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Finding generators of Aschbacher subgroups

Aschbacher famously showed that the maximal subgroups of the finite classical groups can be split into various categories. How does one find explicit generators for these groups, when the field is ...
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Locating the maximal subgroups when the character table is known

The character table for many families of classical groups, such as $SL_3(q)$, are known. The maximal subgroups are also had for many of the classical groups, found according to their Aschbacher ...
NewViewsMath's user avatar
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Derived subgroup of finite symplectic groups

Let $G=\text{Sp}_{2n}(q)$ be a symplectic group, where $q$ is a prime-power. Is it true that $G'=G$? This isn't true in a few small cases, e.g. $\text{Sp}_4(2)\cong S_6$. I think we can use Aschbacher'...
Yuqiao Huang's user avatar
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Show Sp(1) is the same as SU(2)

I'm reading John Stillwell's Naive Lie Theory but got stuck at a result in section 3.4 when he began introducing the symplectic groups. He defined the symplectic groups as the following: On the space $...
Chris's user avatar
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An explicit isomorphism between $\mathbb{R}^+ \times {\rm Spin}^c(3,1)$ and ${\rm GL}^+(2,\mathbb{R})\times {\rm GL}^+(2,\mathbb{R})$? [closed]

I am interested in the following isomorphism $$ \begin{align} \mathbb{R}^+\times {\rm Spin}^c(3,1)& \cong \mathbb{R}^+\times {\rm Spin}(3,1) \times {\rm U}(1) \tag{1}\\ &\cong \mathbb{C}^+\...
Anon21's user avatar
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Stabiliser group [closed]

Let $G=\operatorname{Sp}_{2r}(2)$. There are two orbits of $G$ on the natural $G$-set, one having the identity, the other having all the remaining elements. What is the subgroup of $G$ that stabilizes ...
scsnm's user avatar
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Conjugate subgroups by permutation matrices

Is the following statement true or false? In $G=\operatorname{GL}_{n}(\textbf{C})$, two elementary abelian $2$-subgroups $X$ and $Y$ of $G$ whose generators are all diagonal matrices are conjugate if ...
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Intersection of identity components

Let $e_{1}$ and $e_{2}$ be involutions in the algebraic group $G=\operatorname{PGL}_{n}(\mathbb{C})$. Do we have $$C_{G}(\langle e_{1},e_{2}\rangle)^{\circ} = C_{G}(e_{1})^{\circ}\cap C_{G}(e_{2})^{\...
scsnm's user avatar
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What is the Order Of Symplectic Group(4,2) and Symplectic Group(4,3) from the Classical groups of Atlas?

I have been working on Symplectic group of classical groups. I am trying to find Sylow-2 Subgroups of Symplectic Group(4,2) and Symplectic Grouop(4,3) through GAP, I am facing a problem regarding ...
Nimra Moqaddas's user avatar
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$N/C$ contains $\operatorname{GL}_{2}(2)$

In $G = \operatorname{PGL}_{4}(\mathbb{C})$, a subgroup $E = <a,b,c,d>$ where $$a =\Delta (\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix})_{2}, b =\Delta (\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 1 &...
scsnm's user avatar
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Linear group contained in symplectic group

Do we have SL$(n,2) \leqslant$ Sp$(2n, 2)$? And better yet, $\operatorname{SL}(n,q) \leqslant$ Sp$(2n, q)$ or $\operatorname{GL}(n,q) \leqslant$ Sp$(2n, q)$? I checked using Magma for small degrees ...
scsnm's user avatar
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Matrix group inclusion

It is true that $Sp_{2}(2)$ is a subgroup of the matrix group $\begin{pmatrix} Sp_2(2) & 0\\ *_{1\times 2} & 1\\ \end{pmatrix}$ where $*_{1\times2}$ denotes a $1\times 2$ matrix with ...
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Construction of $SL(2,5)^4$ in a maximal subgroup in Magma

There is a Class $2$ maximal subgroup $SL(2,5)^{4}.4^{3}.S_{4}$ (denoted by $MM_2$ in the following code) in $PGL(8,5)$. I am trying to locate the $SL(2,5)^4$ part in Magma. But after I constructed ...
scsnm's user avatar
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construct the normaliser of a subgroup and then construct the subgroup

There is a maximal nontoral (not contained in a conjugate of a fixed maximal torus) elementary abelian $2$-subgroup of rank 6 in $G = PGL(8,7)$. I denote this group by $A$. Its normaliser $N_{G}(A)$ ...
scsnm's user avatar
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split maximal torus construction

