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Subgroups and Quotient Groups of Infinite bounded Abelian p-groups

I am looking to a reference to a solution of Exercise 13 (page 91) of L. Fuchs, Infinite Abelian Groups, Vol. 1, Academic Press, 1970. There is no solution to this exercise in a collection Exercises ...
George's user avatar
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Let $K\le H\le G$ with $[G:H]<\infty$. Is $[G:K]<\infty$ necessarily?

While reading this proof for the Tower Law for Subgroups, the data for the theorem only stipulates that H is a subgroup of G with finite index, and that K is a subgroup of H. Later in the proof ...
giorgio's user avatar
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The factor group $\mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z}$ under addition has an infinite number of elements of order 4 [closed]

The factor group $\mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z}$ under addition has an infinite number of elements of order 4. The answer is false, but I cannot still understand it. I thought that it is true since there ...
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Is there a group with a proper subgroup such that the quotient is isomorphic to itself? [duplicate]

While studying for my finals this question came across my mind. Is there a group $G$ and a proper subgroup $H$ such that $G/H\cong G$? I immediatly discarded a finite group or even the integers, as ...
Valere's user avatar
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Must a virtually abelian group surject onto the integers?

Let $G$ be a finitely generated, infinite, virtually abelian group; that is, $G$ is infinite, but there is a finite set $X\subseteq G$ generating $G$, and there exists abelian $H\leq G$ with $[G:H]&...
Jacob Manaker's user avatar
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Which groups have non-trivial cyclic quotient groups?

Under what conditions can it be determined whether or not any group G has some subgroup N such that the quotient group G/N is a cyclic group? In other words, how can it be determined whether or not a ...
Electro-blob's user avatar
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For $H\le G$, abelian $G$, show that $r_0(H)+r_0(G/H)=r_0(G)$, where $r_0(K)$ is the torsionfree rank of $K$

This is Exercise 4.2.7(i) of Robinson's "A Course in the Theory of Groups (Second Edition)". According to Approach0, it is new to MSE. I've asked two previous questions on based on earlier ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Quotient of $\mathbb{R^*}$ by cyclic group product

For any $k \in \mathbb{R^*}, \langle k\rangle$ is a normal subgroup. Consider the case $k \neq 1, k>0$. Then, via the surjective homomorphism $$\varphi: \mathbb{R^*} \to \mathbb{T}\times\{\pm1\}, \...
legionwhale's user avatar
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Let $H, K \lhd G$, then $G = HK \iff G / (H \cap K) \cong G / H \times G / K$

This is a followup of this question So, let $ (G,*) $ be a group. Say $ H,K \lhd G $ If $ G $ is finite, then from the previously asked question we conclude: $ \ G = HK \iff G / (H \cap K) \cong G / H ...
Mathematics Man's user avatar
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The order of elements in infinite quotient groups

There are two statements that my professor made today that I'm hoping I can get some more clarification on. The first is that $\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$ is an infinite quotient group where every element ...
regionalsky's user avatar
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Properties of quotient group $\frac{\Bbb{Q}}{\Bbb{Z}}$

Consider the quotient group $\frac{\Bbb{Q}}{\Bbb{Z}}$ So $\frac{\Bbb{Q}}{\Bbb{Z}}$ = $\{\frac{p}{q}: p, q \in \Bbb{Z}, q \neq 0\}$ Now consider $\Bbb{Z}$+$\frac{r}{m}$ where $m$ is a natural number ...
Gitika's user avatar
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Finding the cosets of $\langle 360\Bbb{Z}, +\rangle$ in $\langle\Bbb{R}, +\rangle$.

I'm struggling to find the cosets of $\langle\mathbb{R}, +\rangle / \langle 360\mathbb{Z}, +\rangle$. Usually I only find cosets of finite groups, in which case I know the cardinality of the subset ...
tau's user avatar
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Group Isomorphic to $(\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z})/ \langle(a,b),(c,d)\rangle$

I have come across an interesting question regarding quotient groups of $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$: Suppose $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ are two independent elements of $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$. ...
Jordan Levin's user avatar