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Defining topological properties of functions without homeomorphisms

I started writing this thinking it was going to be more vague, but I ended up kind of half-attempting to answer my own question in the process and now my main question is whether or not my half-...
Erik's user avatar
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Existence of a Bernstein set having the same cardinality as $\Bbb R$? [closed]

Does there exists a subset $S$ of $\mathbb{R}$ that is of the same cardinality as $\mathbb{R}$, such that neither $S$ nor $\Bbb R\setminus S$ contains any uncountable closed subset of $\mathbb{R}$? I ...
Lavendula's user avatar
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Null law and Nullary intersection

I have been thinking of a problem that I could not get the most satisfying answer yet. The problem I have been thinking of: We know that the Null law says: $$A\cap \varnothing = \varnothing$$ but why ...
user516076's user avatar
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How would I negate this mathematical statement (Basic Set Theory)?

Negate the following: For all $x\in G$, there exists a region $R$ such that $x\in R\subset G$. I am struggling with how to interpret "$x\in R\subset G$". Is this the same as "$x\in R$ ...
NebulaTrail43's user avatar
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Question in Topology Without Tears by Sidney A. Morris.

I currently reading Topology Without Tears by Sidney A. Morris and I already read through eight chapters which topic is Finite Product. I try to show that "open interval (a,b) in $\mathbb{R}$ is $...
Tan's user avatar
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Symmetric correspondence between two sets

Consider two intervals $\displaystyle A,B\subseteq \mathbb{R}$. I want to define a correspondence $\displaystyle G:A\rightrightarrows B$ that satisfies the following two properties: For any $\...
cruijf's user avatar
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Unclear part of Filter definition [duplicate]

In Bourbaki's General Topology, section on Filters, there is a part i find troublesome. Here is a segment from the book: 6. Filters 1. Definition of a Filter Definition 1. A filter on a set $ X $ is ...
Milan's user avatar
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How is this operation called and denoted?

$$\{(X_0,Y_0)\}\ast\{(X_1,Y_1)\} = \{(X_0,Y_0),(X_0,Y_1),(X_1,Y_0),(X_1,Y_1)\}.$$ How is the operation $\ast$ called? It is not Cartesian product but something similar. If the operand sets of $\ast$ ...
porton's user avatar
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Initial topology. Proof writing.

Let $X$ be a set. Let $(Y_i, \tau_i)$ be topological spaces and $f_i:X \to Y_i$ a family of mappings, $i \in I$. The set $X$ is endowed with the initial topology with respect to $\{f_i\}$. Let us ...
Mths's user avatar
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Compactness in $\mathbb{R^2}$ with subspace topology $\mathbb{Q^2}$ [closed]

We are considering $\mathbb{R^2}$ with euclidean topology with Subspace $\mathbb{Q^2}$. We need to check whether the set $\{(x,y) \in \mathbb{Q^2}\mid \mathbb{x^2+y^2=1}\}$ is compact with subspace ...
PhilM's user avatar
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Equivalence relation of adjunction space

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two topological spaces and $A \subset X$. Let $f : A \to X$ to be a continuous function. I constructed the adjunction space like here:
MathLearner's user avatar
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Product of closed sets is closed in product topology

I have this formula: Let $X,Y$ two sets and condsider $C,E\subseteq X, \hspace{3pt} D,F\subseteq Y$. It's true that $(C\times D)\setminus (E\times F)=\left((C\setminus E)\times D\right)\cup \left((C\...
Sigma Algebra's user avatar
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On the intersection of nested sequence of nice sets [closed]

Let $\{H_n\}$ be a sequence of non-empty closed, bounded and convex sets in a Banach space $X$ with $H_{n+1}\subseteq H_n$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}.$ Denote $\delta(A)= \sup\{\|x-y\|: x, y\in A\},$ ...
admaths's user avatar
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Prove that the family of neighborhoods of $\Bbb N$ in $\Bbb R$ does not have a countable basis. [duplicate]

Let $X$ be a topological space and $A$ a nonempty subset of $X$. A subset $V$ of $X$ is called a neighborhood of $A$ if there exists an open subset $U$ of $X$ such that $A\subset U \subset V$. The set ...
noname1014's user avatar
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Are all $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ with $|(a, b) \cap X| = \mathfrak{c}$ and $|(a, b) \setminus X| = \mathfrak{c}$ homeomorphic?

Set $\mathfrak{c} = 2^{\aleph_0}$. Say that a set $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ has the property $P(X)$ if for any open interval $(a, b)$ we have $|(a, b) \cap X| = \mathfrak{c}$ and $|(a, b) \setminus X| =...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Can any non-empty open subset of $\mathbb R^n$ be written as a countable union of open balls whose centres belong to the open set itself?

Consider an arbitrary non-empty open set $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$. Is it true that one can find a countable collection of open balls $(B(x_l,r_l))_{l \in \mathbb N}$, where $x_l \in \Omega$ and $...
xyz's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of Cantor-Bendixson Rank

Yesterday I asked this question: Derived set of a closed subspace The motivation of my question is that I am studying the notion of Cantor-Bendixson Rank, and I have found two different definitions. I ...
Earnur's user avatar
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Does the existence of a countable basis on a metric topology imply existence of a countable collection of balls which is also a basis?

