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Property of Solutions to Two Correlated Optimization Problems

Here are two integral equations that correlated with each other For $w\in[0,w_0]$: \begin{equation} x^*_w\triangleq\begin{cases} &-\infty,~\mbox{if }\nexists~x\geq 0~\mbox{such that }y^*_v+p-v\...
KevinKim's user avatar
  • 241
6 votes
2 answers

Is it possible for extremely ingenious but elementary proofs for famous problems to exist?

As Erdős put it, "Mathematics is not ready for such problems." when faced with the great conjecture of Collatz. So is it impossible altogether for simple but ingenious proofs for famous problems ...
Dilcue's user avatar
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3 answers

Result of solving an unsolved problem?

I know that when some of the previously unsolved problems were solved they created new fields in mathematics. May someone explain to me what would be the result of a major problem like the Hodge ...
Colbi's user avatar
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Problem Solving - Project Crashing Time

My working out: (EST,EFT) times for the activities: A: (0,0) B: (0,8) C: (3,3) D: (10,38) E: (10,18) F: (18,18) G: (25,33) H: (58,58) I: (25,33) J: (45,53) K: (118,118) Finish: (133,133) Critical ...
confused's user avatar
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How can I solve this problem without having to do it by hand?

I'm dealing with the following problem in computational programming. I'm trying to find a way to build an algorithm that can quickly resolve the following problem statement without forcing me to do it ...
Alexandru's user avatar
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How can I solve this problem without doing it by hand? [duplicate]

I'm dealing with the following problem in computational programming. I'm trying to find a way to build an algorithm that can quickly resolve the following problem statement without forcing me to do it ...
Alexandru's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any way to solve this problem without having to do it by hand? [duplicate]

I'm dealing with the following problem in computational programming. I'm trying to find a way to build an algorithm that can quickly resolve the following problem statement. Is there any way to group ...
Alexandru's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

The value of $\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+\cdots\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+1}}}}}}$?

How to find value of $\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+\cdots\sqrt{1-\sqrt{1+1}}}}}}$ ? I've calculated it by MATLAB for some finite terms and I've got : $0.3001 - 0.4201i$, but I don't know how to ...
Mahdi Khosravi's user avatar
20 votes
13 answers

How can we produce another geek clock with a different pair of numbers?

So I found this geek clock and I think that it's pretty cool. I'm just wondering if it is possible to achieve the same but with another number. So here is the problem: We want to find a number $n \...
Lipis's user avatar
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Large-scale Coordinated Research in Mathematics

I've long dreamt of an occasion where hundreds or thousands of mathematicians work on a single problem in a truly coordinated way. Well, now that I'm nearing my doctoral defense in mathematics, I've ...