I am not really sure if my ideas in this topic are correct. Can anyone help me?
- Finding the connected components of a metric space $X$.
Suppose there are two connected components $C_1, C_2$ of $X$. In this case, I have to prove that each component is connected, non-empty, open and closed in $X$, and that:
- $C_1 \cap C_2 = \emptyset$
- $C_1 \cup C_2 = X$
And in case there are more than 2, or infinitely many, what do I need to prove?
- Proving that a subset $S \subset X$ is a connected component.
As far as I know, there's no need now for a connected component to be an open set. Then, what do I need to prove exactly, appart from connectedness of $S$? I suppose that there's no other superset $T\supset S$ which is connected, but how?
- Not every connected component is a path-connected component, and not every path-connected component is a connected component.
For the second statement, are there any well-known examples?