I think the answer should be yes, and I am trying to prove the positive answer. Let $(X,T)$ be the topological space, and $G=\{ G_{\alpha} \}$ be our countable basis and $\mathbb{B}$ be the open ball ...
Brian's user avatar
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Up to a null set, is the countable intersection of open sets $O_1,O_2,\dots\subset\mathbb R$ equal to a countable union of disjoint closed intervals?

Suppose $\{O_i\}_{i=1}^\infty$ is any sequence of open sets in the reals $\mathbb R$. Is is true that their intersection $\bigcap_{i=1}^\infty O_i$ is, up to a null set, equal to some at-most ...
Alann Rosas's user avatar
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Show a unit sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$ and $\mathbb{R}$ are equivumerous

Let $\mathbb{S}^2$ denote the unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^3$,i.e. \begin{align*} \mathbb{S}^2 := \{(x,y,z) \in \mathbb{R}^3 \vert x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1\} \end{align*} Show that $\mathbb{S}^2 $ and $ \...
I like Milo's user avatar
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Complete Boolean Algebra and Distributivity [duplicate]

Thear are two facts about Boolean algebra: Every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to an algebra of sets. (Stone's Representation Thm) Every complete algebra of sets is completely distributive. (said in ...
BlowingWind's user avatar
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Why do we want topologies to be closed under both finite and infinite union but not infinite intersection? [duplicate]

So I recently read the definition of a topological space and a topology from a book, and according to it, the topology must be closed under finite and infinite union, but it must only be closed under ...
zlaaemi's user avatar
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Showing a certain rule defines a topology

Let $L_1, L_2, L_3, \ldots$ be a family (sequence) of parallel lines in the plane, and let $X$ be an infinite union of $L_n$. Let us call a subset $G$ of $X$ big if either $G = \varnothing$ or $L_n \...
user1033615's user avatar
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Show convergence of sets

Consider the following sets: $$ \begin{aligned} & A_n\equiv \Big\{ x\in X: d\big(p_n, [\ell(x), u(x) ] \big)\leq \delta_n\Big\}\\ & A \equiv \Big\{ x\in X: \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} d\...
Star's user avatar
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How many natural numbers are needed to generate 14 distinct subsets under complement and multiplicative closure?

Let the multiplicative closure operator $h$ be defined on $\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N})$ by setting $hA$ equal to the smallest set containing $A$ that is closed under multiplication. In L. F. Meyers' ...
mathematrucker's user avatar
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Hard time grasping Dedekind cuts and real numbers [duplicate]

I have been trying to understand some elementary set theory recently, and am trying to understand how the real number line can be defined using the set of rational numbers. In particular, I am trying ...
Alice's user avatar
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Baby Rudin theorem 2.43: Why is it always possible to construct $V_n$ with $x_n \not\in \overline{V_{n+1}}$?

Code borrowed from here. Let $P$ be a non-empty perfect set in $\mathbb{R}^k$. Then $P$ is uncountable. Here's the definition of a perfect set: Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space, and let $P \subset X$. ...
Mathematics enjoyer's user avatar
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Showing that the set of open sets of the finite-closed topology on $\mathbb{Z}$ is countably infinite

Here is what I have tried so far. Define $F = \{X \subseteq \mathbb{Z} \ : \ |X| < \infty\}$ be the set of all finite subsets of $\mathbb{Z}$. Further define $F_k$ be the set of subsets of finite ...
codeing_monkey's user avatar
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Is it true that $A\in\{A\cup B\}$

I'm studying topology, and I've encountered a set $$\mathcal{T}_{\mathcal{B}} = \bigg\{\bigcup_{i\in I}B_i:B_i\in\mathcal{B}\bigg\},$$ where $\mathcal{B}$ is a basis for a topology, and $I$ is an ...
faquad's user avatar
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Internal points of $\mathbb{N}$

So, I have been taught that the empty set $\emptyset$ is both open and closed (if we can add "vacuously" it would be better). $\emptyset$ is open because it contains all its internal points. ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Topology Without Tears Exercise $1.1.9$ - Union of infinite rational open intervals

I'm working through the book Topology without Tears by Sidney A. Morris, and I've come to a roadblock while trying to solve exercise $1.1.9$, specifically with part iii. My background is primarily in ...
jdong-sw's user avatar
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How do you prove that all countable, densely ordered sets without endpoints are isomorphic to the rationals?

