation of registered... more Liatsos et al. recently published a Letter to the Editor entitled "Correlation of registered drug packs in Greece with Maastricht V/Florence and Hellenic Helicobacter pylori infection treatment Consensuses: a poor or a proper match?" [1]. As authors of the article "Correlation of registered drug packs with Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report and national treatment guidelines for management of Helicobacter pylori infection"[2], we respond to their Letter to the Editor. Our publication has obviously encouraged national experts to think similarly, especially those investigating the cost-effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori drugs [3].
Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ... more Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ispitano u toj populaciji. Cilj ovog članka bio je pregledati zakone i poticaje na klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i usporediti ih s brojem kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji faze III koje financiraju industrije, kao i udjelom pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III posljednjih deset godina. Napravljen je pregled poticaja za klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i zakonskih okvira koji ih reguliraju za osamnaest država različite razvijenosti i EU. Za države uključene u istraživanje napravljen je pregledan broj pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija i njihova udjela u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija, registriranih u bazi u razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. godine. Najčešće usvojeni poticaji za razvoj pedijatrijskih lijekova bili su...
The molecular oxygen or dioxygen (O 2) molecule has 6 molecular orbitals (MO) in its triplet stat... more The molecular oxygen or dioxygen (O 2) molecule has 6 molecular orbitals (MO) in its triplet state, of which the two 2p * MO contain each one electron. Thus, O 2 has two unpaired electrons (indicated by a dot •); that is, O 2 is an uncharged diradical molecule: • O-O •. An electron that is donated by another molecule is incorporated in one of the two 2p * MO of the O 2 molecule; that is, one 2p * MO contains a single unpaired electron. Thus, 1-electron reduction of O 2 yields a negatively charged radical species, that is, the superoxide radical anion (O 2 −•). Subsequent 1electron reduction of O 2 −• yields a doubly negatively charged
Epilepsy causes a significant burden to patients as it is linked with various somatic and psychia... more Epilepsy causes a significant burden to patients as it is linked with various somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, social issues, impaired quality of life, and increased mortality. Improving the population’s knowledge and attitudes about epilepsy patients could be beneficial as it could raise social awareness and lead to more social support for patients. For those reasons, a survey-based cross-sectional study was conducted to determine Croatian students’ knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy. A previously developed survey questionnaire was adapted for the Croatian setting and distributed online to the students (n = 544). Croatian students generally had positive attitudes towards people with epilepsy (median score 28.0, interquartile range 29.0–26.0, with the minimum possible score being 0.0 and the maximum 30.0), with the female gender (B (male) = 0.664 (95% CI −1.158, −0.170), p = 0.009), biomedical education (B (other) = −0.442, (95% CI −0.823, −0.061), p = 0.023), and persona...
Background Seasonal variations in body composition and parameters that re ect nutritional status ... more Background Seasonal variations in body composition and parameters that re ect nutritional status are well established in haemodialysis (HD) patients. However, no study has assessed changes in oxidative stress (OS). The objectives of our study were to assess seasonal variations in OS, body composition and other nutritional parameters, as well as their interactions. Methods Seasonal variations in fat tissue mass (FTM), fat tissue index (FTI), adipose tissue mass (ATM), lean tissue mass (LTM), lean tissue index, body cell mass (BCM and overhydration (OH), OS (the blood levels
resolve a DRP. Results All community pharmacists had a mean score of 45.5 ± 8.6, while pharmacist... more resolve a DRP. Results All community pharmacists had a mean score of 45.5 ± 8.6, while pharmacists from a pharmacy chain with mandatory education had a higher mean score of 50.2 ± 6.5. Multivariate linear regression revealed that only additional education (β = 0.272, p < 0.001) is associated with a higher mean score, while age and gender have no influence on the survey score. Conclusion Additional education of community pharmacists could increase their clinical knowledge to detect and resolve DRPs.
In this work, 114 volunteers were dosed with 80-proof liquor to produce peak blood-alcohol concen... more In this work, 114 volunteers were dosed with 80-proof liquor to produce peak blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) or breath-alcohol concentration (BrAC) of 0.040–0.080 g/100 mL blood or g/210 L breath. This was followed by a 30 minute deprivation period before simultaneous blood and breath samples were collected and the alcohol concentration quantified. BAC was determined by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection and BrAC by a dual-sensor Intox EC/IR II instrument. Paired Student t-tests showed that differences between paired blood- and breath-alcohol results differed significantly. Results from these two measurement methods are highly correlated and, on average, measured BAC was 11.3% greater than BrAC. There were 10 instances of BrAC being greater than the corresponding BAC, and the average difference between these two values was 0.0059 g/100 mL. Agreement plots of coupled BAC and BrAC revealed a mean bias of 0.00754 g/100 mL and 95% limits of agreement (LOA) at −0.00705 ...
Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene radnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijeko... more Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene radnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijekovima. Upravo njihovom otvorenom suradnjom i zajednickim angažmanom moguce je dodatno unaprijediti zdravstvenu skrb, u smislu racionalne farmakoterapije. Ljekarnik je zdravstveni radnik u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zastiti koji može znacajno pomoci lijecniku u postupku prenosenja ispravnih uputa za koristenje propisane terapije, pracenja ishoda propisane terapije, te ljekarnickih intervencija u slucaju kada su one potrebne (npr. problemi vezani za lijekove, eng. „drug-related problems“, DRP). Stoga je neophodno informirati lijecnike i ljekarnike da pažljivo strukturirana, međusobna komunikacija može znacajno unaprijediti ishod propisane farmakoterapije i povecati njezinu sigurnost. Zbog svega gore navedenoga, Medicinski fakultet u Splitu, uz sveobuhvatnu podrsku tvrtke Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o., u ožujku i travnju 2014. godine organizirao je poludnevni tecaj pod nazivom „Kako lijecnik i ljekarnik...
