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Questions tagged [compactness]

The compactness tag is for questions about compactness and its many variants (e.g. sequential compactness, countable compactness) as well locally compact spaces; compactifications (e.g. one-point, Stone-Čech) and other topics closely related to compactness. This includes logical compactness.

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Ahlfors' complex analysis proof doubt - Heine-Borel theorem

I am currently reading Ahlfors' complex analysis. I am confused by his proof that a complete, totally bounded metric space $S$ satisfies the Heine-Borel property (by Heine-Borel property we mean any ...
Hins's user avatar
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Does sequential compactness guarantee every convergent subsequence in S converges to a point in S

Let $E,F \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ be compact sets. Define $$ d(E,F) := \inf_{x \in E, y \in F} |x - y|$$ Prove that there exists points $\hat{x} \in E,\hat{y} \in F$ such that $$ d(E,F) = |\hat{x} - \...
David Yue's user avatar
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Continuity of point to set mapping

A point-to-set map $\Omega(x): X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n \rightrightarrows Y \subseteq \mathbb{R}^p$ is called open at a point $\bar{x} \in X$ if for all sequences $\{ x^k \} \subseteq X $ with $x^k ...
sunflower234's user avatar
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Proof $X=\Bbb R/\Bbb Z$ is not homeomorphic to $B$.

I want to show that the space $B$ is not homeomorphic to the space $X$, where $$ B:=\bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}} C_n=\left\{(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \left\lvert\,\left(x-\frac{1}{n}\right)^2+y^2=\...
James A.'s user avatar
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Is $\omega_1$ Meta-Lindelöf?

A space is meta-Lindelöf provided every open cover of $X$ has a point-countable open refinement. (A collection $\mathscr V$ of subsets of $X$ is point-countable if each point $x\in X$ belongs to at ...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Same topologies using Alaoglu's Theorem

I am trying to prove that for $0 < p < r< 1$ the weak-* topologies $\tau_p:=\sigma(l_{\infty}, l_p)$ and $\tau_r:=\sigma(l_{\infty}, l_r)$ are the same when restricted to norm-bounded subsets ...
Mths's user avatar
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Is it possible for the feasible regions of an LP problem and its dual to both be compact?

I'm sure this is easy for experts, but I'm not sure how to see it myself and I can't find an answer in any of the references I skimmed through. We know that if a (maximizing) linear program is ...
Petra's user avatar
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Is there a metacompact space that fails to be para-Lindelöf?

A space is metacompact provided every open cover of the space has a point-finite open refinement. A space is para-Lindelöf (resp. paracompact) provided every open cover of the space has a locally ...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Show that for all $f\in C(X,\mathbb{R})$ there's a sequence $(f_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ of $\mathcal{F}$ that converges pointwise to $f$.

Let $X$ be a Hausdorff $\sigma$-compact space and $\mathcal{F}\subseteq C(X,\mathbb{R})$ be a subalgebra that separates points of $X$. Show that for all continuous functions $f\in C(X,\mathbb{R})$ ...
rfloc's user avatar
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If A is closed then $X/A$ is a hausdorff space [duplicate]

I m trying to proof the following statement: Let $X$ be a topological space and $A\subset X$ a subset. We write $X/A$ as de quotient space of $X/\sim$ wherein $\forall x,y \in X: x \sim y \iff (x =y $ ...
T_B's user avatar
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Proving compactness is needed to assure the Lebesgue Number Lemma holds

I am attempting to prove compactness is needed to assure the Lebesgue Number Lemma holds via an actual example. My thought is using the interval $\left[0,1\right]$ then comparing that to $\left(0,1\...
melon's user avatar
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Prove that on a Hausdorff $\sigma$-compact space every Baire measure is tight

Let $X$ be a topological space. We say that an open set $U\subseteq X$ is functionally open if there are a continuous function $f:X\to \mathbb{R}$ and an open set $V\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ such that $U=f^...
rfloc's user avatar
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Is there a "maximal" compact, totally disconnected Hausdorff space with a countable base of clopen subsets?

It is a well-established fact that the Cantor set $\mathcal C$ is the perfect, compact, totally disconnected Hausdorff space with a countable base of clopen subsets. But, more broadly, is $\mathcal C$ ...
Michał Zapała's user avatar
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Compactness of Set of Monotone Functions of Probability Measures

I would like to prove compactness of the following set: $$\mathcal{F}= \left\{f\colon\Re_+ \times \mathcal{P}(\Re_+) \longrightarrow [0,1] : f(\cdot , \mu) \ \text{increasing, for every} \ \mu \in \...
Jancsi's user avatar
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Questions about S. Solecki, Analytic ideals and their applications.

I read from "S. Solecki, Analytic ideals and their applications, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 99 (1999),51–71." In the first; I can't understand what is the analytic ideal? I know what the ideal ...
A12345's user avatar
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Why is Hawaiian Earring Sequentially Compact?

