Lenz A. Formation of the Urban-Planning Concept «The Calculated City». Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2019, no. 1(46), pp. 278-289. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2019/1kvart19/20_lenc/index.php, 2019
В статье рассмотрены «большие» и «малые» модели исчисления города: гравитационная модель Рейли, э... more В статье рассмотрены «большие» и «малые» модели исчисления города: гравитационная модель Рейли, энтропийная модель, транспортная модель, Парадокс Доунса-Томсона, Постулат Льюиса-Могриджа, Парадокс Браеса, демографический потенциал, стоимостной подход. Рассмотрены достоинства и недостатки этих концепций, дана оценка научноприкладной значимости этих моделей на основе анализа модели Форрестера и структурно-функционального подхода к анализу территорий Москвы и Ленинграда 1980-х годов. Предложена новая классификация концепций «исчисляемого города» по типу конечного получаемого продукта: оценочные, прогностические и оценочнопрогностические.
In the article, "large" and "small" models of «the calculated city» are considered: the law of retail gravitation of Reilly, the entropy model, the transport model, the Downs-Thomson Paradox (the Pigou–Knight–Downs paradox), the Lewis-Mogridge position, the Braess' paradox, the demographic potential, the value city planning approach. The advantages and disadvantages of these concepts are considered. The scientific merit and practical implications of these models are evaluated based on the analysis of Forrester models and the arrow-functional approach to the analysis of Moscow and Leningrad territories in the 1980s. A new classification of the concepts of the "calculated city" is proposed according to the type of the final product: estimative, prognostic and estimative-prognostic.
Papers by Anna Lenz
In the article, "large" and "small" models of «the calculated city» are considered: the law of retail gravitation of Reilly, the entropy model, the transport model, the Downs-Thomson Paradox (the Pigou–Knight–Downs paradox), the Lewis-Mogridge position, the Braess' paradox, the demographic potential, the value city planning approach. The advantages and disadvantages of these concepts are considered. The scientific merit and practical implications of these models are evaluated based on the analysis of Forrester models and the arrow-functional approach to the analysis of Moscow and Leningrad territories in the 1980s. A new classification of the concepts of the "calculated city" is proposed according to the type of the final product: estimative, prognostic and estimative-prognostic.
In the article, "large" and "small" models of «the calculated city» are considered: the law of retail gravitation of Reilly, the entropy model, the transport model, the Downs-Thomson Paradox (the Pigou–Knight–Downs paradox), the Lewis-Mogridge position, the Braess' paradox, the demographic potential, the value city planning approach. The advantages and disadvantages of these concepts are considered. The scientific merit and practical implications of these models are evaluated based on the analysis of Forrester models and the arrow-functional approach to the analysis of Moscow and Leningrad territories in the 1980s. A new classification of the concepts of the "calculated city" is proposed according to the type of the final product: estimative, prognostic and estimative-prognostic.