I've looked online for a proof of this and have found several references to Canter's isomorphism theorem and the "back-and-forth method." However, I haven't been able to find any explicit ...
user93824's user avatar
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What is the union of sets that are elements of the empty set? [duplicate]

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space with a base $\mathfrak{B}$. As $∅ ∈ \tau$, it must be possible: $∃ \beta \subseteq \mathfrak{B} | ∅=\bigcup_{G ∈ \beta}^{}G$. On the other hand, it can be: $\beta ...
George's user avatar
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Topology as an order (not order topology)

Given a topological space $(X,T)$, the topology $T$ is also a partial order with the inclusion relation $(T,\subseteq)$. Given a continuous function $f:A\to B$ between two spaces $(A,T_1)$ and $(B, ...
talekhine's user avatar
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Calculate the transitive interior and the transitive closure.

We say that a set $X$ is transitive whether for any $x$ in $X$ the implication $$ (x\in X)\to(x\subseteq X) $$ holds; moreover, we say that the set $S(y)$ is the successive of any set $y$ when the ...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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Metric on the set of non-empty finite subsets (Ex. 2.4 MTH 427/527)

I am taking a course titled "Introduction to Topology I. General Topology" and stuck on the following exercise from the course notes: Let $S$ be a set and $\mathcal F(S)$ denote the set of ...
Anton Antonov's user avatar
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Cannot understand this solution (max, min of a set)

$$A = \{ |x|: x^2+x < 2\}$$ Solving the inequality we get $-2 < x < 1$. Now in the notes there is written that this corresponds to write $A$ in this way: $$A = [0, 2)$$ But I don't get how ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Doubt on the infinite union of closed sets

I've been looking around (websites, notes and so on) but I never found a proof for this: $$\bigcup_{n = 1}^{+\infty} \left[\frac{1}{n}, 1 - \frac{1}{n}\right] = (0, 1)$$ I am not understanding why ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Sup and inf and boundary of this set

I have to find $\sup$, $\inf$ and $\partial A$ of the set $$ A = \left\{ (-1)^n \frac{n^2+1}{2n^2+3}:\ n\in\mathbb{N} \right\}$$ So as $n\to +\infty$ we oscillate between $\pm \frac{1}{2}$. Those are ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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A set of mutually overlapping intervals

I need a reference for this elementary result which I assume to be true and known. Adding a citation in the paper I'm writing (even to a problem in a textbook) would be faster and more elegant than ...
G.R.'s user avatar
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Prove that in a topological space, empty intersection of a set and its boundary implies that the set is in the topology

As the title suggests, I would like to prove that in a topological space $(X,\tau)$ $$A\cap\partial A = \varnothing\implies A\in\tau$$ is true for $A\subset X$. My attempt: For every $x\in A,\,\...
KaiH's user avatar
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Why require empty set in topology if any set contains empty set by definition

I don't look for exactly philosophical/motivational reason, i'm just confused because the almighty wikipedia says that $\forall A: \varnothing \subseteq A$, hence requiring empty set seems redundant (...
Utof's user avatar
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Derived set of subset $A$ of metric space $(X,d)$ is a closed set

I have to prove that derived set of subset $A$ of metric space $(X,d)$ is a closed set. And here is my attempt: it is sufficient to prove $\overline{A^{'}}=A^{'}$, and it is equivalent to prove $(A^{'}...
MGIO's user avatar
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If a metric space $M$ has only countably many open sets, prove that $M$ is countable

I found the following exercise If a metric space $M$ has only countably many open sets, prove that $M$ is countable. in Kaplansky's Set theory and metric spaces (section 4.3, exercise 19) I was ...
some_math_guy's user avatar
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What is the difference between an improper subset and equal sets?

I've searched a lot but couldn't help myself with the distinction between an improper subset and equal sets. I would appreciate if someone could help me here.
Sharjeel Faiq's user avatar
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Prove that $\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(X)^c)^c)^c)^c=\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(X)^c)^c$

$S$ is a metric space and $X \subset S$. Define $\mathrm{Cl}(X)$ and $X^c$ as the closure and complement of $X$. Prove that $\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{Cl}(X)^c)^c)^c)^c=\mathrm{Cl}(\...
Krystal Justin's user avatar
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Can the number of topologies on a set $X$ be equal to $2^{2^{|X|}}$? [duplicate]

Is there a non empty set $X$ such that $|T_X| = 2^{2^{|X|}}$ where $T_X$ are all topologies on $X$? I know $T_X$ to be a strict subset of $\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{P}(X))$ and that no finite set works.
Logarithmnepnep's user avatar
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A question about sup and inf

My professor last week told us about max, min, sup and inf of a set, and while talking about sup and inf, he stated that they always do exist. For example if $A = (2, 4)$ then $\sup (A) = 4$ and $\inf(...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Prove or disprove a particular statement in proximity spaces

A proximity space is a set $X$ with a relation $\sim$ between its subsets such that it satisfies the following axioms $A\sim B\Rightarrow B\sim A$ $A\sim B\Rightarrow A,B\ne \varnothing$ $A\cap B\ne \...
CliffordSamba's user avatar
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Let $A,B,C \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be convex, bounded and closed set, then $A+C=B+C \Rightarrow A=B$

Here a question and I would like to know if my solution is correct. I think that it is not needed to use the fact that those sets are convexe, bounded & closed in order to solve the exercice, ...
X0-user-0X's user avatar

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