I am not looking for a really formal proof, but I remember the reasoning was based on the fact that a subsequence can be found on one of the circles. However I cannot justify this and I don't have any ...
MrAmbiguneDL's user avatar
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Discontinuous function on R that can be uniformly approximated by polynomials

This is my first question here, I have read from here that any almost everywhere continuous function that is almost everywhere equal to a continuous function, can be uniformly approximated by ...
Pneu Jai's user avatar
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Question about coverings of zero Hausdorff measure compact sets (crossposted from mathoverflow)

Consider a compact set $E\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ ad assume that ${\cal H}^{n-1}(E)=0$. If $\epsilon>0$, there is a finite covering of $E$ made of open balls $B_{r_k}(x_k)$ such that $\sum_{k}r_k^{n-1}...
V. Moretti's user avatar
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Are continuous real valued functions on a compact group uniformly continuous? [duplicate]

Suppose $G$ is a compact topological group and $f\colon G\to \mathbb R$ a continuous function. From some bachelor course in analysis I have seen a result stating that continuous functions from a ...
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Function different from the null function on $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ with compact support whose Fourier transform also has compact support.

Problem: "Decide if there exists a function different from the null function on $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ with compact support whose Fourier transform also has compact support. If it exists, give an ...
Emma's user avatar
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Show a set is compact or not on $C[0, 1]$

Let $$S = \left\{ x_n(t) = \frac{1}{1 + t^n} : n \in \mathbb{N} \right\}$$ Determine whether $ S $ is compact in the space $C[0, 1]$ If I understand the task correctly, $C[0,1]$ is the space of all ...
kai1221's user avatar
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What Topologies Can Be Realized Using a Closed Base of Compact Sets

Given an arbitrary topological space $(X,\tau)$, note that the union of two compact sets is always compact, although the intersection of compact sets need not be compact. So we can create a new ...
mathperson314's user avatar
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Are $\sigma$-localy compact sets exhaustible by compact sets?

Claim: Any countable union of compact subsets of a Euclidean space is exhaustible by compact sets. Proof: If $F$ is a subset of a Euclidean space $X$, it is locally compact, because the Euclidean ...
Canine360's user avatar
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Generalization of compactness and local compactness

Consider the operation $r_X(A) = \overline{A}\setminus A$ in a space $X$. Here, suppose that $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space. Call a space $A$ to be $n$-compact in $X$, if $r_X^n(A) = \emptyset$ ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Closed cells of a CW-complex are compact [closed]

Are closed cells of a $CW$-complex always compact? In my definition, a $CW$-complex is a Hausdorff space $X$ with a partition (the cells) with for each cell $C$ a map $\phi : D^n \to C$ ($n$ is the &...
Loulou's user avatar
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Does every door space with an infinite compact set have a single non-isolated point?

A door space has the property that every subset is either closed or open. Note that discrete spaces are door spaces (every subset is both closed and open). A simple non-discrete space that is a door ...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Compactness and closed sets

I'm struggling with the proof (in the book Analisi Matematica 1 Pagani-Salsa) of the Heine-Borel theorem, the theorem states: Given $E \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, then $E$ is compact $\iff$ $E$ is closed ...
Iacopo's user avatar
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Compactness of a space of sequences

I consider the set $X=\{ (x_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}} : \forall n\geq 0, x_n\geq 0,\;\sum_{n\geq 0}x_{n}\leq 1 \}$. I would like to show that $(X,d)$ where $$ d(x,y) = \sum_{n\geq 0}\beta^n\lvert x_n - y_n\...
G2MWF's user avatar
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Does every product of copies of $\mathbb Z$ fail to be pseudocompact?

A space is pseudocompact if every continuous image of the space into $\mathbb R$ is bounded. Clearly $\mathbb Z\subseteq\mathbb R$ is not pseudocompact, as inclusion is in unbounded continuous mapping....
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Compact set of Irrational number is nowhere dense

I am trying to show that: Let $(\mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}, \tau_d)$ be the irrational number space under the Euclidean topology $\tau_d$. Let $S \subseteq \mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}$ be a ...
MTH's user avatar
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If every totally bounded and closed set is compact, is the space complete?

I know a well-known result that if every closed and bounded set is compact, then the whole space is complete. I wonder if this is true when a stricter condition is imposed, that is, only every totally ...
Jeffrey Jao's user avatar
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Addition map is continuous under compact convergence topology

Let $X$ be a topological space. Endow $\mathcal C(X,\mathbf R)$ with the compact convergence topology. Prove: The addition, multiplication and the scalar multiplication $$\begin{aligned}a:\mathcal C(...
Luosw's user avatar
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Compactness of unit sphere in 1-norm; Gamelin and Greene

In Introduction to Topology by Gamelin and Greene, I'm working an exercise to show the equivalence of norms in $\mathbb R^n$. This exercise succeeds another exercise where various equivalent ...
psie's user avatar
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Does $A$ weakly compact in $\mathrm{C}(E,\mathbb{C})$, with $E$ compact, implies $A$ is compact?

