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Some questions about the proof of the third Sylow theorem [closed]

Sylow's Theorem: Let $|G| = p^n · m$ with $p$ prime, m coprime to $p$, and $n ≥ 1$. The number $α(p)$ of $p$-Sylow groups of $G$ is a divisor of $m$ and of the form $α(p) = 1+kp$ for a $k ≥ 0$. Proof:...
Marco Di Giacomo's user avatar
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Grillet - Abstract Algebra - Second Edition, proposition 5.5 of section II.

I'm having trouble understanding the following proof of this proposition: If a Sylow $p$-subgroup of a finite group $G$ is normal in $G$, then it is the largest $p$-subgroup of $G$ and the only Sylow ...
Fabrizio G's user avatar
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Theorem 10, Section 2.5 of Hungerford’s Abstract Algebra

Theorem 5.10. (Third Sylow Theorem) If $G$ is a finite group and $p$ a prime, then the number of Sylow $p$-subgroups of $G$ divides $|G|$ and is of the form $kp+1$ for some $k\geq O$. Proof: By the ...
user264745's user avatar
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Theorem 7, Section 2.5 of Hungerford’s Abstract Algebra

Theorem 5.7. (First Sylow Theorem) Let $G$ be a group of order $p^nm$, with $n\geq 1$, $p$ prime, and $(p,m)=1$. Then $G$ contains a subgroup of order $p^i$ for each $1\leq i\leq n$ and every subgroup ...
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Why can't a group of order 132 contain 3 Sylow $2$-subgroups and be simple?

In the question titled Prove that if |G|=132 then G cannot be simple, it is shown a group of order $132$ cannot be simple. My summary of the proof: assume group is simple deduce the number of Sylow $...
zabop's user avatar
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Proof of Sylow's first theorem conclusion.

$\newcommand{\fix}{\text{Fix}}$ $\newcommand{\orb}{\text{Orb}}$ $\newcommand{\stab}{\text{Stab}}$ I'm having an issue concluding the proof of Sylow's 1st theorem in the case where we assume $p \nmid |...
Irving Rabin's user avatar
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Proof of 1st Sylow Theorem by induction on $|G|$.

Theorem: Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ be a prime dividing the order of $G$. Then $G$ contains a Sylow $p$-subgroup. I'm getting stumped at one part of the proof. Proof: Let $G$ be a finite ...
Irving Rabin's user avatar
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Why is $|H \cdot gP|=1$?

In the begining of the Second Sylow Theorem proof my teacher did the following: Let $G$ be finite a group, $P$ a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$ and $H$ any $p$-subgroup. Consider the following group ...
Eduardo Magalhães's user avatar
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If $G$ is a group of order $1575$ with normal Sylow $3$ subgroup, then show that Sylow $5$ and $7$ subgroups are both normal.

This is Dummit & Foote's Exercise 4.5.28 of "Abstract Algebra". If $G$ is a group of order $1575$ with normal Sylow $3$ subgroup, then show that Sylow $5$ and $7$ subgroups are both ...
one potato two potato's user avatar
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Understanding a proof that $|G|=pq,(p<q) \Rightarrow G$ is not simple.

Proposition Let $G$ be a finite group and $|G|=pq$ where $p<q$ and $p,q$ are prime. Then, $G$ is not simple. The questioneer of this page A finite group of order $pq$ cannot be simple. writes the ...
emoticon・ω・'s user avatar
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Prove that if $|G| = 160$, $G$ is not simple.

I'm trying to prove this with Sylow's Theorem. I understand that the intersection between two Sylow-2 subgroups $H$ and $K$ cannot be of order $16$, since $| H \cap K| = 16$ implies $H \cap K \lhd G$. ...
Dimen's user avatar
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Proof of Sylow's Theorem (Herstein) - why is $no(H) = o(G)$?

The theorem is: (Sylow's theorem): If $p$ is a prime number, and $p^\alpha |o(G)$, then $G$ has a subgroup of order $p^\alpha$. Right before the proof, the author has established that if $n = p^\...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Prove that any $p$-subgroup of a finite group $G$ is contained in a Sylow $p$-subgroup

I'm trying to understand the proof from this post: Show a certain group is contained in a Sylow p-group. But certain things I cant decipher. Specifically, I'm looking at the top-rated answer. If these ...
user569685's user avatar
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Let $G$ be a non-nilpotent group where all the non-normal abelian subgroups of $G$ are cyclic. Then $G$ has cyclic center.

