In a world where robots rule, humans are the underpaid, overworked laborers at Auto Overlords Inc. Fix, upgrade, and “optimize” cars while sabotaging your co-workers — all under the watchful eyes of your mechanical overlords. Will you rise to become the ultimate repair tech, or just another cog in the machine?


  • Arrow Keys: Walk / Climb
  • Space: Jump / Double-Jump
  • A: Interact / Pickup Items / Drop Items
  • D: Throw Items / Punch Items

This game also supports touchscreen and will display overlay controls.

Robo-Wrench was created in 9 days and was the 2nd-place winner of the GDevelop Game Jam #6.


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awesome game !! those graphics.. OMG 

i didn't finish it for the moment but i am gonna come back for more