Wikidata:Укмысэтӥ вордскем нунал
Викитодэтъёслы 9 ар тырме! Проект ужаны ӧдъяз 29. коньывуонэ 2021 арын. Арлы быдэ ик, ми коньывуон пумын вордскем нуналзэ ӵошен пусйиськомы. Та бамын кызьы 9 ар тырмон шулдыръяськонлы юрттыны но отчы пыриськыны луэ тододы.
Кузьым дасялэ
Сямлы пӧрмем ни ми пӧлын кузьымъёс дасяны ваньмыз тупатъясьёслы, тодэтъёсты кутӥсьёслы но Викитодэтъёслэн улоназы пыриськем адямиослы. Та нуналлы сӥзьыса, куд-ог адямиос выль тӥрлыкъёс лэсьто, луисьёссэ выльдо, нимсуредъёс но шаблонъёс кылдыто. Но кузьымды мукетыз но маке медло! Кылсярысь, суред, кырӟан, кылбур... шулдыръяськонэн пачыл яке адямиослы пайда вайись макелы ваньмы туж шумпотомы.
You can participate! Now is a good time to start working on a birthday present. You're encouraged to find other people to create something with you, but you can also work on your own project. If you're looking for inspiration, you can check what was done for the previous anniversaries in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
When your birthday present is ready, you can add it to this page. Don't forget to add the relevant links, and your username.
If you would like to present your gift to the community, you also have the opportunity to present it during the birthday celebration at WikidataCon 2021. See more information in the section below.
WikidataCon 2021-э вотэс пыр пыриське
WikidataCon 2021 вотэсын 29–31 коньывуонэ ортчоз, Викитодэтъёслэн мерзы люкаськоз Викитодэтъёслэн йыгмыт азьланськемзы сярысь вераськыны.
Feel free to check the program, the side events, the onsite gatherings, the registration (opening on September 15th), how to get involved, and the program Reimagining Wikidata from the margins.
Birthday presents at WikidataCon 2021
You prepared a present for Wikidata's birthday and would like to present it to the community? You can sign up for the birthday presents lightning talks session that will take place during the WikidataCon 2021, on Day 3, October 31, at 17:00 UTC in Room 3. To register for a slot, please add your project on this pad. You can add a project until 1 hour before the session takes place.
- About your presentation: You will have 5 minutes to talk about your birthday present.
- The session is talking place online, recorded, on October 31 at 17:00 UTC. You can share slides or your screen. Providing a pre-recorded video is possible. Ӧтчам англи кылын ортчоз.
- Please make sure that you are registered for the WikidataCon 2021 in order to access the session.
Join or organize other events
Other events will take place onsite or online around the WikidataCon. For example, you can check:
- The side events of the conference (events related to Wikidata and Wikibase that are not necessarily organized by the WikidataCon organizers and take place before or after the conference);
- The preconference Transbordados, a series of events and trainings that will take place online, in Spanish and Portuguese;
- If the local health measures allow it, some people will organize onsite gatherings to attend the WikidataCon together;
- You can also organize a birthday event with your community or in your area: if so, feel free to add details on this page;
- To connect with other people organizing Wikidata-related events, feel free to join the Wikidata Events Telegram group.
Вордскем нуналлы сӥзён кельтэ
To add a birthday message and send love to the Wikidata community, feel free to add it to this page.
Озьы ик учке
- Wikidata birthdays in 2015 (3rd), 2016 (4th), 2017 (5th), 2018 (6th), 2019 (7th) and 2020 (8th).