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Condition for polynomials to be proper

Let $\Bbbk\in \left\{ \mathbb R,\mathbb C \right\}$. Suppose $\mathbb \Bbbk^n\overset{f}{\to} \Bbbk$ is a homogeneous polynomial map satisfying the following condition: the fiber of $f$ containing the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Singularities from topological viewpoint

I intuitively understand that \begin{align} f:(-\infty.0)\cup(0,+\infty) &\to \mathbb{R} \\ x &\mapsto \dfrac{1}{x} \end{align} is "singular" at $x=0$, however, is there a topological ...
EEEB's user avatar
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Non-homeomorphic spaces that can have homeomorphic open cones.

Apparently such a space exists, and apparently Milnors solution to Hauptvermutung also explains this situation. I am learning about topologically stratified spaces, so it would be nice to know a ...
Elle Najt's user avatar
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Do the singular matrices form a topological manifold

So the definition of manifold I'm using is that of a topological manifold (a topological space with an atlas of homeomorphisms to $\mathbb{R}^n$). I have two related questions: Is the set of ...
Set's user avatar
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Books or texts on singularity theory [closed]

So a friend is doing his PhD in maths (algebraic topology) and his advisor wants him to publish something on singularities (of which, as fas as I understand, he knows next to nothing). I want to give ...
Alana's user avatar
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The normalisation map is a bi-Lipschitz map?

Let $X$ a reduced analytic space, $n: W \rightarrow X$ the normalisation map, $W$ the normalisation of $X$ and $S$ the singular set of $X$. When we restrict $n$ to $W\setminus n^{-1}(S)$, we know that ...
Silva's user avatar
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Stratification of a smooth map

I am trying to do an exercise. Namely, find the Thom-Boardman stratification of the smooth map $f(x,y,a,b,c,d)=x^2y+y^3+a(x^2+y^2)+bx+cy$, where $a,b,c$ are parameters. As I have seen, this is also ...
PepeToro's user avatar
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The notion of a germ in singularity theory

I quote from my lecture: Let $X$ be a topological space (think of $X=\mathbb{C}^n$ with the classical topology), $p\in X$, $A,B\subseteq X$. Then $A\sim B$ if there exists an open subset $U\...
InvisiblePanda's user avatar