Fresque de la coupole de l'Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
Santissimo Crocefisso del Miracolo
Типовые проекты петербургских мостов
bergmaleriene på Hindhammer
Cave paintings in India
نگاره محمد
Han Altay
Zona Norte de Chile
Tsagaan Salaa Rock Paintings
Wall of Love
Anjō no Goei
Madonna and Child
Our Lady of Kodeńska
Our Lady of Sanctuary
Our Lady of the Stone
Matka Boża Staszkowska
Our Lady of Łukawiec
Virgin Mary
Mary, Queen of Heaven
Matka Boża Zielenicka
Our Lady of Grace
Obraz Matki Boskiej Staroskrzyńskiej
Our Lady Swojczowskiej
Obraz Matki Boskiej Złoczewskiej
Obraz Matki Bożej Ostrożańskiej
Obraz Matki Bożej Pocieszenia (Pilzno)
Our Lady of Consolation
Our Lady of Grace and Rosary in Janów Lubelski
Obraz Matki Bożej Łaskawej w Wieliczce
Theotokos of Zarvanytsia
Bramante Presenting Raphael to Pope Julius II
Григорій Чудотворець (Ермітаж)
Nadverbilledet i Haderslev Domkirke
Portrait of Prince Hyoryeong
Nizami işığında
The Cyanopaths
Apelles amasiae Alexandri amator
Campus Panni Aurei (tabulae saeculi XVI)
Familia Thomae Mori (pictura)
Thomae Wolsei effigies (pictor incognitus)
28 Nëntor 1912 (pikturë)
Portret i bukuroshes Arvanitase
The Crocodiles
Cueva de los Letreros
Iscrizione di san Clemente e Sisinnio
Obraz Matki Bożej Hetmanki Żołnierza Polskiego
占领总统府 (油画)
Jingwei Tries to Fill the Sea
채제공 초상 일괄-흑단령포본
Fresco of a fisherman
Παναγία Ναυπακτιώτισσα
Kabareja e shallit të kuq
Alonso de Fonseca
Matka Boża w Cudy Wielmożna Pani Poznania
Our Lady of Tuchów
Madonna with child
Leaving the Body at the Mercy of Mosquitoes
Giant Deer
Aurochs, Horses and Deer
Cave painting
Black Bull
Tomb paintings of Sindh
Portrait of Namjar
retable de Naves
Kiyomizudera Sankei Mandala detail
Chrudimský Salvátor
Madonna and child
Kapasaaren kalliomaalaus
Karstun Linnanmäen kalliomaalaus
Kintahuonvuoren kalliomaalaus
Olhavanlammen kalliomaalaus
Patakallion kalliomaalaus
Pyhävuoren kalliomaalaus
Rajakiven kalliomaalaus
Rapakon kalliomaalaus
Rekottilan kalliomaalaus
Revonkärjen kalliomaalaus
Salmenvuoren kalliomaalaus
Tikaskaarteenvuoren kalliomaalaus
Tupavuoren kalliomaalaus
Uittamonsalmen kalliomaalaukset
Uutelanvuoren kalliomaalaukset
Verijärven kalliomaalaus
The Water Tower Hill Rock Painting
Voikosken kalliomaalaus
Enkelinpesän kalliomaalaus
Hahlavuoren kalliomaalaus
Halolankallio Rock Painting
Haukkasaaren kalliomaalaus
Konniveden Haukkavuoren kalliomaalaus
Pyyslammen kalliomaalaus
Rautakannanvuoren kalliomaalaus
Ristniemenvuoren kalliomaalaukset
Sarkaslammen kalliomaalaus
Sarkasvuoren kalliomaalaus
Muse of Cortona
Datiana sculpture and images
Franconian landscape with Kirchdorf
Stettka: Ironworks
정선 필 풍악도첩
In memory of the 2, August 1910
Madonna and child
Atropates meeting Macedonian ruler
Tree of the Sahel swept by the wind of the harmattan
Iscrizione della catacomba di Commodilla
Panoráma Bitva u Domažlic
Mother 2004
서포 김만중 영정
San Nicola da Tolentino in estasi
Les échecs auront mis fin à son règne
Afresket e Mborjes
Άνθη επιταφίου
Panell central d'un tríptic
Abrigos de las Peñas de Castro
Партрэт Аляксандра Хадкевіча
Партрэт Іосіфа Солтана
La Grande Vadrouille
Sunlight between the Mountains
Our Lady of Scouts
Déploration, Flagellation, Couronnement d'épines, Crucifixion et Portement de croix
retable à Strasbourg
retable à Strasbourg
retable à Ammerschwihr
retable à Soultzmatt
Martyre de St Sernin et d'un St
Jeanne d'Arc au Bûcher
saint Charles Borromée à Lestelle-Bétharram
miniature au Puy-en-Velay
portrait d'Imbert représentant du peuple. au Puy-en-Velay
portraits de monseigneur de Fontanges archévêque de Toulouse de monsieur de la Touche de monsieur de Pont et membres de leur famille à Sermentizon
portraits de Justin de Fontanges enfant sa fille Delphine et son mari Georges Onslow leur fille Henriette et son mari Joseph de Pierre leur fils René à Sermentizon
portraits de Delphine de Fontanges épouse de George Onslow à Sermentizon
portrait de femme à Sermentizon
portrait du dauphin ( ?) à Sermentizon
portrait de madame Van Bugenhout à Sermentizon
portraits d'un officier de Murat de son épouse et de leurs deux fils Eugène et Isidore à Sermentizon
portraits de femme à Sermentizon
portrait de profil de l'abbé de Pierre à Sermentizon
portrait de madame Edouard Onslow à Sermentizon
guerriers délivrant des captifs à Sermentizon
Bateau dans la tempête
ex-voto de l'Étoile
Le Cézar
Portrait d'Isabelle (ou Elisabeth) d'Orléans, duchesse de Guise et d'Alençon
Talleyrand en habit bleu
miniature à Valençay
miniature à Contres
3 miniatures à Contres
Enfant Jésus portant sa croix
Monseigneur de La Luzerne, député du clergé aux États Généraux
Portrait de Monseigneur de La Luzerne, évêque de Langres
miniature à Montivilliers
Portrait de H.B. Stuart, duc d'York
peinture monumentale
Femme assise avec un petit chien sur les genoux, le coude gauche appuyé sur un clavecin
Portrait de Maximilien Stoll
Le Martyre de saint Étienne
La Fortune
La Danse
La Musique
Joies familiales
Canal de l'Ourcq
La Cueillette des pommes
Entrée du fort
Canal de l'Ourcq
Rue de Merlan
Canal de l'Ourcq
Canal de l'Ourcq
Tables sous un arbre
Chemin conduisant aux carrières
Noisy en été vu de Romainville
Noisy en hiver vers le canal de l'Ourcq
Chemin conduisant à Noisy
Le Parfum des lilas
Soirée sous la tonnelle
Hommage à la cité des Lilas
Famille aux Lilas
Jeunesse aux Lilas
La Bienfaisance
La Pensée émancipatrice de l'homme
Le Travail
Allégorie du travail
Allégorie de l'éducation et de l'instruction
Allégorie du mariage encadrée de 2 petits caissons
Porteuse de fruits
Cueillette des pêches
Les Vendanges
Vigneron et sa hotte
Couronnement de la rosière
Fête du 14 juillet
Carrières en hiver
Cueillette des roses
un couple devant le vieux château à Saint-Ouen
le débarquement d'une péniche à Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
le champs de courses à Saint-Ouen
la place du marché à Saint-Ouen
les lavandières à Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
portrait de Claude Bourgelat
La Nativité
Saint Sébastien, saint Roch et six autres saints
Sainte Anne, la Vierge et l'Enfant Jésus
miniature à Saint-Gilles
Portrait de Théophile Bordeu
le Miracle de Notre-Dame d'Évol
saint Eutrope et les hydropiques ?, le martyre de saint Eutrope ?, un ange et une foule de martyrs (ensemble de peintures monumentales et litre) à Janailhac
Le Christ prêtre, Le Mariage de la Vierge
bouquets de fleurs à Corsept
scènes historiées à Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes
La Rosalie perdue
l'Annonciation, le Couronnement de la Vierge à Nantes
peinture monumentale à Nantes
scènes de la légende de saint Gilles au Loroux-Bottereau
Saint Catherine among the philosophers of Alexandria
Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours altarpiece
altarpiece of St. Martha with St. Lazarus
retable de la chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Neiges à La Brigue
altarpiece of St. Erasmus in La Brigue
Villars-sur-Var altarpiece
ex-voto offert pour la peste de 1720
tableau ex-voto à Aix-en-Provence
enfant malade à Aix-en-Provence
ex-voto à Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
ex-voto à Notre-Dame-de-Grâce : Naissance de jumeaux
Bataille navale
Le Bateau de pêche Jeanne Tonius
Brick Adrien et Félicie
Sainte Apollonie
Saint Pierre
Sainte Catherine, une donatrice et sa fille à genoux et au revers, sainte Marthe, saint Siffrein
peinture à Avignon
Vierge à l'Enfant
miniature à Lyon
Hommage au mérite
Entrée de Créteil, rue de Paris
Vue du parc
Vue de la plaine de Créteil prise du chemin de Saint Simon
Les Bords de Marne pris au pont Sainte Catherine à Créteil
Le Port d'Ivry
Vue de l'église
Les Vainqueurs de la Bastille
Le Pont d'Ivry
fresques représentant certains paysages d'Ivry-sur-Seine
portrait de Diane de Poitiers, duchesse de Valentinois
le Repas d'Emmaüs, David jouant de la harpe, la Purification, la Visitation à Avignon
Notre Dame of the Rosary Reredos
Masjid al-Haram in 20th century
Virgin Mary of Milotic
Painting of St Anne
Painting of St Paul
Litoměřický oltář
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Abrigo de las Colmenas
la Décollation de saint Jean-Baptiste
Rencontres du Christ avec Saint Pierre et Saint Paul
Le Couronnement de la Vierge
Derwood S. Chase, Jr.
extase de Sainte-Marguerite de Cortone
Throne of Grace
Les Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie
The fourteen Intercessors
2 tableaux : la Prédication aux poissons de saint François d'Assise, trois séraphins à Mommenheim
Saint-Joseph et Saint-Antoine de Padoue
Vierge à l'Enfant et Saint-Louis
Glorification de Saint-Ulrich
Vie de Sainte-Odile
sainte Madeleine à Échenon
Les Pèlerins d'Emmaüs
Coronation of the Virgin
Portrait de l'abbesse Odile de Payrimhof
tableau à à Truchtersheim
Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul
les deux rencontres du Christ et de Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul
Immaculée Conception, la Fille aveugle et muette de Dagobert 1er guérie par l'évêque saint Florent de Strasbourg
Altarpiece of San Sebastián
Vierge au jardinet
La Circassienne au Bain
Crucifix de Sant'Eustorgio
works by Giovanni Cariani
Aspects of Negro Life: From Slavery Through Reconstruction
Aspects of Negro Life: An Idyll of the Deep South
Aspects of Negro Life: Song of the Towers
Abrigos rupestres de Tormón
Tharia Cave Paintings
Portrait of a lady
The battle of Naseby.
Water-colour painting of Tellicherry
Tejaprabhā Buddha and the Five Planets
Ansicht des Bodensees mit Seefelden (Kirche St. Martin), Wallfahrtskirche Birnau und Schloss Maurach.
