User:PKM/Experiments/Listeria for FISH

Master list of items that have identified the FISH Archaeological Objects Theasaurus. Identifiers in this list:

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P10674 ?statement0. ?statement0 ps:P10674 _:anyValueP10674. } LIMIT 2500
image label item alias/en description FISH PAS AAT NOM
Aesica brooch Q111700819 Aesica-type brooch
Hook Norton brooch
mid-1st century CE brooch commonly with projections on the upper bow and widening to a triangular plate 141439 — Aesica Brooch
Bartmann jug Q809468 Baardman kruik
Bardmann jug
Bearded man crock
stoneware jug with bearded man on the neck of it 163871 — Bartmann Jug 300198429 11797
Carnyx Q277670 karnyx Celtic musical instrument; type of bronze trumpet with an elongated S shape 97344 — Carnyx CARNYX
Celtic head Q111457465 carved head of Iron Age or Roman date 95881 — Celtic Head CELTIC+HEAD
Colchester brooch Q111692771 Colchester type brooch type of one-piece bow brooch or fibula, one end of which is drawn out to form a spring and pin 141232 — Colchester Brooch
Eucharistic object Q29386187 object used in the Eucharist 97504 — Eucharist Object EUCHARIST+OBJECT
Hod Hill brooch Q111700323 Roman hinged bow brooch, with side knobs on the upper bow, the curvature of which is confined to the brooch's top half, the lower half being straight 141239 — Hod Hill Brooch
Jacob's staff Q843239 balestilha
calibrated wooden rod with sliding crosspiece used for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies or the height of distant objects 100119 — Cross Staff CROSS+STAFF 300196040 10189
Langton Down brooch Q111700957 two-piece bow brooch with a wide flat reeded bow, dating from the early to mid-first century CE in Britain, originating in Gaul 141241 — Langton Down Brooch
Levallois core Q111231678 tortoise core prepared core used to produce knapped blades 97668 — Levallois Core LEVALLOIS+CORE
Levallois flake Q111231733 flake produced from a carefully prepared core 97669 — Levallois Flake LEVALLOIS+FLAKE
Nail Clippers Q270380 nail clippers
nail cutter
nail trimmer
tool for trimming toe or finger nails 96173 — Nail Clipper NAIL+CLIPPER 300236347 3033
Nauheim derivative brooch Q111701021 La Tene III Nauheim Derivative Brooch
Nauheim derivate brooch
simple one-piece brooch
simple one-piece brooch or fibula with a spring of four or fewer coils 141242 — Nauheim Derivate Brooch
Pax tablet Q3357200 Pax
Pax (liturgical object)
instrumentum pacis
pax board
object used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance for the Kiss of Peace in the Catholic Mass 95990 — Pax PAX 300236484 13229
Pictish stone Q1666255 Pictish Stone
Pictish symbol stone
symbol stone
monumental stele, generally carved or incised with symbols or designs 96033 — Symbol Stone SYMBOL+STONE
Polden Hill brooch Q111701046 brooch or fibula with its spring held in a semi-cylindrical crossbar with closed ends 141434 — Polden Hill Brooch
Roman dodecahedron Q12566 Gallo-Roman dodecahedron small hollow object made of bronze or stone, with a dodecahedral shape 96423 — Dodecahedron DODECAHEDRON
T-shaped brooch Q111710846 brooch or fibula with a pin hinged on a bar held in a cylindrical crossbar, the bow tapering and commonly decorated 141435 — T-Shaped Brooch
Trichterhalskrug Q111927808 funnel-neck mug German funnel-necked jug or mug 148405 — 148405
Weapon Sling Q199771 Gofan
Sling weapon
Weapon Sling
projectile weapon, typically used to propel small stones 95217 — Sling (Military) Sling+Stone
300037216 8348
abacus Q12806 counting frame
calculating tool 95302 — Abacus ABACUS 300263522 10433
adapted automobile Q16001743 car adapted for use by people with disabilities 167291 — Adapted
adze Q2517447 adz edged, handled woodworking tool 96909 — Adze ADZE 300023553 7144
adze hammer Q111287907 shaft hole adze with additional hammer knob, normally polished stone 96910 — Adze Hammer ADZE+HAMMER
aeolian sediment Q255333 aeolian deposit
eolian sediment
windblown sediment 142912 — Aeolian Deposit
aglet Q1048585 aiglet
lace tag
tag or decorative tip on the end of a lace, ribbon, or point; sometimes attached directly to a garment or hat 97585 — Lace Tag LACE+TAG 300212059
agricultural deposit Q111811501 deposit formed through the action of human farming 142931 — Agricultural Deposit
agricultural tool Q3629395 agricultural equipment
farm equipment
farming tool
tool used for farming 97680 — Cultivation Object CULTIVATION+OBJECT
300233315 3177
aircraft Q11436 aerial vehicle
individual aircraft
machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface 160138 — Aircraft 300212527 11689
aircraft component Q16693356 aircraft part part of an aircraft 160139 — Aircraft Component
aircraft engine Q743004 aero engine
aeroplane engine
engine designed for use in powered aircraft 142089 — Aircraft Engine
albarello Q1888893 type of concave-sided drug jar 148324 — Albarello 300198823
alembic Q845242 still alchemical still consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, used for distilling chemicals 96816 — Alembic ALEMBIC 300197358 8484
alidade Q1126263 alhidad
turning board
device for measuring angles 95303 — Alidade ALIDADE 300420032 10170
alluvium Q6185405 loose soil or sediment that is eroded and redeposited in a non-marine setting 142915 — Alluvium 300264223
altar Q101687 Religious Altars structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes 95836 — Altar ALTAR 300003725 13094
altar crucifix Q434614 Altar Cross
altar cross
crucifix designed to be permanent adjunct to the altar 95839 — Altar Cross ALTAR+CROSS 300262580
altar cruet Q612102 cruet small, stoppered vessel for wine and water used in the celebration of the Christian Eucharist 95923 — Cruet (Religious) CRUET+(RELIGIOUS) 300198805 13153
altar vase Q111287984 vase for holding flowers or greenery on an altar 95840 — Altar Vase ALTAR+VASE 300404187 13144
altar vessel Q111287994 any container used on an altar 96818 — Altar Vessel ALTAR+VESSEL
altarpiece Q15711026 altarpieces
artwork (painting, sculpture or relief) behind the altar 97485 — Altarpiece ALTARPIECE 300075940 13218
altimeter Q216197 altitude meter instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level 95304 — Altimeter ALTIMETER 300195768 10100
aludel Q447315 Hermetic Vase
Philosopher's Egg
Vase of the Philosophy
subliming pot used in alchemy 97324 — Aludel ALUDEL
ammunition Q185785 ammo
expendable weapons or weapon components dispersed from a weapon system, such as bombs, missiles, mines and projectiles 97098 — Ammunition AMMUNITION 300036928 7735
ammunition pouch Q492362 cartridge pouch bag for holding ammunition 95153 — Ammunition Pouch AMMUNITION+POUCH 7881
amphibian remains Q111360664 remains of any part of an amphibian 100100 — Amphibian Remains AMPHIBIAN+REMAINS
amphora Q178401 amphorae
type of storage container 96750 — Amphora AMPHORA 300148696
ampulla Q4748557 small vessel used in ancient Rome 95897 — Ampulla AMPULLA 300198899 13121
amulet Q131557 amulets object that is typically worn on one's person, and is alleged to have the magical power to protect its holder 95896 — Amulet AMULET
300266585 13970
amulet capsule Q111325762 Amulet case case or container for an amulet 95254 — Amulet Capsule AMULET+CAPSULE
anchor Q168432 mooring device 95457 — Anchor ANCHOR 300219429 12408
andiron Q262026 fire dog support to hold logs in an open fireplace 96202 — Fire Dog FIRE+DOG 300161848 1848
angle tie Q19705242 angle brace
knee brace
bar fixed across a frame at an angle to stiffen it 96232 — Angle Tie ANGLE+TIE 300001838
angon Q429242 a type of javelin 97102 — Angon ANGON 300036975 8205
animal brooch Q111733495 zoomorphic brooch brooch or fibula representing an animal 141228 — Animal Brooch
animal care equipment Q111280338 tools and equipment for caring for animals 97156 — Animal Care Equipment ANIMAL+CARE+EQUIPMENT 300420156 3525
animal equipment Q61755099 objects used for animal handling 95054 — Animal Equipment ANIMAL+EQUIPMENT 300239147
animal harness Q62266970 harness arrangement of straps used to control an animal 95682 — Harness HARNESS 300420164
animal micro remains Q111360599 microscopic animal remains 100097 — Animal Micro Remains ANIMAL+MICRO+REMAINS
animal remains Q111360568 faunal remains in archaeology, remains of any part of any animal 95074 — Animal Remains ANIMAL+REMAINS
animal shoe Q111347675 shoe fixed to an animal, either permanently or temporarily, to protect the hoof and provide improved grip 97695 — Animal Shoe ANIMAL+SHOE 300420185 3674
anklet Q1478508 ankle bracelet
ankle chain
ankle ornament
ornament worn around the ankle 96650 — Anklet ANKLET 300209294 1938
ansate brooch Q111692332 ansate fibula
caterpillar brooch
caterpillar fibula
brooch or fibula with a distinctive bow shaped like the arching body of a caterpillar 141231 — Caterpillar Brooch
anvil Q104363 metalworking tool 96981 — Anvil ANVIL 300023119 5830
apothecary bottle Q63813700 apothecary's bottle
drug bottle
pharmacy bottle
glass or ceramic bottle, usually with a stopper, for storing and dispensing medicines, extracts, and other apothecary's stock 95270 — Drug Bottle DRUG+BOTTLE 300378929 9793
apothecary ladle Q111288062 ladle used for the making of drugs and medicines 95256 — Apothecary Ladle APOTHECARY+LADLE 300420257 9476
apothecary weight Q111288275 apothecaries’ weight one of a set used in pharmacy to measure volume or weight for dispensing 95257 — Apothecary Weight APOTHECARY+WEIGHT
apple corer Q382747 apple slicer
fruit corer
device for removing core and pips from an apple or other fruit 96752 — Apple Corer
96766 — Corer
300201093 4238
apron Q273831 outer protective garment 96614 — Apron APRON 300258453
apron fitting Q111288498 cingulum militare fitting specialized fitting for a cingulum militare, part of Roman armor 97529 — Apron Fitting APRON+FITTING
aquamanile Q378845 aquamaniles
zoomorphic aquamanile
zoomorphic ewer
water vessel in the form of an animal or human figure 96753 — Aquamanile AQUAMANILE 300045667
arch Q12277 vertical curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support a load 96001 — Arch ARCH 300000994 936
architectural element Q391414 architectonical element
architectural elements
architectural feature
architectural features
architectural member
architectural term
building component
building components
forms primarily as components of architecture 96360 — Architectural Element ARCHITECTURAL+ELEMENT 300000885
architectural fragment Q111280335 fragment of an architectural structure, usually in the context of archaeology 96002 — Architectural Fragment ARCHITECTURAL+FRAGMENT
architecture Q12271 process of planning, designing and construction 95056 — Architecture ARCHITECTURE 300054156
ard Q1196338 Roman plow
ard plough
ard plow
scratch plough
scratch plow
simple light plough without a mouldboard 95763 — Ard ARD
arm purse Q111347827 purse, sometimes of bronze, usually worn on the forearm 96651 — Arm Purse ARM+PURSE
arm ring Q4792469 armband
ornamental jewellery worn around the upper arm 96652 — Armlet ARMLET 300045990 1939
armament case Q111349242 arms case case for storing or transporting arms 96820 — Arms Holder ARMS+HOLDER 300420315 7856
armament container Q111349001 weapons container any container specifically designed for protecting and/or transporting armaments 97232 — Weapon And Ammunition Container WEAPON+AND+AMMUNITION+CONTAINER 300420317 7844
armband Q680343 band encircling the arm, sometimes worn for identification or in mourning 96629 — Arm Band ARM+BAND 300247490 2001
armchair Q11285759 arm chair
chair with arms
type of chair 96522 — Armchair ARMCHAIR 300037776 1091
arrow Q45922 shafted projectile that is shot with a bow 95131 — Arrow ARROW 8151
arrow straightener Q111337427 arrow shaft straightener
arrow smoother
tool used to straighten and smooth arrow shafts 96911 — Arrow Straightener ARROW+STRAIGHTENER 300420349 8027
arrowhead Q1643900 arrow head sharpened tip of an arrow 95132 — Arrowhead ARROWHEAD 300024861 8191
ash Q152079 ashes waste product of fire; the end product of incomplete combustion; the solid remains of fires; specifically, it refers to all non-aqueous, non-gaseous residues that remain after something is burned 142924 — Ash 300011786
aspergillum Q543177 asperges
holy water sprinkler
instrument to distribute holy water in church services or other rites 95967 — Holy Water Sprinkler HOLY+WATER+SPRINKLER 300298908 13095
assemblage Q4808636 (archaeology) group of artifacts found in the same context 141192 — Assemblage ASSEMBLAGE 300256847
astrolabe Q164992 astronomical instrument in the form of a disc or sphere with wires, cutouts or perforations that allows a user to calculate astronomical positions precisely 95252 — Astrolabe ASTROLABE 300195790 8357
astronomical instrument Q751997 astronomical instrumentation instrument used in astronomy 95305 — Astronomical Instrument ASTRONOMICAL+INSTRUMENT 300024497 8376
atlatl Q492883 spear-thrower tool to give more leverage when throwing a spear-like projectile 95147 — Spear Thrower SPEAR+THROWER 300227045 8153
aucissa fibula Q758628 Legionnaire's fibula
aucissa brooch
a shoulder brooch used to fasten clothing by Roman soldiers 141229 — Aucissa Brooch
auger Q1142501 drilling device or bit 96912 — Auger AUGER 300023572 7158
auger bit Q111326279 cutting part of an auger. 96913 — Auger Bit AUGER+BIT 300024883
awl Q400406 stitching awl tool for making or enlarging holes in fabric or leather 96914 — Awl AWL 300024663 6523
ax head Q30113226 ax-head
axe head
cutting part of an axe made of hard material such as stone or metal 100153 — Axehead AXEHEAD 300400808
axe Q39397 ax weapon or tool consisting of a shaft, with a head attached at a parallel angle that is used primarily for chopping, splitting, or shaping materials 141508 — Axe AXE
axe hammer Q111174282 axe with a cutting edge and a hammer head 143949 — Axe Hammer AXE+HAMMER
axe mould Q111325934 mould in which an axehead is cast 96983 — Axe Mould AXE+MOULD
axe trimming flake Q111352722 characteristic waste flake struck off in the production of stone axes 97526 — Axe Trimming Flake AXE+TRIMMING+FLAKE
axehead roughout Q111325939 ax head roughout unfinished, roughly shaped axehead 100112 — Axehead Roughout AXEHEAD+ROUGHOUT
axle Q188209 central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear 95455 — Axle AXLE 300420537 11825
axle cap Q111354779 cap to bind the end of an axle, usually of iron, perforated to allow a linch pin to pass through the axle 95456 — Axle Cap AXLE+CAP
baby bottle Q797906 feeding bottle
nursing bottle
bottle with a nipple to drink from 95711 — Feeding Bottle Baby+Feeder
300262963 4761
backed blade Q111337033 stone blade with one edge blunted 97325 — Backed Blade BACKED+BLADE
backed bladelet Q111341936 small stone blade with one edge blunted 97326 — Backed Bladelet BACKED+BLADELET
backplate Q28791652 personal armor to protect the back of the torso 95158 — Backplate BACKPLATE 300036752 8106
backscratcher Q1315940 back scratcher
tool for relieving areas that cannot easily be reached just by one's own hands, typically the back 152436 — Back Scratcher 2801
badge Q336533 brevet
costume accessory, usually in the form of a patch, pin, or other ornament, worn to indicate membership, affiliation, rank, or achievement 96418 — Badge BADGE 14001
bag Q1323314 sack simple tool in the form of a non-rigid container 96653 — Bag
96887 — Sack
bagpipes Q8347 bagpipe
set of bagpipes
reed wind instrument which in its commonest forms consists of a chanter and one or more drones, all supplied with air from the bag, which is compressed under the player’s arm to provide a constant pressure 95525 — Bagpipes BAGPIPES 300042405 10823
baking stone Q2198722 grilling stone
pizza stone
portable cooking surface used in baking 96764 — Cooking Stone COOKING+STONE
baldric Q3225698 Baldric
belt worn over one shoulder, typically used to carry a weapon (usually a sword) or other implement such as a bugle or drum 95159 — Baldric BALDRIC 300258901 7812
baler Q1552846 farm machine for creating hay or straw bales 97532 — Bailer BAILER 300024343 3284
ball Q18545 balls round object used in sports or for playing 95616 — Ball (Game) BALL+(GAME)
ballista ball Q111240679 large stone missile fired from a ballista 95160 — Ballista Ball BALLISTA+BALL
ballista bolt Q111240658 large bolt or arrow fired from a ballista 95161 — Ballista Bolt BALLISTA+BOLT
baluster Q658386 spindle
stair stick
architectural element; vertical moulded shaft 96004 — Baluster BALUSTER 300003287 28
baluster jug Q111743647 jug with a concave-convex curve profile, the rim and base being of roughly the same diameter 148296 — Baluster Jug
bandage Q376724 bandages piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support for the movement of a part of the body 95258 — Bandage BANDAGE 300259182 9704
banknote Q47433 bank note
bank notes
paper currency
paper money
form of physical currency made of paper or polymer 95419 — Bank Note BANK+NOTE 300191324 13881
banner Q806880 flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message 96419 — Banner BANNER 300195679 13305
baptismal font Q208820 baptismal fonts
large basins or other vessels set in or on the ground or fixed on a pedestal and intended for use in the baptismal rite 95973 — Font FONT 300080617 13150
bar iron Q1288689 form of wrought iron 97533 — Bar Iron BAR+IRON
bar lip jar Q111837197 jar with one or more lips added on the outside of the vessel wall over a hole pierced through the wall 148339 — Bar Lip Jar
bar lug jar Q111837177 characteristic pottery jar of Cornwall having a flat base and two opposed, tongue-shaped lugs raised from and above the rim 148338 — Bar Lug Jar
bar shot Q56377238 shot for cannons, consisting of two spheres, hemispheres, or cylinders connected by a bar of iron 142869 — Bar Shot 300201760 7800
bar torc Q111770852 bar-twisted torc arm or neck ring made by hammering gold onto a bar and twisting the metal to form a spiral pattern 137050 — Bar Torc
barbed and tanged arrowhead Q111240702 barb and tang arrowhead type of stone arrowhead 95162 — Barbed And Tanged Arrowhead BARBED+AND+TANGED+ARROWHEAD
barbed point Q111240714 bone or antler point with rows of barbs 97328 — Barbed Point BARBED+POINT
barley Q61665121 barley grain
barley seed
cereal grain 169927 — Barley Grain
barometer Q79757 scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure 95312 — Barometer BAROMETER 300195808 9861
barrel Q10289 hollow cylindrical container 96397 — Barrel BARREL 300206700
barrel padlock Q111351369 tubular padlock type of padlock with a cylindrical case and bolts and springs attached to spines 96235 — Barrel Padlock BARREL+PADLOCK
barrel padlock key Q111351655 key, usually with a long stem, its terminal is generally hooked or looped, and bit set at angle to stem with radiating or looped wards 96236 — Barrel Padlock Key BARREL+PADLOCK+KEY
barrel shaped jug Q111805887 barrel-shaped jug jug with little or no discernible neck, and a profile which has an even, convex profile from rim to base 148297 — Barrel Shaped Jug
barrel-shaped mug Q111957719 mug with little or no discernible neck and an even, convex profile from rim to base, 148399 — Barrel-shaped mug
basal sherd Q106990489 base sherd sherd with part of the bottom of a vessel 137053 — Base Sherd 14904
bascinet Q1642086 basinet
Medieval European open-faced military helmet 97329 — Basinet BASINET 8122
baselard Q3525418 badelare
historical type of dagger or short sword 95163 — Baselard BASELARD 300037062 8166
basin Q107197240 round container, open and wide at the top with sides sloping inwards toward the bottom 96398 — Basin BASIN 300045614 11786
basket Q201097 basketry
container which is traditionally constructed from stiff fibres 96363 — Basket BASKET 300194498
basket-handled bowl Q111889229 basket handled bowl bowl with a single loop handle crossing over the top of the vessel 148366 — Basket Handled Bowl
basket-handled jar Q111837141 basket handled jar jar with a single handle attached to the rim edge at both ends and looped over the top of the vessel 148336 — Basket Handled Jar