In PGL(n,q) there is a split maximal torus T of order $(q-1)^{n-1}$. How to construct this in Magma? Let's use the example of $PGL(4,11)$. I took a detour to construct it: ...
scsnm's user avatar
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inclusion among finite symplectic groups

This might be a silly question, but do we have the following? $Sp(2,q) < Sp(4,q) < Sp(6,q) < Sp(8,q) <....$ I checked the list of maximal subgroups of $Sp(n,q)$ for $n = 4,6,8,10,12$ and ...
scsnm's user avatar
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Generation of $SU(n,q^2)$ by subgroups isomorphic to $SU(2,q^2)$

Throughout, let $q$ be an odd prime power. Let $GF(q^2)$ be the field with $q^2$ elements. My question concerns the generation of the special unitary group $SU(n,q^2)$, where $n \ge 2$, by certain ...
math112358's user avatar
20 votes
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Does $SL_2(K) \simeq SL_2(L)$ imply $K\simeq L$?

Let $K$ and $L$ be two fields. Assume characteristics are not 2. I can show in a quite elementary way that if the statement $SL_2(K) \simeq SL_2(L) \implies K \simeq L$ holds, then for $n \geq 2$, the ...
Ali Nesin's user avatar
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Results on Maximal subgroups of $\text{GL}(n,q)$

Consider, $\text{GL}(n,q)$, which is the group of $n\times n$ invertible matrices with entries from the finite fields $\mathbb{F}_q$, with $q$ elements.(We know $q$ is a prime-power). My question is ...
Riju's user avatar
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Maximal subgroups of ${\rm PSL}(2,8)$ [duplicate]

I’m reading a note on the subgroup structure of classical subgroups. According to Corollary 2.2 (d), since $8=2^3$ is a prime power of even number $2$, ${\rm PSL}(2,8)$ has a maximal subgroup ${\rm ...
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Understanding Conjugacy classes of the Unitary group over finite fields

Consider the General linear group $GL(n,q)$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of $q$ elements. The unitary group $U(n,q)$ is described as a subgroup of $GL(n,q^2)$ which is the set of linear maps ...
Riju's user avatar
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Intersection of isometric subspaces in a space over a finite field

Suppose $V$ is a symplectic, unitary, or orthogonal space over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of characteristic $p$. Suppose $H\subseteq U\subseteq W$ is a chain of subspaces of $V$, where $\dim U=\...
Zeyu's user avatar
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Is $PGL(n,\Bbb{R}) \cong SL(n+1, \Bbb{R})$ for even n?

Is the following claim correct? Claim: If n is even, $PGL(n,\Bbb{R}) \cong SL(n+1, \Bbb{R})$. Proof: Recall $PGL(n,\Bbb{R}) \cong GL(n+1, \Bbb{R})/Z$, where $Z = \{M | M=\alpha I, \alpha \in \Bbb{...
roymend's user avatar
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Transitivity of $\Omega$ in subspace actions

Let $G=O(V, Q)$ be a finite orthogonal group acting naturally on a space $V\cong \mathbb{F}_q^n$ equipped with a quadratic form $Q$. Assume $n=\dim V\geq c$ for some large enough constant $c$ in order ...
Zeyu's user avatar
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Reference request: structure of stabilisers of totally isotropic subspaces in orthogonal (and unitary) groups

I am looking for a book or paper which covers the structure of stabilisers in $GO(n,F)$, $SO(n,F)$ (or maybe in $\Omega(n,F)$) of totally isotropic subspaces of dimension $k$. Can you please suggest ...
kissanpentu's user avatar
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Sylow subgroup of a subgroup 5

I am aiming for looking for all the Sylow subgroups of classical groups, which gives me a seemingly elementary question: what can we say about Sylow subgroups of a subgroup if we know all Sylow ...
Marcos G Neil's user avatar
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Does $\text{SU}(1,1)$ act transitively on $\mathbb S^1=\{z\in\mathbb C\mid |z|=1\}$?