Isenheim Altarpiece, closed
Altarpiece, second opening
Saint Sebastian
Saint Anthony
La Vallée dans la mer
Ikona Matki Bożej Łaskawej w Krzeszowie
Abrigo de Fresnedo
The Capture of Jerusalem
Historia argentina
Memoria documental argentina
Dipinti di arte urbana
Johann Alexander Döderlein (Doederlinus) historien et antiquaire allemand
Damen i hatten
John Hales
Nicolas Brulart de Sillery, chancelier de France (mort en 1624)
Nicolas Brûlart de Sillery (1544-1624), chancelier de France
The Entry of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden into Stockholm
Martwy noszowy
King Birger of Sweden. Limestone painting
Apparition of the Angel to S. Clara, S. Inês de Assis and S. Corbie Collection
Water color drafts-2
Madonna della Clemenza
Birth of Mani
Mani's Community Established
Mani's Parents
Episodes from Mani's Missionary Work
Der Zeughaushof in Bern
Peter im Tierpark
Bildnis der Nanette Kaulla
Ryazan Madonna and child
Portrait of Alexander I von Battenberg
Red Rock Canyon (paintings)
Anbetung der Hirten
Middle Rhine altar
Matka Boska Prudnicka
Obraz Matki Bożej Różańcowej w Kozińcu
Madonna della Misericordia
Causa nostrae laetitiae
Allée froide
Hermès dérobant les troupeaux d'Apollon
Hermès jouant de la lyre enchantée
Hermès taillant le caducée
Fernando Baril
Heinrich von Brühl
Caspar von Uchtenhagen
Pequeña Victoria
“David and Goliath” painting from the Paris Psalter
Storie della Vera Croce
Cenacolo di Asola
Portret van Rudolf Adriaan Mees (1845-1885) en Anna Jacoba Mees (1847-1887)
Disasagans målningar i Venngarns slott
Gianduja e Giandujotto
La freccetta
Mary, mother of Jesus
The Firstborn
A Goatherd with His Flock beside a Spring
A Gray Hunter Held by a Groom
A Shepherdess with Her Flock beside a Ruined Arch
Allegory of the Arts I
An Old Philosopher at Her Desk, with a Vanitas Skull and an Hourglass
An Old Woman Holding a Purse by Candlelight
Autumn Leaves
Battle of Clontarf
Before the Audience
Boats on the North Sea
Ducks at Lakeshore
East River, New York, Winter (from Brooklyn Bridge)
Daphnis et Chloé
Het laatste avondmaal
Prime Nevi (Filippini)
Albrecht IV
Image de Notre-Dame de Guadalupe
Palastgarten mit dem armen Lazarus im Vordergrund
Portrait of Vlad III the Impaler
Portrait of Agnes Douglas, Countess of Argyll
Portrait of Cardinal Bernard Maciejowski
Landscape with Apple Tree
Mountains in Cardiganshire
Erzherzogin Maria
Portrait of Francesco de' Medici
Portrait of James I of England in State Robes
Allégorie aux sports
Komuge rock art site
8th Lord Arundell of Wardour
Life of George Washington - Deathbed
Romeo and Juliet
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
The Feast of Achelous
St. Paul the Hermit Fed by the Raven
Free Sample, Take One
Flower and Star on Window
Peaches and Grapes
Kluge und törichte Jungfrau
Portrait of Mrs. Reid in the Character as a Sultana
The Sewing Lesson
Les petites bigoudènes
Portrait of king Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Portrait of Marie de' Medici
Madona Jindřichohradecká
Portrait of Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua
Portrait of Eleanor de' Medici, Duchess of Mantua
Portrait of Cosimo II de' Medici with Wife Maria Maddalena of Austria and their Son Ferdinando II de' Medici
Portrait of a Young Woman
Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1610-1670)
Portrait of Catherine of Medici (1519-1589)
Portrait of Archduchess Anna de' Medici (1616-1676)
Catherine di Medici and Admiral de Coligny
Portrait of Marie de' Medici (1575-1642)
A child of the Medici
Portrait of Gian Gastone de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Wedding of Maria de Medici and Henry IV of France
Portrait of Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici
Equestrian portrait of Ferdinando de' Medici
Ritratto di Alessandro de' Medici
Aggersborgs spisestue
Møens Klint
Broen og Fjældene
Udsigt over vejle
Svenske skovarbejdere
Landskab nær Aabenraa
Scenery from Grimsbu
To legende børn
En liggende ko
Eva og slangen
Landskab ved Damsmosegård
Evening view over the moors at Ordrup
Under lindeløv i Nysø have
Ulver og Vænelil
En sommerdag 1846
Person standing at the edge of a forest
Landskab med en bondepige i haven
Landscape from Foldalen in Norway
Vaskedag ved Skaaninge Dam
A lake in the woods with swans
Autumn day at Lillehammer, Norway
A forest glade. Study
Udsigt til Dyrehaven nord for København
Scenery from a lake with naked women
Summer day in the park a Danish manor
Madam Suzette Mariboe, née Dalgas, in her living room in Frederiksgade
Forest study. Presumably for "A clogmaker in Ellemose"
Civita d'Antino. Høst
Retur fra jagten
Italiensk landskab med oliventræer
Saint Dominic in Soriano
Udsigt mellem træer ved Skarrit Sø
A Morning Snow--Hudson River
Resurrezione del bambino annegato
Pige på en kæmpehøj ved Vejby
Blick auf Steyr
pala del 1899
São João Baptista (Igreja do Loreto)
Our Lady of the Rosary with St. Dominic and St. Nicholas
Mural of horse racing on SKM train station Sopot Wyścigi
Portrait of John W. Sandford
Portrait of Louis Abrahams
Portrait of Henry L. Fry, Woodcarver
Cristo crocifisso con san Francesco d'Assisi e Bartolomeo Colleoni
Tiradentes ante o carrasco
Partisani matus
Těrlická Madona
Lithuanian swamps under snow
Convoi de la poste au Saint-Gothard en hiver
Forge Friedli à Saint-Blaise
Haut du village de Saint-Blaise
Moulin de Saint-Blaise
Route du Saint-Gothard en hiver
Récolte de maïs en Transylvanie
Jean Bart
Saint Pierre repentant
<some value>
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Aaron Shikler
Portrait of Mohamed Darouich al Allousi
Abdul Qadir Al Rassam
Palace Beethoven
Abdulmejid II
Village feast
Abel Grimmer
Youths playing with the cat
Abraham Bloemaert
Still-life of flowers and fruits
Abraham Mignon
Evening scene with full moon and persons
Abraham Pether
Dutch Whalers near Spitsbergen
Abraham Storck
A French Galley and a Dutch men of war off a Port
Abraham Willaerts
Der Sarstein bei Alt-Aussee (Fassung I, 1835)
Adalbert Stifter
Half Nude in Striped Skirt
Havarierter Lastensegler
Adolf Baumann
The Acropolis
Adolf Böhm
Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ, Oil/canvas, 1913
Adolf Hitler
Visiting an Iron Rolling Mill
Adolph von Menzel
Still life with a bowl of strawberries and a spray of gooseberries
Adriaen Coorte
Peaches and apricots on a stone ledge
Adriaen Coorte
Asparagus and red currants on a stone ledge
Adriaen Coorte
Wooded River Landscape with Travelers on Old Ruins
Adriaen Hendriksz Verboom
Interior of a Larder
Adriaen van Utrecht
Portrait of Duchesse d'Aiguillon
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Agnes Slott-Møller
Portrait of Bianca Cappello
Agnolo Bronzino
Portrait of Giovanni de’ Medici
Agnolo Bronzino
Eleonora di Toledo with her son Francesco
Agnolo Bronzino
Legend of the True Cross
Agnolo Gaddi
Olympia #2
Agnès Thurnauer
Descent from the Cross
Agostino Ugolini
La duquesa de Osuna como Dama de la Orden de Damas Nobles de la Reina María Luisa
Agustín Esteve
Portrait of Josefa Manuela Téllez-Girón, Marquis de Marguini
Agustín Esteve
The Wine Festival
Albert Anker
The Prodigal Son
Albert Anker
Nu au voile
Albert Aublet
On the Beach, le Tréport
Albert Aublet
Albert Aublet
Palms, Bamboo and Tropical Foliage, Colombia
Albert Berg
Monastery Garden in the Snow
Albert Bredow
Winter Landscape
Albert Bredow
View of the Gulf of Naples with the Palace of Queen Joanna
Albert Flamm
Cubist Landscape
Albert Gleizes
La Rue des Bouchers à Alger
Albert Lebourg
Steamship offshore
Albert Rieger
Lhootse Station an der Nordsee
Albert Rieger
The rural community
Albert Welti Wilhelm Balmer
Im Mondschein
Albert von Keller
Mesures illimitées nø 2
Alberto Magnelli
Vaso de Flores
Alberto da Veiga Guignard
Portrait de François Chénieux
Albin Meyssat
De zegepraal van Onze Lieve Vrouw in 't Zand
Albin Windhausen
Saint Sebastian altar by Albrecht Altdorfer
Albrecht Altdorfer
Heller-Altar, Mitteltafel: Himmelfahrt und Krönung Mariens
Albrecht Dürer
Graveyard of S. Johannis
Albrecht Dürer
Madonna with the Monkey
Albrecht Dürer
Jewish woman selling fruit
Aleksander Gierymski
Lyrical cycle
Aleksandr Tyshler
Christ and the Adulteress
Alessandro Allori
Venus and Cupid
Alessandro Allori
Wooded Landscape with Monks at a Fountain
Alessandro Magnasco
Velario del Sanquirico
Alessandro Sanquirico
Mater Dolorosa
Alessandro Varotari
Horse and Train
Alex Colville
Колхоз пасарĕ
Alex Coquel
Igreja russa na cidade de Nikol'skoe
Alexander Alexeyevich Borisov
The foot-ball play
Alexander Carse
Derbyshire Landscape
Alexander Helwig Wyant
A Newhaven Fishwife
Alexander Ignatius Roche
The Death of Achilles
Alexander Rothaug
Portrait of Eugénie Gabrielle Barbou des Courières, Baroness Rivet
Alexandre-Marie Colin
Dolaşalar qayıdıb
Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov
Boulevard. Vichy. France.
Alexei Stepanov
Mystischer Kopf
Alexej von Jawlensky
Große Variation, Großer Weg, Abend
Alexej von Jawlensky
Variation: um 1918 (Zärtlichkeit)
Alexej von Jawlensky
Schiffsuntergang in tosender See
Alfred Jensen
Alfred Roller
The Seine at Bougival
Alfred Sisley
The Seine at Saint-Cloud
Alfred Sisley
Banks of the Loing at Saint Mammès
Alfred Sisley
Lighthouse at dusk
Alfred Stevens
Histoire du siècle
Alfred Stevens Henri Gervex
Alfredo Volpi
Dana Gordon
Alice Neel
Aline von Kapff
O Conde de Luxemburgo
Aloïse Corbaz
Alphonse Mucha
Alphonse Mucha
Salon des Cent
Alphonse Mucha
La Bataille de Champigny
Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville Édouard Detaille
The Virgin with Child and Angels Musicians
Alvaro Pirez d'Evora
Italian girl with tamborine
Alwyn Stein
Cafés de Paris
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
Even Odd 1 2 1
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
Things's Expression
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
Adorazione dei Magi
Ambrogio Bergognone
Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio
Ambrogio Bergognone
Ambrogio Bergognone
Maestà della Loggia del Palazzo Pubblico di Siena
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Il ragazzo
Amedeo Modigliani
Amico Aspertini
Portrait of a Young Lady
Amos Cassioli
Portrait of Joseph as a child
Amos Cassioli
Self-Portrait as Tahitian
Amrita Sher-Gil
The Little Girl in Blue
Amrita Sher-Gil
Amélie Beaury-Saurel
Anna Meincke Krohg
Anders Bergius
Frantz Wilhelm Sehested
Anders Bergius
Christen Schmidt
Anders Bergius
Assumption of the Virgin
Andrea Boscoli
St. James Led to His Execution
Andrea Mantegna
Apotheosis of Hercules in Liechtenstein palace
Andrea Pozzo
The Virgin with the Infant Christ and two Angels
Andrea Solari
Holy Family
Andrea del Sarto
Storm on the Coast
Andreas Achenbach
Sunset at Sea with Rising Thunderstorm
Andreas Achenbach
shipwreck at the old Jetty
Andreas Achenbach
Fishing Boats in Sylt
Andreas Dirks
Munkmarschen harbor view on Sylt
Andreas Dirks
Trodden Weed
Andrew Wyeth
Triunfo da Eucaristia
André Gonçalves
La mandoline bleue
Andrée Le Coultre
Andrée Le Coultre
Jérusalem céleste
Andrée Le Coultre
The Republican Club
Andy Thomas
Ferdinand I and His Family
Angelica Kauffman
Self-Portrait with Charcoal Holder and Sharpener
Angelica Kauffman
The Massacre of the Innocents
Angelo Visconti
The Wise and Foolish Virgins
Anita Rée
Orpheus with the animals
Anita Rée
Anja Witt
Anna Feldhusen
Passengers in the tramway
Anna Gildemeester
Castle Interior Scene
Anna Marie Wirth
Anna Stainer-Knittel
Annibale Carracci
Anselm Feuerbach
Sainte Philomène
Antoine Plamondon
Portrait of Madame Adelaide Scot. Baronne de Clitourp
Antoine Vestier
Portrait of the Princesse Louise de Polignac
Antoine Vestier
Portrait of a Young Lady
Antoine Watteau
The island of Cythera
Antoine Watteau
Portrait of Mademoiselle Haranger. Sister of the Abbe Haranger
Antoine Watteau
Portrait of the Abbe Haranger, friend and executor of the Artist
Antoine Watteau
The Red Umbrella
Anton Braith
View at Ermelunden overlooking the Gentofte Church, Bernstorff Palace and Copenhagen
Anton Eduard Kieldrup
Portrait of Joseph Anton zu Waldburg-Wolfegg and his family
Anton Einsle
Anton Graff
Anton Melbye
Портрет на княз Ферниданд
Anton Mitov
The Tower of Babel
Anton Mozart
Schiff im Sturm
Anton von Perger
The imperial proclamation 1871
Anton von Werner
Opening of the Reichstag
Anton von Werner
The Arch of Drusus, Rome
Antonietta Brandeis
El Puente de los Suspiros, Venecia
Antonietta Brandeis
Portrait of Cardinal Antonio Barberini
Antonio Barbalonga
Madonna col Bambino tra San Rocco e San Sebastiano
Antonio Boselli
La Primavera, allegory of spring
Antonio Cortina Farinós
Undertow in Santos
Antonio Ferrigno
Juárez, símbolo de la República frente a la Intervención francesa
Antonio González Orozco
Portrait of Giovanni Domenico Olivieri
Antonio González Ruiz
A View of the Forum with the Campo Vaccino, the Church of Santa Francesca Romana and the Colosseum
Antonio Joli
View of Madrid
Antonio Joli
Castel San Pietro in Verona
Antonio Joli
Trompe-l'œil with Stuck Drawings and Engravings
Antonio Mara
Trompe-l'œil with Stuck Drawings and Engravings
Antonio Mara
Venetian Canal under the Rain
Antonio Reyna Manescau
Stories from the life of Saint Benedict
Antonio Solario
Madonna del Parto
Antonio Veneziano
Madonna and Child enthroned in paradise with the fathers of the church
Antonio Vivarini Giovanni d'Alemagna
Incoronazione della Vergine (Vivarini-d'Alemagna)
Antonio Vivarini Giovanni d'Alemagna
Trittico di San Moisè
Antonio Vivarini Giovanni d'Alemagna
Madonna of Albinea
Antonio da Correggio
Study for Madonna with child
Antonio da Correggio
Mary Magdalene reading
Antonio da Correggio
The Virgin, Infant Christ, and two Saints
Antonio del Pollaiolo
Portrait of a Princess
Antonis Mor
Cláudio Compositor
António Carneiro
António Carvalho de Silva Porto
Antônio Firmino Monteiro
Antônio Firmino Monteiro
O Batísmo de Cristo
Antônio Joaquim Franco Velasco
Bênção das bandeiras da Revolução de 1817
Antônio Parreiras
Durus arator
Apcar Baltazar
Allegoria della Calunnia
Партрэт хлопчыка
Apollinary Goravsky
The Spirit of '76
Archibald Willard
דיוקן עצמי
Arieh Lubin
Dance Of the Seven Veils
Armand Point
A young boy holding a tambourine, at an arch
Arnold Boonen
Isle of the Dead IV
Arnold Böcklin
Moonlit Landscape
Arnold Böcklin
Odysseus and Calypso
Arnold Böcklin
The Artist and His Mother
Arshile Gorky
Attacked by an unknown man in a city park: a dying woman; drawn and painted by mouth
Art & Language
A man battering his daughter to death as she sleeps; Drawn and painted by mouth
Art & Language
Virgin Annunciate (Gentileschi)
Artemisia Gentileschi
Silence, Waterfall and Forest
Arthur Bowen Davies
Delfim Guedes, 1.º Count of Almedina
Artur Loureiro
A saint, probably Luke the Evangelist
Artus Wolffort
Christ in the house of Simon the Pharisee
Artus Wolffort
St Thomas
Artus Wolffort
Alice Clyde Nicols
Audley Dean Nicols
Deckenfresko in der Pfarrkirche St. Jakobus Maior von Rötenbach
August Braun
Peter Frederik Wergmann
August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen
Amalie Sophie Wergmann
August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen
Our garden with blooming borders
August Macke
Игрушки маленького Вальтера
August Macke
The old and the young Sweden
August Malmström
Sgraffiti of Ludwigstraße 14 (Bad Kötzting)
August Philipp Henneberger
The Pine
August Strindberg
Massacre of Jewish People in Metz during the First Crusade
Auguste Migette
Le baiser
Auguste Toulmouche
The French Corvette "La Recherche" Close to Bear Island, Svalbard, August 7 1838
Auguste Étienne François Mayer
Royal Regiment of Minadores-Sappers
Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
White peonies
Augusto Giacometti
Romualdus et quinque discipuli in silva
Augusto Mussini
Alexandrine Caroline Ferrez
Augusto Müller
The Baroness of Vassouras
Augusto Müller
Guda oina
Aurelio Arteta Errasti
O Último baile da Ilha Fiscal
Aurélio de Figueiredo
Christ in Calgary
Austin Cooper Adam Sherriff Scott
Sopranen Greta Torpadie Bratt
Ava de Lagercrantz
Windows in the West
Avril Paton
Yoxsulların toyu
Azim Azimzade
Battle of the Dogs
Azim Azimzade
Retablo mayor de la Iglesia de San Juan Bautista (Carbonero el Mayor)
Baltasar Grande
Retábulo de São Brás
Baltazar Gomes Figueira
Portrait of an Old Lady
Balthasar Denner
In the Studio of the Sculptor
Balthasar van den Bossche
An Artist's Studio
Balthasar van den Bossche
Flowers in a Glass Vase
Balthasar van der Ast
Natura morta con frutta, conchiglie e tulipano
Balthasar van der Ast
Katia lisant
Bombing Middle England
Love is in the Bin
Corrupted Oil Jerry
Devolved Parliament
Hagar and Ishmael Taking Leave of Abraham
Barent Fabritius
Bartholomäus Storer
Rio de Janeiro
Barthélemy Lauvergne Léon Sabatier
Holy Family
Barthélemy d'Eyck
The Virgin and Infant Christ surrounded by Saints
Bartolommeo Ramenghi
Ruins (Italy)
Belmiro de Almeida
Madonna of Mercy
Benedetto Bonfigli
David with the Head of Goliath
Benedetto Gennari II
Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Benedito Calixto
Antonio Ferreira da Silva, viscount of Embaré portrait
Benedito Calixto
A road in Italy
Beniamino Parlagreco
The visit of General Roca
Beniamino Parlagreco
February Fill Dyke
Benjamin Williams Leader
Procession of the Middle King
Benozzo Gozzoli
Pedro I of Brazil
Bento José Rufino Capinam
Miracle of bread and fish
Benvenuto Tisi
Benvenuto di Giovanni
De kleine kapitein
Bernard Blommers
The Virgin and the Infant Christ
Bernard van Orley
Altarpiece of the Passion
Bernard van Orley Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder
Bernardino Luini
Praying for Liberation
Bernardino Luini
Burying the Treasure
Bernardino Luini
Killing the Enemy
Bernardino Luini
Crucifix with the Virgin and Saints Francis and Agatha
Bernardino Mei
Colosseum and Arch of Constantine
Bernardo Bellotto
Ruins of a Temple
Bernardo Bellotto
A Capriccio River Landscape with a Church to the Left
Bernardo Bellotto
Story of the true Belt
Bernardo Daddi
Polyptych of the Madonna and four saints
Bernardo Daddi
Allegory of History, Industry and Commerce of Malaga
Bernardo Ferrándiz Bádenes Antonio Muñoz Degrain
St. Francis in Ecstasy
Bernardo Strozzi
Christ at Emmaus
Bernardo Strozzi
Retaule de Santa Llúcia (Martorell)
Bernat Martorell
Dance of the Death (Lübeck)
Bernt Notke
The Mass of Saint Gregory
Bernt Notke
Bertalan Pór
Harbor view
Bertha Schrader
Durch channel
Bertha Schrader
Park view
Bertha Schrader
Femme se coiffant
Berthe Morisot
Liegendes Mädchen
Berthe Morisot
The Bargain
Berthold Woltze
Young Gipsy under Arrest
Berthold Woltze
Good Advice Is Expensive!
