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Solving a QCLP with both equality and inequality quadratic constraints

I have the following quadratically-constrained linear program (QCLP) $$ \begin{array}{ll} \underset {x} {\text{minimize}} & -c^T x \\ \text{subject to} & x^T Q x \leq a^2 \\ & x^T L x = 1 \...
Renganathan Subramanian's user avatar
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Solve with KKT min $x_1-4x_2+x_3$

Given min $x_1-4x_2+x_3$ s.t $x_1+2x_2+2x_3=-2$ $||x||^2\leq1$ (i)Given a KKT point of the problem above,must it be an optimal solution? (ii) Find the optimal solution of the problem using KKT ...
convxy's user avatar
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Maximisation of a piecewise affine function over an ellipsoid

Given vectors $\mathrm a, \bar{\mathrm x} \in \mathbb R^n$ and matrix $\mathrm P \in \mathbb S^n_{++}$, how to deal with the absolute value in the objective function of this optimization problem in $\...
fire-bee's user avatar
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Optimization of linear objective with quadratic integer constraint

Is there any way to solve an linear optimization problem with quadratic integer constraint? E.g. $\max a^Tx$, $x=\langle x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n \rangle$ s.t. $x_ix_j<b_{ij}$, $\forall x_i,x_j \in x$ ...
MonsterWhat's user avatar
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Python solver for a linear objective function with quadratic constraints

I need to optimize a problem of the following form within Python $ minimize$ $\qquad abs(\Delta w) \;\epsilon^T$ $s.t.$ $\qquad(w+\Delta w)C(w+\Delta w)^T \; \le 9500 (some\; finite\; number) \\\\[...
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