Let $\text{SU}(1,1)=\left\{\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \alpha & \beta \\\overline\beta & \overline\alpha \end{array} \right]\mid \alpha,\beta\in \mathbb C,|\alpha|^2-|\beta|^2=1\right\}$ and $\...
cqfd's user avatar
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Hall subgroups of $\mathrm{PSL}$

The following is an exercise in Peter Cameron's notes on classical groups. Exercise 2.10 (a) Show that $\mathrm{PSL}(2,5)$ fails to have a Hall subgroup of some admissible order. (b) Show that $\...
Groups's user avatar
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Kernel of ${\rm GL}(n,F)$ on ${\rm PG}(n-1,F)$ over a division ring $F$

I am reading Peter Cameron's note on Classical Groups and I got confused with Proposition 2.1 on page 14. I have no problem in proving that the elements in kernel are scalars. However, I don't ...
Easy's user avatar
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Centralizer of $U(n)$ inside $U(nm)$

Let $n$ and $m$ be two positive integers. There is a canonical inclusion $U(n) \rightarrow U(nm)$ given by the tensor product with the unit matrix $\mathbf{1}_m$. What is the centralizer of $U(n)$ ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Centraliser of orthogonal group in general linear group

I'm looking for a reference that tells me either the centraliser of $\mathrm{O}^\epsilon(n,q)$ in $\mathrm{GL}(n,q)$, or how to describe the module homomorphisms of $\mathrm{O}^\epsilon(n,q)$ acting ...
ChockaBlock's user avatar
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Maximal (permutation) subgroups of $PSL(2,p)$

I have been trying to look at the maximal subgroups of $\mathrm{PSL}(2,p)$ for $p > 2$ prime and believe I have a sufficiently good idea of how those isomorphic to $C_p \rtimes C_{\frac{1}{2}(p-1)}$...
Jacksbabypig's user avatar
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Eigenspaces of semisimple element in finite unitary group

Let $G=GU(V)=GU_{n}(q)$ - the general unitary group acting on a vector space $V$, over the finite field of $q^2$ elements. Let $1 \neq s\in G$ be semisimple and $\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{q^2}$ an ...
user289's user avatar
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Finding the spinor norm of an element using a proposition in 'The Maximal Subgroups of the Low-Dimensional Finite Classical Groups'.

Let $F=\mathbb{F}_{q}$, where $q$ is an odd prime power. Let $e,f,d$ be a standard basis for the $3$-dimensional orthogonal space $V$, i.e. $(e,e)=(f,f)=(e,d)=(f,d)$ and $(e,f)=(d,d)=1$. I have an ...
Ishika's user avatar
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Subgroup structure description

I've been reading a paper on group theory, and have come across this description of a subgroup of the special linear group: Let $G=SL(d,q)$ and $H< G$ with $H \cong (SL(k,q) \times SL(d-k,q)).(q-...
Jay's user avatar
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Which finite simple groups contain $PSL(2,q)$ for some $q\geq 4$?

Which nonabelian finite simple groups contain $PSL(2,q)$ for some $q$? Obviously $PSL(2,q)$ themselves do. Also, as $PSL(2,4)\cong PSL(2,5)\cong A_5\subset A_n,\; n\geq 5$, alternating (nonabelian ...
Ben Blum-Smith's user avatar
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An automorphism that is not inner.

Consider the group $G=SL_3(\mathbb{C})$. I want to show that the automorphism $\phi$ of $G$ given by $\phi(x)=(x^{-1})^T$ is not inner. Probably I should do this by contradiction, i can show that if $\...
Negi's user avatar
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Relation between general linear groups for subfield $K$ of $F$ of finite index.

If $F$ is a field and $d \ge 1$. Let $K$ be a subfield of $F$ with finite index $k = [F : K]$. Then $F$ is a $k$-dimensional vector space over $K$. Thus every $F$-vector space is also a $K$-vector ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Centralizer of element in group PSL(2,F_p)

Is it true, that $\forall g\in PSL(2,F_p)\setminus\{e\}$, $Z(g)$ is Abelian? I think that this is true, but i can't find a simple proof.
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Non-central proper normal subgroups of unitary groups over fields

Short version: Can someone give an example of an anisotropic Hermitian form over a field such that its corresponding projective unitary group is not simple? Let $F$ be a (commutative, associative, ...
Jack Schmidt's user avatar
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Centralizing a maximal flag in a symplectic group

Short version: I'm confused about maximal totally-isotropic flags versus maximal flags: do they have the same centralizer in the classical group? Let $F$ be a field, $V$ be a finite dimensional ...
Jack Schmidt's user avatar
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Determining if these surjections have sections

Let $\pi:\ \operatorname{GL}(2,k)\ \longrightarrow\ \operatorname{PGL}(2,k)$ be the canonical homomorphism, and pick some finite subgroup $G\subset \operatorname{PGL}(2,k)$. Then we have an exact ...
Ben Blum-Smith's user avatar