Berthold Woltze
Gloria di San Gregorio magno
Biagio Bellotti
Saint Eurosia
Biagio Bellotti
Bijan Jazani
half nude in pink drapery
Bolesław Barbacki
Half Nude
Bolesław Barbacki
Female nude
Bolesław Barbacki
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Bonifazio Veronese
Roses for Stalin
Boris Vladimirski
Portrait of Lancelot Ridley Phelps
Briton Rivière
Dorothea Sara Marie Krieger b. Meincke
Broder Lysholm Krohg
Northern Light
Bror Lindh
Fall Morning
Bruce Crane
Mavi Senfoni
Burhan Doğançay
Cagnaccio di San Pietro
Duchess drawing room
Camillo Filippi
The Mestizo
Candido Portinari
Civilização Mineira
Candido Portinari
Portrait of a gentleman (Scipione Borghese?)
North Sea
Carl August Breitenstein
Seascape off Kronborg with numerous ships and a pilot boat
Carl Bille
Im Berliner Tiergarten / Waldweg mit Wasser
Carl Blechen
Transfiguration of Jesus
Carl Bloch
Haydn Geburtshaus in Rohrau
Carl Bobies
Approaching thunderstorm
Carl Caspar Pitz
Young Woman before a Ruined Door
Carl Ernst von Stetten
Still Life with Fish, Cheese and Bread
Carl Fleischmann
Vestal with Ivy Garland
Carl Friedrich Deckler
The Farewell of Hector to Andromaque and Astyanax
Carl Friedrich Deckler
Car Factory
Carl Grossberg
The Paper Machine
Carl Grossberg
Jacquard Weaving Mill
Carl Grossberg
The Belts
Carl Grossberg
View of Lake Bled
Carl Hasch
Two face mirror (selfportrait)
Carl Holsøe
A Lady Playing the Spinet
Carl Holsøe
Romantic Lake Landscape with Ruins
Carl Johan Fahlcrantz
Schloss Mühlenthal, Bremen
Carl Johann Lasch
The Remains of a Monastery in Winter
Carl Julius von Leypold
View of Vegesack (Bremen), Germany, at the river Weser in the year 1847.
Carl Justus Harmen Fedeler
Morning near Purwin
Carl Knauf
Living Room in Sunlight
Carl Knauf
Lagoon Landscape near Purwin
Carl Knauf
Carl Larsson
Early Spring: Dirt road at the village church Gressow, in the background Plüschow castle near Wismar
Carl Malchin
Ruin of a Chapel near a River with Rising Moon
Carl Rottmann
Erste elektrische Straßenbeleuchtung in Berlin
Carl Saltzmann
The History Painter
Carl Spitzweg
Industrial Landscape in Lower Austria
Carl Thöndel
Birch grove in autumn
Carl Vinnen
At the City Wall of Rome
Carl Wagner
Early Morning on the Holy Pond in Karnak
Carl Wuttke
Seated little girl
Carl von Bergen
Pieter Baas
Carla Rodenberg
Levata del Sole allo Spluga
Carlo Bazzi
Pala di San Pietro di Muralto
Carlo Crivelli
Mary Magdalene
Carlo Dolci
Carlo Dolci
Visão de Santa Catarina de Génova
Carlo Giuseppe Ratti
Conversion of St Paul
Carlo Pellegrini
Vista de Morella
Carloandrés López del Rey
Retrat de D. Isidor Macabich
Carloandrés López del Rey
Sa Colomina
Carloandrés López del Rey
Eldorado (painting)
Carol M. Highsmith
The 14 Holy Intercessors
Carola Sorg
saint Dominique recevant le rosaire
Carola Sorg
Wolgaster Totentanz
Caspar Siegmund Köppe
Juan Manuel de Rosas
Cayetano Descalzi
1000 Thread Count
Cecily Brown
Saint Cecilia
Cesare Dandini
Leonardo Painting The Mona Lisa
Cesare Maccari
Bouquet de rose à la statue de platre
Chaim Soutine
Gumball XV
Charles Bell
John Forster
Charles Edward Perugini
Քանդված օջախ
Charles Garabed Atamian
The Cradle of the Confederation
Charles Giron
Charles H. Chapin
Sunset on the Hudson
Charles H. Chapin
Coastal Sunset
Charles Henry Gifford
Jeune Femme en robe de bal aux putti
Charles Joshua Chaplin
The Maid
Charles Joshua Chaplin
Charles Joshua Chaplin
Charles Joshua Chaplin
Bombardment of Foutcheou
Charles Kuwasseg
The assassination
Charles Landseer
With Wind and Tide – Off The Dodman-Head, Falmouth
Charles Napier Hemy
Deportation of Acadians order
Charles William Jefferys
Reception of Count de Frontenac during his return to Quebec in October 1689.
Charles William Jefferys
The "Order of Good Times" was established by Samuel de Champlain.
Charles William Jefferys
Louis Hébert the Apothecary
Charles William Jefferys
Portrait of a Gentleman, possibly Judge John Berrien
Charles Willson Peale
Thomas Johnson (Governor)
Charles Willson Peale
The cardinal's leisure
Charles Édouard Delort
Scène homérique
Charles-Auguste Edelmann
"Oriental Dancer", also known as "Salomé"
Charles-Edmond Daux
A Lake in the Woods at Dusk
Charles-François Daubigny
Ruins of a Roman Room
Charles-Louis Clérisseau
Traditional Chinese Studies Institute
Chen Danqing
Chen Danqing
黃河頌 (油畫)
Chen Yifei
Chenghua Emperor
Rainy Day, Fifth Avenue
Childe Hassam
Early Morning Calm
Childe Hassam
Air Study. Reddish evening sky with heavy black-grey clouds
Christen Købke
The Grey Lighthouse
Christian Blache
View of Dresden
Christian Friedrich Gille
Just Meincke
Christian Horneman
Friedrich Magnus I. zu Solms-Wildenfels
Christian Leberecht Vogel
The street Munkegata in Trondheim, Norway.
Christian Martin Tegner
The breakthrough in the Battle of Køge Bay on July 1st 1677
Christian Mølsted
The Frigate "Jylland"
Christian Mølsted
The Painting Collection of Johann Noë Gogel
Christian Stöcklin
Cloister in Amalfi
Christian Wilhelm Allers
Hertug Adolf, som afslår tilbudet om den danske krone
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg
Erotisk scene
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg
Händel-Porträt von Christoph Platzer
Christoph Platzer
The Stoning of St Stephen
Fortøjede joller
Cilius Andersen
Piberygende mand i åben stalddør
Cilius Andersen
Interiør med kvinde der syer
Cilius Andersen
To skovnymfer, der driller en satyr
Cilius Andersen
Bacchic Cassone
Cima da Conegliano
St Michael and the Dragon by Cimabue
Vault of the Evangelists
Os Doze Apóstolos
Cirilo Volkmar Machado
Overgrown with wine and flowers pergola over the sea
Clara Lobedan
Still life with grapes
Clara Lobedan
Ex-voto à la Vierge
Claude François
A Sea-Port
Claude Lorrain
A Sea-Port
Claude Lorrain
Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen
Claude Lorrain
Fons Vitae (Museu da Misericórdia do Porto)
Colijn de Coter
View of Steamship Carpathia Passing along the Edge of the Ice Flow after Rescuing Survivors of the Titanic
Colin Campbell Cooper
The Old Man of the Restelo (Columbano)
Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro
Retrato do tenente-general José Baptista da Silva Lopes
Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro
salon of the ladies-in-waiting in the Marienburg
Conrad Wilhelm Hase
Constance Mayer
View of the Roman Forum with the Temple of Concordia and the Arch of Septimius Severus seen from the foot of the Capitoline Hill
Constantin Hansen
Anne Stuart, Maréchale d'Aubigny
Corneille de Lyon
De Kruisiging
Cornelia toe Boecop
A Capriccio View of Amsterdam
Cornelis Christiaan Dommersen
Portrait of a Lady, supposed to be Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I
Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen
Portrait of a Lady
Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen
Portrait of Sir John Gage. of Foile. created Baronet in 1662
Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen
Portrait of Lady Dorothy Godolphin
Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen
Seascape with the Calling of Saint Peter
Cornelis Mahu
A Busy Street In Bremen
Cornelis Springer
Anna Homout b. Horneman
Cornelis Troost
Ar c'hoarierien echedoù
Cornelis de Man
The Passing Storm, Saint-Ferréol
Cornelius Krieghoff
Corona Schröter
The Virgin, the Infant Christ, St. Joseph, and St. John
Cosimo Rosselli
Retrat del Sr. Evarist Arnús Garí
Cristòfol Montserrat i Jorba
Cristóbal de Villalpando
The Holy Name of Mary
Cristóbal de Villalpando
Holy Family
Cristóbal de Villalpando
Бамбук і чапля
Cui Bai
View of the statue of John III Sobieski
Cyprian Dylczyński
Beagle 2 Calibration Target
Damien Hirst
Open Casket
Dana Schutz
The Wrestling Scene in 'As You Like It'
Daniel Maclise
A Maid in Her Garden
Daniel Ridgway Knight
Restaurant de la City-Galerie
Daniel Spoerri
Digiuno di san Carlo Borromeo
Daniele Crespi
Der Prophet Elias
Daniele da Volterra
Parklandskab - Aften
Dankvart Dreyer
Daoud Corm
Ejercicio plástico
David Alfaro Siqueiros
Del Porfirismo a la Revolución
David Alfaro Siqueiros
Putin - Mona Lisa
David Datuna
Equestrian portrait of Carl Gustaf Wrangel (1613-1676)
David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl
Portrait of Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay and Lady Elizabeth Murray
David Martin
קו ירוק עם עיניים ירוקות
David Reeb
The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, A.D. 70
David Roberts
Victoria holding a Privy Council meeting.
David Wilkie
A View of Manchester, Vermont
DeWitt Clinton Boutelle
DeWitt Clinton Boutelle
מפת ארץ ישראל עם גבול מעוין
Deganit Berest
Del Kathryn Barton
You are what is most beautiful about me, a self portrait with Kell and Arella
Del Kathryn Barton
Peter Pan
Delilah Pierce
Di Cavalcanti
Marina Montini
Di Cavalcanti
Carnaval de la vida mexicana
Diego Rivera
Pesadilla de guerra, sueño de paz
Diego Rivera
Baile de Tehuantepec
Diego Rivera
Portrait d'une dame
Diego Velázquez
Main de l'archevêque Fernando Valdés
Diego Velázquez
Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain
Diego Velázquez
Lady in the rose garden
Dieric Bouts
Triptych of the Martyrdom of St Erasmus
Dieric Bouts
The Adoration of the Magi
Dieric Bouts
Собствен портрет
Dimitar Dobrovich
Dimitar Dobrovich
Цар Симеон
Dimitŭr Gi͡udzhenov
A Jovial Company
Dirck Hals
The Studio
Diógenes Hequet
Have You Volunteered?
