Paul Cobley
President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies
Address: Dr. Paul Cobley
Emeritus Professor in Language and Media
Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
United Kingdom
Address: Dr. Paul Cobley
Emeritus Professor in Language and Media
Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
United Kingdom
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Books by Paul Cobley
This expanded and fully updated third edition of the bestselling The Media: An Introduction collects in one volume thirty-six specially commissioned essays to offer unrivalled breadth and depth for an introduction to the study of contemporary media. It addresses the fundamental questions about today's media – for example, digitisation and its effects, new distribution technologies, and the implications of convergence, all set against the backdrop of a period of profound social and economic change in Europe and globally.
Key features:
•Expert contributions on each topic
•Approachable, authoritative contributions provide a solid theoretical overview of the media industry and comprehensive empirical guide to the institutions that make up the media.
•Further Reading and related web-resource listings encourage further study.
New to this edition:
•New five part structure provides a broad and coherent approach to media: Part 1 Understanding the Media; Part 2 What Are the Media?; Part 3 The Media Environment; Part 4 Audiences, Influences and Effects; Part 5 Media Representations.
•Brand new chapters on: Approaches to Media; Media Form; Models of Media Institutions; The Media in Europe; Photography; Book Publishing; Newspapers; Magazines; Radio; Television; The Internet and the Web; News Media; Economics; Policy; Public Service Broadcasting in Europe; Censorship and Freedom of Speech; Audience Research; Sexualities; Gender; Social Class; Media and Religion; The Body, Health and Illness; Nationality and Sex Acts.
•Other chapter topics from the last edition fully updated
•A wider, more comparative focus on Europe.
David Gauntlett, Professor of Media, University of Westminster
“Joining up-to-date information with an accessible format, this volume offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of the media in their social and cultural contexts.”
Professor Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen
Papers by Paul Cobley
This expanded and fully updated third edition of the bestselling The Media: An Introduction collects in one volume thirty-six specially commissioned essays to offer unrivalled breadth and depth for an introduction to the study of contemporary media. It addresses the fundamental questions about today's media – for example, digitisation and its effects, new distribution technologies, and the implications of convergence, all set against the backdrop of a period of profound social and economic change in Europe and globally.
Key features:
•Expert contributions on each topic
•Approachable, authoritative contributions provide a solid theoretical overview of the media industry and comprehensive empirical guide to the institutions that make up the media.
•Further Reading and related web-resource listings encourage further study.
New to this edition:
•New five part structure provides a broad and coherent approach to media: Part 1 Understanding the Media; Part 2 What Are the Media?; Part 3 The Media Environment; Part 4 Audiences, Influences and Effects; Part 5 Media Representations.
•Brand new chapters on: Approaches to Media; Media Form; Models of Media Institutions; The Media in Europe; Photography; Book Publishing; Newspapers; Magazines; Radio; Television; The Internet and the Web; News Media; Economics; Policy; Public Service Broadcasting in Europe; Censorship and Freedom of Speech; Audience Research; Sexualities; Gender; Social Class; Media and Religion; The Body, Health and Illness; Nationality and Sex Acts.
•Other chapter topics from the last edition fully updated
•A wider, more comparative focus on Europe.
David Gauntlett, Professor of Media, University of Westminster
“Joining up-to-date information with an accessible format, this volume offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of the media in their social and cultural contexts.”
Professor Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen
extensive”. To be for nature is to be intelligible for the animal
whose being is to understand (Deely 2003: 39)
La questione dell’io é inevitabilmente connessa con quella
dell’altro (Ponzio 2001: 137)
1. how biosemiotics enables us to reconfigure our understanding of the role of language in culture;
2. how exaptation is central to the evolution of language and communication, rather than adaptation;
3. how communication is the key issue in biosphere, rather than language, not just because communication includes language but because the language sciences often refer to language as if it were mere “chatter”, “tropes” and “figures of speech”;
4. how biosemiotics, despite its seeming “neutrality” arising from its transdisciplinarity, is thoroughly political;
5. how the failure to see the implications of the move from linguistics to semiotics arises from the fact that biosemiotics is devoid of old style politics, which is based on representation (devoid of experience) and “construction of [everything] in discourse” (which is grounded in linguistics, not communication study).
In contrast to the post-“linguistic turn” idea that the world is “constructed in discourse”, we will argue that biosemiotics entails a reconfiguration of the polis and, in particular, offers the chance to completely reconceptualise ideology.