UVOD: Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene djelatnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecen... more UVOD: Lijecnik i ljekarnik predstavljaju zdravstvene djelatnike koji su kljucni za uspjeh lijecenja lijekovima. Upravo njihovom otvorenom suradnjom i zajednickim angažmanom moguce je dodatno unaprijediti zdravstvenu skrb, u podrucju racionalne farmakoterapije. Svrha ovog istraživanja je steci uvid u stav hrvatskih lijecnika obiteljske medicine i ljekarnika o njihovoj međusobnoj suradnji [1-3]. METODE I MATERIJALI: Medicinski fakultet u Splitu u ožujku 2014. godine u 9 hrvatskih gradova organizira poludnevni tecaj pod nazivom „Kako lijecnik i ljekarnik suradnjom mogu unaprijediti skrb za svog pacijenta“, uz sveobuhvatnu podrsku tvrtke Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. U sklopu tecaja se ispituje stav lijecnika i ljekarnika o njihovoj međusobnoj suradnji u podrucju racionalne farmakoterapije, koristenjem validiranog upitnika [4]. Predviđeno je ukljuciti u studiju približno 1000 ispitanika iz cijele Republike Hrvatske. REZULTATI I ZAKLJUCAK: Nakon prikupljanja i obrade podataka, konacni rezultati ...
BackgroundHelicobacter pylori(H pylori) eradication is becoming increasingly difficult. The aim o... more BackgroundHelicobacter pylori(H pylori) eradication is becoming increasingly difficult. The aim of our study was to determine the knowledge of current guidelines and attitude in the diagnosis and treatment ofH pyloriinfection in primary care physicians (PCPs) and medical students in Croatia.Materials and MethodsA study was conducted among PCPs and medical students to evaluate adherence to Maastricht V consensus guidelines. Questionnaire was distributed by e‐mail to 2338 PCPs offices in Croatia and to the medical students from the University of Split School of Medicine. Responses were collected electronically from June 22 to August 22, 2020.ResultsTwo hundred forty‐nine PCPs and 169 medical students were included in the study. Bismuth or non‐bismuth‐based quadruple therapy as first‐line treatment forH pyloriwas the choice of 4.8% of PCPs and 13% of students, while 66.3% PCPs and 79.9% students would choose clarithromycin‐based triple therapy. Bismuth‐based quadruple therapy was the m...
The aim of this study was to evaluate pharmacists' and physicians' attitudes and knowledge about ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate pharmacists' and physicians' attitudes and knowledge about antimicrobial treatment and resistance and based on the results to identify possible gaps and suggest opportunities for collaboration between the two professions. Methods: The physician's questionnaire consisted of 47 items and the pharmacists' questionnaire consisted of 50 items. Participants were asked to identify situations in which they were more likely to prescribe/dispense an antimicrobial without a firm indication, to identify the greatest contributors to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among health care workers, to rate statements related to AMR, how frequently they used different sources of information and to rate the possible causes of AMR. Furthermore, preparedness for specific actions in practice was self-rated and knowledge was evaluated. The questionnaires were anonymous and participation in the study was voluntary. Results: This research included 180 community pharmacists and 181 physicians. As many as 76 (42.0%) physicians stated they would prescribe an antimicrobial when unsure whether the infection was of viral or bacterial etiology. More than half of the participants considered family medicine doctors the greatest contributors to AMR (N = 216, 59.8%), followed by patients (N = 175, 48.5%). In questions focusing on knowledge, physicians scored significantly higher compared with pharmacists (4.06-1.01 vs. 3.71-1.08, p = 0.001). Conclusion: This research revealed practices among pharmacists and physicians that should be improved and it highlighted gaps in knowledge by both professions. More attention should be given to patient consultation when dispensing and prescribing an antimicrobial as this may reduce their contribution to AMR.
Human in vivo skin damage models simulate different cutaneous conditions, and for this reason, th... more Human in vivo skin damage models simulate different cutaneous conditions, and for this reason, they have been used as a substitute for the patients in the clinical trials. 1,2 Models have multiple uses, from the investigation of the changes in the damaged skin, mechanism of the skin damage and healing, kinetics of the skin recovery to effectiveness of different therapeutic agents. 2,3 Protocols for implementation of some models have been standardized and reported in their specific guidelines, 2 but for the
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2020
Liatsos et al. recently published a Letter to the Editor entitled "Correlation of registered... more Liatsos et al. recently published a Letter to the Editor entitled "Correlation of registered drug packs in Greece with Maastricht V/Florence and Hellenic Helicobacter pylori infection treatment Consensuses: a poor or a proper match?" [1]. As authors of the article "Correlation of registered drug packs with Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report and national treatment guidelines for management of Helicobacter pylori infection"[2], we respond to their Letter to the Editor. Our publication has obviously encouraged national experts to think similarly, especially those investigating the cost-effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori drugs [3].
Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ... more Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ispitano u toj populaciji. Cilj ovog članka bio je pregledati zakone i poticaje na klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i usporediti ih s brojem kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji faze III koje financiraju industrije, kao i udjelom pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III posljednjih deset godina. Napravljen je pregled poticaja za klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i zakonskih okvira koji ih reguliraju za osamnaest država različite razvijenosti i EU. Za države uključene u istraživanje napravljen je pregledan broj pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija i njihova udjela u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija, registriranih u bazi u razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. godine. Najčešće usvojeni poticaji za razvoj pedijatrijskih lijekova bili su...
Papers by Darko Modun