Dmitry Moor
The Angel Crowns St. Cecilia and Valerian
Saint Cecilia in Glory
Death of Saint Cecilia
Condemnation of Saint Cecilia
Retrato de D. João V
Domenico Duprà
Retrato de D. Jaime Álvares Pereira de Melo, III Duque de Cadaval
Domenico Duprà Pierre-Antoine Quillard
The Parable of the Vineyard
Domenico Fetti
Visione di San Pietro
Domenico Fetti
Virgin and San Lazzaro interceding the for the city of Sarzana
Domenico Fiasella
Landscape at Kobern on the river Moselle
Domenico Quaglio the Younger
Tancredi battezza Clorinda
Domenico Tintoretto
Castle Ruin on a Rock
Dominik Schufried
Doris Lee
Visby - Yellow trees in front of ruins
Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen
Sapiente con compasso e globo
Dosso Dossi
Father Hennepin Discovering the Falls of St. Anthony
Douglas Volk
Madonna di Buonconvento
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Protótipo da Bandeira Nacional do Brasil
Décio Villares
Vlucht van een kaketoe
Eadweard Muybridge
The Old Stagecoach
Eastman Johnson
King Candaules's wife
Edgar Degas
Danseuse Bleue et Contrebasses
Edgar Degas
Miss Ella Carmichaël
Edmond Aman-Jean
A View of Philadelphia from Belmont Plateau
Edmund Darch Lewis
Moat Mountain, Little Attitash, and White Horse Ledge
Edmund Darch Lewis
Mount Washington and the Saco River from the Intervale, North Conway
Edmund Darch Lewis
Samson and the Lion
Edmund von Wörndle
Expulsion of the prince-bishop of Trent
Edmund von Wörndle
Town and Lake Tiberias
Edmund von Wörndle
Portrait of a Young Lady in a Red Dress
Eduard Friedrich Leybold
Studio with the Works of the Master, Mobile Screen, Chaise longue and a large Mirror
Eduard Veith
Eduard von Gebhardt
Bread Time
Eduard von Grützner
Eduardo de Martino
Ironclad “Ruggiero di Lauria”
Eduardo de Martino
Το παζάρι των Αθηνών
Edward Dodwell
A Shipwreck
Edward Duncan
Jasper F. Cropsey at age 24
Edward L. Mooney
Across the Park
Edward Middleton Manigault
Gazebo on Central Park
Edward Middleton Manigault
An angling party
Edward Smith
Lower New York
Edward Willis Redfield
The Canal, Evening
Edward Willis Redfield
Epulum Aegyptium
Edwin Long
Голгофа (Шиле)
Egon Schiele
Portrait of Edith Schiele with striped dress
Egon Schiele
Wally Neuzil in Black Stockings
Egon Schiele
Eleni Boukoura-Altamoura
Portrait of Garibaldi
Eleuterio Pagliano
Lübeck Cityscape
Elias Diebel
Erik Iverssen Nordal
Elias Figenschou
Path in Wicie
Elisabeth Andrae
Self-portrait as belle jardinière
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern
Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann
Elisabetta Sirani
An untitled painting of two black children by Emma Soyer
Elizabeth Emma Soyer
Elizabeth Nourse
The Charge of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry at Huj
Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth de Krouglicoff
Madonna and Child
Elliot Daingerfield
Boy with blond hair
Elly Abeking
Житие Христа
Emil Nolde
Emil Nolde
Heidelberg by Night with Fireworks
Emil Orlík
Industrial Landscape near Water
Emil von Gerliczy
Panorama du Caire
Emile Wauters
Panorama Wauters
Emile Wauters
Emilio Pettoruti
Emma Sandys
Okänd titel
Endre Nemes
Okänd titel
Endre Nemes
Madonna con Bambino e santi Gregorio Magno e Carlo Borromeo
Enea Salmeggia
Madonna in gloria tra i santi Pietro, Alessandro, Alberto Carmelitano e santo vescovo
Enea Salmeggia
Gloria di Santi
Enrico Scuri
street scene in Berlin-Schöneberg
Erich Büttner
Nikolai Nissen Paus
Erik Werenskiold
Conquista de Malaca
Ernesto Ferreira Condeixa
Vassoio di Ventotene
Ernesto Rossi
Saarlouiser Sacra Conversazione
Ernst Alt
Daedalus and the nymph
Ernst Fuchs
Het Laatste Oordeel
Ernst Roelofsz. Maler
Soldaten vor einer Osteria
Eugen Adam
Hoesch Steelworks from North
Eugen Bracht
Hoesch Iron and Steel Plant
Eugen Bracht
Rocky Coast on Sylt
Eugen Bracht
Autumn in the Mark near Potsdam
Eugen John
Deer in the Forest
Eugen Krüger
Well Wellingsbüttel, Country Party
Eugen Krüger
Mount William as from Mount Dryden in the Grampians, Victoria
Eugene von Guerard
Landscape with Antique Ruins
Eugeniu Voinescu
Deauville, le Rivage Par Gros Temps
Eugène Boudin
Portret van Victor Demunter
Eugène Coubeaux
Eugène Delacroix
Tiger with a Tortoise
Eugène Delacroix
Barges in Winter on the Seine with a View of Notre-Dame in the Distance
Eugène Galien-Laloue
Portrait du curé Jean Harper
Eugène Hamel
Joan of Arc listening to the voices
Eugène Romain Thirion
Eva Bonnier
Carnival of Oviedo
Evaristo Valle
The Cadence of Autumn
Evelyn De Morgan
Springtime of Life
Fabio Cipolla
Cristo verso il calvario e la Veronica
Fabrizio Boschi
Selbstbildnis der Malerin
Fanny Inama von Sternegg
Fanny Inama von Sternegg
Santa Rania (Fathi Hassan)
Fathi Hassan
Beteja e Albulenës (pikturë)
Fatmir Haxhiu
Vrana Konti me Trimat
Fatmir Haxhiu
Ertuğrul Süvari Alayı Köprüde (1901)
Fausto Zonaro
Battle of Domokos (1897)
Fausto Zonaro
The Dance
Federico Andreotti
Escape of Aeneas from Troy
Federico Barocci
portrait of Petro Kalnyshevskyy
Fedir Panko
Young girl in a feather plucking Turkey
Felice Boselli
Altare patrio in piazza San Pietro per la Festa della Federazione
Felice Giani
Suite de triangles
Felice Varini
Mary as the Escape of Sinners
Felix Anton Scheffler
Painter kisses the model
Felix Schlesinger
Costal view from south
Ferdinand Bonheur
Pro patria
Ferdinand Humbert
Fredrikshald i 1843, set fra Sauøen
Ferdinand Jonas Gjøs
Ruin Landscape
Ferdinand Knab
Lake Landscape with Ruined Temple
Ferdinand Knab
Surprized Bathers
Fernand Allard l'Olivier
Fernand Khnopff
Who Shall Deliver Me?
Fernand Khnopff
Portrait of Prince Leopold of Belgium, Duke of Brabant
Fernand Khnopff
Virgin and Child
Filippo Lippi
The Virgin and Child
Filippo Mazzola
Asbury Park South
Florine Stettheimer
La Fete a Duchamp
Florine Stettheimer
Portrait of Marcel Duchamp and Rrose Sélavy
Florine Stettheimer
Prisoner of Chillon
Ford Madox Brown
The Coronation of the Virgin
Fra Angelico
The Martyrdom of Saint Mark
Fra Angelico
Madonna na tronie z Dzieciątkiem na tle kwiatów i owoców
Fra Antonio da Negroponte
Ritratto di Girolamo Savonarola
Fra Bartolomeo
View of the Square and the Door to the Arsenal
Francesco Albotto
Ritratto di dama col liuto
Francesco Bacchiacca
Martirio di santo Stefano
Francesco Capella
Madonna col Bambino che porge lo scapolare al beato Simone Stock, Onorio III e le anime purgant
Francesco Capella
Santi Sebastiano, Rocco, Antonio abate e Carlo Borromeo
Francesco Capella
Laguna Veneta
Francesco Filippini
Ai piedi del ghiacciaio
Francesco Filippini
Our Lady of Krasnobród
Francesco Francia
Madonne and child with Saint Lawrence
Francesco Francia
The adoration of the Infant Christ
Francesco Francia
Contadina con cesta alla vendemmia
Francesco Gioli
Girl with folded hands
Francesco Hayez
Socrates discovers Alcibiades in a brothel
Francesco Hayez
Romeo and Juliet
Francesco Hayez
Self-portrait at the age of 69
Francesco Hayez
The Deposition
Francesco Montemezzano
Francesco Morandini
The daughter of Iorio
Francesco Paolo Michetti
Saint Cajetan in glory
Francesco Solimena
The Crucifixion
Francesco Trevisani
Madonna and Child
Francesco Vecellio
Lighthouse at Sunset
Francis A. Silva
The White Room
Francis Cadell
Portrait of Miss de Strafford
Francis Cotes
The Virgen with the Child, Saint Benedict and Saint Bernard
Francisco Henriques
The Champs Elysee view of the Arc de Troumphe
Francisco Miralles Galup
Inmaculate Conception
Francisco Pacheco
Adoração dos Pastores
Francisco de Campos
The volunteer’s return
Frank Buchser
Scene in Venice
Frank Duveneck
Landscape at Sunset
Frank Knox Morton Rehn
Frank Lewecke
Last Supper
Frans Francken I
A Picture Gallery with a Man of Science Making Measurements
Frans Francken the Younger
Pictura, Poesis and Musica in a Pronkkamer
Frans Francken the Younger
The Interior of a Picture Gallery
Frans Francken the Younger
De kruisiging
Frans Francken the Younger
Portrait of Jacobus Revius
Frans Hals
Frans Hogenberg
The Bear Fight
Frans Snyders
Sami on skis in northern lights
Frants Diderik Bøe
Franz Gertsch
Marina schminkt Luciano
Franz Gertsch
The Artist's Studio
Franz Hohenberger
Ağ formalar
Franz Kline
Gnadenbild Maria, Mutter der Schönen Liebe
Franz Metz
Forge in front the House without Roof
Franz Skarbina
Two Huntsmen near Castle Ruin
Franz Xaver von Hofstetten
Ruin Landscape with Resting Travellers
Franz de Paula Ferg
Theodor Mommsen
Franz von Lenbach
Franziska Riotte
The Philatelist
François Barraud
The Workshop
François Barraud
La Tailleuse de Soupe
François Barraud
Shepherd and Shepherdess in a Landscape
François Boucher
Rustic Landscape
François Boucher
Portrait of the Duchesse d'Angouleme
François Clouet
Charles XIV John as Crown Prince of Sweden
François Gérard
Empress Marie Louise in States Robes
François Gérard
Portrait of Madame Mère
François Gérard
Philémon et Beaucis
François Lafon
Friborg peasants at the bistro
François Louis Jaques
Oude vuurtoren met garnaalvisser
François Musin
Jeanne de Bourdeille with one of her daughters
François Quesnel
La Magistrature s'inclinant devant la Paix
François Schommer
François Schommer
François Schommer
La Défense de Pantin en 1814
François Schommer
Musical Scene
François Xaver Henri Verbeeck
Portrait of Young Lady with a Dog
François-Hubert Drouais
Portrait of a young Lady
François-Hubert Drouais
Cimon and Pero
François-Xavier Fabre
Sandstorm in Biskya
Frederick Arthur Bridgman
Bush Idyll
Frederick McCubbin
Frederick Richard Lee
Love's Shadow
Frederick Sandys
The Sunken Road
Frederick Varley
Elegant ladies at the Scheveningen Beach
Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer
Johan Caspar Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg
Fredric Westin
The Wounded Table
Frida Kahlo
Glacier in Magdalena Bay, Spitsbergen
Friedrich Kallmorgen
La Tireuse de cartes
Frédéric Bazille
The Cavalier's Kiss
Frédéric Soulacroix
Ta Tele
Frédéric Trigo Piula
Materna (painting)
Frédéric Trigo Piula
Frédéric Trigo Piula
Corteo nuziale di Rebecca
Fulvio Piazza
Deposizione di Cristo dalla Croce
Fulvio Piazza
Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Naples
Fulvio Tessitore
Grand Canal in Venice
Félix Ziem
The grand canal in Venice
Félix Ziem
La Salute and the Customs, views of San Giorgio
Félix Ziem
View of Constantinople
Félix Ziem
Still Life with a Turkey Pie
G. Vervoorn
Trompe-l'œil Still Life with Objects from a Cabinet of Curiosities
Gabriel Germain Joncherie
Water bearer at Lake Garda
Gabriele Maria Deininger-Arnhard
Portrait of a Young Woman
Gabriele Münter
Johan Henrik Nebelong
Gad Frederik Clement
Lighthouse at Fener
Garabet Yazmaciyan
View of Rome with the Tiberand Castel Sant'Angelo
Gaspar van Wittel
Allégorie de l'Abondance et de la Paix
Gaston Balande
Allégorie du Travail
Gaston Balande
Ge Yang Chang
Festas Regionais
Genaro de Carvalho
Passage in the Ruin of the Sacred Heart Abbey near Meißen
Georg Heinrich Crola
View of the Acropolis
Georg Macco
View of the Acropolis of Athens and the Olympieon
Georg Macco
View of the Cloister Garden
Georg Petzoldt
Küstenlandschaft mit einem orientalischen Palast im Abendrot
Georg Sassnick
Mutual Admiration
Georg Schöbel
Admiral Sir George Back shows HMS Terror anchored near a cathedral-like iceberg in the waters around Baffin Island
George Back
The Temples in the Plain of Paestum
George Edwards Hering
Running down the Channel in a fair wind as she clears the stern of the ferry
George Gregory
Le Vagabond
George Grosz
Cly Butte, Monument Valley, Arizona
George Kennedy Brandriff
Landscape with Ruins
George Lambert
Squire Thornhill and Olivia
George Morland
The Gamekeeper's Return
George Morland
Ο θάνατος του Λάδα
George Murray
Mrs Annie Murdoch
George Washington Lambert
The Painter and His Model
Georges Braque
Arab Motherhood
Georges Hanna Sabbagh
V divadle
Georges Kars
La riva sottovento a Honfleur
Georges Seurat
Light Coming on the Plains No.1
Georgia O'Keeffe
Light Coming on the Plains No. II
Georgia O'Keeffe
平原に映る光 No.3
Georgia O'Keeffe
Georgios Karaiskakis
Georgios Margaritis
Gerard David
Madonna and Child
Gerard David
Opferfest Amongst Antique Ruins
Gerard Hoet
Antiochus et Stratonice (Lairesse)
Gerard de Lairesse
Ultima Cena (Lairesse)
Gerard de Lairesse
Portrait of a Lady (Sedelmeyer 1897)
Gerard ter Borch
A Lady washing her Hands
Gerard ter Borch
Portrait of a Lady (Sedelmayer 1900)
Gerard ter Borch
Jupiter, sous les traits de Diane, séduit Callisto
Gerard van Honthorst
Philip Baptizes the Moor
Gerrit Claesz Bleker
La Ménagère
Gerrit Dou
Gesina ter Borch
The Emperor Honorius elects Costanzo his co-governor (Pittoni)
Giambattista Pittoni
The Apotheosis of Saint Jerome with Saint Peter of Alcántara and an Unidentified Franciscan (Pittoni)
Giambattista Pittoni
Death of Cleopatra
Cristo morto sostenuto da tre angeli
Giampietro Silvio
Portrait of a Young Man
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Portrait of a Young Man
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
George Washington (Vaughan type)
Gilbert Stuart
Geroglifico dinamico del bal tabarin
Gino Severini
Circe Mulling Wine
Gioacchino Assereto
Gioacchino La Pira
Ettore e Andromaca
Giorgio de Chirico
Autumnal Meditation
Giorgio de Chirico
David with the Head of Goliat
Giovanni Andrea Sirani
The four continents
Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini
Deckenfresko im Porzellanpavillon des Dresdner Zwingers
Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini
Bathsheba at her Toilette
Giovanni Battista Cipriani
Ecstasy of St. Francis
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta
The Martyrdom of Saint Mark
Giovanni Bellini
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha
Giovanni Bernardino Azzolini
Ritratto di donna Franca Florio
Giovanni Boldini
Conversation at the Café
Giovanni Boldini
Triptyque de la Résurrection
Giovanni Capassini
Presentation of Jesus at the temple
Giovanni Cariani
Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
Processione del cavallo di Troia
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
In ricognizione
Giovanni Fattori
Sacra conversazione
Giovanni Maria Butteri
Sant'Ulbaldo libera gli ossessi e Martino V approva la riforma fregionaria
Giovanni Marracci
Apparizione di Gesù e Sant'Elisabetta d'Ungheria
Giovanni Marracci
Madonna and Child between Saints Rocco and Sebastian
Giovanni Paolo Lolmo
Venus Combing Cupid's Hair
Giovanni da San Giovanni
Madonna of Humility
Giovanni di Paolo
Opłakiwanie Chrystusa
Girolamo Muziano
Madonna col Bambino, san Giorgio, san Maurizio e i santi Pietro e Paolo che presentano gli offerenti
Girolamo Romanino
Assunzione della Vergine (Romanino)
Girolamo Romanino
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Girolamo da Ponte
Crucifiement de Fra Elia
Giunta Pisano
Francis I and His Family
Giuseppe Cammarano
Giuseppe Cesari
Two shepherds
Giuseppe Vermiglio
George I, king of Great Britain
Godfrey Kneller
The Earl of Burlington (centre) with Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull (left) and John Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley of Stratton (right)
Godfrey Kneller
Emaciated Horse
Gong Kai
Fall Plowing
Grant Wood
Madonna and child with saints
Grazio Cossali
Calvário do Políptico da Capela-mor da Sé de Viseu
Grão Vasco
Soriano's Vision
King David
Christian Charity
Annunciazione (Guercino)
Dossale di Badia Ardenga
Guido of Siena Dietisalvi di Speme
216 m² mural
Guillaume Bottazzi
Guillaume Seignac
Del códice al mural
Guillermo Ceniceros
Retablo del monasterio de Cañas
Guillén de Holanda Andrés de Melgar
Gusta Nekolová
Bei St. Christina im Grödnertal
Gustav Jahn
View through a Cloister
Gustav von Haugk
la Famine
Gustave Achille Guillaumet
Le pont de l'Europe
Gustave Caillebotte
Allée de la Villa des Fleurs à Trouville
Gustave Caillebotte
Portrait of A. Cassabois
Gustave Caillebotte
Ientaculum venatorum (Courbet)
Gustave Courbet
Le Messager boiteux
Gustave Stoskopf
La Touche-Tréville
Gustave-Adolphe Chassevent-Bacques
Gustave-Adolphe Chassevent-Bacques
Salomé holding the severed head of John the Baptist
Gyula Éder
Haakon Jensen Kaulum
Hakob Kojoyan
Sassuntsi Davit
Hakob Kojoyan
Birth of Sassuntsi Davit
Hakob Kojoyan
Margrave, Mother and child
Hans Baldung
Church Ruins in Hoff
Hans Hartig
The Camp at Wonoka Creek
Hans Heysen
Portrait of a Young Man
Hans Holbein
Kaufmann Wedigh
Hans Holbein
Hans Kloss
Alter Hafen vor 1914
Hans Kohnert
In the Studio
Hans Looschen
Crist a la columna
Hans Memling
Retrato de hombre con bodegón en el reverso
Hans Memling
Two Wings of a Triptych with Portraits of the Donors
Hans Memling
Resurrection of Christ
Hans Multscher
Igreja de Santa Efigênia
Hans Nöbauer
Female nude with parrot
Hans Unger
Portrait of the Danish painter Bertha Dorph
Harald Slott-Møller
Portrait of Professor Yngvar Tank Nielsen
Harriet Backer
Ιωάννης Πετρίδης
Hector Doukas
View of the Colosseum in Rome
Heinrich Brandes
Ruins Landscape in the Mountain
Heinrich Bürkel
The Danish King Christian X rides across the old border in 1920.