basket-hilted sword Q11220549 broadsword sword with basket like hand protection 97101 — Broadsword BROADSWORD 300037050
bat Q12047696 class of sports equipment, whose shape can be either flat or cylindrical, used for striking a ball 97330 — Bat BAT
bathtub Q152095 bath
large container for holding water in which a person may bathe 96523 — Bath BATH 300052625 282
baton Q111570028 wand of office staff of office or authority 95473 — Baton BATON
battle axe Q852049 battle ax
axe specifically designed for combat 95165 — Battleaxe BATTLEAXE 300036983 8236
bayonet Q173366 bladed weapon designed for attachment to a firearm 95166 — Bayonet BAYONET 300036990 8155
bead Q1053956 small decorative object with drilled hole 96488 — Bead BEAD 300234006 6831
beaker Q4876107 in archaeology, any small round ceramic, metal or glass drinking vessel without a spout or handle 96754 — Beaker BEAKER 300043198
beam Q3705329 structural element capable of withstanding loads by resisting bending 96006 — Beam BEAM 300001497 354
beam anchor Q111535555 wall anchor metal tie for securing a beam, joist, or floor firmly to a wall 97638 — Wall Anchor WALL+ANCHOR 300065897
beater Q4877042 Weaving Beater
weaving batten
weaving stick
weaving sword
weft beater
weaving tool of various shapes used to push the weft yarn securely into place 97075 — Weaving Batten WEAVING+BATTEN 300312126
beater Q18178803 Kolotushka
percussion instrument 95526 — Beater (Music) BEATER+(MUSIC)
beater Q111225980 any striking tool used to pound, hammer, or tap materials 97441 — Beater (Tool) BEATER+(TOOL) 300379166
bed Q42177 beds piece of furniture used as a place to sleep or relax 96524 — Bed BED 300038697 1177
bed sheet Q391788 Bed Sheets
rectangular piece of cloth or linen cotton used to cover a mattress 96552 — Sheet Bedsheet
300204598 980
bed warmer Q2631842 warming-pan (for bed) household item 96223 — Warming Pan WARMING+PAN 300375242 1653
bedding Q1762457 Bedding
bed linen
the materials laid above the mattress of a bed for hygiene, warmth, to protect the mattress, and for decorative effect 97202 — Bedding BEDDING 968
bedpan Q1940345 Bed Pan receptacle used for toilet of bedridden individuals 96822 — Bed Pan BED+PAN 300198891 3155
beehive Q165107 artificial beehive
bee hive
bee hives
honey hive
honey hives
enclosed structure in which honey bees live and raise their young 95656 — Beehive BEEHIVE 300004970 546
beehive quern Q111351824 tool for grinding cereals where one stone is rotated on another by hand 96917 — Beehive Quern BEEHIVE+QUERN
bell Q101401 bells percussion musical instrument 95509 — Bell BELL 300041872 11189
bell pull Q4883322 bell-pull long, narrow embroidered textile attached to a bell-wire, used to ring servant bells 96238 — Bell Pull BELL+PULL 300395580 1600
bell system Q111354790 system of communication used in a house to summon servants or on board ship to transmit orders to the engine room 95365 — Bell System BELL+SYSTEM
bellows Q208103 bellow tool for blowing air 96486 — Bellows BELLOWS 300024643 1864
belt Q134560 worn band or braid, usually around the waist or hips 96630 — Belt BELT 300210002 2002
bench Q204776 benches piece of furniture on which several people may sit at the same time 97332 — Bench (Seat) BENCH+(SEAT) 300038494 1073
bezel Q33269774 bezel setting raised setting to support a stone, or a thickened portion of the band of a ring 137055 — Bezel 300221558
bib Q1520756 garment worn hanging from the neck to protect clothing from spilled food 96613 — Bib BIB 300209957 2600
biconical bowl Q111725283 Schalenurne bowl whose form resembles two cones joined together at their widest points 148344 — Biconical Bowl
148344 — Schalenurne
biconical jar Q111725213 biconical pot jar characterized by a profile resembling two truncated cones joined together at the widest point 148322 — Biconical Jar
biconical jug Q111725301 jug with a body profile resembling two cones joined together at their widest points 148298 — Biconical Jug
biconical urn Q860088 large type of urn with a wide lip used for funerary purposes in Bronze Age Europe and the Villanovan culture 151960 — biconical urn 300264948
bicycle Q11442 Bicycles
pedal bike
pedal cycle
pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle 167286 — Bicycle 300212636 12131
bier Q546377 coffin trolley stand or frame to move bodies or coffins 95893 — Bier BIER 300262819 13020
bill Q1619960 English bill
polearm weapon used by infantry in medieval Europe 95920 — Bill BILL 300036996 8194
billhook Q708852 bill hook cutting tool 95766 — Bill Hook BILL+HOOK 300265636 9012
bird bath Q371452 birdbath artificial puddle or small shallow pond where birds bathe 97536 — Bird Bath BIRD+BATH 300081535 480
bird feeder Q1441616 bird table
tray feeder
receptacle or construction to supply bird food to birds 97537 — Bird Feeder BIRD+FEEDER 300060056 512
bird remains Q111360679 remains of any part of a bird 95128 — Bird Remains BIRD+REMAINS
birdcage Q2531974 bird cage cage designed to house birds as pets 97334 — Bird Cage BIRD+CAGE 3718
bit Q830004 bits (bridles)
bridle bit
type of horse tack 95671 — Bridle Bit Horsebit
300248085 11921
blackjack Q111743491 black jack
leather jack
capacious drinking vessel of leather coated in tar 143461 — Bombard 300245354
blade Q3045036 type of stone tool; a long narrow flake produced by laminar debitage 96399 — Blade BLADE 300400615
blank Q111546215 semifinished metal or wooden block 143224 — Blank 300194594 14910
blanket Q5852 overblanket covering 96527 — Blanket BLANKET 300197367 986
bleeding cup Q111603691 cup used to collect blood during bloodletting 95259 — Bleeding Cup BLEEDING+CUP
blind fitting Q111444569 accessory for a window blind 96540 — Blind Fitting BLIND+FITTING 300421968 1921
blinders Q1265341 blinkers piece of horse tack that prevent the horse seeing to the rear and, in some cases, to the side 100048 — Blinker BLINKER
blouse Q152563 girl's blouse
woman's blouse
women's garment for the upper body 96612 — Blouse BLOUSE 300046133
blowgun Q373543 blow tube
tube for firing light projectiles or darts 95133 — Blowpipe (Weapon) BLOWPIPE+(WEAPON) 300036997 8161
blowpipe Q1520198 tool used to direct stream of gas 99652 — Blowpipe (Tool) BLOWPIPE+(TOOL)
boat Q35872 boats smaller watercraft 95453 — Boat BOAT 300178749 12600
boat hook Q4339908 Boat Hooks part of boating equipment 100149 — Boat Hook BOAT+HOOK
bobbin Q1520790 reel of thread
thread reel
spool or cylinder around which thread or yarn is coiled 96985 — Bobbin
100162 — Thread Bobbin
bodkin Q63314323 small pointed tool for piercing holes in cloth and for pulling laces or drawstrings 96918 — Bodkin BODKIN 300023486 6887
body armor Q485027 armor
body armour
personal armor
personal armour
protective clothing; armor worn on the body 95156 — Armour ARMOUR 300036745
body plug Q111444576 object used in the preparation of a body following death 97538 — Body Plug BODY+PLUG
bolas Q689962 two-ball lasso used for ostrich hunting 95767 — Bolas BOLAS 300036998 8335
bolster Q3057620 long narrow pillow or cushion 96529 — Bolster BOLSTER 300236072 989
bolt Q111631173 protruding part of a lock or latch that prevents a door from opening 96241 — Bolt (Lock) BOLT+(LOCK) 300080840
bomb Q127197 explosive weapon 143023 — Bomb 300204010 7736
bone working debris Q111848679 debris resulting from the manufacture of tools and other artifacts from bone 141188 — Bone Working Debris
bong Q502672 billy
smoking water pipe
water pipe
device used for smoking tobacco, cannabis, or other herbal drugs 97686 — Water Pipe (Smoking) WATER+PIPE+(SMOKING)
bonnet Q1149531 headwear usually tied under the chin and having a front brim 96582 — Bonnet BONNET 300210720 2273
book Q571 books medium for recording information (words or images) typically on bound pages or more abstractly in electronic or audio form 95366 — Book BOOK 300028051 13603
book fitting Q101963525 book clasp
book mount
decorative metal fitting such as a clasp attached to a book 95368 — Book Fitting BOOK+FITTING
300422128 11521
boot Q190868 boots type of footwear extending above the ankle joint 96566 — Boot BOOT 300046057 2145
boot stud Q111360308 metal reinforcer worn on the sole or heel of a boot 96573 — Boot Stud BOOT+STUD
borer Q111366958 flint borer flint tool for piercing holes 96485 — Borer BORER
boss Q111468217 ornamental projection or knob 143245 — Boss 300047259 5339
bottle Q80228 flask closable cylindrical container for transport and storage of liquids and gases 96823 — Bottle BOTTLE 300045627 11787
bouncing bomb Q583515 type of conventional weapon (depth charge) 143024 — Bouncing Bomb
boundary marker Q921099 BM
border marker
border monument
border stone
boundary marker
boundary marking
boundary point
boundary stone
boundary tree
stone mark
physical indication of a boundary 100121 — Boundary Marker
95346 — Property Marker
bow Q46311 ranged weapon system consisting of an elastic launching device and long-shafted projectiles 97100 — Bow (Weapon) BOW+(WEAPON)
bow Q204948 music bow stick-shaped implement with hairs used to play a bowed string musical instrument such as a violin 95527 — Bow (Music) BOW+(MUSIC)
bow brooch Q1020506 bow fibula range of pin styles of late Roman and Early Medieval Europe 96662 — Bow Brooch BOW+BROOCH
bow drill Q4115364 prehistoric form of drilling tool 100156 — Bow Drill BOW+DRILL 300024682 6554
bowed string instrument Q192096 bowed stringed instrument
bowed strings
string instrument played by a bow rubbing the strings 95520 — Bowed String Instrument BOWED+STRING+INSTRUMENT
bowl Q153988 circular, open-top container frequently used as tableware 96755 — Bowl BOWL 300203596 11792
box Q188075 boxes
storage box
container (usually cuboidal) with at least one roughly rectangular cross-section 96439 — Box BOX 300045643 11754
box padlock key Q111366959 key usually with a long stem with bit, stem and terminal in line 96243 — Box Padlock Key BOX+PADLOCK+KEY
bracelet Q201664 arm bracelet article worn around the wrist 96654 — Bracelet BRACELET 300045991 1940
bracket Q2465790 console architectural element with a flat-topped, angular projection or support. Used to support, sometimes with a shelf, various objects, such as a clock, a statuette, a plant, a lamp. 96244 — Bracket BRACKET 300078193 220
bracteate Q848960 struck metal pendant medallion, or a coin made in imitation of these 96663 — Bracteate BRACTEATE 300037293
brad Q111366998 brad nail
wire brad
wire nail
smooth wire nail used for finish carpentry work 100186 — Brad BRAD 300036371 7308
bradawl Q10641314 woodworking hand tool 96987 — Bradawl BRADAWL 300023591 7175
braid Q2844972 flat, round or tubular narrow textile made by braiding yarn or other materials 97636 — Braid BRAID 6854
brail Q98826762 hawk belt leather strap used to restrain the wing of a hawk 97336 — Brail BRAIL 300421047 3574
branding iron Q3350003 brand
hot iron
tool used to burn a mark on livestock, tools, or manufactured goods to indicate ownership 95712 — Branding Iron BRANDING+IRON 300161516 11568
brass Q899459 brasses
church brass
commemorative brass
funerary brass
memorial brass
monumental brass
ornamental brass
sepulchral brass
tomb brass
incised brass plate serving as a memorial to the dead 97596 — Brass BRASS 300184647
brass instrument valve Q117802881 valve device for altering pitch on brass instruments (MUSIC) VALVE (MUSIC) 300042402
brazier Q1409660 container used to burn charcoal or other solid fuel for cooking, heating, or cultural rituals 96176 — Brazier BRAZIER 5885
breastplate Q858236 chestplate item of personal armor protecting the chest 95169 — Breastplate BREASTPLATE 300036753 8107
breeches Q2302770 britches
clothing for legs 96611 — Breeches BREECHES 300046135 2436
brick Q40089 bricks block or a single unit of a ceramic material used in masonry construction 96010 — Brick BRICK 300010463 49
bridal headdress Q111360289 wedding headdress headwear of a bride. 95891 — Bridal Headdress BRIDAL+HEADDRESS
bridge Q830869 string-instrument bridge device for supporting the strings on a stringed instrument 95475 — Bridge (Music) BRIDGE+(MUSIC) 300209252
bridle Q148558 Bridles piece of equipment to direct a horse 95670 — Bridle BRIDLE 300248092 11925
bridle fitting Q111444730 attachment that forms part of a bridle 95672 — Bridle Fitting BRIDLE+FITTING
briquetage Q917623 coarse ceramic material used to make evaporation vessels 97337 — Briquetage BRIQUETAGE
brush Q614467 tool with filaments for cleaning, applying materials or other purposes 96400 — Brush BRUSH 300024760 6528
bucket Q47107 pail tube-shaped container 96364 — Bucket BUCKET 300045651
buckle Q1135567 Schnalle mechanical device for fastening two loose ends 96667 — Buckle BUCKLE 300239260 6562
buckler Q1766706 small shield 95170 — Buckler BUCKLER 300036874 8141
bulla Q7762436 inscribed token used in commercial and legal documentation as a form of authentication 97286 — Bull BULL 300266223
bullet Q174583 projectile projectile propelled by a firearm, sling, or an air gun 95135 — Bullet BULLET 300201694 7742
bullet mold Q107194041 bullet mould mould in which bullets or musket balls are cast 97340 — Bullet Mould BULLET+MOULD 300421228 7961
bullroarer Q666971 bull-roarer
ritual musical instrument used for communicating over great distances 95476 — Bullroarer BULLROARER 300042570 13102
bung Q11981837 cork
conical closure that fits into a container's opening to seal it 96401 — Bung
96310 — Stopper
300203447 4694
bunghole jar Q111837279 cistern jar with a pierced bunghole just above the base to accommodate a tap or spigot 148343 — Bunghole Jar
bunghole jug Q111809715 bunghole pitcher
jug with a pierced bunghole just above the base to accommodate a tap or spigot 148316 — Bunghole Jug
burial chest Q111346895 chest connected with the burial of a body 95890 — Burial Chest BURIAL+CHEST
burin Q9239042 burins
tool for engraving 95758 — Burin BURIN 300193147 11042
burin spall Q111347531 narrow flake which is the by-product of making a stone burin 97341 — Burin Spall BURIN+SPALL
burnisher Q198900 burnishing rod
tool for sharpening a card scraper 96920 — Burnisher BURNISHER
burnt flint Q111445120 flint which has been burnt 97540 — Burnt Flint BURNT+FLINT
burr Q5000313 rotary file small cutting tool 95260 — Burr BURR
bus Q5638 autobus
large road vehicle for transporting people 167296 — Bus 300212677 12189
bushel Q111445124 bushel measure measuring container for dry goods 95326 — Bushel BUSHEL
bust Q241045 bust portrait
bust-length portrait
head-and-shoulders representation
sculpture of the upper part (head, neck, and a variable portion of chest and shoulders) of the human figure 95760 — Bust BUST 300047457
butchered animal remains Q111848670 in archaeology, animal remains bearing evidence that they were slaughtered and used for food 141186 — Butchered Animal Remains
butter churn Q1018079 churn device used to turn cream into butter through stirring and agitation 96824 — Butter Churn
95768 — Churn
BUTTER+CHURN 300043094 4526
button Q160464 small fastener used in clothing 96674 — Button BUTTON 300239261 6836
button and loop fastener Q111367021 button-and-loop fastener fastener made of a metal circle connected to a metal loop fixed to an object and used to fasten to another object by means of a button or a loop 96675 — Button and Loop Fastener BUTTON+AND+LOOP+FASTENER
button cover Q111360428 decorative cover that snaps over a button 96632 — Button Cover BUTTON+COVER
buzzer Q1148571 equipment producing a buzzing sound signal, for example either by mechanical, electromechanical or piezoelectric means 95411 — Buzzer BUZZER 300207458 11197
by-product Q1128255 by-products
unwanted secondary product of a production process, manufacturing process or chemical reaction 97290 — By Product BY+PRODUCT
bâton de commandement Q694094 baton de commandement
baton perce
bâton percé
perforated baton
type of prehistoric sceptre made of a bone perforated with a hole in its widest part 97524 — Baton De Commandement BATON+DE+COMMANDEMENT 300375290
cabinet Q2741056 cabinetry box-shaped piece of furniture with doors or drawers for storing miscellaneous items 96530 — Cabinet CABINET 300053607
cable reel Q5015689 cable drum round, drum-shaped object used to carry wires 169915 — Cable Drum
cage Q129211 enclosure used to confine, contain or protect something or someone 96825 — Cage CAGE
calendar Q12027715 physical object displaying the date 95327 — Calendar CALENDAR 300026741 13620
caliper Q12408 calipers
pair of calipers
sliding caliper
device used to measure the distance between two opposite sides of an object 97141 — Callipers CALLIPERS 300195885 10321
caltrop Q736050 calthrop
cheval trap
crow's feet
crow's foot
jack rock
jack rocks
snares that catch the feet of animals in hunting or trapping, or in the context of warfare. 95171 — Caltrop CALTROP 7836
came Q5025838 Lead rod
divider bar or strip of leading used between small pieces of glass to make a larger glazing panel 96011 — Came CAME 300003106 136
cameo Q28512 cameos small relief carving 96676 — Cameo CAMEO 300047261 12974
can Q2846150 metal can
steel can
tin can
sealed container for storage of foods 96826 — Can CAN 300265057 11758
candelabra Q548275 candelabrum
candle tree
candle holder with multiple arms 96186 — Candelabrum CANDELABRUM 300037584 1737
candle Q12888135 candles solid block of wax with embedded wick 96187 — Candle CANDLE 300037654 1767
candle bracket Q80794886 candle arm support for a candle which attaches to a wall 96188 — Candle Bracket CANDLE+BRACKET 300180022 1736
candle snuffer Q255477 candlesnuffer
scissorlike tool used to cut off the cord in the candle 96194 — Candle Snuffer CANDLE+SNUFFER 1771
candleholder Q111324670 candle holder any device to support a candle 96192 — Candle Holder CANDLE+HOLDER 300037583 1735
candlestand Q96076977 candle stand
candle standard
tall standards usually meant to rest on the floor supporting arms or branches fitted with candle sockets 96195 — Candle Stand CANDLE+STAND 300180041 1738
candlestick Q151771 candelabrum
candle holder
device used to hold a candle in place 96198 — Candlestick CANDLESTICK 300037588 1740
canister Q17175548 cannister roughly cylindrical container, often with a snug lid 97672 — Canister (Food) CANISTER+(FOOD) 300195322 11760
canister shot Q1427237 class of ammunition used by artillery 97673 — Canister (Shot) CANISTER+(SHOT) 300201763 7801
cannon Q81103 class of artillery which fires at a low or flat trajectory 95172 — Cannon CANNON 300036936 8070
cannonball Q1723884 cannon ball
round shot
type of ammunition 95173 — Cannon Ball
142875 — round shot
CANNON+BALL 300201708 7752
canoe Q171529 Canoes light boat that is paddled 95452 — Canoe CANOE 300212688 12614
canopic jar Q332285 canopic urn
canopic vessel
jar in which the organs of a mummy are kept 97315 — Canopic Vessel CANOPIC+VESSEL 300198901 12997
cap Q6147804 any of a variety of brimless head coverings, sometimes made with a visor 96583 — Cap CAP 300046094 2219
cape Q1034198 sleeveless outer garment of varying lengths, sometimes attached to a coat 96610 — Cape CAPE 300046140 2544
capital Q193893 upper part of a column (architecture) 96018 — Capital CAPITAL 300001662 365
capsule Q519410 capsules
relatively stable shell containing medicine 95261 — Capsule CAPSULE
carboy Q23660 demijohn rigid container 96828 — Carboy CARBOY 300197269
carding comb Q111361204 hand tool used to comb fibre before spinning 96989 — Carding Comb CARDING+COMB 300422672 6932
carinated bowl Q111837293 bowl with a sharp change of angle in the vessel wall 148345 — Carinated Bowl
carinated cup Q111926707 cup with a marked change of angle in the body wall 148389 — Carinated Cup
carpet Q163446 textile floor covering 96531 — Carpet CARPET 300185756 1043
carriage Q235356 generally horse-drawn means of transport 95451 — Carriage CARRIAGE 300185335 12021
carronade Q1135922 naval smooth-bore short-barrel cannon 169916 — Carronade 300201661 8072
