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Questions tagged [central-extensions]

Use this tag for questions about short exact sequences of groups 1 → A → E → G → 1 such that A is in the center of E.

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Does every central extension come from a 2-cocycle?

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $[C]\in H^2 (G;\mathbb{R})$. We can define a group $G_C\equiv G\times \mathbb{R}$ with the operation $$(f,\alpha )\cdot (g,\beta)\equiv (fg,\alpha +\beta +C(f,g)).$$ One can ...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Central extensions versus 2-cycles

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $[C]\in H^2 (G;\mathbb{R})$. Then $\hat{G}_C :=G\times \mathbb{R}$ with multiplication $(g,r)\cdot (f,s):=(gf,r+s+C(g,f))$ (i.e. $\hat{G}_C=G\ltimes \mathbb{R}$) is a ...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Classifying central extensions of perfect groups

In Weibel's book (Exercise 6.9.1), it is claimed that central extensions of the form $0\to A\to X\to G\to 1$ with G perfect are classified by $Hom(H_2(G,\mathbb{Z}), A)$. My thoughts so far lead me ...
DevVorb's user avatar
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Comparing conjugacy classes in central extensions

Let $G$ be a group containing a finite central subgroup $Z$. Considering the conjugation action of $G$ on $G/Z$, define the stabilizer subgroups $$\operatorname{Stab}_G(gZ) = \{h \in G\colon hgh^{-1} =...
Henrique Augusto Souza's user avatar
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What exactly is a universal central extension?

Let $G$ be a group. In An introduction to homological algebra, Chapter 6.9 Weibel defines a universal central extension as a central extension $$0 \to A \to X \to G \to 1,$$ which is initial with ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Reference request: Universal central extension of $\operatorname{PSl}_2(\mathbb Z)$ is the braid group $\mathcal B_3$.

$\DeclareMathOperator{\PSl}{PSl}$ According to Wikipedia, the universal central extension of $\PSl_2(\mathbb Z)$ is given by the braid group $\mathcal B_3$ on three strands, \begin{equation} \label{...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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If central extensions are isomorphic as principal bundles, are they isomorphic as extensions?

Let $$1 \to G \overset{\iota_i}{\to} H_i \overset{\pi_i}{\to} K \to 1 $$ be two central extensions of $K$ by $G$. ($i=1,2$). Assume for simplicity that this is an extension of Lie groups, and $G$ is ...
Tanny Sieben's user avatar
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Internal symmetries in abelian or non abelian groups

so I've been studying the centrally extended Galilei group, by restricting to 1D translation, the group becomes abelian and that means that all the irreps of the groups are of dimension 1. A ...
HitMan01's user avatar
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Why does the definition of cocyle in a central extension of a Lie algebra work?

I am currently reading Edward Frenkel's "Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups", freely available here: In the appendix $A.4$ he describes ...
toyr99's user avatar
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Group Cohomology, Module Extensions, and Group Extensions, and $Ext^2_{\mathbb{Z}G}(\mathbb{Z},A)$

I've read that for some $G$-module $A$, group cohomology can be defined as $$H^{n}(G,A)=Ext^{n}_{\mathbb{Z} G}(\mathbb{Z},A).$$ I've also read that for two $R$-modules $C,D,$ $Ext^{n}_{R}(C,D)$ can be ...
Connor Mooney's user avatar
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Proof of $H^2(\mathfrak g_1,\mathfrak g_1)=0$

I want to prove $H^2(\mathfrak g_1,\mathfrak g_1)=0$ where $\mathfrak g_1=\mathbb R$, the $1$-dimensional (abelian) Lie algebra. I think I need to show two things: All central extensions $\mathbb R \...
mma's user avatar
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Does $\mathbb R \overset{\iota}{\hookrightarrow} \mathfrak{aff}(1,\mathbb R) \overset{\pi}{\twoheadrightarrow} \mathbb R$ Lie algebra extension exist?

I think I have an example for a $\mathbb R \overset{\iota}{\hookrightarrow} \mathfrak{aff}(1,\mathbb R) \overset{\pi}{\twoheadrightarrow} \mathbb R$ Lie algebra extension. $$\iota:\mathbb R\to \...
mma's user avatar
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Group Cohomology and Pontryagin Duality

My question is related to this question, which I tried to post an answer. I think it is better to ask a question directly. My question is from the book "Foundations of Quantum Theory: from ...
Xenomorph's user avatar
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Connection between central extensions and universal covering groups for projective representations

Disclaimer, I'm a physics student, so some of my arguments might be a little bit sloppy. I'm trying to find a somewhat straightforward general argument to explain why we need central extensions when ...
justsomethingidc's user avatar
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Quaternion group as a central extension of a $2$-group [closed]

I'll appreciate it if you help me to tackle this situation. I'm going to characterize 2-group $G$ whose two main properties such as $cd(G)=\{1,2\}$ and there is normal abelian subgroup $P$ such that $...
khatoon khedri's user avatar
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Nilpotent groups can be constructed by means of abelian groups.