Heinrich Dohm
Heinrich Hoerle
The Blue grotto at Capri
Heinrich Jakob Fried
Heinrich Petersen-Flensburg
Hoge Raad
Helen Verhoeven
The Tower of Babel
Hendrick van Cleve III Group
Giacomo van Lint
Hendrik Frans van Lint
Portrait of a Gentleman
Hendrik Goltzius
Sea Battle
Hendrik Lofvers
Die Ambulanz im Bahnhof von Poitiers
Henri Gervex
Henri Gervex
Jenny Sacerdote
Henri Gervex
Le fumeur ou Tête d'homme éclairée par une lampe
Henri Laigneau
Henri Le Sidaner
Couronnement de Charlemagne
Henri Leopold Levy
Henri Lucien Doucet
Miss Nightingale at Scutari
Henrietta Rae
Henriette Lorimier
Henrika Langus
Model - painting
Henrique Pousão
Dawn at the Alamo
Henry Arthur McArdle
Henry Bacon
Untitled (Indian Portrait)
Henry Cornelius Balink
Titania liebkost den eselköpfigen Bottom
Henry Fuseli
Coast of Groix
Henry Moret
Henry Moret
Cliffs in Ouessant
Henry Moret
Battle with smugglers on the English coast
Henry Ritter
Portrait of Mrs. Arbuthnot
Henry Robert Morland
The 'Finger-Assisted' Nephrectomy of Professor Nadey Hakim
Henry Ward
The Woodcutters
Henry Ward Ranger
Guerrier casqué avec aile
Henry de Groux
Faun's pond
Henryk Siemiradzki
Dance amongst swords
Henryk Siemiradzki
Heorhiy Yakutovych
Landscape with Roman Ruin
Herman Saftleven
Coastal landscape with lighthouse
Herman af Sillén
Hermann Both
Hermann Brüggemann
Cemetery by a Ruined Gothic Church
Hermann Lungkwitz
Familie mit Frau am Spinnrad
Hermann Sondermann
L'Histoire en peinture de l'Assemblée nationale
Hervé Di Rosa
A Banquet Scene, an Allegory on Love and Lust
Hieronymous Francken I
Blooming azalea along the river Seine, Paris
Hildegard Lehnert
Lecture to Cupid
Hildegard Lehnert
Obststillleben mit Krug
Hildegard Lehnert
Stillleben mit Fischen und Langusten
Hildegard Lehnert
Fanny Brate
Hildegard Thorell
Model with Mirror
Hildegard Thorell
Shono from the Fifty-three Stations on Tokaido Highway, Hoeido version
La Reine de Saba chez Salomon
Hocine Ziani
Lake George
Homer Dodge Martin
Studio in Paris
Hortense Haudebourt-Lescot
Still life. Ararat Valley riches
Hovhannes Zardaryan
Still life. Spring Flowers
Hovhannes Zardaryan
The Battle of Nashville
Howard Pyle
Party at Sylt
Hugo Mühlig
Portrait of Mme Elisabeth de Gouix, Wife of the Artist
Hyacinthe Rigaud
Poured Lines
Ian Davenport
Self portrait with blue background
Ignacio Zuloaga
Retrato de Millan-Astray
Ignacio Zuloaga
Portrait of the Violinist Cecilia Hansen
Ilya Repin
The Marriage of Saint Catherine
Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola
Aqueducts in the Roman Campagna
Ippolito Caffi
Det sjungande trädet
Isaac Grünewald
Ismael Nery
לשון פרה מס' 74
Israel Hershberg
Israel Paldi
Yerusalem Wedding
Itshak Holtz
Itō Jakuchū
The ruined temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt
Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé
Ivan Kalganov
The Rooms of Ivan Khrutsky's Estate
Ivan Khrutsky
Ivan Milev
Светогорска легенда
Ivan Milev
Ivan Milev
Сватба в Момчиловци
Ivan Mrkvička
Work in a Factory
Ivan Vavpotič
Shade and Darkness
J. M. W. Turner
Erik Vullum
J.A.G. Acke
Jackie Kazarian
Temple of Minverva in Forum of Nerva in Rome
Jacob George Strutt
Ruins in a forest
Jacob Grimmer
Historical Subject
Jacob Jordaens
Triptiek van Jacob en Albert Maeler
Jacob Maler
De werken van barmhartigheid
Jacob Maler
Generalmajor Diderich Hegermann
Jacob Munch
Ida Kjerulf
Jacob Munch
Marina piccola di Sorrento
Jacob Philipp Hackert
Ritratto di giovane
Jacometto Veneziano
A Visitação
Jacopo Coppi
The Mediterranean Studio
Jacques Arnaud
Madame Elisabeth séparée de la reine
Jacques Augustin Catherine Pajou
Bonnier de La Mosson's Cabinet of Physics
Jacques de Lajoue
Jacques-Louis David
Portrait de Jeune Fille
Jacques-Louis David
Jakob Stucki
Olga's portrait
Jalmari Ruokokoski
Nymph and Cupid
James Carroll Beckwith
Arcade of the Grand Trianon, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Bassin de Neptune
James Carroll Beckwith
Allée de l'Été, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Answering the Emigrant's Letter
James Collinson
The Sisters (Painting)
James Collinson
Harriman, New York, Overlooking the Hudson
James McDougal Hart
Returning from Harvest
James McDougal Hart
Romeo and Juliet: actus V scaena 3
James Northcote
The Deserted Garden
James Pryde
Lake Maggiore, Italy
James Renwick Brevoort
Summer Afternoon
James Renwick Brevoort
Autumn Meadows
James Renwick Brevoort
Summer Meadow
James Renwick Brevoort
The Foursome
James Tissot
Breach of a Dyke by Storm Surge on March 5 1651
Jan Asselijn
The hard Bargain
Jan Baptist Weenix
Piscium mercatus (Bruegel)
Jan Brueghel the Elder
Fröhliche Gesellschaft
Jan Cossiers
Jan Fabre
Herders with Cattle among Ruins
Jan Frans Soolmaker
Adam and ve
Jan Gossaert
Portrait of a Lady
Jan Gossaert
Agony in the Garden
Jan Gossaert
Проповідь Скарґи
Jan Matejko
The Tower of Babel
Jan Micker
The Tower of Babel
Jan Micker
Portrait of a Man (Sedelmayer)
Jan Mostaert
A merry musical Party
Jan Steen
Grace before Meat
Jan Steen
Transylvania Panorama
Jan Styka Tihamér Margitay Pál Vágó K. Spányi Béla Tadeusz Popiel Zygmunt Rozwadowski Michał Gorstkin-Wywiórski
Portrait of Isabella (or Anna) van Weningen (Wenichem)
Jan Thomas van Kessel
Portrait of Johannes Kocuijt
Jan Thomas van Kessel
The Pont Neuf in Paris
Jan Vochoč
Goose attacked by a Dog
Jan Weenix
Jan Wijnants
The Prince of Orange during the Battle of Quatre Bras
Jan Willem Pieneman
Old Man with a Toque
Jan Woutersz Stap
Portrait of a Lady with her Child
Jan de Baen
Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour
Jan de Baen
Portrait of Dammas Guldewagen
Jan de Bray
Portrait of an Astronomer
Jan van Calcar
Birth of John the Baptist
Jan van Eyck
Studie voor het portret van kardinaal Albergati
Jan van Eyck
A lobster, a sturgeon, an eel and other fish on a table with a wicker basket, cats and a tortoise in the foreground with other fish and sea animals, a landscape through a doorway beyond.
Jan van Kessel the Elder
Frangipani Altar
Jan van Scorel
Winter Scene
Jan van de Cappelle
Ruins on a Hillside (lost)
Jan van der Heyden
Assault on Saragossa.
January Suchodolski
Bulgarians overrun the Turkish positions
Jaroslav Věšín
La République
Jean Amblard
Jean Amblard
Jean Amblard
Le Bal
Jean Amblard
The Virgin adoring the Host (1841)
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Ptolemaeus II in bibliotheca sua (Champaigne)
Jean Baptiste de Champaigne
Armor & Argoat
Jean Bouchaud
The Virgin receiving the Annunciation
Jean Bourdichon
At the Antiquarian's
Jean Carolus
Sol du chemin très usagé, le jardin de pierres à Vence
Jean Dubuffet
Jean Fouquet
Windmills of Frétais
Jean Fréour
portrait de Stanislas Leczinski, roi de Pologne
Jean Girardet
The Triumph of Mordecai
Jean II Restout
St. Martin dividing his cloak with a beggar
Jean II Restout
Saint Hymer dans sa solitude
Jean II Restout
Aanbidding van het Kind
Jean Jouvenet
Figures in an Ancient Ruins Landscape
Jean Lemaire
Man with Pipe
Jean Metzinger
retable du Liget
Jean Poyer
Сосни (картина)
Jean Rouppert
Mon Dieu, mes enfants !
Jean Rouppert
Réduction de la ville de Dunkerque
Jean-Baptiste Corneille
Portrait of a Little Boy
Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Bust-Portrait of a little Girl
Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Capriccio with Ruined Architecture
Jean-Baptiste Lallemand
Rural dance with pipers
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
Italian actors in a garden
Jean-Baptiste Oudry
« Plaisirs champêtres »
Jean-Baptiste Pater
Portrait of Madame Favart. of the « Comédie française »
Jean-Baptiste van Loo
Les Tours de Cartes
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin
The Transfiguration
Jean-Bruno Gassies
Jean-Charles Frontier
Moses and the bronze serpent
Jean-Charles Frontier
Gathering Beans
Jean-François Millet
The Departure of Jeanne d'Arc
Jean-Jacques Scherrer
Birth of the Virgin
Jean-Jacques Sorg
Jean-Jacques Sorg
Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant
Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant
Dance of the Veil
Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant
William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne
Jean-Laurent Mosnier
Le voyageur (Le maréchal Ney à cheval luttant contre le vent)
Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier
Perseus with Minerva Showing the Head of Medusa
Jean-Marc Nattier
Young Lady with a Cat and a Bird
Jean-Marc Nattier
Portrait of Madame Victoire, daughter of Louis XV, as Diana
Jean-Marc Nattier
Portrait of the Marquise de Lenancourt
Jean-Marc Nattier
Triptych of Baden-Baden
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
Horizon polyédrique
Jean-Pierre Yvaral
Gustava and Wilhelmina Armfelt
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet
The Apartment Window
Jeannette Scott
Antiquity (Daughters of Leucippus)
Jeff Koons
Portait of Frederick Delius
Jelka Rosen
Jenny Saville
The Tower of Babel
Jenő Benedek
Nightmare of 1934
Jere Miah II
Jin Shangyi
Májová noc
Jindřich Štyrský
The Old Year
Jo Baer
Dusk (Bands and End-Points)
Jo Baer
Testament of the Powers That Be (Where Trees Turn to Sand, Residual Colours Stain the Lands
Jo Baer
Factory Landschaft
Joachim Ringelnatz
Portrait of Erik Henningsen
Joakim Skovgaard
El rapto de Europa (Joan Tuset i Suau)
Joan Tuset i Suau
El juicio de Paris
Joan Tuset i Suau
A Doctor in His Study
Joannes de Cordua
Última Ceia
Joaquim Manuel da Rocha
The Siege of Lisbon by D. Afonso Henriques
Joaquim Rodrigues Braga
The Ruins of Teatro Greco in Taormina, Sicily
Johan Blackstadius
Wilhelm Frimann Koren Christie
Johan Gørbitz
Birger Jarl till Biällbo Pro Rex
Johan Lithen
Altarpiece in Vår Frue Church
Johan Nicolai Schavenius Jonas Granberg Heinrich Kühnemann
Hans Ebbesen Horneman
Johan Nicolai Schavenius
Peder Hanning
Johan Nicolai Schavenius
Hans Müller d. y.