Let $E$ be a compact Hausdorff space, and consider the Banach space $\mathrm{C}(E,\mathbb{C})$, of the continuous complex-valued functions, with the supremum norm. Does $A$ weakly compact in $\mathrm{...
Cezar's user avatar
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Is every second-countable weakly locally compact space also locally compact?

A second countable space has a countable basis. A weakly locally compact space has a compact neighborhood for each point of the space; in particular, every compact space is weakly locally compact. A ...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Class of compact sets is compact class

Class $\mathfrak{K}$ of subsets of X is compact class if for every countable $\{K_n\}$, $K_n \in \mathfrak{K}$, next conditions are equivalent: \begin{align*} \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}K_n=\emptyset \iff \...
ManComeOn's user avatar
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Doubt on compact space proof

The topological space $(X,\mathcal{T})$ is compact and exists a compact subset $K$ that is not closed. I want to see that $$ \mathcal{T}_{K^c} = \{ U \cup ( V \cap K^c) \: : \: U,V \in \mathcal{T} \} $...
baristocrona's user avatar
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Proving a point preserving compactness of subsets is a limit point

Let B be an infinite set in $\mathbb{R}$. (Countable or uncountable - we are not given any more details). Let $p \in \mathbb{R}$ be a point such that for every subset $C \subseteq B$ we have $C \cup \{...
giorgio's user avatar
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If $K$ compact, then $\cup_{x \in K} \overline{B_r(x)}=A$ is compact

In class they gave the following exercise, which I haven't been able to prove. It reads: In $\mathbb{R}^n$, given $K$ compact and $r>0$, then $A=\cup_{x \in K}\overline{B_r(x)}$ is also compact. ...
MM3's user avatar
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Compact Resolvent Operator for Schrodinger operator

I encounter problems with the compact operator shown in $L^{\infty}$. Let $\rho \in C^{\infty}_c(-L,L)$, I want to first show $\rho R_0(\lambda)$, where $R_0(\lambda) = (-\Delta + \lambda^2)^{-1}$, is ...
Russell Hua's user avatar
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Exercise 6.5 of Atiyah and Macdonald

A topological space $X$ is said to be Noetherian if the open subsets of $X$ satisfy the ascending chain condition (or, equivalently, the maximal condition). Since closed subsets are complements of ...
user264745's user avatar
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Understanding some concepts regarding metric spaces. [closed]

I already know the base definition and 4 axioms. The things I don't know are completeness, compactness, and connectivity. Also, in the example: $\gamma: [0, 1]\to D$, $\gamma(0) = z_1, \gamma(1) = z_2$...
Danilo Jonić's user avatar
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Well-separated minimum on compact set

On the simplex $\Omega = (w_1,...,w_K : 0 \leq w_k, \sum_k w_k = 1)$ (I'm unsure why the curly brace isn't rendering), I have a continuous function $S: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, and I assume ...
spencergw's user avatar
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Disjoint union of compact Hausdorff spaces is compact Hausdorff

Consider a compact Hausdorff space $A$. Suppose we have a family of compact Hausdorff spaces $\{B_a\}_{a\in A}$ indexed by the space $A$. Then is it true that the space $$X=\sqcup_{a\in A} B_a$$ is ...
shadow10's user avatar
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Is a set defined by a bounded gradient compact? (with log-barrier function)

Consider an augmented function $f$ consisting of (the original cost) function $f_{0}$ with log-barrier functions $f_{i}, i \in \{1, 2\}$ such that $$ f(x) = f_{0}(x) - \frac{1}{c}\sum_{i=1}^{2} \log(-...
Jinrae Kim's user avatar
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Can two compact Hausdorff spaces have the same convergent sequences?

In a lecture that I attended a few days ago, the lecturer seemed to indicate that given a compact Hausdorff space $(X,\tau)$, if we know exactly which sequences in $X$ that are convergent and if we ...
Jon's user avatar
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Proof of continuous image of compact set is compact

Theorem: Let $K\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be compact and $f:K\to \mathbb{R}^m$ continuous. It holds that $f(K)$ is compact. I know the proof is contained in Spivak's Calculus on manifolds, however, I ...
user926356's user avatar
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How to debunk a proof that compact space is sequentially compact [duplicate]

A recent comment under this old answer claims there's some issue with the following proof. Prop. A compact metric space $(M,d)$ is sequentially compact. The "proof": Suppose a sequence $(...
user760's user avatar
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Is the converse of the Tube Lemma true? If $\pi\colon X\times Z \to Z$ is always closed, is $X$ compact?

One of the forms of the Tube Lemma is the following: if $X$ is compact, then for every topological space $Z$, the projection mapping $\pi_Z: X\times Z \to Z$ is closed. In various algebraic geometry ...
Lucas Henrique's user avatar
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Compact mapping of differential operators

Suppose we have functions $F : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ that must satisfy some differential equation on $\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$. Additional we write $\mathbb{R}^n$ as the typical spherical ...
UnkemptPanda's user avatar

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