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How to prove that $\mathrm{SL}_{2} (\mathbb F_{3})$ is not isomorphic to $S_{4}$?

How to prove that $\mathrm{SL}_{2} (\mathbb F_{3})$ is not isomorphic to $S_{4}$? They are both group of order $24$ and both groups have elements of order $2, 3$ and $4$. I don't know how to work from ...
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Showing $PSL(2,9)$ doesn't have a subgroup of order $90$

I got stuck in proving that there is not any subgroup of order $90$ in group $PSL(2,9) = SL(2,9)/Z(SL(2,9))$. Can anyone help?
Minh Nam's user avatar
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Showing that the general linear group is isomorphic to symmetric group.

Let $G = GL(2, \Bbb Z_2)$, the general linear group of $2 \times 2$ invertible matrices with coefficients in $\Bbb Z_2$. Show that $G$ is isomorphic to $S_3$. I'm having trouble getting started with ...
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