Johan Nicolai Schavenius
Johan Ernst Welhaven
Johan Sebastian Welhaven
Jan Potocki with the Pyramides
Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder
Resting Artists in the Mountains
Johann Christoph Erhard
Kabbalistic Teaching
Johann Friedrich Gruber
The Raising of Jairus' Daughter
Johann Friedrich Overbeck
Castle Tullau-Rosengarten
Johann Friedrich Reik
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, from the South
Johann Heinrich Müntz
Catskill Clove
Johann Hermann Carmiencke
Athens, Temple of Zeus
Johann Michael Wittmer
Os Aguadeiros
Johann Moritz Rugendas
Arcadian Landscape with Castle, Ruins and Bridges
Johann Nepomuk Schödlberger
Sunlit ruin landscape with a family on a way and shepherd with sheeps
Johann Nepomuk Schödlberger
Mozart family
Johann Nepomuk della Croce
Passau Madonna
Johann Wolfgang Richter
Colonel Antoine Polier, Claude Martin and John Wombwell with the Artist
Johann Zoffany
Queen Charlotte with members of her family
Johann Zoffany
Portrait of a Gentleman
Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck
Lars Johannes Irgens
Johannes Flintoe
Breakfast in the locomotive workshop
Johannes Martini
We Owe Allegiance to No Crown
John A. Woodside
Portrait of Ben Harper
John Antrobus
Quai de Paris, Rouen
John Atkinson Grimshaw
The Fairy Princess
John Bauer
The Breakdown
John Bulloch Souter
A Very Gallant Gentleman
John Charles Dollman
The River Stour, Suffolk
John Constable
View of Edinburgh, Scotland
John Constable
Beach near Cromer
John Constable
Weymouth Bay
John Constable
At Pasture
John Frederick Kensett
Third Lord de Tabley
John Hanson Walker
Spring Storm Approaching
John Joseph Enneking
Alpheus and Arethusa
John Martin
Diogenes Throwing Away His Cup
John Martin
The Celestial City and the River of Bliss
John Martin
John Mix Stanley
Portrait of King Kamehameha III
John Mix Stanley
Portrait of Queen Kalama
John Mix Stanley
River in a Mountain Landscape
John Mix Stanley
Portrait of a Gentleman
John Neagle
Portrait of a man in coat
John Neagle
Portrait of Mrs. Coxe
John Opie
Mother and Child
John Opie
Portrait of Lady Hamilton ?
John Opie
The Early Career of Murillo
John Phillip
Portrait of Lady Speyer
John Singer Sargent
Portrait of the 9th Duke of Marlborough with his family
John Singer Sargent
Carmela Bertagna
John Singer Sargent
Mrs. Elizabeth Coffin Amory
John Singleton Copley
Händel-Porträt von John Theodore Heins
John Theodore Heins
Landing of Columbus
John Vanderlyn
Mrs. Thomas Hastings
John White Alexander
Above the Falls, Catskill
John William Casilear
Moonrise on the Coast
John William Casilear
Mount Chocorua, 1867
John William Casilear
Mountain Lake
John William Casilear
Gustaf Fredrik Hjortberg
Jonas Dürchs
Biddende Maria
Joos van Cleve
Peasants feasting in a village
Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot
The halt and the blind being summoned to the great supper.
Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot
La vendimia nacional
Jorge González Camarena
La reforma y la caída del Imperio
Jose Clemente Orozco
A Kiss
Josef Mandl
Conquest of Kutna Hora
Josef Mathauser
Höbergning, St. Mellösa, Närke
Josef Wilhelm Wallander
Signy and Hagbard.
Josef Wilhelm Wallander
Factory Site on a River
Josef von Schlögl
Josefa de Óbidos
St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi
Josefa de Óbidos
Vision of St. John of the Cross
Josefa de Óbidos
Descanso na Fuga para o Egito
Josefa de Óbidos
Josep Llimona i Bruguera
La Bataille de Tolbiac
Joseph Blanc
Portrait of the youngest daughters of Maximilian I of Bavaria (Sophie, Marie, and Ludovika)
Joseph Karl Stieler
Mozart am Klavier
Joseph Lange
La Vision de saint Roch
Joseph Légaré
Ravissement de saint Paul
Joseph Légaré
Saint Pierre délivré de la prison par un ange
Joseph Légaré
French ships Inconstant and Comète under fire in the Paknam incident, 13 July 1893.
Joseph Nash
A Scene from the Tempest, Prospero and Ariel
Joseph Severn
Joseph Sims
Au premier coup
Joseph Weber
The Collector
Joseph-Noël Sylvestre
Un niño aguador, contemplando con tristeza el botijo que se le ha roto
José Acevedo
Un lance en la Plaza de Toros
José Jiménez Aranda
Glorificação de Santo Agostinho e Sua Ordem
José Joaquim da Rocha
Último Juizo
José Joaquim da Rocha
A vinda dos barcos
José Júlio de Sousa Pinto
Sunset in the Port of Málaga
José Ruiz y Blasco
Nossa Senhora do Pilar
José Teófilo de Jesus
Milagre de Cristo
José Teófilo de Jesus
Sacrifício da Antiga e Nova Lei
José da Costa Andrade
Retrato de António Tavares Festas
José de Almeida e Silva
Retrato de D. Pedro IV de Portugal
João Baptista Ribeiro
Retrato de D. Frei José Maria da Fonseca e Évora
João Glama Ströberle
Beach Huts in Batz-sur-Mer
Joëlle Morin
Saint Faust cultivator
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Una Chula II
Juan Luna
Demonio, mundo y carne
Juan Manuel Blanes
Yellow fever in Buenos Aires, 1871
Juan Manuel Blanes
In Ictu Oculi
Juan de Valdés Leal
Finis Gloriae Mundi
Juan de Valdés Leal
L'Allégorie de la vanité
Juan de Valdés Leal
Judith D'Agostino
People on the Beach at Étretat
Jules Bahieu
Tuileries Garden, Paris
Jules Ernest Renoux
Full Moon over Kilauea
Jules Tavernier
Kilauea Caldera
Jules Tavernier
Kilauea Caldera
Jules Tavernier
A Sunset in Waioming
Jules Tavernier
Julia Beck
Baranki Boże
Julia Curyło
Forest Interior - The Old Birch Tree
Julie Hart Beers
Hudson River at Croton Point
Julie Hart Beers
Danish Frigate in the Port of Naples
Julius Prömmel
Two-masted schooner off Gibraltar
Julius Prömmel
Danish frigate
Julius Prömmel
Julius Prömmel
Coastal Landscape with an Old Tower
Julius Runge
A Visitação
Jurij Šubic
Deposition of Christ
Jusepe de Ribera
Portrait of a Widow
Justus Sustermans
Window of the Atelier
János Tornyai
Групавы партрэт
Józef Oleszkiewicz
Jörg Boström
Café Deutschland
Jörg Immendorff
أخبرنا كيف حدث ذلك
Kadhim Hayder
Ishū Retsuzō
Kakizaki Hakyo
The Azod al-Molk
The Kamal-ol-molk (Profile portrait)
Bagh Shah Square
Mirror Hall
Jakob Fugger (Karl Becker)
Karl Becker
Märkische Heidelandschaft
Karl Bock
Sommertag auf dem Vilm
Karl Bock
Sommertag im Hafen von Stralsund 1938
Karl Bock
Cloister of an Old Monastery in Winter
Karl Eduard Biermann
Self-Portrait with Monocle
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
View of the Ruins of Castle Krobsburg in Winter
Karl Weysser
Henry VIII with Anne Boleyn at Cardinal Wolsey's ball
Karl von Piloty
Mountain Landscape
Karlo Mijić
Blessed Art Thou
Kate Kretz
Birth of Christ
Katherine Arion
Katsushika Hokusai
Rat and salmon
Katsushika Hokusai
Dragon flying over Mount Fuji
Katsushika Hokusai
Shōki riding a shishi lion
Katsushika Hokusai
The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō
Keisai Eisen Hiroshige
Unfinished painting
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Bach på Fænø
Ken Denning
Suomalaisia kuvia
Kimmo Kaivanto
Paris interior
Kitty Lange Kielland
Fireworks in Tondabayashi
Kiyoshi Yamashita
Knud Baade
Battle of Phungdo
Kobayashi Kiyochika
A View of Tallinn from Nõmme
Konstantin Karlson
Return from the fair in rural Ukraine
Konstantin Trutovsky
Κεφάλι γέρου
Konstantinos Giannakópulos
Konstantinos Panorios
Peasant girl with basket
Konstantinos Panorios
Pefka in Corfu
Konstantinos Parthenis
File:Κωνσταντίνος Παρθένης, Πεύκα στην Κέρκυρα.jpg
Bild einer gekreuzigten Frau unserer Zeit
Kurt Fahrner
Damen med flaskerne
Lars Helweg
Expulsion of the money changers from the Temple
Lattanzio Querena
Cornelia diadema Ptolemaeorum reiciens (La Hyre)
Laurent de La Hyre
Summer day at the beach of Skagen
Laurits Tuxen
Martyrdom of St. Stephen
Lavinia Fontana
Pastime in Ancient Egypt
Lawrence Alma-Tadema
A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus
Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Egyptia Chess Players
Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Le Pho
Maritime Pilgrimage in front of the Lazarus Hospital
Leandro Joaquim
Pesca da Baleia
Leandro Joaquim
Marítime Scene
Leandro Joaquim
Selbstporträt Leo Fellinger
Leo Fellinger
Panorama Tulipland
Leo van den Ende
Regatta in Tréboul
Leon Kaufmann
Castle Veranda in Malmaison
Leon Kaufmann
Woman Reading
Leon Kaufmann
Night Moth
Leon Kaufmann
Capriccio with Ancient Ruins and Figure, Dusk
Leonardo Coccorante
Architectural Capriccio with Figures, Twilight
Leonardo Coccorante
The Angel of the Annunciation
Leonardo da Vinci
Operation Wednesday
Leonora Carrington
Leonora Carrington
Mary Help of Christians
Leopold Layer
Resposta de Tiradentes
Leopoldino Faria
Madonna of the sheaves
Leopoldo Battistini
A Virgem Maria, o Menino Jesus e Santo António
Leopoldo Battistini
Discussing The Divine Comedy With Dante
Li Tiezi Dai Dudu Zhang An
The Great Comet of 1680 over Rotterdam
Lieve Verschuier
Lilla Cabot Perry
Lily Osman Adams
Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Lippo Memmi
Emmett Till: How She Sent Him and How She Got Him Back
Lisa Whittington
Selbstporträt der Künstlerin Liselotte Schramm-Heckmann
Liselotte Schramm-Heckmann
Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan
Liu Chunhua
Chairman Mao en route to Anyuan
Liu Chunhua
Jesus Supports Saint Peter on the Water
Lluís Borrassà
Self-portrait Putting on jacket
Lluïsa Vidal
Madonna on throne with saints
Lorenzo Costa
Sposalizio della vergine tra i SS. Gioacchino, Anna e un frate francescano
Lorenzo Costa
Trittico di San Donnino
Lorenzo Monaco
Reading Woman
Louis Anquetin
Moulin Rouge
Louis Anquetin
Self-portrait with a Smoking Pipe
Louis Anquetin
Mona Lisa at the Louvre
Louis Béroud
Effect of Fog and Snow Seen through a Ruined Gothic Colonnade
Louis Daguerre
Löwenbrücke im Tiergarten
Louis Douzette
The First Castle of Thuret
Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin
Ceiling painting in the ballroom of the Brühl Palace in Dresden
Louis de Silvestre
The Funeral of Shelley
Louis Édouard Fournier
Nile Landscape
Louis-Félix-Achille Dien
Le Martyre de saint André
Louis-Hubert Triaud
Absolutely no agreement
Louis-Léopold Boilly
Louise Catherine Breslau
View of Lake Constance
Louise Cochelet
The Rose
Louise Cox
A Lady
Louise Cox
Young Boy in a Sailor's Costume
Louise Cox
Portrait of a Young Girl
Louise Cox
Portrait of Madame Vestris
Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
The Last Supper
Luca Giordano
Madonna and Child
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Phyllis and Aristotle
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Lucas Cranach the Elder
The Vineyard of the Lord
Lucas Cranach the Younger
Portrait of Prince Joachim Ernst von Anhalt (1536 - 1586)
Lucas Cranach the Younger
The Fountain of Life
Lucas II Horenbout
The Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon
Lucas de Heere
Porträt der Königin Elisabeth II.
Lucian Freud
Fat Sue
Lucian Freud
The Crocus
Lucien Pissarro
Landscape, Brookleton
Lucien Pissarro
Sun Effect - Morning in Niterói
Lucílio de Albuquerque
Confectioners in Bahia
Lucílio de Albuquerque
retable de Sainte-Marguerite
Ludovico Brea
Ludovico Brea
The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
Ludovico Carracci
Ships at sea.