Theorem : Let $G$ be a non-nilpotent group such that all the non-normal abelian subgroups of $G$ are cyclic. Then $G$ has cyclic center. Proof. Suppose that $Z(G)$ is non-cyclic. since $G$ is non-...
amir bahadory's user avatar
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Clarification on proof of fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups

Herstein's Topics in Algebra provides a proof of the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups, that is, every finite abelian group is the direct product of cyclic groups. In an earlier exercise, ...
buffle's user avatar
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Clarification on partitioning a group into cosets

I'm reading I. N. Herstein's proof of Sylow's third theorem: Theorem: The number of $p$-Sylow subgroups in $G$, for a given prime, is of the form $1+kp$. Here is a picture of the proof, for ...
buffle's user avatar
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Every finite group contains a Sylow $p$-subgroup

Let $G$ be a finite group of order $n$ and $p$ a prime number. Write $n=p^rm$ for some $r\in\mathbb{N}$ and $m\in\mathbb{N}_{\geq1}$ such that $m\not\in p\mathbb{Z}$. Let $$E=\{X\subset G\ :\ |X|=p^r\}...
user764205's user avatar
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Prove that a group of order 45 is necessarily abelian by Sylows' Theorems [duplicate]

So far, my attempt of proof looks like this: $\#G =45=3^2\times 5$, so: By the 1st Sylow Theorem that G has p-subgroups of order 5, 9 and 3. By the 3rd theorem, the p-subgroups of order 5 and 9 have ...
Rye's user avatar
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Group of order $p^{\alpha}q$ is not simple.

$|G|=p^{\alpha}q$, where $p,q$ are distinct primes, $\alpha \geq 1$. Show $G$ is not simple. I am trying to follow a proof and I understand all of it except one part which is blocking me. The proof ...
pureundergrad's user avatar
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Why does $a^p \equiv 1\ (\text {mod}\ q)$?

Suppose $G$ is a group of order $pq$ with $p<q, p \nmid q-1$ and $p,q$ are primes. Then $G$ is cyclic. The way our instructor has proved this theorem is as follows $:$ He first proved that $G$ ...
little o's user avatar
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trying to understand this proof of sylows theorem that say the number of p-sylow subgroups is 1+kp

I'm Very confused as to what my lecturer means in the final few lines of a proof of one of sylows theorems means. The theorem in question is the one that says the number of sylow P-subgroups is 1+kp. ...
excalibirr's user avatar
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a few questions about what's going on in this proof of sylow's theorem I found

Note: If someone wants to even just answer my first question in the comments until someone else decides to give a full answer I'd be pretty happy. I just want to know there's no mistakes in it before ...
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First Sylow Theorem proof [duplicate]

Let $G $ be group such that $p^a $divides $|G|$ then G has subgroup of order $p^a|$. Proof:Let $|G|=p^am$ Let $\mu$ is set of all subset with $p^a$ elements. SO there are $\binom{p^am}{p^a}$ element ....
Curious student's user avatar
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Understanding Proof of Sylow theorem from Herstein

I was trying to learn group theory indepedently form Herstein' Topics of Algebra. I that I now reading Sylow's theorem.In that I trying to understand first proof of sylow theorem. But I am not able to ...
Curious student's user avatar
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Explanation of a proof of the Second Sylow Theorem (Conjugation of Sylow p-subgroups)

I am an undergrad Mathematics student and I've been reading some additional literature for my lectures and came upon a quite short and seemingly elegant proof of the Second Sylow Theorem. Though, I ...
Nik Staro's user avatar
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Finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups of given order

Let $G$ be a periodic locally soluble group with finite Sylow p-subgroups for all primes p. It is know that in these conditions $G$ is residually finite. Moreover it can be proved that $G$ has only ...
W4cc0's user avatar
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Understanding Sylow's First Theorem Using Double Cosets

Remark on Double Cosets Sylow's First Theorem The above hyperlinks are on the proof I'm referring to. The above is the proof of: All Sylow $p$-groups are conjugate. It is assumed: Let $G$ be a ...
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Proof explanation on a group of order $595$ having a normal Sylow $17$-subgroup. [duplicate]

Prove that a group of order 595 has a normal Sylow 17-subgroup. The proof is as follows: By Sylow, $n_{17} = 1$ or $35$. Assume $n_{17} = 35$. Then the union of the Sylow $17$-subgroups has $561$...
Oliver G's user avatar
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Cyclic groups of order $pq$ proof question

Let $H$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$ and let $K$ be a Sylow $q$-subgroup of $G$. Sylow’s Third Theorem states that the number of Sylow $p$-subgroups of $G$ is of the form $1+kp$ and divides $pq$....
Oliver G's user avatar
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Class equation and orbit stabilizer theorem

I was reading the proof of the following theorem but I cannot understand how to use the class equation as he wants me to. Theorem Suppose that $G=HK$ where $H$ is a normal locally finite $p'$-...
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