carrying pole Q506131 burden stick
carrying stick
human yoke
milkmaid's yoke
shoulder yoke
yoke of wood or bamboo used by people to carry a load 97457 — Yoke (Human) YOKE+(HUMAN) 300426300 12019
cart Q234668 tonga simple vehicle designed for transport, mostly uniaxial 95448 — Cart CART
cart fitting Q111457085 mounting or fixture attached to a cart 95447 — Cart Fitting CART+FITTING
cartridge Q37144 ammunition cartridge
ammunition round
bullet shell
round of ammunition
type of ammunition packaging that includes a bullet or shot, a propellant substance, and a primer within a metallic, paper, or plastic case 95174 — Cartridge CARTRIDGE 300204087
cartridge case Q3433892 casing
shell case
shell casing
cartridge part containing the propellant 163924 — Shell Case 7859
carved stone Q111457110 stone which has been carved 148295 — Carved Stone CARVED+STONE
carved stone ball Q1046113 ball
stone ball
petrosphere dating from the late Neolithic to the Iron Age, mainly found in and around Scotland 100138 — Ball (Ritual) BALL+(RITUAL)
carving Q97570030 work executed by cutting a figure or design out of a solid material such as stone or wood 97541 — Carving CARVING 300047203 12958
case Q30894748 any of various containers fitted to enclose or protect specific objects 96677 — Case (Luggage) CASE+(LUGGAGE) 300045659 11762
casino token Q1072280 casino check
casino cheque
casino chip
gaming check
gaming cheque
gaming chip
poker chip
small discs used in lieu of currency in casinos 97452 — Gaming Chip GAMING+CHIP 300191355 14191
casket Q639460 coffer
jewelry box
jewelry casket
container, generally rectangular with a lock, for jewelry or trinkets 96445 — Casket CASKET
cast Q12042203 casting sculptural work or reproduction made by casting 96990 — Cast CAST 300047806 12962
castanets Q183932 percussion instrument 95512 — Castanet CASTANET 300041917
casting box Q111972081 molding box
moulding box
trough containing molding sand for use in casting metal artefacts 170766 — Casting Box
casting waste Q111457411 casting debris waste products of the metal casting process 97542 — Casting Waste CASTING+WASTE
catapult Q184393 ballistic device 95175 — Catapult CATAPULT 300037217 8336
catch Q111457418 holding device using a roller, magnet, or friction as the means of closure 96245 — Catch CATCH 300033359
catheter Q652297 catheters medical device 95262 — Catheter CATHETER 9781
cauldron Q1317634 caldron large metal pot for cooking or boiling over an open fire 96757 — Cauldron Cauldron+Hanger
300196395 3980
caulking gun Q1734658 Caulking Tools
cartridge gun
caulk cartridge gun
caulk gun
sealant gun
hand tool for dispensing and applying caulk from a tube 96992 — Caulking Tool CAULKING+TOOL
cave deposit Q111811470 material deposited in caves 142930 — Cave Deposit
ceiling painting Q1181933 plafond artwork applied directly to a ceiling 151833 — Ceiling Painting 300411453
censer Q1264081 incense burner
incense stand
incense-burner ~ scents, perfumes
perfume burner
ceremonial incense burner 95880 — Censer CENSER 300198814 13131
centurial stone Q111325717 inscribed marker stone found on Hadrian's Wall 95728 — Centurial Stone CENTURIAL+STONE
ceramic Q45621 ceramic material
inorganic, nonmetallic solid prepared by the action of heat 141190 — Ceramic 300235507
ceremonial container Q56612157 ritual container container having a primarily ceremonial or ritual purpose 97235 — Religious Or Ritual Container RELIGIOUS+OR+RITUAL+CONTAINER 300197576 13120
ceremonial mace Q2432431 mace ornamental staff to show authority rather than as an actual weapon 95878 — Ceremonial Staff CEREMONIAL+STAFF 300299039 14065
ceremonial object Q56627913 articles associated with or used in the context of a ceremony 100065 — Ceremonial Object CEREMONIAL+OBJECT 300234117 12986
chafing dish Q1058776 type of home appliance 96231 — Chafing Dish CHAFING+DISH 300196416 4439
chain Q2397485 a serial assembly of connected pieces, called links, typically made of metal, with an overall character similar to that of a rope in that it is flexible and curved 96246 — Chain CHAIN 300014625 6532
chain of office Q481243 collar
livery chain
livery collar
heavy chain, usually of gold or other metal, often with badges or other symbols attached, worn as insignia of office or a mark of fealty or other association 152434 — Livery Collar 300264346 14070
chain shot Q1939864 chain-shot shot for cannons, consisting of two spheres, hemispheres, or cylinders connected by a chain 300201765 7802
chainmail Q659631 mail
metal fabric consisting of iron or steel rings, riveted or pressed together, typically used in armor 95197 — Mail Armour Chain+Mail
chair Q15026 seat piece of furniture for sitting on 96532 — Chair CHAIR 300037772 1090
chalice Q210723 goblet ecclesiastical drinking vessels for eucharistic wine having a stem, often with a central knop, and a foot 95877 — Chalice CHALICE 300194762 13152
chalk ball Q111444514 ball of chalk, as found on Neolithic sites 95106 — Chalk Ball CHALK+BALL
chamber pot Q152475 chamberpot bowl-shaped container with a handle, and often a lid, to be used as a toilet 96533 — Chamber Pot Urinal+(Chamber+Pot)
300198893 3157
chamberstick Q13583628 bedchamber candlestick
chamber candlestick
chamber stick
saucer candlestick
candleholder with a single candle socket set on a flat saucer or traylike base 148416 — Saucer Candlestick 300180070 1743
chamfron Q2167816 chamfrain
Armor pieces for the front of a horse's or camel's head, often with side plates to protect the cheeks and often decorated to match the armor of the rider 100054 — Chamfron CHAMFRON
chandelier Q191709 chandeliers decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture 96199 — Chandelier CHANDELIER 1660
charger Q198976 Charger (table setting)
chop plate
large plate used at full-course dinners 96759 — Charger CHARGER 300393162 4873
chariot Q203788 ancient wheeled vehicle 95446 — Chariot CHARIOT 300212699
chariot fitting Q111457086 mounting or fitting attached to a chariot 97494 — Chariot Fitting CHARIOT+FITTING
charm Q12134884 small pendants worn for luck or decoration 95876 — Charm CHARM 300211652
charm bracelet Q488720 chain bracelet on which collectible charms may be hung 95874 — Charm Bracelet CHARM+BRACELET 300045993 1942
charm necklace Q111457513 amuletic necklace necklace bearing one or more charms, or being itself a charm 95873 — Charm Necklace CHARM+NECKLACE
chatelaine Q493509 decorative belt hook 96678 — Chatelaine CHATELAINE 300209297 2014
cheese press Q65064210 device for separating curds from whey in cheesemaking 96760 — Cheese Press CHEESE+PRESS 300180688 4550
chemise Q1604733 shift
loose-fitting, straight-hanging shirtlike underwear with or without sleeve 96615 — Shift SHIFT 300210542 2629
chess piece Q208440 chess figure
piece deployed on a chessboard and moved during the game 95621 — Chess Piece CHESS+PIECE
300211432 14176
chessboard Q110079 chess board type of checkerboard used in the board game chess 95620 — Chess Board CHESS+BOARD 300216610 14157
chest Q366134 coffer
box-shaped type of furniture 96443 — Chest CHEST 300038992 1248
chest protector Q3901154 chest guard padded and reinforced protective ware used in sports 152470 — Chest Guard (Sports) 300423066 14708
chicken feeder Q111902934 wide, shallow, straight-sided, circular potteryware dish with concentric divisions, though to be used for chicken feed 170021 — Chicken Feeder
chimney Q170477 smokestack structure that provides ventilation for exhausting the hot or toxic flue gases, aerosols and smokes produced by a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace inside a building to the outside atmosphere 96023 — Chimney CHIMNEY 173
chimney pot Q81281020 chimney can
chimney head
extension of a flue at the top of a chimney, often decorative 96025 — Chimney Pot CHIMNEY+POT 300003961 182
chip log Q638004 common log
ship log
instrument used to measure the speed of a ship at sea 152582 — Ship's Log 300198698
chisel Q474188 tool for cutting and carving wood, stone, metal, or other hard materials 96922 — Chisel CHISEL 300024665 6533
choker Q1424519 close-fitting necklace 96633 — Choker CHOKER 300209298 1947
chopper Q11728731 type of crude stone tool 96402 — Chopper CHOPPER
chopping block Q1567238 dense wooden object used as a surface for chopping 96403 — Chopping Block CHOPPING+BLOCK 300199938 4047
chrismarium Q2243845 chrismatory container for the chrism and consecrated oil used in Christian ritual 95872 — Chrismatory CHRISMATORY 300391105
church tabernacle Q1670363 sacrament house
locked box in which, in some Christian churches, the Eucharist is stored 96031 — Tabernacle TABERNACLE 300207778 13143
churning stick Q111457979 churn dash
churn staff
churn stick
churning staff
stick with cross-shaped or pierced component at the bottom for agitating milk in a butter churn 96761 — Churning Stick CHURNING+STICK 300423149 4535
ciborium Q198373 ampule the sick liturgical container 95870 — Ciborium CIBORIUM 300198813 13133
cinerary bowl Q111466909 funerary bowl vessel for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation 95868 — Cinerary Bowl CINERARY+BOWL
cinerary casket Q111466915 cinerary chest
funerary casket
container for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation 95869 — Cinerary Casket CINERARY+CASKET
circlet Q5121533 diadem 96679 — Circlet CIRCLET
circumcision equipment Q111374091 equipment used for male circumcision 95263 — Circumcision Equipment CIRCUMCISION+EQUIPMENT
circumcision knife Q111337173 knife used in circumcision 95264 — Circumcision Knife CIRCUMCISION+KNIFE 300423208 9664
circumcision plate Q111374192 plate used during male circumcision 95266 — Circumcision Plate CIRCUMCISION+PLATE 300423209 9676
circumcision scissors Q111374320 scissors used in male circumcision 95265 — Circumcision Scissors CIRCUMCISION+SCISSORS 300423210 9686
clamp Q846600 cramp fastening tool 96247 — Clamp CLAMP
clapper Q1400830 clappers musical instrument 97181 — Clappers CLAPPERS 300191301 10613
clasp Q2239762 any of several types of fasteners for clothing 96248 — Clasp CLASP 300239507 6563
clasp knife Q111337165 large pocket knife whose blade folds or shuts into the handle 96932 — Folding Knife FOLDING+KNIFE 300161543 2784
clay pipe Q18293793 used for smoking 95639 — Clay Pipe (Smoking) CLAY+PIPE+(SMOKING)
claymore Q463230 Scottish claymore type of sword 95177 — Claymore CLAYMORE 300037053 8220
cleat Q546438 rope-securing device 96249 — Cleat CLEAT
cleaver Q938509 large knife 96404 — Cleaver CLEAVER 300199941 4262
clevis pin Q1147806 pin unthreaded bolt 96240 — Bolt (Fastening) BOLT+(FASTENING) 300033325
clinch nail Q111458009 clench nail
cut nail
nail made of soft metal or cut so that the pointed end may be bent over easily for clinching 96250 — Clench Nail CLENCH+NAIL 300389650
clinker Q3332002 general name given to waste from industrial processes 97347 — Clinker CLINKER 300011788
clip Q111459146 spring clamp any simple mechanical device that uses spring force to grip and hold tightly 96251 — Clip CLIP 300065913 6564
clippers Q111459157 any of various tools with sharp edges that meet, used for cutting, clipping, shearing etc. 96483 — Clippers CLIPPERS 300236264 12750
cloak Q516992 long, loose overgarment fastening at the neck 96609 — Cloak CLOAK 300046142 2552
cloak fastener Q111466940 cloak clasp item fastening a cloak to itself or another garment 97348 — Cloak Fastener Cloak+Fastener
clock Q376 chronoscope
instrument that measures the passage of time 95330 — Clock CLOCK 300041575 10265
clog Q167633 clogs
foam clogs
wooden shoe
thick-soled protective footwear made of wood 96567 — Clog CLOG 300046066 2191
cloth beater Q111303508 tool used to hit fabric to remove dust or dirt 96481 — Cloth Beater CLOTH+BEATER
cloth measure Q111361920 measuring rule used for cloth, with the imperial yard divided into quarters and nails (sixteenths), or using the now obsolete ell of 45 inches 95332 — Cloth Measure CLOTH+MEASURE
cloth seal Q3159401 lead cloth seal
leaden cloth seal
textile seal
lead seal attached to cloth as a qualty control measure 95421 — Cloth Seal CLOTH+SEAL
clothes hanger Q815240 coat hanger
device of wood, metal, or plastic used to hang garments 96269 — Clothes Hanger CLOTHES+HANGER 300239360 2707
clothing Q11460 apparel
covering worn on the body 97105 — Clothing CLOTHING 300266639 2356
clothing fastener Q111525943 clothing fastening item used to join together clothing and footwear 97287 — Clothing Fastening CLOTHING+FASTENING
club Q392326 baton
short staff or stick, usually made of wood, wielded as a weapon 95136 — Club CLUB 300037206 8338
clump sole Q111228619 extra sole on footwear 96574 — Clump Sole CLUMP+SOLE
coat Q152574 warming outerwear garment for men and women 96608 — Coat COAT 300046143 2361
coat of arms Q14659 armorial bearings
heraldic device
heraldic design on a shield, surcoat or tabard 95725 — Arms
96426 — Heraldic Device
300126352 14015
cockerel bowl Q111889231 small, double-handled bowl with horizontal loop handles decorated with a cockerel motif 148369 — Cockerel Bowl
cockspur Q111361923 cockfighting spur metal spur fitted to the leg of a fighting cock as an aid in fighting 95623 — Cockspur COCKSPUR 14529
codpiece Q1345480 garment piece 100078 — Codpiece CODPIECE 300046148 2371
coffin Q184418 casket container for transport, laying out and the burial of a corpse 95905 — Coffin COFFIN 300197585 12996
coffin fitting Q111467075 removable. often decorative, component of a coffin 100132 — Coffin Fitting COFFIN+FITTING
cogwheel Q143873 gear
rotating wheel having teeth which mesh with another cogwheel or toothed part, used to transmit torque, convert rotation to translation or rarely other purposes 96993 — Cogwheel COGWHEEL 8918
coif Q15978441 biggin
historical headgear, a close-fitting cap 100077 — Coif (Armour)
100076 — Coif (Cap)
coin Q41207 piece of hard material produced in large quantities to facilitate trade 95423 — Coin COIN 300037222 13826
coin die Q111670264 die block of metal with a design cut into it used to impress a coin blank 96994 — Coin Die COIN+DIE 300423430 5939
coin hoard Q15484785 coin refuge deposited collection of coins 97525 — Coin Hoard COIN+HOARD
coin mould Q111467084 mould used to cast coins 97349 — Coin Mould COIN+MOULD
coin purse Q1771699 change purse small pouch made for carrying coins 96723 — Purse PURSE
300215521 2859
coin weight Q1252368 weights which were designed to weigh coins in order to assure their quality 95364 — Coin Weight COIN+WEIGHT 300254280 10333
coir beater Q111467106 tool used in processing the fibres from coconuts 96995 — Coir Beater COIR+BEATER
colander Q1057060 cullender
kitchen sieve
pasta strainer
bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food 96762 — Colander COLANDER 300200469 4390
collar Q497903 shaped neckwear that fastens around or frames the neck, either attached to a garment or as a separate accessory 96634 — Collar COLLAR 300210058 2027
collar Q1985273 animal collar harness for animals 100047 — Animal Collar ANIMAL+COLLAR
colluvium Q1152275 loose, unconsolidated sediments deposited at the base of a hillslope 142920 — Colluvium
column Q4817 Column
Y-shaped column
architectural column
column drum
structural column
structural element sustaining the weight of a building 96030 — Column COLUMN 300001571 367
comb Q23834 toothed device used for styling, cleaning and managing hair and scalp 96154 — Comb COMB 300236397
comb case Q111467111 storage and carrying case for a comb 97242 — Comb Case COMB+CASE
combination tool Q111467266 tool that combines two or more different types of tool 96997 — Combination Tool COMBINATION+TOOL 300423487 6619
commemorative Q20556309 commemorative object any object issued, or worn to commemorate a person, event, or occasion 99622 — Commemorative Object COMMEMORATIVE+OBJECT 300235430 13580
commode Q622360 drawer decorative chest of drawers made for display as well as storage 96534 — Commode COMMODE 300077277
compass Q34735 navigational compass
navigational compasses
instrument used for navigation and orientation 95253 — Compass COMPASS 300196707 10113
compass Q103896 drafting compass
drafting compasses
geometric compass
pair of compasses
drafting instrument for drawing arcs 95363 — Compasses
95249 — Dividers
300022488 10554
composite comb Q111467246 comb made by riveting together sections between connecting plates 96155 — Composite Comb COMPOSITE+COMB
concave sided jar Q111725237 jar with vertical concave body walls 148323 — Concave Sided Jar
concave-sided bowl Q111847307 concave sided bowl
flared bowl
bowl with concave body walls 148346 — Concave Sided Bowl
conical jug Q111805906 lighthouse jug jug with more or less straight sides that flare out from a narrow rim or neck to a wider base 148299 — Conical Jug
conical mug Q111957889 mug with with straight sides which flare out from the rim to a wider base 148400 — Conical Mug
construction deposit Q111811512 deposit formed through the actions of human building and construction 142932 — Construction Deposit
consular diptych Q2610015 Consular diptychs Type of Roman diptych to commemorate a consul 137056 — Consular Diptych 300178247
cookware and bakeware Q154038 bakeware
pots and pans
types of food preparation containers for use on stovetops or in ovens; cooking pots, casseroles, saucepans, frying pans, baking tins, stockpots, etc. 97227 — Cooking Vessel COOKING+VESSEL 300201279 3973
cooler Q1976332 Cooler
Ice Chest
chilly bin
cool box
ice box
portable ice chest
container designed to assist in cooling foods or liquids 96765 — Cooler COOLER 4983
copper sheathing Q4330146 sheathing ship hull covering 143031 — Sheathing
coracle Q1131847 small, roundish shaped lightweight boat 95444 — Coracle CORACLE 300232941 12612
corbel Q12537 console piece of masonry jutting out of a wall to carry any superincumbent weight 96036 — Corbel CORBEL 300003610 368
cord Q111726451 long, slender length of fibers or filaments twisted or braided together (superclass of yarn, string, rope, etc.) 136755 — Cord 300014247
cork Q111425525 stopper made from cork 96520 — Cork CORK 300203448
corkscrew Q12337 kitchen tool for drawing corks from wine bottles 97350 — Corkscrew CORKSCREW 300200493 4167
corn bin Q111425602 storage container designed to contain corn 95771 — Corn Bin CORN+BIN 300422364 3310
corn dolly Q2485699 corn dollie
corn husk doll
corn mother
figure or symbolic object plaited from grain stalks 95910 — Corn Dolly CORN+DOLLY 300264473
corset Q180225 corps
garment, reinforced with stays, that supports the waistline, hips and bust 100080 — Corset CORSET 300210582 2643
corslet Q5173179 corselet half armor worn by heavy infantry, especially from the early 16th to the mid-17th century in Europe 95178 — Corslet CORSLET 300207024
cosmetic container Q5174015 holder for substances used to enhance personal appearance 96144 — Cosmetic Container COSMETIC+CONTAINER 300422424 2999
cosmetic equipment Q111269397 cosmetic article tools and equipment used with cosmetics 97117 — Cosmetic Article COSMETIC+ARTICLE
cosmetic mortar Q111269412 mortar for grinding cosmetics 96146 — Cosmetic Mortar COSMETIC+MORTAR
cosmetic palette Q1850454 Ancient Egyptian palette
kohol palette
archaeological artifacts from middle to late predynastic Egypt 96150 — Palette (Cosmetic) PALETTE+(COSMETIC) 300375707
cosmetic pestle Q111269428 pestle for grinding cosmetics 96147 — Cosmetic Pestle COSMETIC+PESTLE
cosmetic set Q66615555 Cosmetic Sets
cosmetic grinder
small two-piece sets made from copper alloy, comprising a greater component, the mortar, and a lesser component, the pestle 96148 — Cosmetic Set COSMETIC+SET
cosmetic spoon Q129821215 Spoon-like object to prepare and/or store cosmetics. 300375704
costume Q1410477 costumes
stage cloth
stage clothes
stage dress
stage dresses
theatrical costume
theatrical costumes
clothes used by performers on stage; particular style of clothing worn to portray the wearer as a character or type of character at a social event in a theatrical performance on the stage or in film or television 96628 — Theatre Costume THEATRE+COSTUME 300266810 14306
