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LU decomposition of banded matrix with partial pivoting

Disclaimer: I'm rusty as can be in this department. I'm looking into how to implement a banded matrix LU decomposition with partial pivoting ($PA = LU$). So to start with I implemented regular matrix ...
Wout's user avatar
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Is the LU decomposition just Gauss-Jordan elimination?

I am watching Gilbert Strang's neat lecture on the LU decomposition, which is taught just after Gaussian elimination. $LU$ for a matrix $A$ was found doing $EA=U$ and finally $A=E^{-1}U$. Seems to me, ...
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Missing the point of LU factorization / decomposition

Gaussian Elimination The system of linear equations $Ax = b$ may be solved by using Gaussian Elimination (GE) arriving to a Row Echelon Form R of the augmented matrix $[A b]$, and then using back-...
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Do the rows used in row operations during LU factorisation matter?

A method I have seen for finding the LU factorisation of a matrix is that U is the row echelon form of A. The row operations we perform on A to get to U must involve replacing $R_i$ by $R_i - kR_j$ ...
Blahblahblacksheep's user avatar
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Row reducing an integer matrix

Given a $n\times n$ integer matrix, what is the best row reduction that can be found using only integer row operations of the form: an integer multiple of row $i$ can be added to row $j$ row i can be ...
Cameron's user avatar
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Integer row reduction without scalar multiplication

For which matrices is it possible to find the (unreduced, and with arbitrary pivot) Echelon form of a matrix following Gaussian elimination, but only with the row operations: Adding/subtracting one ...
Cameron's user avatar
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Conjecture with a three-diagonal system of equations

Everything in the sequel real-valued. And it is silently assumed that the denominators are non-zero, though the latter is not a trivial issue. Consider a piece of an (infinitely) large system of ...
Han de Bruijn's user avatar
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Is there any situation where the LDU decomposition is the same as the eigenvalue decomposition?

I was just wondering if there are any situation where the LDU decomposition is the same as eigenvalue decomposition (diagonalization)? The only way this can be possible if L and U are inverse so ...
Bill's user avatar
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Are elementary row operators in linear algebra mutually exclusive?

There are three types of elementary row operations: I) row switching, II) row multiplication and III) row addition, corresponding to three kinds of row operation matrix. My question is that does ...
eigenless's user avatar
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Given A=LU factorization, prove that the basis of column space A is the columns of L that correspond to the pivot columns of U

I understand that the basis of column space A is just the columns of A that correspond to the pivot columns of U. This is because U is just the reduced row echelon form. However, as mentioned in the ...
user3814631's user avatar
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LU factorization of a singular matrix

I am trying to find the LU factorisation of the following matrix: $$A=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 3 \\ 2 & 2 & 2 \\ 3 & 6 & -3 \end{pmatrix}.$$ Note that $A$ is singular. I ...
M B's user avatar
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Matrix $E$ of the elimination

We have the matrix $$M=\begin{pmatrix}4 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 2 & 1 & -1\end{pmatrix}$$ I want to find the lower triangular matrix $E$ of the elimination. Is this matrix $E$...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Gaussian LU and Crout's Method give me different answers

My book -Numerical Method- said, The Crout's method (LU Decomposition) formula is given by $$ \begin{aligned} A&= \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12}& a_{13} \\ a_{21} & a_{22}& a_{...
user516076's user avatar
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LU factorization for finding inverse matrix

I have the following matrix: $$ A|\underline{b} = \left ( \begin{array}{lll|l} -3 & 2 & 1 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 & -1 \\ 4 & -2 & 2 & -2 \end{array} \right ) $$ I ...
JB-Franco's user avatar
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LU decomposition of matrix using column pivoting

I want to find the LU decomposition of the following matrix $A$ using Gauss algorithm and column pivoting. $$A=\begin{pmatrix}6 & 4 & 3 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 2 \\ 2 & 3 & 1 ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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LU decomposition of SPD matrix without partial pivoting?