I am studying A course in theory of groups by Robinson. When defining the central extension of groups, the author says that Every nilpotent group can be constructed from abelian groups by means of a ...
MANI's user avatar
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Why are there only two central extensions corresponding to $H^2(C_p; \Bbb Z/p)$ which has $p$ elements?

I'm trying to understand why $H^2(C_p; \Bbb Z/p)$ despite having $p$ elements there are only two distinct central extensions of $C_p$ by $\Bbb Z/p$. My lecture notes says: In particular, $H^2(C_p;\...
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Some clarifications required about the two extremes of general extensions (semi-direct products and central extensions)

This is a sequel to Why can the homomorphism $\phi$ in semi-direct products only be varied by inner automorphisms upon changing the complement group? My professor made another remark that: Let's go ...
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Is every generator of $Z({\rm Spin}_n^{\epsilon}(q))$ a square element in finite spin group ${\rm Spin}_n^{\epsilon}(q)$?

A. I wonder if every generator of $Z({\rm Spin}_n^{\epsilon}(q))$ is a square element in ${\rm Spin}_n^{\epsilon}(q)$? B. When $Z(\Omega_{2m}^{\epsilon}(q))\cong C_2$, is the generator of $Z(\Omega_{...
Yi Wang's user avatar
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Nilpotent Lie algebras are closed under extensions

Problem: Let $L$ be a Lie algebra and $K$ an ideal such that $L/K$ is nilpotent and such that $ad(x)|_K$ is nilpotent for all $x \in L$. Prove that $L$ is nilpotent. By Engel's Theorem, I know that $...
cip's user avatar
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What controls the central extensions of Lie algebras when the Lie Group is not compact?

If the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ can be realized as the tangent space of a compact Lie group $G$, then all the possible central extensions of $\mathfrak{g}$ are in one to one correspondence which the ...
user1379857's user avatar
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What is the explicit central extension given by the prequantization procedure (from functions on phase space to vector fields)?

The Question: The Lie algebra of functions on phase space (under the Poisson bracket) is a central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields on phase space (under the vector field ...
user1379857's user avatar
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Haar measure construction for extended Lie Algebra

Consider a Lie algebra $\mathcal{G}$ of the form $$[T_i, T_j] = f_{ij}^k T_k$$ which has an Abelian (corresponding to the Abelian Lie algebra $A$) central extension $\mathcal{H}$ of the form $$[T'_i, ...
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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Structure of affine Lie algebras

It is well-known that to every simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ one can associate an affine Kac-Moody algebra by a double extension (once by a 2-cocycle and once by a derivation). One can then show ...
NDewolf's user avatar
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Virasoro algebra question: Is there a two-surface in Diff($S^1$) with a non-zero integral over the cocycle in $H^2(\mathfrak{g}, \mathbb{C})$?

I am a physicist so forgive me if this question doesn't make sense. You can start off by defining the Witt algebra, which I'll call $\mathfrak{g}$, as the complexified Lie algebra of vector fields on ...
user1379857's user avatar
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Basic assertion about central extensions

I'm having trouble verifying what ought to be a relatively simple detail in a proof of Milnor's book on algebraic K-theory, in the section on universal central extensions. Here is the set up. Let $G$ ...
Joshua Ruiter's user avatar
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Algorithms to determine the explicit forms of possible group extensions

I learned from link 1, link 2 link3 that sometimes it is possible to write down all possible group extension. I also know that the group extension is classified by group cohomology. My questions are: ...
Herman Chu's user avatar
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Central extensions versus semidirect products

Consider an extension $E$ of a group $G$ by an abelian group $A$. $$1 \to A \overset{\iota}{\to} E \overset{\pi}{\to} G \to 1$$ Two special kinds of extensions are: Central Extensions: $A$ is ...
Mike F's user avatar
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Classification of projective representations in terms of linear representations of central extensions

Let $k$ be a field, and let $k^\times$ denote its multiplication group. Further let $\mathrm{PGL}(V,k)$ denote the projective general linear group of some vector space $V$ over the field $k$. Denote ...
Nesta's user avatar
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Central Extensions and Homomorphisms

We have the short exact sequence: $$1\rightarrow C\rightarrow \widetilde{G}\rightarrow G\rightarrow 1$$ Equipped witha map $i$ from $C$ to $\widetilde{G}$, and a map $p$ from $\widetilde{G}$ to G, ...
J.doe's user avatar
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Central extension of a Lie algebra, why is the bilinear form a 2-cocycle?

My professor talked about a central extension of a Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, which he defined as $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}=\mathfrak g\oplus\mathbb C$. The Lie bracket on $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ is $$\...
Andy Miles's user avatar
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Why do linear splitting maps of Lie Algebra central extensions induce cocycles?

If we consider a central extension $\mathfrak h$ of a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ by the abelian $\mathfrak a$: $$0 \longrightarrow \mathfrak a \longrightarrow \mathfrak h \stackrel{\pi}\...
s.harp's user avatar
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