Ludvig Richarde
Heinrich Borwins Schwur
Ludwig Bang
The Sahleb Vendor, Cairo
Ludwig Deutsch
Ar bartienn echedoù
Ludwig Deutsch
Italianate Cloister with Nuns
Ludwig Dittweiler
Cement Mixer
Ludwig Jonas
Hoheit auf Reisen (1867)
Ludwig Knaus
Portrait of Carl Moll
Ludwig Michalek
Soldier in an Abbey Cloister
Ludwig von Rössler
Portrait of Painter Karel Rašek
Luděk Marold
The vegetable market in Paris
Luděk Marold
Luděk Marold
Assunta (Luigi Benfatto)
Luigi Benfatto
Education in Sparta
Luigi Mussini
Tower Bridge
Luigi Russolo
Holy Trinity
Luis Tristán
A Visitação
Luis de Morales
A Assunção da Virgem Maria
Luis de Morales
No museu
Luiz Paulo Baravelli
King Edward VII
Luke Fildes
Lulu von Thürheim
Luo Zhongli
Quai Aux Fleurs, Paris
Luther Emerson Van Gorder
Superfície Modulada nº 4
Lygia Clark
Contra Relevo
Lygia Clark
Sundown, Return of the Cattle
Léon Augustin Lhermitte
Battle of Heliopolis
Léon Cogniet
The Pretty Maid
Léon Comerre
Pierrot playing the mandolin
Léon Comerre
Léon Frédéric
The Source of Life
Léon Frédéric
Porträt eines Mädchen aus Retuna
Léopold Robert
Léopold Survage
Flagrant Délit
Madelon Vriesendorp
Saint Luke and the throne by Maestro Oltremontano
Maestro Oltremontano
Affreschi della chiesa di San Silvestro
Maestro di Beffi
Annie of the Royal Bafokeng
Maggie Laubser
Still Life: Flowers in Vase; Blue Flowers
Maggie Laubser
Landscape with mountains : Scottish landscape with heather
Maggie Laubser
Mahmoud Sa'id
Malva Schalek
Malva Schalek
La casa blu
Marc Chagall
Canção: A tora vermelha
Marc Chagall
O círculo vermelho
Marc Chagall
A sirene
Marc Chagall
The Bath of Diana
Marc-Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Young Girl and Man in Spring
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Janco
Tríptico da Visitação
Marcellus Coffermans
The Holy Family and the little St. John
Marco Palmezzano
A Classical Landscape with Ruins
Marco Ricci
virgin of the rocks
Marco d'Oggiono
Santa Isabel da Hungria
Marcos da Cruz
Christ Handing the Keys to Saint Peter
Marcos da Cruz
Portrait of Charles John Huffman Dickens (1812-1870), wearing dark jacket and cravat, white waistcoat, his dark hair worn collar-length in long curls, 1843
Margaret Gillies
A girl with apples
Margarethe Loewe-Bethe
Queen Maria Carolina and her children overlooking Naples
Maria Carolina of Austria
Still Life
Maria Feodorovna
Maria Slavona
Monarch of the Glen
Maria a'Becket
River Landscape with Overhanging Trees
Maria a'Becket
The Factory
Marianne von Werefkin
Die Steingrube
Marianne von Werefkin
Nossa Senhora do Carmo
Mariano Rossi
San Francisco de Borja before the body of Empress Isabel
Mariano Salvador Maella
Glimpse of Paradise
Marie Balian
Hera Temple in Paestum
Marie Ertl
Studio Interior of Marie Müller in Wien Academy
Marie Müller
The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo
Marie Spartali Stillman
Hirt I
Marko Pernhart
Lake Bled
Marko Pernhart
Lake Bled
Marko Pernhart
Swedish scapegoats
Markus Andersson
Wocher Panorama
Marquand Fidel Dominikus Wocher
Alte Kate auf Kaninchenwerder
Martha Rose-Grabow
Still-life with grapes and pineapple
Martha Rose-Grabow
In the Jardin du Luxembourg
Martha Stettler
Seascape with Rock Formations
Martin Aagaard
Portrait of Pascoe Grenvell M.P. (1761-1838)
Martin Archer Shee
Ich kann beim besten Willen kein Hakenkreuz entdecken
Martin Kippenberger
The Imperial family in 1756
Martin van Meytens
A Turkish notary drawing up a marriage contract in front of the Kiliç Ali Pasha Mosque, Tophane, Constantinople
Martinus Rørbye
The Royal Palace, Stockholm
Martinus Rørbye
En tiggermunk
Martinus Rørbye
Parti af den romerske Campagne
Martinus Rørbye
Mary Beale
Mary Solari
Arabs on Horseback
Massimo d'Azeglio
Festival of the Archers
Master of Frankfurt
Madonna of Veveří
Master of Madonna of Veveří
Christi Abschied von seiner Mutter
Master of Messkirch
A Visitação
Master of Messkirch
Maestà di Figline
Master of the Fogg Pietà
Ołtarz Maryjny w Fröndenbergu
Master of the Fröndenberger Altarpiece
Portrait of Archibald Kennedy, 11th Earl of Cassilis
Mather Brown
Svend Aschenberg
Mathias Stoltenberg
Anna Schjelderup Jenssen b. Dorenfeldt
Mathias Stoltenberg
Artist Studio
Matthäus Kern
Sant'Antonio Abate
Mattia Preti
A Visitação
Mattia Preti Gregorio Preti
Crashing Surf Near Point Loma, California
Maurice Braun
End of Autumn
Maurice Braun
The Tuileries Garden, Paris
Maurice Prendergast
May Day Central Park
Maurice Prendergast
La Moisson
Maurice de Vlaminck
Paysage de neige
Maurice de Vlaminck
Salome's Dance
Maurycy Gottlieb
Frau mit Führerschein
Max Huber
Horseman on the beach
Max Liebermann
Self-Portrait Wearing a Coat with Brush and Palette
Max Liebermann
Italian Landscape
Maxim Vorobiev
Maximilian Pirner
Maximilian Pirner
Černá Káča
Maximilian Pirner
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Maximilian Rasko
Bessy-Sur-Cure, les Lavandières au Bord de l'Eau
Maximilien Luce
Het Laatste Avondmaal
Mechtelt van Lichtenberg
Secret Painting
Mel Ramsden Art & Language
Half Moon Beach, Gloucester
Melbourne Havelock Hardwick
Die Weihe am mystischen Quell
Melchior Lechter
Fowl in a Park
Melchior d'Hondecoeter
A Cockerel, a Turkey, Hens and Chickens in a Farmyard
Melchior d'Hondecoeter
Concert of Birds
Melchior d'Hondecoeter
La Circassienne au Bain
Merry-Joseph Blondel
Gentleman in a Brown Frock Coat
Micah Williams
St Wolfgang altarpiece
Michael Pacher
Solnedgang over Brovandene
Michael Peter Ancher
The red rescue boat on it's way out
Michael Peter Ancher
Bonatzi and merry Elsie
Michael Peter Ancher
Steen Drewsen (maleri)
Michael Peter Ancher
הנני (ציור)
Michael Sgan-Cohen
Boy with Apple
Michael Taylor
Allegorie auf die Kunstpflege in Augsburg
Michael Tenzel
Holy Trinity
Michael Willmann
Museumshafen in Bremerhaven
Michael Wolff
Michael Zeno Diemer
The Stigmata of St. Francis
Noli me tangere
Portrait of the Wife of Burgomaster Van der Horst
Michiel van Mierevelt
Moors running the gunpowder
Miguel Navarro Cañizares
El Cristo de la Agonía
Miguel de Santiago
Apotheosis of the Renaissance
Mihály Munkácsy
The Village Blacksmith
Mihály Munkácsy
Grandfather's Name Day
Mihály Munkácsy
Kings' Fairy Tale
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
Расстрэл у Мінску
Mikhail Filippovich
The Hermit
Mikhail Nesterov
Портрет хірурга Юдіна
Mikhail Nesterov
Благословление Сергием Радонежским Дмитрия Донского на Куликовскую битву
Mikhail Nesterov
Portrait of Ivan Pavlov
Mikhail Nesterov
The vision of Ezekiel
Mikhail Vrubel
Talleiv Olsson Huvestad
Mikkel Mandt
Poliptyk z Legnicy
Mikołaj Obilman
Milan Steiner
Milena Pavlović-Barili
Santa Ynez Valley
Milford Zornes
Spinning needles
Minas Avetisyan
Vision of St. Jack Odrowąża
Mistrz Zwiastowania z Jodłownika
The Fall of Atlantis
Monsù Desiderio
View of Metz from colline Bellecroix
Monsù Desiderio
Soldat ! Soldat !
Moshe Gershuni
Sing Soldier
Moshe Gershuni
Récolte en Ukraine
Mykola Pymonenko
Apocalyptic Riders
Nabil Kanso
Nabil Kanso
Lebanon Summer 1982
Nabil Kanso
Time Suspended in Space
Nabil Kanso
מנוחת צהריים (ציור)
Nachum Gutman
נושאת האלומות
Nachum Gutman
Sogno di una sedicenne
Natale Schiavoni
Madonna and Child between Saint Bernardino and Saint Catarina
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi
Niccolò Musso
Processional banner of plague
Niccolò di Liberatore
Polyptych of Saint Augustin of Pesaro
Niccolò di Pietro
Martirio di sant'Alessandro
Nicola Malinconico
Madonna col bambino in trono tra santi
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona
Pig market in a Dutch town
Nicolaes Molenaer
Scene amidst ruins
Nicolaes Molenaer
Portrait of a Man
Nicolas Neufchatel
Nu debout
Nicolas de Staël
A clogmaker in Ellemose
Niels Skovgaard
A short rest
Niels Skovgaard
Entrance to Hillerød Hestehave
Niels Skovgaard
Das Urteil des Paris
Niklaus Manuel
Osman Pasha and Alexander II of Russia
Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky
Vente d'une serve
Nikolai Nevrev
Nikolai Nevrev
В цеху
Nikolai Ovchinnikov
The Terrorist
Nikolai Yaroshenko
Papastathis from Munich
Nikolaos Gyzis
Nikolaos Gyzis
Październikowy wieczór w Apelvik
Nils Kreuger
Peter Nilsen Østbye
Nils Schjelbred
Regine Ek
Nils Schjelbred
Nina Arbore
Mme Elink Schuurman
Nora Heysen
Frederic Samuel Cordey
Norbert Goeneutte
Salon Japonais
Norbert Goeneutte
Artist Sketching on the Banks of the Oise
Norbert Goeneutte
Elegant Women, Place Clichy
Norbert Goeneutte
Golden Rule
Norman Rockwell
File:Golden Rule by Norman Rockwell.JPG
Tough Call
Norman Rockwell
The Heart of the Peruvian Andes, A View from the Arequipa Valley with Mount Chachani in the Distance, Peru
Norton Bush
Triumph of Amphitrite
Nöel-Nicolas Coypel
Polyphemus and Almacis
Nöel-Nicolas Coypel
Neptune and Amphitrite
Nöel-Nicolas Coypel
Visions of Quixote
Octavio Ocampo
The Murder of Andreas Baader
Odd Nerdrum
Odd Nerdrum
Odd Nerdrum
Visiting the Studio
Odoardo Borrani
Kilauea Caldera
Ogura Yonesuke Itoh
Ole Juul
Oleksa Novakivsky
Purpur Stripe
Olga Rozanova
Emblème, devise et activités commerciales au Canada
Omer Parent
Prague - View from the Monastery of the Kinghts of the cross with red star
Oskar Kokoschka
Ruins Landscape with Shepherds around a Campfire
Oswald Achenbach
Fireworks at Torre dell Annunziata in Naples
Oswald Achenbach
Posilipo, Looking towards Naples
Oswald Achenbach
View of the Piazetta with the Biblioteca Marciana
Oswald Achenbach
Les Sables d'Olonnes
Otto B. de Kat
Sexten, Tyrol
Otto Forsterling
Seestück bei St. Ives
Otto Scholderer
décor peint de l'église de Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation
Ozias Leduc
décor intérieur de la chapelle de l'archevêché de Sherbrooke
Ozias Leduc Paul-Émile Borduas
Bataille de la forêt de Teutoburshkoj
Paja Jovanović
Migration of the Serbs
Paja Jovanović
View of the Temple of Minerva Medica and an Aqueduct
Paolo Anesi
Estasi di Santa Teresa d'Avila (Pagani)
Paolo Pagani
Saint Sebastian
Paolo Pagani
Scene from St. Marc's Life
Paolo Veneziano
Cena in casa di Simone
Paolo Veronese
The Martyrdom of St George
Paolo Veronese
The Punishment of Actaeon
Paolo Veronese
The Madonna del Voto of Paolo da Visso
Paolo da Visso
Paolo di Giovanni Fei
Portrait of a Lady
Paris Bordone
La Joie de vivre
Paul Delvaux
The Road to Rome
Paul Delvaux
Wintermorgen im Unterengadin
Paul Eduard Crodel
Norddeutsche Landschaft mit Bauernhäusern
Paul Eduard Crodel
Frühjahrslandschaft mit Ochsenpflug
Paul Eduard Crodel
A Scene from the Tempest
Paul Falconer Poole
Transmission of the Madonna
Paul Honegger
West wind
Paul Jobert
Paul Klee
Georges Clairin
Paul Mathey
نقشی بر زمینه سرخ هندی
Paul Pollock
The Tuileries Garden in Autumn
Paul de Castro
L'Hospice d'Ivry
Paul-Albert Girard
Girl sitting on a chair with child on lap in front of countryside
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Mater Admirabilis
Pauline Perdrau
Three Cows in a Pasture
Paulus Potter
Landscape with Cattle, Horses and Figures
Paulus Potter
Minsk government house
Paviel Haŭrylienka
The Northern Lights
Peder Balke
North Cape
Peder Balke
The Last Supper
Pedro Alexandrino de Carvalho
A Capela de Nazaré transportada por Anjos
Pedro Alexandrino de Carvalho
Pedro Cano
De la flora murciana
Pedro Cano
Assunzione della Vergine
Pedro Fernández de Murcia
Peer Gessing
The Cigar
Peter Baumgartner
Monastery Ruins in the Moonlight with two Figures
Peter Birmann
Peter Casagrande
The King and the Beggar
Peter F. Rothermel
Queen Mary II in Blue
Peter Lely
Christen Henriksen Lyster
Peter Petersen Batta
Reinholdt Ziegler
Peter Petersen Batta
Jens Lemvig
Peter Petersen Batta
Anne Marie Ziegler
Peter Petersen Batta
Peder Claussøn Friis
Peter Reimers
Jørgen Erikson
Peter Reimers
Institutionen arbetar
Peter Weiss
Lake Bled
Peter Žmitek
Visitor to a Moonlit Churchyard
Philip James de Loutherbourg
A Walk through the Fields
Philip Leslie Hale
In Voluptas Mors
Philippe Halsman Salvador Dalí
Portrait of a Lady
Philippe Mercier
Portrait of Jean Pierre Camus, Bishop of Belley and Arras
Philippe de Champaigne
Moses with the Tables of the Law
Philippe de Champaigne
A wooded landscape with a herder by a stream
Philips Augustijn Immenraet
Madonna col bambino tra i ss. G. Battista, Antonino e Nicola da Tolentino
Pier Francesco Sacchi
Saint Luke
Piero Salvestrini
The Virgin and Child
Piero del Pollaiolo
Oriental Interior (Odalisca at Constantinople)
Pierre Bellet
Pierre Boulicaut
Pierre Boulicaut
Pierre Boulicaut
Panorama of Notre-Dame of Lourdes
Pierre Carrier-Belleuse
Nu sous un parasol
Pierre Carrier-Belleuse
Still life with plum branch hanging from a wall, pomegrenates and vase of lilies on a carved end table
Pierre Dupuis
La Deûle à Haubourdin
Pierre Maurois
Descent from the cross
Pierre Mignard
Sainte Geneviève veillant sur Paris
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
Matritvm Urbs Regia
Pierre Schild
The pack saddle
Pierre Subleyras
Costumed Ball at Baron Lycklama's
Pierre Tetar van Elven
Place de la Concorde
Pierre Thévenet
The Tuileries in Autumn
Pierre Thévenet
A Ruined Temple
Pierre-Antoine Demachy
Nature Morte aux Pêches
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Madeleine Leaning On Her Elbow With Flowers In Her Hair
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Citron et Tasse Bleue - Fragment
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Composition: Light Color Planes with Grey Lines
Piet Mondrian
Red Cloud
Piet Mondrian
A ham, a herring, oysters, a lemon, bread, onions, grapes and a "roemer" (wine glass of that period) on a table
Pieter Claesz
Street in Winschoten
Pieter Cornelis Dommersen
Mariakerk, Utrecht
Pieter Jansz. Saenredam
Portret czytającego mężczyzny
Pieter de Grebber
David with the Head of Goliath
Pietro Dandini
Lighthouse in the lagoon of Venice
Pietro Gabrini
La Décollation de saint Jean-Baptiste
Pietro Gagliardi
Great Flood
Pietro Liberi
A Bagpiper
Pietro Paolini
Affreschi del porticato di Villa Giulia (destra)
Pietro Venale da Imola Prospero Fontana
Защитники Брестской крепости
Piotr Krivonogov
Bakı şəhərinin dənizdən görünüşü
Piotr Petrovitch Veretschagin
Polygnotus of Thasos
Vulcan in his Forge
Pompeo Batoni
Najświętsze Serce Jezusa
Pompeo Batoni
Detail from the Choir of San Lorenzo
L’ultimo saluto del Colleoni alla figlia Medea
Ponziano Loverini
Prospero Piatti
Lumină peste uzină
Portretul unei muncitoare
Старое і новае
Курлоўскі расстрэл
Cristo del Socorro de las Benditas Ánimas del Purgatorio venerado en la Catedral Metropolitana
Народная артыстка БССР З. А. Васільева
Партрэт мастака А. П. Мазалёва
Dance of the death
180° Berlin
El repase
Dancing Girl
Rabindranath Tagore
A sztrajk in amerikaner port
Rachela Suckewer
Jardín Botánico
Rafael Botí
Raffaello Gambogi
The Chess Players
Raffaello Sorbi
A Little Princess in the Gardens at Versailles
Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta
Nair lady Adorning Her Hair
Raja Ravi Varma
Mrs. John Nicholas and Daughter
Ralph Eleaser Whiteside Earl
Ramon Mestre Vidal
The Death of Cleopatra
Reginald Arthur
Aufrecht stehen
Reinhard Minkewitz
Il sonno della ragione genera mostri
Renato Guttuso
הרוקדים ממירון
Reuven Rubin
פירות ראשונים
Reuven Rubin
Behemoth's World
Richard Clifton-Dey
Richard Parkes Bonington
The Page
Richard Parkes Bonington
A Mesquita de Shir-Dor, Samarcanda
Richard Zommer
Caravana atravessando um rio
Richard Zommer
Rik Wouters
Before the Mirror
Robert Barrett Browning
View of Sylt
Robert Breyer
Portrait of Wilhelm Uhde
Robert Delaunay
Window on the City, No. 4
Robert Delaunay
View of the Hudson River from Tarrytown
Robert Havell
Mata Moana
Robert Henri
Robert Henri
Portrait of Fay Bainter
Robert Henri
Buffalo Hunt
Robert Jenkins Onderdonk
Portrait of a lady
Robert Lee MacCameron
Workers in Ironworks (Krupp)
Robert Sterl
Portrait of Mademoiselle Desmatins
Robert Tournières
Paisaje del Noroeste Mexicano
Roberto Peña Dessens
Wooden bridge of Mazorlo on Burano
Rodolfo Paoletti
Portrait of Charles the Bold
Rogier van der Weyden
Oljeferden i Hardanger
Rolf Groven
Rosalba Carriera
Rosalba Carriera
Fisherman, braiding network
Rostislav Felitsin
Evening in Westerland
Rudolf Ribarz
Two Bathers
Rufino Tamayo
Amymone Rescued by Poseidon
Rupert Bunny
Ethernal Father
Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti
Portrait of Alexandre Mischkind
Rémy Cogghe
Female Model Standing Before a Mirror
Sally Henriques
A Dutch Merchant
Salomon Koninck
Landscape and Animals
Salomon van Ruysdael
Salomon van Ruysdael
River-Scene 1663
Salomon van Ruysdael
The First kiss of Adam and Eve.