I get why diagonal dominant matrices do not need partial pivoting before Gaussian elimination can be applied in order to gain a LU decomposition, but why is this also the case for SPD matrices in ...
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Why does $L$ have to be lower triangular in the LU factorization?

I was studying LU factorization, when I didn't understand a particular phrase, or rather, how it works or why it works. During LU factorization L is said to be a lower triangular matrix and U is ...
bzal's user avatar
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Cost of LU decomposition (time cost)

After calculation of the cost of the steps of the LU decomposition, and we come to the end result: $(2/3)n^3 - (2/3)n$ and we say the total cost is then $(2/3)n^3$ (ignoring the term $(-2/3)n$), ...
ZelelB's user avatar
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Show $A$ has an $LU$ factorization if and only if for each $k$ with $ 1 \leq k \leq m$, the upper left block $A(1:k,1:k)$ is nonsingular.

Let $A$ be a nonsingular square matrix ($m \times m$). Show $A$ has an $LU$ factorization if and only if for each $k$ with $ 1 \leq k \leq m$, the upper left block $A(1:k,1:k)$ is nonsingular. ...
Zduff's user avatar
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Strictly column diagonally dominant matrices and Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting

Suppose $A \in \mathbb{C}^{m \times m}$ is strictly column diagonally dominant, which means that for each $k$, $$\left| a_{kk} \right| > \sum_{j \neq k} \left|a_{jk}\right|$$ Show that if ...
cgmil's user avatar
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LU decomposition; do permutation matrices commute?

I have an assignment for my Numerical Methods class to write a function that finds the PA=LU decomposition for a given matrix A and returns P, L, and U. Nevermind the coding problems for a moment; ...
BenL's user avatar
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numerical stability: LU decomposition

I'm trying to evaluate the numerical stability of LU decomposition. I implemented code in java to calculate the inverse matrix with LU. I made 3 attemps. a) mantissa 4 b) mantissa 6 c) maschine ...
Matthias M.'s user avatar
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Show that if the leading principal minors of a nonsingular $n\times n$ matrix $A$ are all nonzero then the matrix $A$ has $LU$ factorization

I am stucked at this problem: Prove by induction that if the leading principal minors of an $n\times n$ nonsingular matrix $A$ are all nonzero then the matrix $A$ has $LU$ factorization. (The $k$-...
MathNerd's user avatar
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LU-factorization: why can't I get a unit lower triangular matrix?

I want to find an $LU$-factorization of the following matrix: \begin{align*} A = \begin{pmatrix} 3 & -6 & 9 \\ -2 & 7 & -2 \\ 0 & 1 & 5 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*} This matrix ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Time complexity of LU decomposition

I am trying to derive the LU decomposition time complexity for an $n \times n$ matrix. Eliminating the first column will require $n$ additions and $n$ multiplications for $n-1$ rows. Therefore, the ...
amaatouq's user avatar
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Proving Frobenius Theorem for Eigen Values

In my mulitivariable calculus class to justify second derivative test my professor used a theorem he called the frobenius theorem. But when I searched on wiki all I could find was Perron Frobenius ...
happymath's user avatar
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Is the U factor in LU decomposition for rectangular matrices always in row echelon form?

I have come across the following rectangular 5 x 10 matrix and carried out a LU decomposition of it, in the form PA = LU. The following matrices were obtained by function from module ...
Anselmo's user avatar
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LU factorization problem - Writing a code, don't understand partial pivoting

I'm trying to write a matlab code for the following question: The program gets a matrix $A$ (lets say square matrix) and it returns $P,L,U$ such that $PA=PLU$ and $P$ is the permutation matrix, the ...
Oria Gruber's user avatar
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Proof of uniqueness of LU factorization

The first question: what is the proof that LU factorization of matrix is unique? Or am I mistaken? The second question is, how can theentries of L below the main diagonal be obtained from the matrix $...
Tashima Sasaki's user avatar