costume Q9053464 dress
wardrobe and dress in general 95060 — Costume
100075 — Dress And Personal Accessories
costume accessory Q1065579 accessories
clothing accessory
fashion accessory
item carried or worn which is used to contribute to the wearer's outfit 97110 — Clothing Accessory CLOTHING+ACCESSORY 300209273 2000
costume component Q28935403 clothing component
clothing part
component costume
component of clothing
costume part
element of clothing
physical part of one or more classes of clothing 97440 — Dress Component DRESS+COMPONENT 300212998
cot Q107196722 kind of bed 96535 — Cot COT
cotton gin Q1136790 kotoi gin machine that separates cotton fibers from seeds 97351 — Cotton Gin COTTON+GIN 300262919 6969
couch Q111325693 lounge long seating furniture primarily used for reclining rather than sitting 96536 — Couch COUCH 300038583
coversand Q111725394 wind-blown sand deposit 142913 — Coversand
cowbell Q775570 Musical Cowbells musical instrument 95660 — Cow Bell COW+BELL 300041875 3528
cradle Q21159303 bed for infants, usually with rockers 96537 — Cradle CRADLE 300038847 1183
crampon Q1124273 Crampons
climbing irons
traction device for ice-climbing 96575 — Crampon CRAMPON 300422510 14521
cream pan Q11988970 settling pan shallow cylindrical or flared container in which milk is allowed to stand for souring or separating 148349 — Cream Pan
creamer Q27667572 cream jug
cream pitcher
creamer (vessel)
milk pitcher
small jug
small jug or pitcher, designed for holding and serving cream or milk (for coffee or tea), normally with a handle and a spout 100066 — Creamer CREAMER 300260048 5242
creaser Q111325711 leather working tool 96999 — Creaser CREASER 300022886
creel Q5183901 wicker basket used for carrying fish or blocks of peat 96849 — Creel CREEL 300194850
cremation Q207315 body-burning
burning the dead
disposition of a dead body by burning 97661 — Cremation CREMATION 300266356
cresset Q5184493 a metal cup or basket, often mounted to or suspended from a pole, containing something flammable, which is burned for illumination 96850 — Cresset CRESSET
cresset lamp Q111325670 open lamp which was filled with oil then a wick floated on the oil 96200 — Cresset Lamp CRESSET+LAMP
crested blade Q111337036 flint blade with negative impressions of removals on one side of the dorsal surface, creating a crest 97553 — Crested Blade CRESTED+BLADE
crosier Q506002 bishop's staff
pastoral staff
a staff resembling a shepherd's crook carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of office ceremonial staff in Christianity 95919 — Crozier CROZIER 300212149
cross Q21550515 cross object
physical cross
visual work in the shape of two intersecting bars, usually an upright one traversed by a horizontal one, especially used as Christian symbol 95912 — Cross CROSS 300235443 13223
cross pendant Q107194652 cross made to be worn hung from a cord, chain or ribbon 95918 — Cross Pendant CROSS+PENDANT
crossbow Q181947 Crossbows
type of ranged weapon based on the bow 95137 — Crossbow CROSSBOW 300037000 8163
crossbow fibula Q244602 Bugelknopffibel
cross-bow brooch
crossbow brooch
late Roman fibula with a cross-bar above the bow and a characteristic P-shaped profile 141233 — Crossbow Brooch
crotal bell Q5188927 crotal
harness bell
jingle bell
pellet bell
rumble bell
rumbler bell
type of rattling bell 95549 — Crotal CROTAL 300424109 11805
crowbar Q13681 PikiPiki
crow bar
jimmy bar
prise bar
pry bar
wrecking bar
hand tool used for pulling nails with leverage 97354 — Crowbar CROWBAR 300024696 9196
crown Q170984 precious item of headwear, symbolizing the power of a ruler 95716 — Crown CROWN 300046020 14083
crucible Q390417 container in which substances are heated 96851 — Crucible CRUCIBLE 300196462
crucifix Q20460 cross with an image or artwork of Jesus on it 95921 — Crucifix CRUCIFIX 300248835 13224
cruciform brooch Q111692842 Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch type of Anglo-Saxon brooch or fibula 141235 — Cruciform Brooch
cruet Q13360095 small vessel, usually with handle and stopper, for serving vinegar, oil, or other liquids 97503 — Cruet (Domestic) CRUET+(DOMESTIC) 300043035
cruse Q111303038 small earthenware jar or pot for holding liquids 96852 — Cruse CRUSE
crushing stone Q111475487 stone used to crush objects 96405 — Crushing Stone CRUSHING+STONE
crutch Q268828 crutches mobility aid that transfers weight from the legs to the upper body 95267 — Crutch CRUTCH 300236308 2742
cucking stool Q461943 ducking stool chair or commode where offenders are strapped as a form of punishment 95722 — Ducking Stool DUCKING+STOOL
cuff Q368366 turn-up, applied band, or detached band on a sleeve 96635 — Cuff CUFF 300210488 2037
cufflink Q617567 jewelry used to secure the cuffs of dress shirts 96683 — Cuff Link CUFF+LINK 300209299 2055
cuirass Q182731 cuirassed (feature) type of armor 95180 — Cuirass CUIRASS 300036768 8112
culinary equipment Q26037047 Kitchen & Dining
culinary tool
food-related equipment
kitchen and dining product
kitchen and dining products
kitchen and dining supplies
tool or equipment used in preparing, storing, cooking, or serving food 96751 — Food Preparation And Consumption FOOD+PREPARATION+AND+CONSUMPTION 300199765
cullet Q111749840 glass fragments collected for reuse or recylcling 170745 — Cullet 300206418
cult image Q2820111 fetish
ritual object
human-made object that is venerated for the deity, spirit or daemon that it represents 95962 — Idol IDOL 300178240 13227
cup Q81727 vessel for liquids 96767 — Cup CUP 300043230
cupboard Q5662058 closed or open-shelved side table for displaying dishware, more specifically plates, cups and saucers 96538 — Cupboard CUPBOARD 300039183 1272
cupel Q111303427 small shallow cup used in refining of precious metals 97356 — Cupel CUPEL 300257358 5906
cupping vessel Q111259703 bleeding cup
bleeding glass
cupping glass
cupping horn
bowl or cup-like suction device used in cupping therapy 96853 — Cupping Vessel CUPPING+VESSEL 300262816 9716
curfew Q29944169 couvre feu
metal or earthenware cover used to preserve and restrict hearth fires overnight 97555 — Curfew
97554 — Fire Cover
currency Q8142 currencies
monetary unit
money unit
unit of money
generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services 97209 — Currency CURRENCY
currency bar Q111435128 iron currency bar iron bar or ingot of distinctive form with a pinched end previously thought to have been used as a medium of exchange in the Iron Age, now believed to be a roughout for a sword 95425 — Currency Bar CURRENCY+BAR
currier's knife Q111303062 beam knife
currying knife
half-moon knife
shaving knife
tanner's knife
tool used to level and shave leather 97000 — Curriers Knife CURRIERS+KNIFE 300424200 5516
currycomb Q15849455 curry comb handheld serrated device for grooming horses 95661 — Curry Comb CURRY+COMB 300024386 3594
curse Q109411 Cursing
Evil Incantation
supernatural hindrance, or incantation intended to bestow such a hindrance 95924 — Curse CURSE
curse tablet Q1430557 Defixionum tabellae
binding spell
tabella defixionis
tabellae defixionis
tabellae defixionum
type of votive tablet 97511 — Curse Tablet CURSE+TABLET
cursing stick Q111475494 tool used to bring down curses 95925 — Cursing Stick CURSING+STICK
curtain Q49005 drape
window treatment
cloth used to block out light 96539 — Curtain CURTAIN 300203770
curtain component Q111303457 curtain fitting parts or components of curtains 96541 — Curtain Fitting CURTAIN+FITTING 300386043
cushion Q10971235 soft bag of some ornamental material, stuffed with wool, hair, feathers, polyester staple fiber, non-woven material, or even paper torn into fragments 96542 — Cushion CUSHION 300236073 1610
cutlass Q1344629 short, broad sword 95181 — Cutlass CUTLASS 300037055 8222
cutlery Q81944 eating utensil
kitchen utensil used for eating food 96768 — Cutlery CUTLERY 300199800 5033
cutting tool Q1760958 cutter tool that is used to remove material from the workpiece by means of shear deformation 97146 — Cutting Equipment CUTTING+EQUIPMENT 300024662
cylindrical jar Q111824293 jar with roughly vertical or slightly convex body walls 148325 — Cylindrical Jar
cylindrical jug Q111805987 jug with straight vertical sides and roughly equal rim and base diameters 148302 — Cylindrical Jug
cylindrical mug Q111958031 mug with roughly vertical body walls 148402 — Cylindrical Mug
cymbal Q190172 unpitched percussion instrument 95478 — Cymbal CYMBAL 300041897 10739
dagger Q182780 dagger knife
double-edge knife
short, pointed hand-to-hand weapon 95138 — Dagger DAGGER 300037058 8165
dance costume Q2998475 costume worn for dancing 95600 — Dance Costume DANCE+COSTUME 14305
dance ornament Q111475497 ornamental object worn specifically for formalised dancing 96684 — Dance Ornament DANCE+ORNAMENT
dart Q16602034 small, unpowered missile weapon 95182 — Dart DART
datestone Q5227650 date stone typically an embedded stone with the date of engraving and other information carved into it 95730 — Date Stone DATE+STONE 300374978 81
daub Q27891813 earth-based plaster mixture used in wattle and daub construction 136754 — Daub DAUB 300163933 74
deadlight Q111743341 deadlight cover
deadlight shutter
strong shutter fitted over a ship's porthole or other opening 143027 — Deadlight 300424329 12530
death mask Q40555 wax or plaster cast made of a person’s face following death 95926 — Death Mask DEATH+MASK 300047724 13590
debitage Q3042374 knapping fragment archeological term; material produced during the process of lithic reduction 97322 — Debitage DEBITAGE 300265125 14913
decanter Q3917316 vessel to hold a liquid 96769 — Decanter DECANTER 300045664
dental instrument Q5259421 dental implement
dental instruments
tool used in dentistry, e.g. to examine, manipulate, restore or remove teeth 95269 — Dental Implement DENTAL+IMPLEMENT 300419980 9339
denticulate tool Q5259486 type of stone tool 96372 — Denticulate DENTICULATE
desk Q1064858 case furniture used as a worksurface, often in a home or office setting 100107 — Desk DESK 300039338 1280
diadem Q746591 ornamental headband worn by monarchs and others as a badge of royalty or local tradition 95929 — Diadem DIADEM 300046021 14085
diary Q185598 diaries
personal written record with discrete entries arranged by date 95372 — Diary DIARY 300027112 13618
dibble Q2010091 dibber planting tool 97558 — Dibble DIBBLE 3469
dice Q45089 D6
throwable object (usually but not necessarily a cube) with multiple resting positions, used for generating random integers or outcomes 97135 — Die DIE 300211084 14173
dice cup Q107197277 dice shaker cup from which dice are thrown 97358 — Dice Shaker DICE+SHAKER 300424569 14150
die stamp Q111435335 engraved stamp used to impress an image 96924 — Die Stamp DIE+STAMP 300424582 6198
digging equipment Q111475505 equipment for digging earth 97252 — Digging Equipment DIGGING+EQUIPMENT
digging scoop Q111475510 tool with a scoop end for digging up roots etc. 97001 — Digging Scoop DIGGING+SCOOP 300424594 6606
digging stick Q1413759 primitive wooden implement used primarily by subsistence-based cultures to dig out underground food 95772 — Digging Stick DIGGING+STICK 300263797 3252
diptych Q475476 two-part polyptych 95930 — Diptych (Religious) DIPTYCH+(RELIGIOUS) 300178228 13219
dirk Q946218 dork
thrusting dagger 97359 — Dirk DIRK 300037006 8168
discoidal knife Q111337177 discoidal scraper discoidal flint tool, often with a ground edge 97517 — Discoidal Knife DISCOIDAL+KNIFE
discus Q1228822 discu sports equipment 95627 — Discus DISCUS 300211085 14678
dish Q97659338 any of various broad, shallow vessels for serving food 96770 — Dish DISH 300042973
disk Q12346540 disc thin, flat, circular object of any material 137058 — Disc DISC 300251427
disk brooch Q2232513 disc brooch
disc fibula
disk fibula
brooch in the form of a flat disk, with a pin back 141227 — Disc Brooch 300226279
distaff Q962104 rock stick or staff for holding fibre to be spun 96925 — Distaff DISTAFF 300263795 6949
distilling base Q111435450 container used with an alembic as part of the distilling process 97360 — Distilling Base DISTILLING+BASE
divided bowl Q111889052 condiment bowl bowl divided into two or more compartments by vertical partitions 148359 — Divided Bowl
divided dish Q111903076 dish divided into two or more units or compartments of varying sizes by vertical partitions 148374 — Divided Dish
divination board Q111435570 board used in divination 95931 — Divination Board DIVINATION+BOARD
divination bowl Q30308786 bowl used in divination 95933 — Divination Bowl DIVINATION+BOWL
divination box Q111436802 box used for divination 95934 — Divination Box DIVINATION+BOX
divination die Q111436803 die used for divination 97509 — Divination Die DIVINATION+DIE
divination equipment Q111435487 divination object
object used for divination
objects used to seek knowledge of the future or the unknown 97307 — Divinational Object DIVINATIONAL+OBJECT 300263039 13204
divination figure Q111436806 figure used in divination 95936 — Divination Figure DIVINATION+FIGURE
divination staff Q111436808 staff used in divination 95937 — Divination Staff DIVINATION+STAFF
divination stone Q111476612 stone used for divination 95939 — Divination Stone DIVINATION+STONE
divination tablet Q111436809 tablet used for divination 95940 — Divination Tablet DIVINATION+TABLET
divination tray Q111436811 tray used in divination 95941 — Divination Tray DIVINATION+TRAY
document Q49848 doc
form for preservation of structured and identified information 95374 — Document
97685 — Written Communications
300026030 11618
doll Q168658 poppet
model of a character or a human being, often used as a toy for children or an artistic hobby for adults 95615 — Doll DOLL 300211087 14747
dolphin brooch Q111700098 Roman, mid-1st century CE two-piece bow brooch, its profile evoking a leaping dolphin 141236 — Dolphin Brooch
domino tile Q16629690 domino
domino piece
piece used in dominoes 95628 — Domino DOMINO
donkey shoe Q111436818 protective shoe for a donkey 95679 — Donkey Shoe DONKEY+SHOE
door Q36794 flat, movable structure used to open and close an entrance 96054 — Door DOOR 300002803 108
door component Q56147932 door fitting
door part
part of a door 96256 — Door Fitting DOOR+FITTING 300002892
doorstop Q387524 door stop
door stopper
door wedge
an object or device used to hold a door open or closed, or to prevent a door from opening too widely 96543 — Doorstop DOORSTOP 300080031 1630
double spiked loop Q111525336 split pin type of staple used in antiquity to hold two objects together 96258 — Double Spiked Loop DOUBLE+SPIKED+LOOP
double-handled bowl Q111889153 double handled bowl
two-handle bowl
bowl of any shape with two handles 148367 — Double Handled Bowl
double-handled jar Q111837154 double handled jar
two-handled jar
jar with two handles on opposite sides 148337 — Double Handled Jar
downspout Q1394694 down pipe
drain spout
roof drain pipe
construction feature carrying rainwater downwards from a rain gutter 96337 — Drain Pipe DRAIN+PIPE 300052560 277
dragonesque brooch Q111699888 Roman mid-first to third century CE S or reverse-S shaped brooch 141237 — Dragonesque Brooch
draughtsman Q111336974 playing piece for draughts 100143 — Draughtsman DRAUGHTSMAN
drawing pin Q406839 drawing-pin
pin for a pinboard
push pin
thumb tack
short nail or pin used to fasten items to a wall or board for display 96313 — Tack TACK 300036449 11520
drawing set Q111525394 drawing instruments set
drawing tools set
associated group of drawing implements 95759 — Drawing Set DRAWING+SET
drawknife Q228464 draw knife
draw shave
drawing knife
shaving knife
woodworking knife with two handles used by an operator by pulling towards themselves 97002 — Drawknife DRAWKNIFE 300023702 7396
dress Q200539 OP
one piece
garment for women, children, or infants consisting of a bodice and skirt made in one or more pieces 96607 — Dress DRESS 300046159 2373
dress fastener Q1243050 dress fastener (unknown)
curved or D-shaped ornament with large round terminals, typical of the Bronze Age Ireland and Britain, formerly thought to be clothing fasteners 97559 — Dress Fastener (Unknown) DRESS+FASTENER+(UNKNOWN)
dress fastener Q111241538 dress fastener (dress) in archaeology, any of a disparate group of decorative hooks, including wound wire hooks 100184 — Dress Fastener (Dress) DRESS+FASTENER+(DRESS)
dress hook Q28599903 hook fastener decorative clothing fastener 96685 — Dress Hook DRESS+HOOK
dress pin Q111398507 clothing pin in archaeology, a straight pin with a large, often decorative head, worn as a fastener for clothing 96648 — Dress Pin DRESS+PIN
dressed stone Q81275831 stone prepared for use as a building material 96449 — Dressed Stone DRESSED+STONE 84
drill Q58964 tool that makes holes 96926 — Drill DRILL 300266439 6553
drill bit Q335283 drill bits cutting tools used to create cylindrical holes 96927 — Drill Bit DRILL+BIT 6524
drilling equipment Q111436852 tools and equipment used to create holes 97147 — Drilling Equipment DRILLING+EQUIPMENT 300162792
drinking horn Q192771 horn of a bovid used as a drinking vessel 96771 — Drinking Horn DRINKING+HORN 300043229 4825
drinking vessel Q2453629 drinkware class of container from which you drink 97225 — Drinking Vessel DRINKING+VESSEL 300194567 4756
dripping dish Q111908633 dish specifically designed to catch the juices from roasting meat 148378 — Dripping Dish
drug jar Q6806674 apothecary jar
medicinal jar
pharmacy jar
pharmacy vase
glass or ceramic jar for storing drugs or medicines 95255 — Apothecary Jar APOTHECARY+JAR 300265260 9794
drum Q11404 caisse
type of musical instrument of the percussion family 95412 — Drum DRUM 300041729 10740
drum stick Q6566344 drumstick type of percussion mallet 95529 — Drumstick DRUMSTICK 300042613 10614
dugout canoe Q596073 dug-out canoe
boat made from a hollowed tree trunk 137071 — Logboat 300212722
ear pick Q285386 ear cleaner
ear scoop
ear spoon
ear wax spoon
device for cleaning ears 95274 — Ear Scoop EAR+SCOOP 300423910 3164
earmuffs Q953631 Earmuff
ear defenders
objects to cover a person's ears for hearing protection or for warmth 96584 — Ear Muff EAR+MUFF 300046104 2269
earring Q168456 earrings piece of jewelry worn on an ear 96686 — Ear Ring EAR+RING 300045998 1953
ecofact Q2505628 biofact found organic or mineral material of archaeological significance 97085 — Ecofacts ECOFACTS 300423942 14925
edged and bladed weapon Q11897048 blade weapon
bladed weapon
edged and bladed weapons
edged weapon
weapon featuring a sharp edge or point for cutting, thrusting, clubbing, slashing, or the like 97093 — edged weapon EDGED+WEAPON 300036973 8150
eel spear Q20690 fish spear fishing instrument, especially for eels 97446 — Eel Spear EEL+SPEAR
egg cup Q979617 egg-cup small cup for eating boiled eggs 170080 — Egg Cup 300043220 4862
eggshell Q2731253 egg shell
vaječné skořápky
protective exterior of an egg 95088 — Egg Shell EGG+SHELL 300191893
embosser Q2509852 embossing press
embossing stamp
tool for producing sunken designs in paper or card stock 95375 — Embossing Stamp EMBOSSING+STAMP 300425082 11562
end scraper Q111525481 flint blade with retouch on one or both ends 96928 — End Scraper END+SCRAPER 300425104 5637
engine Q44167 engine and motor
motor and engine
machine designed to produce mechanical energy from another form of energy 142088 — Engine 8858
engraved object Q111361934 portable object of stone, bone, metal or other material featuring a deliberately engraved or incised design 170072 — Engraved Object ENGRAVED+OBJECT
engraving tool Q111509431 tool used to incise or ipress images 95757 — Engraving Tool ENGRAVING+TOOL
entrenching tool Q2231101 folding spade
intrenching tool
digging tool with shovel blade and a pick blade set at right angles to the handle. used by military forces 100155 — Entrenching Tool ENTRENCHING+TOOL 8707
epaulette Q616200 epaulet Military rank insignia 96687 — Epaulette EPAULETTE 300224235 14022
