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Smallest $k$ to make sure the $k$-nearest-neighbor graph is connected

Given any $n$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$, then make an undirected edge between every point and each of its $k$ nearest neighbors (in Euclidean distance). What is the smallest $k$ to make sure that the ...
Tony B's user avatar
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counting allowable/admissible paths on a grid with obstacles

I have a grid where some paths are removed. where the following path is admissible, but this path is not. How can I go about finding how many admissible paths are there on the following 2 grids (...
mq1998's user avatar
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A question regarding a $k$-connected graph

I would like to show several things, some for general $k$-connected graphs and some for several instances ($k=2,3,...$). First, I want to show that for every $k$-connected graph each subset $A\...
Mařík Savenko's user avatar
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How to count number of vertices in a particular graph.

Let $4\leq r\leq \lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ and $P_n$ be a path graph on $n\geq 2r$ vertices. $V(P_n) = \{v_1,\ldots,v_n\}$. We obtain a graph $H$ by adding a vertex $x$ to $P_n$ such that $x$ is ...
HPS's user avatar
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Proving vertex form of Menger's Theorem et al. without using capacity of vertices.

I'm teaching an undergrad course in graph theory and have just finished the proof of Max Flow/Min Cut. So far I have used Diestel's definition (more or less) of flow network as a digraph $G$ with a ...
matty_k_walrus's user avatar