Wikidata:Property proposal/adoption variant

Adoption variant


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Lexemes

   Not done
Descriptionvariant of this loanword with the same origin
Representsadoption variant (Q116192653)
Data typeLexeme
Domainlexeme, loanwords
Example 1カプッチーノ (L1163458)adoption variantカプチーノ (L691407)
カプチーノ (L691407)adoption variantカプッチーノ (L1163458) (cappuccino (L618738))
Example 2ホチキス (L1159135)adoption variantホッチキス (L943113)
ホッチキス (L943113)adoption variantホチキス (L1159135) (Hotchkiss (L943117))
Example 3リュックサック (L1163487)adoption variantルックザック (L1163486)
ルックザック (L1163486)adoption variantリュックサック (L1163487) (Rucksack (L826807))
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
See alsohomograph lexeme (P5402), said to be the same as lexeme (P11577), alternative form (P8530)



I observed this relation between loanwords only in japanese but i'm sure it exists in other languages as well.

Example: cappuccino (L618738) has be adopted to japanese with slight variations:

All the words I have found share exacly the same meaning but I suppose they don't have to 🤷


If you have non-japanese examples, feel free to add them –Shisma (talk) 13:28, 22 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]