estuarine deposit Q111811094 material deposited in an estuary 142926 — Estuarine Deposit
etching tool Q111509425 tool used in etching on a metal plate 95756 — Etching Tool ETCHING+TOOL
ewer Q404785 Ewers, vessels designed to contain and pour water (Old French: ''evier'' from ''eau'', water); defined by function not by shape, which is varied. 96773 — Ewer EWER 300045666 5247
explosive weapon Q1384616 high explosive used to project blast and/or fragmentation 97095 — Explosive Weapon EXPLOSIVE+WEAPON 300204007
eyecup Q65941143 eye bath
eye cup
small oval cup for bathing the eye 95275 — Eye Bath EYE+BATH 300198993 3125
eyelet Q100709566 eye
lace hole
small, reinforced hole in textile or leather material, for the insertion of a lace or stud, or as decoration 96688 — Eyelet EYELET 300239342
eyeshade Q111509434 eye shade type of visor to shade the eyes 96585 — Eye Shade EYE+SHADE 300425236 2354
fabricator Q111509447 prehistoric stone tool to detach flakes from cores or tools 96929 — Fabricator FABRICATOR
face jug Q5428365 anthropomorphic jug
face vessel
pottery jug jug with decoration representing the form of a human face or figure 148310 — Face Jug 300262626
falconry equipment Q30904106 hawking equipment specialized gear used in hunting with birds 97512 — Hawking Equipment HAWKING+EQUIPMENT
fan case Q111809875 case to hold a hand fan 152442 — Fan Case
fantail brooch Q111700013 bow and fantail brooch
bow-and-fantail brooch
fan-tail brooch
Roman brooch with the body widening to a triangular plate below the bow 141230 — Bow and Fantail Brooch
fastener Q2002016 fastening
hardware fastener
mechanical fastener
hardware device that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects or components together 96260 — Fastening FASTENING 300036363 6557
feedbag Q5441211 camel bag
feeding bag
horse bag
nose bag
bag for feeding a horse or camel 95694 — Nose Bag NOSE+BAG 300380372 3546
ferrule Q3761748 any of a number of types of objects, generally used for fastening, joining, sealing or reinforcement, especially collars or rings 96261 — Ferrule FERRULE 300233319
fetters Q1478548 fetter
leg iron
leg irons
leg shackle
shackles for the feet 99625 — Fetter FETTER
fibula Q324926 brooch
ancient pin or brooch for securing clothing 96665 — Brooch BROOCH 300209303
fichu Q453202 kerchief
large, often sheer, square scarf or kerchief, folded diagonally into a triangle, worn by women tied, pinned or tucked into the bodice 100079 — Fichu FICHU 300216738 2099
fiddle Q510487 Folk violin musical instrument 95479 — Fiddle FIDDLE
figurehead Q729329 figureheads carved wooden decoration found at the prow of a ship 95761 — Figurehead FIGUREHEAD 300184745 12430
figurine Q1066288 inaction figure
staction figure
small item resembling a person or animal, sometimes part of a larger work 95824 — Figurine Statuette
file Q193142 tool used to remove fine amounts of material 96930 — File FILE 300024809
finial Q1406758 element marking the top or end of some object; decorative feature 96067 — Finial (Architectural) 300002280 326
fire basket Q489278 iron basket in which wood can be burned 96179 — Fire Basket FIRE+BASKET
fire brick Q1369000 firebrick
fireclay brick
refractory brick
block of ceramic material used in lining furnaces, kilns, fireboxes, and fireplaces 96070 — Fire Brick Kiln+Lining
300010551 58
fire fan Q37999046 fire-making equipment: used to fan a cooking fire 97571 — Fire Fan FIRE+FAN 300024647 1882
fire hook Q111268653 tool for pulling down burning buildings 96208 — Fire Hook FIRE+HOOK 300425475 10024
fire iron Q892774 fireplace tool any metal instrument for tending a fire 97450 — Fire Iron FIRE+IRON
fire mark Q111268917 wall plate used by insurance companies to identify insured property 96205 — Fire Mark FIRE+MARK 300425483 13760
fire rake Q5451645 fire-fighting equipment 97572 — Fire Rake FIRE+RAKE 300395554 1858
fire screen Q3578987 fire guard
fireplace screen
device to put in front of a fireplace 96184 — Fire Screen FIRE+SCREEN
300262203 1859
fire shovel Q111268993 fireplace shovel small shovel for moving coals or ashes in a fireplace 97500 — Fire Shovel FIRE+SHOVEL 300425527 1861
fire stone Q111269120 stone used to line a furnace or oven 96211 — Fire Stone FIRE+STONE
fire striker Q1409712 fire steel
fire strikers
piece of carbon steel from which sparks are struck by the sharp edge of flint, chert or similar rock 1808
fire-making tool Q56147060 fire-making and controlling equipment
fire-making equipment
fire-starting equipment
firelighting tool
firemaking tool
equipment and tools for laying and starting fires 97693 — Igniting Accessory IGNITING+ACCESSORY 300024642 1804
firearm Q12796 chemical propellant gun
chemical reaction gun
gun weapon
gun, chemical propellant
gun, projectile
projectile gun
personal weapon using combustion or an explosive charge to propel a projectile 95235 — Firearm FIREARM
fireplace fender Q108677559 fire fender screen to protect open fire; low metal frames set in front of the fireplace to contain embers, soot and ash 97565 — Fire Fender FIRE+FENDER
fireplace tongs Q111240463 fire tongs tongs for placing coal or wood on a fire 97501 — Fire Tongs FIRE+TONGS 300425528 1863
fish gorge Q111525601 object used to catch fish 97364 — Fish Gorge FISH+GORGE 300425549 3871
fish kettle Q5454642 large, oval-shaped kettle used for cooking whole fish 100102 — Fish Kettle FISH+KETTLE
fish remains Q111360697 fish bone remains of any part of a fish 95091 — Fish Remains FISH+REMAINS
fish smoker Q111525735 object used to preserve fish by immersing the fish in smoke 96774 — Fish Smoker FISH+SMOKER
fish smoker Q111800739 ceramic vessel similar to an inverted bowl with an open “chimney” on top, used for smoking fish 96774 — Fish Smoker
fish spear Q111398790 Fishing Spears
fishing spear
long pointed weapon used to catch fish by stabbing 95774 — Fish Spear FISH+SPEAR 300037044 8211
fish trap Q952443 fishing pot
fishing traps
trap used for fishing 95775 — Fish Trap FISH+TRAP
fishing basket Q111515122 basket for the storage and transport of fishing gear 95609 — Fishing Basket FISHING+BASKET
fishing hook Q205276 fish hook device for catching fish 95471 — Fish Hook FISH+HOOK 300024418 3869
fishing line Q1415280 thin flexible string or line intended for angling 95610 — Fishing Line FISHING+LINE 300257158 3875
fishing net Q271598 Fishing Nets
fish net
landing net
net used for fishing 95776 — Fishing Net FISHING+NET 3836
fishing reel Q1572168 Fishing Reels device attached to a fishing rod used in winding and unwinding fishing line 96382 — Fishing Reel FISHING+REEL 3888
fishing rod Q37152 Fishing Rods
Fishing pole
hook and line
tool used to catch fish 95611 — Fishing Rod FISHING+ROD 300024422 3894
fishing sinker Q2597459 Fishing Sinkers
weight used on a fishing line 100041 — Line Sinker
97625 — Sinker
fishing tackle Q2604618 Fishing Tackle
fishing equipment
fishing gear
terminal tackle
equipment used for fishing 97681 — Fishing Object FISHING+OBJECT 300024416 3867
fittings and fixtures Q111515102 fitting
hardware accessories used in the finishing and (non-structural) decoration of buildings, equipment and furniture 97692 — Fixtures And Fittings FIXTURES+AND+FITTINGS
flag Q14660 flags distinctive image used as a symbol, traditionally embodied as a piece of fabric 96420 — Flag FLAG 300195678 13064
flagon Q10563755 pitcher, often for alcoholic beverages 96775 — Flagon FLAGON 300196545 5238
flagstone Q1188398 lausa
refers to large flat sections of slate used for paving and also bluestone cut for this purpose 137062 — Flagstone FLAGSTONE 300011687
flaked axehead Q111399212 Neolithic axehead of flint or other stone 97365 — Flaked Axehead FLAKED+AXEHEAD
flanged axehead Q111398797 bronze axehead of earlier Bronze Age date 97367 — Flanged Axehead FLANGED+AXEHEAD
flared bowl Q111847339 conical bowl
truncated cone-shaped bowl
bowl with straight sides which turn outwards, forming an obtuse angle with the base 148347 — Flared Bowl
flared cup Q111926820 cup with sides flaring outward from the base 148391 — Flared Cup
flared jar Q111824311 jar with a profile that flares outwards from base to rim 148326 — Flared Jar
flared mug Q111958233 mug with straight sides flaring outwards from the base towards the rim 148403 — Flared Mug
flashing Q647584 construction material used to prevent the passage of water around objects 96071 — Flashing 300002290 75
flask Q18696213 flask bottle bulbous or flat shaped vessels with a narrow neck and a small mouth 96776 — Flask FLASK 300045671
flat axehead Q111398804 copper or bronze axehead of early Bronze Age date 97368 — Flat Axehead FLAT+AXEHEAD
flatiron Q111302337 flat iron
smoothing iron
iron for smoothing clothes or linens that is heated on a stove, hearth, or or ther extends source 100181 — Flat Iron FLAT+IRON 9125
flattened flask Q111810716 circular flask with one or two flattened faces 148319 — Flattened Flask
flatter Q111525745 metalworking tool with a thin, flat face, used to smooth metal surfaces 97004 — Flatter FLATTER 300425658 6009
flax beater Q111398806 flax pounder tool used to separate flax fibres from wood and bark following retting 97005 — Flax Beater FLAX+BEATER
fleam Q1428629 fleame
blade used in bloodletting 97369 — Fleam FLEAM 9717
flesh-hook Q5458679 flesh fork in archaeology, any of variety of artefacts which have metal hooks and a long handle, or a socket for a lost wooden handle 95778 — Flesh Hook FLESH+HOOK
flintlock musket Q111279999 firelock
type of musket 95899 — Flintlock Musket FLINTLOCK+MUSKET 300425686 8271
flintlock pistol Q11888056 type of firearm 100018 — Flintlock Pistol FLINTLOCK+PISTOL
float Q50380212 floating object object that that supports another in water 95612 — Float (Water) FLOAT+(WATER)
floor Q217164 walking surface of a room 96072 — Floor FLOOR 300002060
floor covering Q47011175 flooring decorative or functional cover for permanent flooring 96544 — Floor Covering FLOOR+COVERING 300186091
floor tile Q17455039 tile used as flooring 96075 — Floor Tile FLOOR+TILE 300250799 451
flowerpot Q869381 flower pot
plant pot
(usually) conical container in pottery or plastic in which flowers and plants are grown 96369 — Flower Pot FLOWER+POT 300194749 1503
flue Q1532617 breeching
exhaust for a fireplace, furnace etc. 96007 — Flue Tile FLUE+TILE
300003997 179
flute Q11405 edge-blown aerophones
transverse flute
musical instrument of the woodwind family 95480 — Flute FLUTE 300160680
fob chain Q84851409 fob
watch fob
chain for attaching to a device 96692 — Fob FOB 300403916
foil Q471447 fencing weapon and discipline 95150 — Foil FOIL 300204526 14547
food gathering and preparation container Q111515188 container in which food and or drink is gathered or processed 97226 — Food Gathering And Preparation Container FOOD+GATHERING+AND+PREPARATION+CONTAINER
food preparation container Q111398856 containers for mixing, salting, and other food preparation activities 97444 — Food Preparation Container FOOD+PREPARATION+CONTAINER 300425847 4056
food preparation objects and equipment Q107194402 food preparation equipment kind of equipment 97160 — Food Preparation Equipment FOOD+PREPARATION+EQUIPMENT 300425848 4041
food steamer Q1158805 steamer device for steaming food 96806 — Steamer STEAMER 300198949 4004
food storage container Q60739826 Food casing
food container
container for storing food 99627 — Food And Liquid Storage Container FOOD+AND+LIQUID+STORAGE+CONTAINER
foot rule Q111373070 measuring ruler marked in feet 95361 — Foot Rule FOOT+RULE
footstool Q14973416 foot rest
foot stool
piece of furniture used to elevate the feet 100106 — Footstool FOOTSTOOL 300038435 1160
footwear Q161928 garments worn on feet 97106 — Footwear FOOTWEAR 300209280 2143
forceps Q1378235 handheld, hinged instrument used for grasping and holding objects 95276 — Forceps FORCEPS 300400465 9647
fork Q81881 forks utensil to spear food 96779 — Fork (Utensil) FORK+(UTENSIL) 300393163
fossil Q40614 fossil find
preserved remains or traces of organisms from a past geological age 170829 — Fossil (object) 300247919
frame Q860792 picture frame decorative edging for a picture, such as a painting or photograph 96519 — Picture Frame PICTURE+FRAME 1535
frame Q111525822 cases or structures that surround or enclose such items as works of art, mirrors, or documents 96514 — Frame FRAME 300189814 1533
francisca Q877792 cold weapon 95186 — Francisca FRANCISCA 300228716
frieze Q183272 wide central section part of an entablature 95831 — Frieze FRIEZE 300123582 372
frit Q383361 fused, vitrified and granulated ceramic 97568 — Frit FRIT 300343495 14962
frying pan Q127666 frypan
flat-bottomed pan with sloped sides used for cooking food on a stove 96780 — Frying Pan FRYING+PAN 300042984
fuddling cup Q5507052 three-dimensional puzzle in the form of a drinking vessel 148397 — Fuddling Cup 300237655 4783
fuller Q5508238 tool used in metalworking 97007 — Fuller FULLER 300426057 5976
fulling vat Q111337738 large container used for the process of cleansing and thickening cloth by beating and washing 96856 — Fulling Vat FULLING+VAT 300426061 7120
funeral pall Q803669 coffin cover
funeral cloth
funerary pall
hearse cloth
cloth which covers a casket or coffin during the funeral, often of rich materials 95992 — Pall PALL 300214764 13009
funerary effigy Q20899873 effigy
funeral effigy
tomb effigy
sculptured representation of a deceased person 95732 — Effigy EFFIGY
300047108 13014
funerary object Q79497835 ceremonial object associated with disposition of human remains 99629 — Death Burial Or Funerary Object DEATH+BURIAL+OR+FUNERARY+OBJECT 300234126 12987
funerary urn Q960844 ash urn
burial urn
cinerary chest
cinerary urn
cremation urn
mortuary jar
sepulchral chest
sepulchral urn
container for cremated remains 95886 — Burial Urn
95903 — Cinerary Urn
BURIAL+URN 300124808 13000
funerary vessel Q125132292 cinerary vessel 97305 — Cinerary Vessel CINERARY+VESSEL 300198642
funnel Q29957 pipe with a wide top and narrow bottom 96409 — Funnel FUNNEL 300200490 6585
furnishings Q12375131 furnishing works that facilitate human activity and to provide for physical needs of people in or around a building generally by offering comfort, convenience, or protection 97201 — Furnishing
95064 — Furnishings And Furniture
300037336 967
furniture component Q28803767 furniture element
furniture part
part or component of furniture 96545 — Furniture FURNITURE 300040215
furniture fitting Q111525890 attachment to furniture that can be detached 96265 — Furniture Fitting FURNITURE+FITTING
gaiters Q4526862 gaiter garment worn over the shoe and lower pants leg 96606 — Gaiter GAITER 300210027 2165
gallows Q243778 scaffold structure for execution by hanging 95721 — Gallows GALLOWS 10052
gambeson Q1492928 aketon
arming doublet
padded jack
padded defensive jacket worn as armor 97700 — Gambeson GAMBESON 300226822
game board Q1258741 board
in board games, the central place where the game takes place 95630 — Gaming Board GAMING+BOARD 14154
game box Q107197257 game container container for game pieces 95631 — Game Box GAME+BOX 14181
game piece Q3449901 game token
gaming piece
playing piece
player's representative on a gameboard 95650 — Gaming Piece GAMING+PIECE 14170
gang chain Q111770883 restraint used to chain prisoners together in a chain gang 137063 — Gang Chain
garderobe seat Q111525892 cover for a garderobe on which a person would sit 96546 — Garderobe Seat GARDEROBE+SEAT
gargoyle Q215194 sculpture of a grotesque being or animal on a building, often used as a waterspout 96079 — Gargoyle GARGOYLE 300002330 317
garter Q13742 stocking supporter 96623 — Garter GARTER 300210559 2040
gas cylinder Q774332 compressed gas tank
gas canister
pressurized gas cylinder
cylindrical container for storing pressurised gases 169912 — Gas Cylinder
gas mask Q754396 gas helmet
gas mask canister
mask protecting from toxic molecules and particles 162773 — Gas Mask 300024800 10045
gate Q53060 gateway point of entry to a space enclosed by building, wall or fence 96080 — Gate GATE
300002916 473
gauge Q914462 gage device used to make and display measurements 95360 — Gauge GAUGE 300197526 10337
gauntlet Q1399421 armoured glove; part of body armour that covers the hand 95187 — Gauntlet GAUNTLET
gemstone Q83437 fine gem
precious stone
semiprecious stone
piece of mineral used to make jewelry 95108 — Gemstone GEMSTONE 300201964
geological deposit Q76504028 deposit body of sediments, soil or rocks added to a landform or land mass 142911 — Deposit
geological sample Q111525898 samples consisting of minerals, stones, or earth 99617 — Geological Sample GEOLOGICAL+SAMPLE
gibbet cage Q30646819 cage gibbet
iron cage
iron gibbet
Human form structure made of iron bands designed to publicly display the corpse of an executed criminal 95720 — Gibbet GIBBET
gill Q111590938 gill cup
gill measure
gill pot
container for measuring a gill of liquid 100124 — Gill GILL
gimlet Q15093585 small tool for making holes 97011 — Gimlet GIMLET 300023752 7350
ginger jar Q97106917 ceramic jar with a globular body tapering slightly towards the base and a dome-shaped cover, used to hold spices, tea, and the like 148330 — Ginger Jar 4732
girdle Q28839480 narrow belt, cord, sash, or the like, usually decorative and worn around the waist or hips to fasten or confine garments 96624 — Girdle GIRDLE 300220741
girdle fastener Q111525907 girdle clasp any of various fasteners used to fasten a girdle (belt) 97371 — Girdle Fastener Girdle+Fastener
girdle hanger Q111311398 woman's dress accessory in early Medieval England 96695 — Girdle Hanger GIRDLE+HANGER
girth strap Q2588253 cinch strap
strap passing underneath the belly of an animal, part of saddle 95662 — Girth GIRTH 300262571 11985
glaciation deposit Q111810987 glacial deposit material deposited by the action of glaciers 142916 — Glaciation Deposit
glaive Q1080039 pole weapon 95194 — Glaive GLAIVE 300203741 8173
glass rod Q900201 stir rod
stirring rod
laboratory glassware using for stirring 143247 — Stirring Rod 300022703 10986
glass working debris Q111535312 glass-working debris debris resulting from the production of glass 97573 — Glass Working Debris GLASS+WORKING+DEBRIS
glasses Q37501 eyeglasses
accessories that improve human vision 100049 — Spectacles (Human) SPECTACLES+(HUMAN) 300236409
globular flask Q111810718 flask with a globular shape 148320 — Globular Flask
globular jar Q111824337 jar with a rounded profile merging into a rounded base with no discernible basal angle 148329 — Globular Jar
globular jug Q111806087 jug with a rounded profile and a round base 148303 — Globular Jug
glove Q169031 gloves covering worn on the hand 96640 — Glove GLOVE 300148821 2042
gnomon Q236279 the part of a sundial that casts a shadow 95359 — Gnomon GNOMON 300197553 10293
goad Q3394000 ox goad
stock prod
tool used to guide livestock in motion 95681 — Goad GOAD 300433890 3625
goblet Q18451251 drinking vessel with a large bowl, of various shapes and materials, resting on a stemmed foot 96782 — Goblet GOBLET 300043236 4819
goggles Q72797 Eye Protective Device
Eye Protective Devices
safety glasses
safety goggles
forms of protective eyewear 96696 — Goggles GOGGLES 300236419 2763
gold weight Q111489535 weight used for weighing specific quantities and qualities of gold 97372 — Gold Weight GOLD+WEIGHT
gong Q208320 bossed
bowl gongs
nipple gongs
suspended gongs
musical percussion instrument originating from Southeast Asia 95414 — Gong GONG 300041905 11213
gorget Q1539356 type of body armor for the neck 137064 — Gorget (Armour) 300036785 8117
gorget Q111726624 crescent-shaped decorative element worn around the neck with a military or other uniform 137065 — Gorget (Decorative)
gouge Q11682240 type of chisel with a concave instead of flat section 96934 — Gouge GOUGE
grain Q2995529 edible grain
food grain
small, hard, dry seed used as food; may be ground into flour 142983 — Cereal Grain
grain measure Q111475280 corn measure container for measuring grain or cerals 95356 — Grain Measure Corn+Measure
