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El presente capítulo se centra en el estudio de un insólito motivo iconográfico poco frecuente en la musivaria romana: la corona de cinco puntas. Se trata del emblema de los Pentasi, una de las principales sodalidades africanas o... more
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Ancient MosaicsIconografia
RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el estudio monográfico de una de las principales sodalitates o asociaciones que jugaron un rol importante en el Norte de África: los Telegenii. Por una parte, se exponen cuestiones... more
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      IconographyNorth Africa StudiesRoman MosaicsSodalitates
In this poster presentation is presented a descriptive and iconography reading of the mosaics that decorated the pavement of the triclinium of the “House of the Triumph of the Marine Venus” in Bulla Regia (Tunisia). This work aims at... more
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      African StudiesIconographyTunisiaRoman Mosaics
The present chapter focuses on the iconographic study of the five-pointed crown, an original figurative motif that is observed exclusively in the mosaics preserved in North Africa. This element comes to identify as emblem of the... more
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      IconographyNorth Africa StudiesRoman MosaicsSodalitates
This paper presents an iconographic analysis of the mosaic of Bonifatius, located in the eastern area of the peristyle of Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina. Unlike the other extraordinary mosaic pavements preserved in situ, this... more
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      IconographyRoman MosaicsBonifatiusVilla Del Casale Di Piazza Armerina
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      Roman MosaicsPompeii, Roman Domestic SpaceSacella /sacrariaVilla Suburbana
In the current chapter we present a descriptive study and an iconographic reading of two magnificent reliefs of Victories and the fragment of a third one that are exhibited in the National Museum of Carthage, on the Byrsa hill, in... more
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      IconographyRoman EmpireMarcus AureliusNorth Africa
n the present chapter is presented a descriptive and stylistic study of an anthropoid sarcophagus of a male figure, identified as a priest. It is preserved in the National Museum of Carthage with another sarcophagus which presents a... more
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      North Africa StudiesCartagoPhoenician Punic SicilyEtruscan Iconography
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      IconographyRoman domestic spaceCristianityBulla Regia
En la zona norte de la antigua ciudad romana de Bulla Regia y, más concretamente, en el ángulo entre las dos calles que delimitan un conjunto de casas, se localiza la "Casa de la Pesca". Ésta toma su nombre del mosaico con erotes... more
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      Roman domestic spaceFloor MosaicsStibadium
This article aims at the monographic study of one of the main sodalitates or associations that played an important role in North Africa: the Telegenii. On the one hand, some considerations are presented in terms of terminology, the type... more
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      IconographyNorth Africa StudiesRoman MosaicsRoman Archaeology
Recibido el 9 de septiembre de 2018 Aceptado el 24 de febrero de 2019 RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el estudio monográfico de un ambiente absidial con función de stibadium situado en el piso subterráneo de una de las... more
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      WaterAncient MosaicsConvivialityBulla Regia
Recibido el 9 de septiembre de 2018 Aceptado el 24 de febrero de 2019 RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el estudio monográfico de un ambiente absidial con función de stibadium situado en el piso subterráneo de una de las... more
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      MosaicosArquitectura domésticaBulla RegiaStibadium
The next chapter presents a descriptive and iconographical reading of the figurative mosaics that decorated the pavement of the triclinium of the “House of the Triumph of the Marine Venus” in Bulla Regia (Tunisia). This work aims at... more
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      Iconography and IconologyRoman MosaicsBulla Regia
This article aims at the typological study of the domestic spaces that have an underground floor documented in the archaeological site of Bulla Regia. On the one hand, some considerations are presented in terms of terminology, about the... more
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      ArquitecturaRoman ArchaeologyBulla RegiaRoman Mosaic Floors
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      IconographyRoman IconographyAndromedaAncient Greek ceramic workshops and iconography
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    • Roman Iconography
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    • Roman Mosaics
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      San Agustín de HiponaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyTúnez