Published inEtherscan BlogAnd Finally…. Proxy Contract Support on Etherscan.On Etherscan, interacting with upgradeable contracts using a proxy standard was a real pain point. Some of you may find the below issues…Dec 21, 20193Dec 21, 20193
Published inCoinmonksUsing Securify for Safer Smart ContractsLet’s face it. Writing smart contracts is tough. There are multiple perspectives to worry about while developing smart contracts: that all…Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019
Published inCoinmonksThings I Find Interesting — A Particular Sort of Smart Contract HoneypotI was introduced to a strange looking contract on Etherscan recently, which was reported that the owner had set it up to steal funds from…Nov 27, 2018Nov 27, 2018
Published inCoinmonksMetamask Update — Privacy ModeA couple months back, the awesome team at Metamask put up a blog post…Nov 1, 2018Nov 1, 2018
Published inCoinmonksSmart Contract Exploits Part 4 — Featuring Capture the Ether (Miscellaneous)Fourth and final part — Just two challenges under Miscellaneous, challenges which can’t seem to find a home in the other sections. Let’s…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Published inCoinmonksSmart Contract Exploits Part 3 — Featuring Capture the Ether (Accounts)And now we have reached part 3! Both the Accounts and Miscellaneous challenges were written in part 3 initially; However does seem to be…Sep 23, 20183Sep 23, 20183
Published inCoinmonksSmart Contract Exploits Part 2 — Featuring Capture the Ether (Math)Here we are with part 2 of Capture the Ether. After drafting my notes, decided that I’ll approach the Math section first, and finally…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Published inCoinmonksSmart Contract Exploits Part 1 — Featuring Capture the Ether (Lotteries)A few months back a series of Solidity (and blockchain in general) related challenges were released as a game, where one would need to hack…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Things I Find Interesting — Solidity LibrariesI was playing around with libraries in Solidity, and thought this bit was a interesting. For those who would like a preliminary read on…Jul 27, 2018Jul 27, 2018
Setting Up Your Multisignature Wallet — Featuring Gnosis MultsigOne of the more sensible approach to take when storing huge amount of funds is to have multiple signatories securing access to the funds…May 12, 20183May 12, 20183