grain rubber Q111311422 rubber
rubbing stone
shaped stone, which could be hand held, used in combination with a saddle quern to grind or rub grain 95779 — Grain Rubber GRAIN+RUBBER
grape Q111837249 rounded form of cauldron with three feet, generally made in the Low Countries 148342 — Grape
grapeshot Q1075009 grape shot type of ammunition shooting mutliple small balls 142874 — Grape Shot 300201726 7799
grappling hook Q1287607 grapnel device with multiple hooks attached to one end of a rope, generally used to temporarily secure one end of a rope, or to dredge for submerged objects 100152 — Grappling Iron GRAPPLING+IRON
grate inset Q110289863 fire bottom
fire grate
fire grid
96204 — Fire Grate FIRE+GRATE
grater Q192848 box grater
tool to grate something 96935 — Grater GRATER 300201090 4255
grave good Q1399692 grave goods objects placed intentionally in a grave 148301 — Grave Goods 300180706 13004
grave marker Q2087179 object marking the position of a burial place 95975 — Grave Marker GRAVE+MARKER 300391176 13025
gravel Q133833 grit mix of crumbled stone (grain size range between 2 – 63 mm according to ISO 14688) 148288 — Gravel 300011689
graver Q111254065 any of various hand-held tools for engraving 96936 — Graver GRAVER 300022718
grease pot Q111466788 container for grease 97575 — Grease Pot GREASE+POT
greave Q814824 leg guard personal armour to protect the leg 100012 — Leg Guard LEG+GUARD 300036788 8118
grenade Q12314199 small bomb thrown by hand or launched mechanically 95189 — Grenade GRENADE
griddle Q3274349 Gas Griddles cooking device consisting of a broad flat surface, often metal, heated by gas, electricity, wood, or coal, with both residential and commercial applications 143225 — Griddle (Plate) Griddle+Plate
300200832 4090
gridiron Q390409 grid iron
grill basket
metal grate with parallel bars for grilling over fire 97373 — Grid Iron GRID+IRON 300203658 4417
grille Q1252133 architectural grill
ventilation grill
grid of slits in a barrier, that allows passage of fluids but blocks large objects 96450 — Grille GRILLE 300002015 32
grinding equipment Q111325021 equipment used in the grinding of cereal to produce foodstuffs 97145 — Grinding Equipment GRINDING+EQUIPMENT
grindstone Q4990615 grinder
round sharpening stone used for grinding or sharpening ferrous tools 96370 — Grindstone GRINDSTONE
guisarme Q1554155 bisarme
pole weapon 95190 — Guisarme GUISARME 300203743 8196
guitar Q6607 fretted string instrument 95481 — Guitar GUITAR 300042025 10792
gunflint Q111337743 shaped flint used in flintlocks to create the spark to fire the gun 95191 — Gunflint GUNFLINT 7933
gyttja Q947139 gytta type of fine grained sedimentary mud 142928 — Gyttja
hair care equipment Q111228939 hair care objects tools for caring for the hair 97119 — Hair Care Equipment HAIR+CARE+EQUIPMENT 300426853 3042
hair ring Q99743247 hair-ring a ring-shaped ornament made out of metal or other material to be worn in the hair 96700 — Hair Ring HAIR+RING
hair roller Q2902462 Hair Curlers
Hair rollers
small tube that is rolled into a person's hair in order to curl it 96157 — Hair Curler HAIR+CURLER 300236310
hair slide Q111535404 slide barette type of hair ornament with a curved plate and a separate pin, used to hold hair in place 96701 — Hair Slide HAIR+SLIDE
hairbrush Q1642980 hair brush stick brush with rigid or soft bristles used in hair care 100087 — Hairbrush HAIRBRUSH 300236713 3065
hairnet Q1566593 hair net
head net
net around the hair 96590 — Head Net
137066 — Hair Net
HEAD+NET 300210861 2270
hairpiece Q50303512 swatch of hair or curls worn to extend one's own hair 96698 — Hair Piece HAIR+PIECE 300046047 1973
hairpin Q1566584 hair clip
hair pin
long pin used to secure the hair 96699 — Hair Pin HAIR+PIN 300046042 1987
hairstyle accessory Q21369154 hair accessory
hair decoration
hair ornament
costume accessory worn on or in the hair 96697 — Hair Ornament HAIR+ORNAMENT 300225910
halberd Q185623 Hellebarde
Swiss voulge
pole weapon with axe blade topped with a spike 95192 — Halberd HALBERD 300037010 8197
hammer Q25294 tool meant to deliver an impact to an object 96477 — Hammer HAMMER 300024823 7363
hammerscale Q25210881 hammer scale flaky or spheroidal byproduct of the iron forging process 170002 — Hammerscale 300386692
hammerstone Q2915181 prehistoric stone tool 96938 — Hammerstone HAMMERSTONE 300024854 5746
hand axe Q479448 biface
hand ax
stone tool 96374 — Handaxe HANDAXE 300265136 14909
hand card Q2402796 card
wool comb
tool used in carding fibers 96921 — Carder CARDER 6926
hand fan Q193220 fan
hand-held fan
handheld fan
paper fan
device used to cool oneself, usually made of folded paper 96689 — Fan FAN 300258857
hand luggage Q1574994 cabin baggage
luggage small enough to be carried in the passenger compartment of a vehicle 97238 — Hand Luggage HAND+LUGGAGE
hand mirror Q11497167 mirror with a handle 96702 — Hand Mirror HAND+MIRROR 300223941 3028
handcuffs Q15808 cuff restraint
handcuff restraint
restraint devices 97389 — Manacle MANACLE 300247516 10094
handgun Q1574963 small arm short-barreled firearm designed to be fired with only one hand 100016 — Handgun HANDGUN 300037158
handkerchief Q192411 hankie
piece of cloth for personal use 96703 — Handkerchief HANDKERCHIEF 300216195 2778
handle Q200266 grip
part of a device designed to be held 137067 — Handle 300024927
handled bowl Q111889073 bowl of any shape with one or more handles 148362 — Handled Bowl
handled jar Q111889078 jar with one or more handles 148363 — Handled Jar
hanger Q3460715 briquet
hanger sword
type of cutting sword often used by infantry 100063 — Hanger HANGER 300204516 8230
hanging bowl Q5648024 bowl hung from chains 96424 — Hanging Bowl HANGING+BOWL
hanging lamp Q111515800 lamp designed to be hung 96212 — Hanging Lamp HANGING+LAMP 300037621
harbick Q111743621 habick
shear board hook
shearman's hook
double-ended hook used in pairs to secure a cloth to a shearing or cropping board so that the nap (of the cloth) could be sheared 147258 — Harbick
143242 — Shearman's Hook
300427011 6972
harness clip Q111535772 clip used to attach pieces of harness together 95701 — Harness Clip HARNESS+CLIP
harness fitting Q111436941 metalwork attached to a harness 97162 — Harness Fitting HARNESS+FITTING
harness hook Q111515819 hook on a harness for attaching objects 95703 — Harness Hook HARNESS+HOOK
harness mount Q111436945 decorative attachment for animal harness from which harness pendants are suspended 95704 — Harness Mount HARNESS+MOUNT
harness pendant Q111436955 decorative fitting hung from horse harness 95705 — Harness Pendant HARNESS+PENDANT
harness ring Q111509164 ring fixed to a vehicle through which the reins were passed 95706 — Harness Ring HARNESS+RING 300427030 11966
harp Q47369 harfa
pillar harp
class of musical instruments 95483 — Harp HARP 10801
harpoon Q207574 long spear-like instrument used in fishing, whaling, sealing, and other marine hunting 95780 — Harpoon HARPOON 300037011 8175
harrow Q209042 agricultural tool 95781 — Harrow HARROW 300024327 3194
harvesting equipment Q111426220 harvesting machinery
harvesting tools
harvesting tools and equipment
tools and equipment used in harvesting crops 97682 — Harvesting and Mowing Object HARVESTING+AND+MOWING+OBJECT 300024341 3281
hasp Q97329995 contrivance, usually metal or leather, for fastening a door or lid, typically a hinged clasp of metal which passes over a staple and is secured by a pin or padlock 96270 — Hasp HASP 300033514
hat Q80151 shaped head covering, having a brim and a crown, or one of these 96586 — Hat HAT 300046106 2272
hatch cover Q111743367 hatch
hatchway cover
cover for the accessway below decks on a ship 143028 — Hatchway Cover 300427061 12439
hatchet Q672890 single-handed striking tool with a sharp blade on one side used to cut and split wood, and a hammer head on the other side 97376 — Hatchet HATCHET 300023767 7186
hawk bell Q111426339 hawk's bell small spherical bell for fastening onto the leg of a hunting hawk 97576 — Hawk Bell HAWK+BELL
hazelnut Q104738415 hazelnut, unspecified nut from any tree of the genus Corylus 169938 — Hazel Nut
head ornament Q111254473 ornament worn on the head 96705 — Head Ornament HEAD+ORNAMENT
headband Q934849 bandeau clothing accessory 96587 — Head Band HEAD+BAND 300046115 2311
headdress Q28972621 elaborate coverings for the head, worn for ceremonial or ornamental purposes 96588 — Head Dress HEAD+DRESS 300046023 14089
headgear Q14952 head attire
head cover
any covering for the head; element of clothing which is worn on one's head 97107 — Headwear HEADWEAR 300209285 2216
headscarf Q2002752 Scarf piece of cloth worn on one's head 96591 — Head Scarf HEAD+SCARF 300256716 2322
headstall Q107196460 kind of equestrian equipment 137068 — Headstall
headstud brooch Q111700158 Lamberton Moor brooch two-piece brow brooch with a decorative stud on the upper bow 141238 — Headstud Brooch
hearse Q855743 funeral coach large funeral vehicle 167292 — Hearse
hearth tile Q111787348 component tile used in the construction of a tile hearth, being the floor of, or area in front of, a fireplace. 141183 — Hearth Tiles 300427128 452
hearthstone Q101976370 large stone forming the floor of a fireplace, or on which a fire is made 96225 — Hearthstone HEARTHSTONE
300052342 190
heating and lighting equipment Q111513663 tools and devices that provide heat, light, or both 95654 — Heating and Lighting HEATING+AND+LIGHTING
heating equipment Q111509483 tools and devices for heating spaces or objects 97448 — Heating Object HEATING+OBJECT 300163292
heckling comb Q902854 hackeling comb
hackling comb
agricultural device 97015 — Heckle HECKLE
heddle rod Q24237198 in weaving, rod to lift designated warp threads to enable the weft to be passed through 97031 — Heddle Rod HEDDLE+ROD 7086
helmet Q173603 helm covering worn to protect the head, either historical or modern 95183 — Helmet HELMET
hemispherical bowl Q111847499 bowl with no noticeable base angle, so that the walls and base form a continuous rounded curve 148350 — Hemispherical Bowl
hinge Q244330 mechanical bearing that connects two solid objects (usually flat objects like doors), typically allowing only a limited angle of rotation between them 96271 — Hinge HINGE 300033556 263
hip-knob Q5767816 finial
roof finial
element marking the top or end of some object 96066 — Roof Finial ROOF+FINIAL
hipposandal Q5768590 horse hoof protector of Ancient Rome 95700 — Hipposandal HIPPOSANDAL
hnefatafl marker Q111361946 hnaftafl marker gaming piece for the Viking game of Hnefatafl 100193 — Hnefatafl Marker HNEFATAFL+MARKER
hoard Q164099 archaeological deposit
collection of valuable objects or artifacts 97498 — Hoard HOARD
300195474 14907
hobble Q1621571 hopple
device for preventing or limiting the locomotion of a human or animal 95663 — Hobble HOBBLE
hobnail Q5875082 hob nail short nail with a thick head driven into the soles of boots or other footwear to increase traction and improve durability 96577 — Hob Nail HOB+NAIL 300427229 5603
hoe Q131154 agricultural tool 95782 — Hoe HOE 300024329 3201
holdfast Q111514560 metal fastener used to hold a tile or stone against a spacer and driven into a wall thus forming a flue between the wall and the tile or stone. Also used to hold timber together. 96273 — Holdfast HOLDFAST
holding and gripping tool Q56148199 gripping equipment
gripping tool
hooding tool
tool used to grip an object 97148 — Gripping Equipment GRIPPING+EQUIPMENT 300024735
hollow based arrowhead Q111787410 hollow-based arrowhead arrowhead with its base hollowed to allow it to fit onto the shaft of an arrow rather than having a tang that fits into the shaft 141185 — Hollow Based Arrowhead
holy water font Q642861 bénetier
holy water stoup
vessel containing holy water in a church 97314 — Stoup (Basin) STOUP+(BASIN) 300111961 13161
holy water vessel Q111514587 any of various containers for holy water 96859 — Holy Water Vessel HOLY+WATER+VESSEL 300426133 13159
hood Q850298 type of headgear 100052 — Hood (Clothing) HOOD+(CLOTHING) 300046121 2347
hood Q8262564 falcon's hood
falcon's mask
falconry hood
falconry mask
mask used to cover a hunting bird's eyes when not in flight 100051 — Hood (Hawking) HOOD+(HAWKING) 3575
hoof pick Q2622989 tool used to clean the hooves of a horse 170821 — Hoof Pick
hoof trimmer Q111342079 butris
hoof shears
tool used to trim the hoof horn prior to shoeing a horse or other animal 97003 — Butteris BUTTERIS 300426158 3698
hook Q4243098 crook object for hanging, fishing etc. 96274 — Hook HOOK 300033537 9182
hooked tag Q111234621 clothing hook having a flat plate, often decorated, with holes or a loop for attachment and a hooked projection 96642 — Hooked Tag HOOKED+TAG
hope chest Q15655434 cedar chest
dowry chest
glory box
trousseau chest
Chest (furniture) that women use to store dower items, including linens and baby clothes 95968 — Dowry Box DOWRY+BOX 1255
horn Q94994539 musical instrument made from or in imitation of an animal horn 95486 — Horn (Music) HORN+(MUSIC)
horn instrument Q1126540 Horn any of a family of musical instruments made of a tube, often curved in various ways, with one narrow end into which the musician blows, and a wide end from which sound emerges 97179 — Lip Blown Wind Instrument LIP+BLOWN+WIND+INSTRUMENT
horse armor Q50364603 horse armour any piece of armor for protecting a horse in combat 95193 — Horse Armour HORSE+ARMOUR 300036900 11915
horse trapping Q111212641 horse furniture
horse trappings
ornamentation fixed to a horse's harness 97578 — Horse Trapping HORSE+TRAPPING 300265358
horseshoe Q192130 horseshoes fabricated product, designed to protect a horse's hoof from wear 95696 — Horseshoe HORSESHOE 300211112
horseshoe nail Q205615 shoeing nail nail used for horseshoes 97455 — Shoeing Nail Horseshoe+Nail
300036400 3670
horticultural container Q111254795 container used in gardening 97229 — Horticultural Container HORTICULTURAL+CONTAINER 300198749 1494
hose Q176440 flexible pipe
flexible tube
flexible conduit for conducting liquid, gaseous, or particulate effluents 143030 — Hose 6590
hourglass Q179904 hour glass
sand clock
sand glass
sand timer
sand watch
device to measure the passage of time 95355 — Hourglass
95341 — Sand Glass
human remains Q105525662 skeletal remains archaeological remains of human corpses 95093 — Human Remains HUMAN+REMAINS 300379896
hunting horn Q1678302 french horn
hunter's horn
hunter's signal horn
hunters' horn
signal horn
type of horn instrument used by hunters for signalling 95613 — Hunting Horn HUNTING+HORN 300042389 11201
hurdle Q111749793 light fence of wood or metal used as a portable barrier, particularly in animal husbandry and otherwise in fields 164112 — Hurdle 300389710
hurdling tool Q111514794 tool used in making wooden hurdles 96939 — Hurdling Tool HURDLING+TOOL
hurdy-gurdy Q207821 hurdy gurdy
vielle à roue
wheel fiddle
wheel vielle
mechanical stringed musical instrument 95521 — Hurdy Gurdy HURDY+GURDY 300042179 10726
hymnal Q1516252 chanting book
hymn book
hymn books
collection of Christian or other religious hymns, usually in the form of a book 95415 — Hymn Book HYMN+BOOK 300026463 13191
hypocaust tile Q111787334 one of a number of tiles cemented together to form pillars supporting the floor above a hypocaust 141182 — Hypocaust Tile
ice skate Q108640 Ice Skates
ice skates
boots with blades attached to the bottom for propelling the bearer across a sheet of ice 95461 — Ice Skate ICE+SKATE
icon Q132137 ikon
religious icon
religious work of art, generally a panel painting, in Eastern Christianity 95835 — Icon ICON 300033945 13226
imbrex Q65727754 curved roofing tile 96084 — Imbrex IMBREX 300010682 456
implements of hunting Q107194406 hunting equipment kind of equipment 97683 — Hunting Object HUNTING+OBJECT
impressed object Q111743448 artifact marked or shaped by the pressure of another object upon its surface, intentionally or through other processes 143237 — impressed object
incantation bowl Q111212691 bowl used in magical ceremonies 95961 — Incantation Bowl INCANTATION+BOWL
incense bowl Q111514798 bowl used to contain and burn incense 95954 — Incense Bowl INCENSE+BOWL
incense burner Q111514811 vessel or stand in or on which incense is burnt for the purpose of scenting a space 95955 — Incense Burner INCENSE+BURNER 300198817 1626
incense holder Q111514945 container for incense 95956 — Incense Holder INCENSE+HOLDER
incense shovel Q111515038 small shovel used with incense. 95957 — Incense Shovel INCENSE+SHOVEL
incense spoon Q105627976 object of Catholic worship used to transfer the incense from the incense boat to the incense burner 95958 — Incense Spoon INCENSE+SPOON
incense tongs Q111240561 tools used to handle or burn incense 95959 — Incense Tongs INCENSE+TONGS 300426444
incense vase Q111515027 container for incense 95960 — Incense Vase INCENSE+VASE
inclinometer Q827664 clinometer instrument used to measure the inclination of a surface relative to local gravity 95329 — Clinometer CLINOMETER 300198639
industrial by-product Q111515066 unwanted secondary product of an industrial manufacturing process 97580 — Industrial By Product INDUSTRIAL+BY+PRODUCT
ingot Q83893 Piece of relatively pure metal 95424 — Ingot INGOT 300137865 6209
ingot mould Q111326532 mould in which an ingot is made 97032 — Ingot Mould INGOT+MOULD
ink Q127418 liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes 95376 — Ink INK 300015012 11524
ink bottle Q111255017 bottle for storing ink 95377 — Ink Bottle INK+BOTTLE 300206821
ink spoon Q111326549 very small spoon used to provide liquid to mix with ink on an ink stone 97377 — Ink Spoon INK+SPOON
inkstand Q3775662 inkstandish
stand or tray used to house writing instruments 97378 — Ink Stand INK+STAND 300196804 11502
inkstone Q600794 ink stone stone mortar for the grinding and containment of ink 97379 — Ink Stone INK+STONE 300022517 11093
inkwell Q1160546 ink case
ink pot
ink well
container used for holding ink 95378 — Inkwell INKWELL 300196797 11503
inlay Q95975776 decorative forms created using pieces of a material inserted into similar-sized openings in a surrounding material 143244 — Inlay 300256033
inscribed object Q111326612 object which bears an inscription 97318 — Inscribed Object INSCRIBED+OBJECT
insect cage Q11625371 cage specifically designed to hold insects 97380 — Insect Cage INSECT+CAGE 300426502 3531
insect remains Q111360712 remains of any part of an insect 95094 — Insect Remains INSECT+REMAINS
insignia Q552345 Insignia sign of state, corporative or religious dignity, usually for power and honor 95382 — Insignia INSIGNIA 300028725
intaglio Q1665351 engraved gem sculptural work created by carving or incising a sunken design 95417 — Intaglio INTAGLIO 300047216 12967
inturned dish Q111902872 dish with straight or convex sides that turn inwards, the circumference at the rim being smaller than the circumference at the base 148371 — Inturned Dish
inturned jar Q111836357 jar with a profile that slopes inwards from base to rim 148331 — Inturned Jar
invertebrate remains Q111360704 remains of one of the groups of animals characterized as lacking any form of backbone or spinal column 141195 — Invertebrate Remains
iron pyrite Q111326625 nodule of pyrite mineral used for fire-starting 97582 — Iron Pyrites IRON+PYRITES
jacket Q849964 clothing for the upper body 96605 — Jacket JACKET 300046167 2414
jamb Q2743417 door post
side-post or lining of a doorway or other aperture 97583 — Jamb JAMB
jar Q1207302 rigid, approximately cylindrical container with a wide mouth or opening 96783 — Jar JAR 300195347 11795
javelin Q3757641 light spear, designed to be thrown 95140 — Javelin JAVELIN 300037019 8204
jerkin Q4227869 men's jacket, often sleeveless, and frequently of leather, worn over the doublet in the 16th century 96604 — Jerkin JERKIN 300209887 2430
jess Q98826780 strap used as a leg restraint for a hunting hawk 95635 — Jess JESS 300427637 3576
jeton Q1361981 casting counter
counting coin
reckoning counter