Salvador Viniegra
Salvatore Garau
Scene of the Narration of the Decameron
Salvatore Postiglione
The Sabbath Rest
Samuel Hirszenberg
Samuel Hoffmann
Landscape with Figures
Samuel P. Dyke
Taking and destruction of the port of Paita in 1741 by the squadron of George Anson.
Samuel Scott
Bombarding of Bastia in 1745
Samuel Scott
Birdcatcher, with jockey up
Samuel Spode
Madonna adorante il Bambino con San Giovannino
Sandro Botticelli
Georgina Gardner Lee
Sarah Goodridge
Slovenski skladatelji
Saša Šantel
Allegory of the Senses
Sebastiano Ceccarini
Trompe-l'œil Still Life
Sebastiano Lazzari
Italian Ruins Landscape
Sebastiano Ricci
The Rape of Lucretia
Sebastiano Ricci
Portrait of Pope Clement VII
Sebastiano del Piombo
In the Garden
Serhiy Svetoslavsky
The Ming Emperor Xuande playing a game that looks like golf, called chuiwan .
Shang Xi
Kōshirō Matsumoto IV as Honzō Kakogawa and Yonezaburō Matsumoto as Konami
Senmen rōjin zu
Rise Above Rebel
Shepard Fairey
Shi Lu
Shin Yun-bok
Siegfried Shalom Sebba
un miracolo di sant'ambrogio
Sigismondo Caula
Sigmar Polke
Portrait of a young Lady
Sigmund Holbein
Portrait of a young Man
Sigmund Holbein
On the Banks of the Seine, Looking towards the Trocadero
Silvio Allason
Ein Windstoss
Silvio Giulio Rotta
Fighting around Shipka, August 1877
Simon Agopyan
Saint Maurice
Simon Goser
The Apostles on the tomb of the Virgin
Simon Vouet
Simon Vouet
Pietà (Peterzano)
Simone Peterzano
Adoração dos Pastores
Simão Rodrigues
הרכבת בנווה צדק
Siona Tagger
דיוקן אורי צבי גרינברג (תג'ר)
Siona Tagger
Sofia Adlersparre
Portrait of Minerva Anguissola
Sofonisba Anguissola
Wall Drawing #711
Sol LeWitt
A Wooded landscape with a Waterfall
Solomon Delane
View of Lake Nemi
Solomon Delane
Solomon Joseph Solomon
Nina Salaman's Portrait
Solomon Joseph Solomon
Portrait of a man
Sophie Cheradame
Composition Dada
Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Composition with Diagonals and Cross
Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Sophie de Condorcet
Sophie de Condorcet
Sophie von Adelung
NY Central Park
Soshana Afroyim
Ruins of the Castle of the Counts
Srečko Magolič
Entrance to the cemetery
Stanislav Zhukovsky
Halny wind
Stanisław Witkiewicz
St. Jerome in His Cell
Stefan Lochner
Saint Francis Altarpiece
Stefano di Giovanni
Portrait of Mesrop Mashtots
Stepanos Nersisyan
Wings of Love
Stephen Pearson
Suicide with Skyscrapers
Stuyvesant Van Veen
Thai Princess
Sun Duoci
The Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times
Susan Dorothea White
French Interior
Susan Watkins
Nils Holgersson
Sven Erixson
Kawaii! vacances d'été
Takashi Murakami
חצר תל-חי (ציור)
Tamar Getter
Chiayi Park
Tan Ting-pho
Snow on Mount Yu
Tan Ting-pho
Images of a Woman
The Beatles
Italian woman reading a Letter
Theodor Hildebrandt
Othello and Desdemona
Theodor Hildebrandt
In the Engine Room with Belts
Theodor Hummel
In the Inn
Theodor Kleehaas
Family read a Letter
Theodor Kleehaas
The new picture book
Theodor Kleehaas
Theodor Ohlsen
A Summer Day near Samois
Theodor von Hörmann
Saint Maurice
Theodoric of Prague
Saint Jerome
Theodoric of Prague
Two Warriors
Theodoros Vryzakis
Cutters in Pursuit in a Stiff Breeze
Thomas Buttersworth
Cibus post comissationem sumptus
Thomas Couture
View of Athens
Thomas Ender
Roman Street Scene with Ruins
Thomas Fearnley
Joseph Haydn
Thomas Hardy
Portraits of the Gentlemen of the Hereford Chess Society
Thomas Leeming
Montrose Abbey
Thomas Miles Richardson II
Signing of the Constitution
Thomas Prichard Rossiter
Plague land
Thomas von Villach
Reclining Woman with Red Hair
Théo van Rysselberghe
Théodore Chassériau
Portret van een onbekende man
Tibout Regters
Εγκαυστική εικόνα της Κλεοπάτρας
The Death of Saint Peter Martyr
Portrait of Alfonso I d'Este
Iacobi Sannazarii effigies (Titianus)
Rendez-vous of Lovers
Tivadar Kosztka Csontváry
Self portrait with beads
Tjaarke Maas
Tofiq Cavadov
Həyat naminə
Togrul Narimanbekov
Togrul Narimanbekov
Togrul Narimanbekov
Портрет художника С. Бахлулзаде
Togrul Narimanbekov
Yellow Movie
Tony Conrad
Lindy Lee
Tony Costa
Le Bain
Tony Robert-Fleury
Girl reading
Tony Robert-Fleury
Toriyama Sekien
calabash monster
Toriyama Sekien
Young Woman with Lilly
Tô Ngọc Vân
Invasion of the Barbarians
Ulpiano Checa
The death of the bull
Umberto Pettinicchio
Soldats, héros, où est passée votre gloire ?
Valentin Serov
Girl with pomegranates
A Panorama View of Tiegem
Valerius de Saedeleer
A Winter Landscape
Valerius de Saedeleer
Blue sky - yellow landscape, trees without leaves, small house
Valerius de Saedeleer
View of Tiegem in Winter
Valerius de Saedeleer
Flight of the Trinity
Valery Balabanov
Talkovo Pole
Valery Balabanov
Enveri and Nexhmija
Vangjo Vasili
He that is without sin...
Vasily Polenov
The Adjutant
Vasily Vereshchagin
The Spy
Vasily Vereshchagin
Suppression of the Indian Revolt by the English
Vasily Vereshchagin
Self Portrait
Veloso Salgado
Portrait of a Lady (1908)
Veloso Salgado
Girl with mandolin
Veloso Salgado
Portrait of Miguel Ventura Terra
Veloso Salgado
Vera Aksakova
Motiv från Stadsgården, (1880-talet)
Victor Forssell
Victor Forssell
Kvastmakarbacken, Stockholm
Victor Forssell
Passagem de Humaitá
Victor Meirelles
O Barão de Porto Alegre liderando as tropas em Curuzu
Victor Meirelles
Passagem do Humaitá
Victor Meirelles
Victor Vasarely
Appeal by Inês de Castro
Vieira Portuense
Brigada e grave
Vilson Kilica
Parsonage Garden at Nuenen with Pond and Figures
Vincent van Gogh
Windmill on Montmartre
Vincent van Gogh
Park at Arles with the Entrance Seen through the Trees, The
Vincent van Gogh
Tolomeo Filadelfo nella biblioteca di Alessandria
Vincenzo Camuccini
Portrait of Raymund Fugger
Vincenzo Catena
Roman woman playing a mandolin
Vjekoslav Karas
A Still Life With Two Objects
Vytautas Tomaševičius
La Maja
Waldo Saavedra
Twelfth Night
Walter Deverell
The Morning walk
Walter Duncan
Portrait of William Fane De Salis
Walter William Ouless
portrait of Oskar Miller
Walter von Vigier
portrait of Emilie Miller
Walter von Vigier
Walter von Vigier
Bauernhof mit Pfeife rauchendem Grossvater
Walter von Vigier
Das brennende Braunschweig
Walther Hoeck
Wassily Kandinsky, La Forme Rouge (Die Rote Form), 1938, huile sur toile
Wassily Kandinsky
Inner Alliance
Wassily Kandinsky
Dipinto con forma bianca
Wassily Kandinsky
Huishan tea party
Wen Zhengming
Army advancing through a ruined town
Wilfrid Constant Beauquesne
Straße Unter den Linden mit Schloss
Wilhelm Brücke
Unter den Linden
Wilhelm Brücke
Abbey in Ruins in Valencia Countryside
Wilhelm Gail
Carl Arnoldus Müller
Wilhelm Holter
Carl Arnoldus Müller
Wilhelm Holter
Cloister of Michaelstein Abbey near Blankenburg in Harz
Wilhelm Steuerwaldt
Landscape with Sand Pit
Wilhelm Trübner
Portrait of a Nun in a Summer Garden
Wilhelm Trübner
Villa Naundorff, Der Kreuzberg, Das Thürmchen, Villa Richter
Wilhelm Wiegmann
Will Barcellos
Will Barcellos
Will Barcellos
Willem Claesz. Heda
Cavalier and Lady
Willem Cornelisz Duyster
Willem de Kooning
Still-Life with Fruit and a Crystal Vase
Willem van Aelst
Roman Evening
Willem van Bemmel
Roman ruins landscape
Willem van Nieulandt II
The Hermit of Tong
William Armfield Hobday
The flower girl
William Baxter Collier Fyfe
Portrait of Mrs. Merry
William Beechey
A Portrait of the Artist's Daughter as «Hebe»
William Beechey
Autumn Landscape
William Charles Anthony Frerichs
Ice Skating
William Charles Anthony Frerichs
North Carolina Mountain Landscape
William Charles Anthony Frerichs
View of the Canton Factories
William Daniell
Mr Joshua Smith
William Dobell
The Alchemist
William Fettes Douglas
Venus and the Three Graces by Botticelli
William George Paulson Townsend
Calypso receiving Telemachus and Mentor in the Grotto
William Hamilton
Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto
William Henry Powell
Battle of Lake Erie
William Henry Powell
Murder of Zechariah
William Hole
The Eve of St. Agnes
William Holman Hunt
A Bengal tiger
William Huggins
The nightmare
William Kurelek
Fishing on the Potomac, Eastern Panhandle, West Virginia
William Louis Sonntag, Sr.
Autumn Sunrise
William Louis Sonntag, Sr.
1875 (The Green Dress)
William McGregor Paxton
Through Wind and Rain
William McTaggart
In the Studio Corner
William Merritt Chase
View from Central Park
William Merritt Chase
My Work Room, Casselimage
William Orpen
Wounded Hound
William Ranney
William Stanley Haseltine
Morning Light, Roman Campagna
William Stanley Haseltine
North East Harbor, Maine
William Stanley Haseltine
View of Mount Desert
William Stanley Haseltine
Black Thursday, February 6th. 1851
William Strutt
Mackerel Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island
William Trost Richards
At the Edge of the Brook
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
At the Edge of the Brook
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Portrait of Eugène Bouguereau
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Half painted figure
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Młyn w Strawberry nad Tamizą
Wincenty Kasprzycki
Portrait of a lady
Wincenty Sleńdziński
Wojciech Kossak Julian Fałat
Marshal Józef Piłsudski on "Kasztanka"
Wojciech Kossak
The foreigners
Wolfgang Paalen
Portrait of a Lady
Wybrand de Geest
Portrait of a Gentleman
Wybrand de Geest
Les Huit Chevaux
Xu Beihong
Detail of the Wall with visitor platform, Berlin
Yadegar Asisi
עין הוד (ציור)
Yehezkel Streichman
ציפור דואה
Yehezkel Streichman
The Disaster of War
Yervand Kochar
פאניקה אודות מכנסיים
Yigal Tumarkin
Yigal Tumarkin
שבת בקיבוץ
Yohanan Simon
Arvi Kivimaa
Yrjö Ollila
Canoa num rio
Yuli Yulevich Klever
Yves Klein
Prince Elector August of Saxony
Zacharias Wehme
Prince Elector Christian II of Saxony
Zacharias Wehme
Moscow Conference of 81 communist and workers' parties in November 1960
Zef Shoshi
Zeng Fanzhi Jack Ma
Zhang Daqian
Bathing Horses
Zhao Mengfu
Horse Herding in Autumn Countryside
Zhao Mengfu
Man Riding
Zhao Mengfu
Madonna and child
anonymous master
Girl with Cherry Tart
Ángel Zárraga
The Nude Ballerina
Ángel Zárraga
Truth Leaving the Well
Édouard Debat-Ponsan
Nature morte, huîtres, citron, brioche
Édouard Manet
Canale Grande in Venice
Édouard Manet
La Femme à l'Ombrelle
Édouard Manet
The death of Orpheus
Émile Bin
Les Canotiers de la Meurthe
Émile Friant
Maternal Tenderness
Émile Friant
The Study
Émile Friant
Port Saint-Nicolas, Groix
Étienne Buffet
Saint-Nicolas, Groix
Étienne Buffet
Zeybekler Kurtuluş Savaşında
İbrahim Çallı