object used for counting, keeping count or marking the position of a player in a game, usually in the form of a small circular-shaped piece of bone, metal, wood, plastic or other material. 95426 — Jetton
137057 — Counter
JETTON 300191481 13924
jewelry Q2142903 jewel
objects of personal adornment, which may fulfill both decorative and functional purposes 96706 — Jewellery JEWELLERY
jewelry component Q56147003 accessory component
jewellery component
jewellery findings
jewellery fitting
jewelry findings
jewelry fitting
part or fitting for jewelry or other costume accessories 96707 — Jewellery Fitting JEWELLERY+FITTING 300387426
jingle Q6202344 musical instrument 95513 — Jingle JINGLE
jingle jangle Q111212976 decorative mount on horse harness 95487 — Jingle Jangle JINGLE+JANGLE
jug Q2413314 container used to hold liquid 96784 — Jug JUG 300045685 11796
keg Q947211 beer keg receptacle for beer 96861 — Keg KEG 300194516 11775
kerchief Q101444738 bandana
square or triangular cloth worn as a covering for the head 96593 — Kerchief KERCHIEF 300046122 2324
kettle Q107444 tea kettle
appliance for boiling water 96785 — Kettle KETTLE 300195349 3982
key Q132041 instrument that is used to operate a lock 97317 — Key (Locking) KEY+(LOCKING) 300033579
key Q1117156 instrument key
musical instrument key
musical keyboard key
piano key
part in certain musical instruments 95533 — Key (Music) KEY+(MUSIC) 300207592
key blank Q17093294 uncut key 96278 — Key Blank KEY+BLANK 300427738 6206
keyboard instrument Q52954 clavier class of musical instrument which is played using a musical keyboard 95518 — Keyboard Instrument KEYBOARD+INSTRUMENT 300041674 10698
keyhole fitting Q111515098 finish hardware for keyholes, as plates, frames, covers 96279 — Keyhole Fitting KEYHOLE+FITTING
keystone Q220919 capstone architectural element: wedge-shaped stone of an arch 100058 — Keystone KEYSTONE 300001183 87
kiln furniture Q110980515 devices and implements inside furnaces 97033 — Kiln Furniture KILN+FURNITURE 300427775 5365
kiln waste Q111526013 waste material from a kiln 97584 — Kiln Waste KILN+WASTE
kilt Q151948 knee-length garment of Celtic and Scottish origin 96602 — Kilt KILT 300209920 2487
knee brooch Q111700417 Roman bow brooch characterized by the pronounced curvature of the bow, resembling a knee 141240 — Knee Brooch
knife Q32489 knife blade
tool with a cutting edge or blade 96377 — Knife KNIFE 300024668 6594
knight jug Q111806619 Medieval jug decorated with applied figures in the form of knights in armour 148312 — Knight Jug
knitting needle Q1440357 knitting pin needle made of steel, wood, bone or other material, used for knitting, usually as a pair 96940 — Knitting Needle KNITTING+NEEDLE
300023523 7078
knout Q2498624 Scourge-like multiple whip 97383 — Knout KNOUT 300391000 10073
knuckle bone Q111712009 animal bone used as a gaming piece 95105 — Knuckle Bone (Gaming)
kohl pot Q111535876 container for kohl, a powder usually made of antimony, used as eye shadow 96862 — Kohl Pot KOHL+POT
lace Q231250 lacework openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or by hand 97634 — Lace (Textile) LACE+(TEXTILE) 300132861 6856
lace bobbin Q4227316 bobbin long, slender, weighted bobbin used in bobbin lace making 100161 — Lace Bobbin LACE+BOBBIN 6916
lace pillow Q1689498 device for making bobbin lace 97038 — Lace Pillow LACE+PILLOW 300023498 6948
lachrymatory Q111535878 ceremonial for collecting tears 97443 — Lachrymatory (Religious) LACHRYMATORY+(RELIGIOUS)
lacing Q2248387 lace
fastening using a cord threaded through holes, rings, or loops 97635 — Lace (Fastening) LACE+(FASTENING) 300239307
ladder Q168639 vertical set of rungs or steps 96280 — Ladder LADDER 300022376 1633
ladle Q193358 type of spoon having a long handle terminating in a deep bow 96786 — Ladle LADLE 300200095 4336
lake sediment Q11799488 lacustrine deposit
lacustrine sediment
limnic sediment
sediment deposited by a lake 142927 — Lacustrine Deposit
lamp Q1138737 lamps
light source
part of a light fixture that produces the light 96213 — Lamp
97449 — Lighting Object
300037592 1672
lamp filler Q111516134 small container used to fill a lamp with fuel 96214 — Lamp Filler LAMP+FILLER 300427940 1779
lamp fitting Q111525244 attachment to a lamp 96215 — Lamp Fitting LAMP+FITTING
lamp hanger Q111516137 lamp suspender support from which a lamp may be hung 96216 — Lamp Hanger LAMP+HANGER
lamp holder Q111770890 lamp-holder device for holding and connecting a lamp 137069 — Lamp Holder 300181491 1748
lamp hook Q111516145 hook from which a lamp may be hung 96281 — Lamp Hook LAMP+HOOK
lamp stand Q111770897 lampstand pillar of wood, stone or metal on which a lamp could be fixed 137070 — Lamp Stand
lance Q2003053 pole weapon that is primarily used on horseback for mounted warfare 95141 — Lance LANCE 300037029 8206
lancet Q111212999 surgical knife 95277 — Lancet LANCET 300427953 9665
land vehicle Q1301433 ground vehicle
surface vehicle
vehicle mainly meant to move on land, including wheeled, tracked, and walking vehicles 97205 — Land Vehicle LAND+VEHICLE
lantern Q862454 fixed or portable enclosed lighting device 96218 — Lantern LANTERN 300037647 1711
lap desk Q6488055 Lap Desks portable writing surface 152464 — Lap Desk
lapel stud Q111426420 small pin or stud worn in the lapel, often decorative 96645 — Lapel Stud LAPEL+STUD
lasso Q840507 lariat loop of rope 95784 — Lasso LASSO 300255575 3566
last Q1069931 foot cast
shoe form
shoe tree
mechanical form that has a shape similar to that of a human foot 96580 — Last LAST 300022925 5567
latch Q2477852 bolt
mechanical fastener that can be disengaged to allow motion, e.g. for a door 96282 — Latch LATCH
300033387 235
latchlifter Q111535885 shaped rod which passes through a hole in a door and is used to raise a latch or to slide a bolt 96283 — Latchlifter LATCHLIFTER
lathe Q187833 parallel lathe machine tool which rotates the workpiece on its axis, and has provisions for using a tailstock 97040 — Lathe LATHE 300023793 5384
lathe core Q111467031 coal money by-product of lathe working 97289 — Lathe Core LATHE+CORE
laurel leaf blade Q882259 laurel leaf knife silex instrument 97667 — Laurel Leaf LAUREL+LEAF
lavabo Q13446365 hand-washing set
hand-washing sink
device to provide water for the washing of hands 97385 — Lavabo LAVABO 300198839 13201
laver Q111535890 basin of water used by priests for ritual ablutions 96863 — Laver LAVER
leaf arrowhead Q111535892 leaf-shaped arrowhead leaf or diamond-shaped stone arrowhead with shallow retouching at the edges 97253 — Leaf Arrowhead LEAF+ARROWHEAD
leash Q384873 lead
pet leash
device for controlling dogs and other animals 95669 — Leash LEASH 300428068 3569
leather stamp Q111426506 tool for impressing designs into leather 97041 — Leather Stamp LEATHER+STAMP
ledger stone Q11832720 Ledgerstone
grave slab
stone slab tomb
tomb slab
horizontal tombstone 97507 — Grave Slab GRAVE+SLAB
leggings Q660782 type of garment that covers the leg, usually up to the ankle 96601 — Legging LEGGING 300046173 2447
leister Q48767864 spear used for fishing 97388 — Leister LEISTER
lemon squeezer Q14902 fruit squeezer kitchen tool to extract lemon juice 96971 — Squeezer SQUEEZER 300207688 4307
lens Q768575 optical device which transmits and refracts light 95278 — Lens LENS 300266807 9970
letter Q133492 epistle
postal mail
written correspondence
written letter
written message from one to another 95384 — Letter LETTER 300026879 13658
letter weight Q111426478 weight used with letter scales 95354 — Letter Weight LETTER+WEIGHT
lever Q40164 simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum 96942 — Lever LEVER 9194
libation bowl Q111383860 bowl to hold an offering of beverage to a deity 95949 — Libation Bowl LIBATION+BOWL
libation container Q111383858 libation vessel container for an offering of beverage to a deity 97310 — Libation Container LIBATION+CONTAINER 300404019 13162
libation cup Q111226102 container used to hold and or pour a liquid in honour of a deity 95947 — Libation Cup LIBATION+CUP 300428176
libation jug Q111383864 jug to hold an offering of beverage to a deity 95946 — Libation Jug LIBATION+JUG 300428177 13165
libation ladle Q111383875 ladle used to pour an offering of beverage to a deity 95945 — Libation Ladle LIBATION+LADLE
libation table Q111383873 table on which offerings of beverage to a deity are placed 95944 — Libation Table LIBATION+TABLE 300400635
libation tank Q111383868 vessel to hold an offering of beverage to a deity 95943 — Libation Tank LIBATION+TANK 300428178 13166
libation vase Q111383872 vase to hold an offering of beverage to a deity 95942 — Libation Vase LIBATION+VASE 300428179 13167
lid Q2488579 box cover
box top
part of a container that closes or seals it by fitting over and around the opening 96512 — Lid LID
lift key Q111535895 L or T-shaped tumbler lock key which allowed the bolt to be pulled across by a cord 96284 — Lift Key LIFT+KEY
light fitting Q111326000 lighting device fitting object which does not provide light but supports or is attached to lighting equipment 96219 — Light Fitting LIGHT+FITTING
lighter Q20459 cigar lighter
cigarette lighter
tool to generate a flame 170044 — Lighter 300265545 2971
ligula Q1801357 cosmetic spoon type of spoon in Ancient Rome 100091 — Cosmetic Spoon Ligula
limpet scoop Q111325981 object assumed to be to pick limpets out of their shells 96787 — Limpet Scoop LIMPET+SCOOP 300428232 3863
linchpin Q340759 linch pin
lynch pin
fastener used to prevent a wheel or other part from sliding off the axle upon which it is riding 95440 — Linch Pin Lynch+Pin
300247403 11849
linen smoother Q21044536 sleekstone
convex tool of glass or polished rock, sometimes with a handle, used for smoothing and polishing skins or linens 96943 — Linen Smoother LINEN+SMOOTHER 7094
linked pin Q111398489 set of two or more pins joined together by a chain 97586 — Linked Pin LINKED+PIN
linstock Q953721 staff with a combustible material in one end used to discharge front-loading cannons 170628 — Linstock 300428258 7949
lintel Q1370517 lintol structural horizontal beam that spans the space between two vertical supports above an opening 96085 — Lintel LINTEL 300003161 378
liquid measure Q111535898 container used to measure liquids 100067 — Liquid Measure LIQUID+MEASURE
litharge Q2362697 one of the natural mineral forms of lead(II) oxide 100110 — Litharge LITHARGE 300013921
lithic core Q1669978 core
core fragment
in archaeology, a stone artifact left over from toolmaking 97552 — Core CORE 300265134 14912
lithic flake Q332028 flake
stone flake
portion of rock removed from an objective piece by percussion or pressure 97321 — Flake FLAKE
300379567 14914
litter Q476850 gapi
sedan carriage
sedan chair
human-powered wheelless vehicle for the transport of persons 95439 — Litter
97136 — Sedan Chair
liturgy spoon Q1969655 Divine Liturgy spoon
communion spoon
liturgical implement 95970 — Eucharist Spoon EUCHARIST+SPOON 300422178 13158
livestock bell Q1236988 animal bell
cow bell
sheep bell
agricultural tool 100046 — Animal Bell ANIMAL+BELL
lobed bowl Q111848026 bowl comprising three or more equally spaced lobes 148355 — Lobed Bowl
lobed cup Q111927405 cup comprising three or more evenly spaced lobes 148396 — Lobed Cup
lobed dish Q111903063 dish comprising three or more lobes, usually equally spaced 148373 — Lobed Dish
lock Q228039 0778
mechanical or electronic fastening device 96287 — Lock
96286 — Locking Mechanism
300033407 10040
locket Q2990570 medallion small pendant for storing a photograph or other small item 96710 — Locket LOCKET 300046004 1945
loess Q22723 glacial loess
loess soil
windblown sediment 142914 — Loess
log Q12029485 timber log kind of stock, or unhewn portion of a felled tree, including a length cut off for use as firewood, construction, or another purpose 142882 — Log 300012784
log dog Q111372395 hewing dog
logger's dog
timber dog
device consisting of single spike extending perpendicularly from a metal rod with either another right-angle spike or a spurred, pivoting arm at the other end, used to bind two logs together 96316 — Timber Dog TIMBER+DOG 300428339 5286
loincloth Q1130359 breechcloth
loin cloth
cloth worn around the loins, often as the sole article of clothing in warm climates 96600 — Loincloth LOINCLOTH
300209923 2432
long brooch Q111692847 Anglo-Saxon brooch type dating from the 5th to 7th centuries CE 141234 — Long Brooch
long gun Q1046481 longarm Category of firearms fired from the shoulder, either with a rifled or smoothbore barrel 100017 — Longarm LONGARM 300222278
longbow Q10729167 Type of bow that is tall and has a long draw pull 137072 — Longbow 300037001 8164
loom Q173056 device for weaving textiles 96944 — Loom LOOM 300247546 6984
loom weight Q2553521 loomweight stone or ceramic weight used to tension bundles of warp threads on a warp-weighted loom 97042 — Loomweight LOOMWEIGHT 300248042 7017
louver Q111383957 louvre arrangement of slanting horizontal slats to control the flow or air, smoke, sound, or light 97590 — Louvre LOUVRE 300003166
lucifer match Q111303660 lucifer early type of match made of a piece of wood and an inflammable substance 97592 — Lucifer Match LUCIFER+MATCH
lug Q3839189 knob
typically flattened protuberance, a handle or extrusion located on the side of a ceramics, jug, glass, vase, or other container 97676 — Lug (Handle) LUG+(HANDLE) 300190784
lug Q111383964 rod used to measure the imperial measurements of a pole or a perch 97675 — Lug (Pole) LUG+(POLE)
lunula Q1637151 gold lunula crescent-moon shaped late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age necklace or collar 96712 — Lunula LUNULA
lure Q2451653 mechanism used in falconry 95614 — Lure LURE
lute Q180733 luth musical instrument 95490 — Lute LUTE 300042101 10805
lyre Q201129 string instrument from Greek classical antiquity 95491 — Lyre LYRE 300042871 10808
mace Q272990 blunt weapon constituted of a long handled and a massive head to inflict traumatic injuries by striking 95196 — Mace MACE 300037214 8339
machete Q230711 matchet broad blade used either as an implement like an axe, or in combat like a short sword 95785 — Machete MACHETE 300024363 3391
machine gun Q12800 machinegun fully automatic mounted or portable firearm 163922 — Machine Gun
mallet Q3202271 wooden mallet tool for striking the workpiece or another tool with a relatively large head 96474 — Mallet MALLET 300024198
mammal remains Q111360871 remains of any part of a mammal, except for humans 100098 — Mammal Remains MAMMAL+REMAINS
mandolin Q302497 Brazilian bandolim
Brescian mandolin
Cremonese mandolin
Florentine mandolin
Genoese mandolin
Lombardian mandolin
Milanese mandolin
Tuscan mandolin
flat-backed mandolin
musical instrument in the lute family 95492 — Mandolin MANDOLIN 300042135 10809
manhole cover Q652657 drain cover
drain strainer
inspection hatch cover
personhole cover
sink drain cover
storm drain cover
removable plate over manholes, to prevent things from falling into sewers and other tunnels 96336 — Drain Cover DRAIN+COVER 300423694
manicure equipment Q61754579 manicure implement
manicure tool
tools used in nail care 97122 — Manicure Implement MANICURE+IMPLEMENT 300428519 3030
manicure set Q111423549 Manicure Tool Sets
manicure case
manicure kit
group of manicure tools 96175 — Manicure Set MANICURE+SET 300428517 3039
mantle Q6752131 mantelet general term for a form of outerwear of differing lengths and having some shaping 96599 — Mantle MANTLE 300212298 2548
manufacture and processing objects Q111545938 objects used in, or which are created as part of, a manufacturing or production process, including the by-products of such processes but excluding actual products 97581 — Manufacture And Processing MANUFACTURE+AND+PROCESSING
manufacturing debris Q111535313 remains of a manufacturing process 97593 — Manufacturing Debris MANUFACTURING+DEBRIS
manuscript Q87167 MS
manuscript book
document written by hand 95385 — Manuscript MANUSCRIPT 300028569 13729
marble Q200199 small, hard spherical toy 95636 — Marble MARBLE 300211125 14236
marine deposit Q111811451 material deposited on the seafloor or under marine conditions 142929 — Marine Deposit
marking equipment Q56147152 marking tool tool used to mark objects 97149 — Marking Equipment MARKING+EQUIPMENT 300161416
marking knife Q6771056 striking knife woodworking layout tool 96945 — Marking Tool MARKING+TOOL 300428580 7415
marlinspike Q2013008 marlin spike
tool used in marine ropework 96946 — Marlin Spike MARLIN+SPIKE 6829
marriage bowl Q111546066 bowl used in the marriage ceremony 96864 — Marriage Bowl MARRIAGE+BOWL 300428588 13255
martingale Q2643129 auxiliary reins item of horse tack 137073 — Martingale
marver Q6778249 a hard, flat surface of stone, wood, or metal on which a mass of molten glass is rolled and shaped in glassmaking 170767 — Marver 300022860 5398
mask Q161524 art mask
costume mask
cultural mask
any full or partial face covering, whether ceremonial, protective, decorative, or used as disguise 96416 — Mask MASK 300138758
matchlock musket Q111280004 type of musket 100019 — Matchlock Musket MATCHLOCK+MUSKET 300428642 8273
mattock Q8193873 adze-like hand tool for chopping, digging, and prying, especially for planting in hard ground 95786 — Mattock MATTOCK 3221
mattress Q171495 large pad for supporting the reclining body, used as or on a bed 96548 — Mattress MATTRESS 300040450 1014
maul Q110194809 batter
heavy long-handled hammer 96947 — Maul MAUL 300024826
mazer Q6798451 drinking vessel 96789 — Mazer MAZER 300196691 4766
measuring instrument Q2041172 gauge
measurement apparatus
measurement device
measurement instrument
measurement tool
measuring device
measuring tool
device for measuring a physical quantity 97086 — Measurement MEASUREMENT 300207870
measuring rod Q6804224 tool used to physically measure lengths and survey areas of various sizes 95352 — Measuring Rod MEASURING+ROD
measuring vessel Q110619714 vessel for measuring substances 95351 — Measuring Vessel MEASURING+VESSEL
medallion Q131647 medal round piece of metal, often used as an award 95736 — Medal
96713 — Medallion
300046025 13940
medical device Q6554101 Medical Instruments
biomedical device
biomedical equipment
biomedical instrument
medical equipment
medical instrument
medical instrumentation
any device intended to be used for medical purposes 95280 — Medical Implement MEDICAL+IMPLEMENT
medical plate Q111546129 broad, shallow vessel used for medical purposes 95281 — Medical Plate MEDICAL+PLATE
medicine bottle Q111490452 bottle used for dispensing by pharmacists or other sales of medicine to consumers, including bottles for patent medicine 95284 — Medicine Bottle MEDICINE+BOTTLE 300220810 9439
medicine container Q107197374 medical container
medicine holder
kind of container 97237 — Medical Container MEDICAL+CONTAINER 300427341 9438
melon bead Q111326007 melon-shaped bead 96714 — Melon Bead MELON+BEAD
memorial stone Q11734477 Stone of Remembrance
commemorative stone
memorial monument in the form of a stone 95727 — Commemorative Stone COMMEMORATIVE+STONE
mercury jar Q111836382 small rounded pottery jar with very thick walls used to store and transport mercury in the Middle Ages 148333 — Mercury Jar
metal working debris Q111546202 metalworking debris debris resulting from metalworking processes 97597 — Metal Working Debris METAL+WORKING+DEBRIS
mether Q25056877 madder
Celtic communal drinking vessel 97486 — Mether METHER 300427485 4767
microburin Q928521 characteristic waste product from manufacture of lithic tools 97390 — Microburin MICROBURIN
microdenticulate Q111361953 small flake or blade with a series of notches along the edge 96371 — Microdenticulate MICRODENTICULATE
microlith Q164777 stone tool 96373 — Microlith MICROLITH 300393267
microscope Q196538 microscopes
instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye 95286 — Microscope MICROSCOPE 300024594 9977
milestone Q10145 mile marker
mile post
road marker
numbered marker mostly along a road or sometimes also at a boundary 95350 — Milestone MILESTONE 300006973 522
militaria Q598227 arms and armor
arms and armour
artifact or replica of military, police, etc., collected for their historical or aristic significance 97083 — Armour and Weapons ARMOUR+AND+WEAPONS
military colours Q2912707 guidons
military colors
military standard
military flags 95152 — Military Standard MILITARY+STANDARD
military equipment Q18643213 equipment of the armed forces
military gear
military item
item in use by or designed for use by military forces 95863 — Military Equipment
milk bottle Q2995020 bottle of milk bottle used for the storage and delivery of milk 96867 — Milk Bottle MILK+BOTTLE
milk churn Q201573 milk can container for the transportation of milk 96868 — Milk Churn CHURN
300255809 4521
milking vessel Q111361277 dairy pail
milk pail
milking can
milking jug
milking pail
milking pot
container to receive milk during the milking process 97216 — Milking Vessel MILKING+VESSEL 300427565 4546
mill paddle Q111889814 paddle from a mill wheel 143006 — mill paddle
millefiori cane Q111771153 millefiori rod long, thin cane of glass made by layering glass of various colours in a mould and pulling the soft glass until the cane was of the desired thickness 137074 — Millefiori Cane
millstone Q670985 mill stone stones used in gristmills, for grinding wheat or other grains 95791 — Millstone MILLSTONE 4641
millstone roughout Q111354957 millstone rough-out partly-worked millstone that is still to be finished 95792 — Millstone Roughout MILLSTONE+ROUGHOUT
mine Q1481202 explosive mine explosive weapon 142086 — Mine 300204039 7772
miniature Q106971927 miniature object used as toy or in offerings 97598 — Miniature Object MINIATURE+OBJECT
mirror Q35197 looking glass surface, typically glass coated with a metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image 97392 — Mirror MIRROR 300037682 1403
mirror case Q56045914 decorated container for a small mirror 97391 — Mirror Case MIRROR+CASE
misericord Q1938805 mercy seat
wooden shelf on the underside of a folding seat in a church 100061 — Misericord (Seat) MISERICORD+(SEAT) 300260121
misericorde Q1814034 medieval knife used to kill wounded knights 100062 — Misericord (Dagger) MISERICORD+(DAGGER) 300429165 8189
moccasin Q252484 type of shoe originating with North American indigenous peoples 96568 — Moccasin MOCCASIN 300210037 2196
mold Q1941820 mould hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance 96472 — Mould MOULD 5402
moldstone Q111824204 mouldstone
stone ingot mould
stone with a rectangular depression, used as a mold for metal ingots 144592 — mouldstone
mollusca remains Q111360880 mollusk remains remains of any part of a mollusk 95096 — Mollusca Remains MOLLUSCA+REMAINS
money box Q18415478 bank
coin bank
piggy banks and money jars
small container for holding coins or paper money 95427 — Money Box MONEY+BOX 300429223 9798
monstrance Q335661 ostensorium
vessel used to display religious object in the Christian tradition 97395 — Monstrance MONSTRANCE 300083005 13136
mood Q111546239 blank for a knife that has not been hammered out 97601 — Mood MOOD 300429246 14911
moondial Q956774 timepiece based on the light of the moon 95349 — Moondial MOONDIAL 10299
mordant Q95870182 belt end
belt end tip
belt strap end
belt tip
buckle tag
strap end
metal pieces at the end of a belt, opposite the end attached to the buckle 140465 — Strap End STRAP+END 300262745
morse Q31561041 ornamental clasp for fastening a cope 97396 — Morse MORSE 300209306 14118
mortar Q45778 bowl in which substances are ground using a pestle 96410 — Mortar (Vessel) MORTAR+(VESSEL) 300024724
mortar Q7905205 artillery weapon that launches explosive projectiles at high angles 95892 — Mortar (Weapon) MORTAR+(WEAPON)
mortar ammunition Q554308 mortar bomb explosive projectile fired from a mortar 163923 — Mortar Bomb
mortarium Q1948673 Ancient Roman pottery kitchen vessel 96869 — Mortarium MORTARIUM
mosaic Q133067 image or writing made from an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials 96290 — Mosaic MOSAIC 300015342 432
motor car Q1420 auto
motor cars
motor vehicle
motorized road vehicle designed to carry one to eight people rather than primarily goods 167289 — Car 300178739 12173
motor vehicle Q752870 automotive vehicle
motor vehicles
motorized vehicle
road vehicle
self-propelled wheeled vehicle 167287 — Motor Vehicle 300042934 12172
motorcycle Q34493 bike
motor bike
motor cycle
two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle 167293 — Motor Cycle 12193
moulding Q1770806 casing
strip of material used to cover transitions between surfaces or for decoration 96089 — Moulding MOULDING 300003429 429
moulding chisel Q111546304 chisel for producing ornamental mouldings 96948 — Moulding Chisel MOULDING+CHISEL
moulding equipment Q111546421 equipment used to create objects through the use of a pattern or matrix which shapes the object 97154 — Moulding Equipment MOULDING+EQUIPMENT
mount Q111436867 ornamental metal piece attached to an object 137076 — Mount MOUNT 300171585
muff Q1221373 fashion accessory 96639 — Muff MUFF 300210014 2059
mug Q386215 vessel for hot drinks with a handle 96791 — Mug MUG 4829
muller Q111311438 flat-based stone used in conjunction with a grinding stone 97397 — Muller MULLER
multi-handled bowl Q111889296 multi handled bowl bowl with three or more handles 148370 — Multiple Handled Bowl
multi-handled jar Q111837211 jar with three or more vertical loop handles 148340 — Multi-handled Jar
multiple bowl Q111889063 vessel comprising three or more small bowls joined together 148361 — Multiple Bowl
multiple dish Q111908604 condiment dish vessel comprising two or more dishes of small size, joined together, with or without handles 148377 — Multiple Dish
music box Q1365218 automatic musical instrument 95494 — Musical Box MUSICAL+BOX 300042659 10724
music equipment Q56146933 equipment for music instruments, components, and accessories used to make music 97088 — Music MUSIC 300235715
musical instrument Q34379 instrument
instrument (music)
instrument in music
music instrument
device created or adapted to make musical sounds 97496 — Musical Instrument MUSICAL+INSTRUMENT
300041620 10655
musical instrument case Q107197307 musical instrument kit kind of container 96870 — Musical Instrument Case MUSICAL+INSTRUMENT+CASE 300429383 10619
musical instrument part Q19659292 musical instrument component component used in the construction of a musical instrument 97180 — Musical Instrument Component MUSICAL+INSTRUMENT+COMPONENT 300429384 10625
musical instrument pedal Q43400188 pedal used for playing (and that is part of) a musical instrument 95535 — Pedal (Music) PEDAL+(MUSIC)
musket Q178243 firearm 95199 — Musket MUSKET 300037179 8268
musket ball Q111311580 metal sphere, usually lead, fired from a musket 95200 — Musket Ball MUSKET+BALL 300429396 7743
muzzle Q1369301 device that is placed over the snout of an animal 95667 — Muzzle MUZZLE 300400788
nail Q37077 sharp object of hard metal used as a fastener 96291 — Nail NAIL 300033565 7311
nail cleaner Q111546587 tool for cleaning a person's nails 97602 — Nail Cleaner NAIL+CLEANER 300429423 3032
nail file Q1042266 tool used to gently grind down and shape the edges of nails, usually after the nail has been trimmed with nail clippers 96174 — Nail File NAIL+FILE 3034
nail puller Q111547212 nail extractor
nail pull
tool for removing nails 96949 — Nail Extractor NAIL+EXTRACTOR
300158845 7532
name board Q111743293 nameboard ornamental frieze on the bow of a watercraft carrying its name and other information 143026 — Nameboard 300429437 12532
neck ring Q4993060 torc stiff jewellery worn as an ornament around the neck of an individual 96715 — Neck Ring NECK+RING
necked cup Q111926925 thistle cup
thistle tyg
cup with a rounded body below a deep neck 148392 — Necked Cup
neckerchief Q1095126 square or strip of linen or other material folded around the neck, often worn as part of a uniform 96637 — Neckerchief NECKERCHIEF 300214627 2063
necklace Q189299 necklet article of jewellery 96716 — Necklace NECKLACE
300046001 1946
necktie Q44416 Neckties
neck tie
tie (neckwear)
clothing item, traditionally worn by boys and men with dress shirt 96638 — Neck Tie NECK+TIE 300210068 2067
needlecase Q28769384 needle book
needle case
needle holder
container for sewing needles 96871 — Needle Holder NEEDLE+HOLDER 300023451 6780
net Q504825 filet
textile in which the warp and weft yarns are looped or knotted at their intersections 137077 — Net 300249438
net float Q111489825 net buoy object designed to float in water and to support a net 95793 — Net Float NET+FLOAT 300429534 3809
net sinker Q107196289 net weight
weight for a fishing net 95794 — Net Sinker NET+SINKER 300429537 3903
netting needle Q1978931 netting shuttle small shuttle used in net-making and filet-lace 96951 — Netting Needle NETTING+NEEDLE 300429540 7090
nocturnal Q1607611 instrument used to determine the local time based on the relative positions of two or more stars in the night sky 97399 — Nocturnal NOCTURNAL 300429582 10144
nozzle Q250840 spout device to control fluid flow 96495 — Nozzle NOZZLE 300249766
nut Q190977 hardware nut
threaded nut
type of fastener with a threaded hole 96292 — Nut (Fastening) NUT+(FASTENING) 300048682
nut Q3320037 culinary nut
culinary nuts
dry fruits
dry nut
edible nuts
dry, edible fruit or seed which usually has a high fat content 169936 — Nut
nutcracker Q14880 mechanical device for cracking nuts 96792 — Nut Crackers NUT+CRACKERS 300200533 4308
oakum Q3071757 tarred fiber 144562 — oakum 300015203 77
oar Q2003749 implement used for water-borne propulsion 95438 — Oar OAR 300213077 12580
octant Q427293 reflecting quadrant measuring instrument used primarily in navigation; type of reflecting instrument 143020 — Octant 300199777 10145
oculists stamp Q111490165 oculist stamp
oculist's stamp
oculists' stamp
stamp, made of clay or stone, used to mark bars of eye ointment 95250 — Oculists Stamp OCULISTS+STAMP
offcut Q111311640 material left over after a workpiece is cut or processed 97606 — Offcut OFFCUT
offering bowl Q111445963 bowl used to hold an offering 97607 — Offering Bowl OFFERING+BOWL 300429677 13115
offering container Q111445956 offereng vessel container used to hold an offering 96872 — Offering Vessel OFFERING+VESSEL 300429678 13112
offering dish Q111445977 dish in which an offering is made 97608 — Offering Dish OFFERING+DISH 300429679 13117
offering jar Q111446011 jar that contains an offering 97609 — Offering Jar OFFERING+JAR
offering plate Q3391783 offering dish plate used to hold an offering 97610 — Offering Plate OFFERING+PLATE 13118
ogham stone Q2016147 stone with ogham inscription 100135 — Ogham Stone OGHAM+STONE
ointment jar Q111490260 unguent pot jar or pot for the storage of ointment 95288 — Ointment Jar OINTMENT+JAR 300429708 9443
opium pipe Q2059715 pipe designed for the vaporization and inhalation of opium 95590 — Opium Pipe OPIUM+PIPE 300400771 2974
oracle bone Q283127 oracle bones pieces of ox scapula or turtle plastron used for pyromancy in ancient China 97508 — Oracle Bone ORACLE+BONE
organ Q1444 musical keyboard instrument 95523 — Organ ORGAN 300041686 10707
organic matter Q1783121 natural organic matter, NOM
organic material
matter composed of organic compounds 142908 — Organic Material 300011792
osmond iron Q111972022 osemund
osemund iron
osmund iron
type of early low-grade cast iron in the form of balls or spheres 170078 — Osemund
ossuary Q56612266 container for bones of the dead 95993 — Ossuary OSSUARY 300220908 12998
outerwear Q4388799 outer garments clothing worn over street dress for warmth and protection 97108 — Outerwear OUTERWEAR 300209265 2537
oven Q36539 ovens enclosed chamber for heating other objects, often used to prepare food, finish ceramics, and purify substances 96227 — Oven OVEN 300003650 4110
ox shoe Q111437006 shoe for the bifurcated hoof of an ox 95692 — Ox Shoe OX+SHOE
oyster shell Q110619733 shell of an oyster 95098 — Oyster Shell OYSTER+SHELL
paddle Q599797 tool used for pushing against liquids, as a form of propulsion in a boat 95437 — Paddle PADDLE 300213080
padlock Q40607 portable lock with a shackle that may be passed through an opening 96293 — Padlock PADLOCK 300133746 10041
padlock key Q111363912 key for a padlock 100157 — Padlock Key PADLOCK+KEY
padlock key blank Q111363922 object that is to become a padlock key. It has the correct shape but has yet to be cut to fit the lock 96294 — Padlock Key Blank PADLOCK+KEY+BLANK
page holder Q111824272 page-holder clip for marking or holding down pages in a book 147257 — Page Holder 300428752 11523
paintbrush Q193897 art brish
artists' brush
paint brush
brush for painting 95386 — Paint Brush PAINT+BRUSH 300022385 6632
painted glass Q111363981 glass painting artwork created by painting on the front or the reverse of glass, including with vitrified pigments 97488 — Painted Glass (Window) PAINTED+GLASS+(WINDOW) 300343822
paleosol Q2048517 palaeosol soil type 142921 — Paleosol
palette Q425548 🎨 flat surface for mixing paints 97138 — Palette (Artists) PALETTE+(ARTISTS) 300022625 6660
palette Q111526032 pallette piece of armour used to protect the armpit 97677 — Palette (Armour) PALETTE+(ARMOUR)
palisade Q90685 paling
defensive structure; typically a fence or wall made from wooden stakes 96093 — Paling PALING 719
pallet fork Q141830 agricultural tool used for threshing, the process of separating grains from their husks 95777 — Flail fork Pallet fork
palm cup Q111547278 palm-cup round bottomed container to be held in the palm of the hand 100071 — Palm Cup PALM+CUP
palstave Q3888353 paalstab bronze axe dating back 3500 BC. 96375 — Palstave PALSTAVE 300400602 6597
pan Q43203929 broad, shallow container for cooking 96793 — Pan PAN 300042983
pan flute Q218802 Pan pipe
Pan's pipe
reeds of Pan
sets of end-blown flutes
simple woodwind musical instrument, formed by tying various lengths of pipe together, now typically made from bamboo 95498 — Pan Pipe PAN+PIPE 300042548 10842
pancheon Q111364025 wide, flaring bowl used to separate cream from milk or for proofing bread dough 96794 — Pancheon PANCHEON
panel Q1348059 wood panel
wooden panel
thin wooden plank used structurally or aesthetically 96095 — Panel PANEL
pantile Q1624070 type of fired roof tile 97489 — Pantile PANTILE 300010713 457
papal bull Q189867 bull
papal brief
type of letters patent or charter issued by a Pope of the Catholic Church 95371 — Bulla BULLA 300152044
paper Q11472 thin, flexible material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging 100151 — Paper PAPER 300014109
paper clip Q8353 paper clips
metal device to hold papers together 143226 — Paperclip 300239266 11516
paperweight Q914149 paper weight any item for holding down papers, typically on a desk 96390 — Paper Weight PAPER+WEIGHT 300236043 11536
papyrus Q125576 writing and painting material 95387 — Papyrus PAPYRUS 300014127
parachute Q482816 Parachutes
device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere 170075 — Parachute 300251219 11679
parade armour Q530295 ceremonial armor
parade armor
decorative armour used for ceremonial occasions and display, not for combat 95201 — Parade Armour PARADE+ARMOUR 300210830 8105
parasol Q1762975 en-tout-cas
umbrella specifically intended for protection from the sun, typically of lighter construction but sometimes inclusive of beach umbrellas etc. 96717 — Parasol PARASOL 300046218 2810
parchment Q226697 animal membrane
animal skin processed for writing or painting on 95388 — Parchment PARCHMENT 300011851
parchment pricker Q111372963 pricker tool used to prick holes in parchment for manuscripts 95389 — Parchment Pricker PARCHMENT+PRICKER
pargetting mould Q111547286 pargetting mold tool used to produce designs in plaster on the outside of buildings 97045 — Pargetting Mould PARGETTING+MOULD
parting vessel Q111547287 container used in metal processing for separating metals one from another, usually silver from gold 97240 — Parting Vessel PARTING+VESSEL 300428909 6271
paten Q1044124 diskos small plate used to hold Eucharistic bread which is to be consecrated during the Mass 95991 — Paten PATEN 300198942 13138
patera Q1109404 Fiali
Phiale (Ancient greek)
shallow libation bowl 166996 — Patera 300260178
patten Q372381 protective overshoe with a wooden or wood and metal sole, held in place by leather or cloth bands 96578 — Patten PATTEN 300210042 2182
pattern Q30322382 design template, guide, or model from which items can be constructed 97401 — Pattern PATTERN 300028853
pauldron Q340673 pouldron
shoulder plate
plate armor for the shoulder and upper arms 152458 — Shoulder Plate 300036866 8134
pear shaped jug Q111806134 pear-shaped jug jug with a maximum diameter in the lower half of the vessel and no discernible shoulder 148304 — Pear Shaped Jug
peat Q184624 turf accumulation of partially decayed vegetation 142922 — Peat 300014340
pebble Q14673 pebble rock clast of rock (between 4–64 mm in diameter according to Wentworth-Udden scale) 170831 — Pebble (object) 300011691
peck Q111641394 peck measure measuring container for dry goods 100122 — Peck PECK
pectoral Q12065480 Ancirent Egyptian pectoral
pectoral ornament
breast ornament worn in Ancient Egypt 96718 — Pectoral PECTORAL
pedestal beaker Q111908728 in archaeology, a small drinking vessel without a handle, raised on a pedestal base 148384 — Pedestal Beaker
pedestal bowl Q111848008 pedestalled bowls bowl of any shape with a pedestal base added on 148354 — Pedestal Bowl
pedestal cup Q111927168 pedestalled cup cup with a pedestal base 148395 — Pedestal Cup
pedestal dish Q111903025 pedestalled dish
stemmed dish
dish having a pedestal base 148372 — Pedestal Dish
peeler Q14894 tool to remove the outer skin or peel 96952 — Peeler PEELER 300199906 4276
peg Q63253081 cylindrical piece of wood or other material used as a fastener 96295 — Peg PEG 300036421 7312
pegau Q111806242 pegau jug
pegau pitcher
three-handled pitcher
rounded jug with a wide mouth, a large parrot-beak spout and three handles in the form of wide straps, made by the Saintonge potteries 148306 — Pegau
pen Q165447 Pens writing and drawing implement using liquid or paste ink 95390 — Pen PEN 300022452 11572
penannular brooch Q2117448 Celtic brooch
open-ring brooch
jewelry for fastening clothing consisting of an open or broken ring and pin 96719 — Penannular Brooch
96720 — Penannular Ring
pencil Q14674 Pencils
Writing Pencils
writing implement 95391 — Pencil PENCIL 300022439 11584
pendant Q2111434 piece of jewelry made to hang from a cord, chain, ribbon or necklace 96721 — Pendant PENDANT 300046002 1959
pendulum Q20702 simple pendulum suspended weight capable of swinging freely from a pivot 95348 — Pendulum PENDULUM 300235975 9203
penis sheath Q111547361 opaque, rigid sheath used to cover the penis 96625 — Penis Sheath PENIS+SHEATH 300260656
penknife Q174295 pen knife small folding knife 96953 — Penknife PENKNIFE 300161533 2785
percussive weapon Q111476506 weapon used to strike or hit 97096 — Percussive Weapon PERCUSSIVE+WEAPON 300203726 8331
perforated object Q111475121 otherwise unidentified archaeological object which has one or more holes through it 97612 — Perforated Object PERFORATED+OBJECT
perfume bottle Q29512262 perfume flask
scent bottle
scent flask
bottle intended primarily for holding or dispersing perfume 96880 — Perfume Bottle PERFUME+BOTTLE 300197635 3112
periglacial deposit Q111811555 deposit formed adjacent to ice masses during glacial periods 142946 — Periglacial Deposit
personal accessory Q111547449 object worn, carried, or otherwise used for an individual's needs, convenience, or fashion 97454 — Personal Accessory PERSONAL+ACCESSORY 300404589
personal grooming and hygiene container Q56147400 personal grooming container
personal hygiene container
container for grooming or hygiene substances or tools 97236 — Personal Hygiene Container PERSONAL+HYGIENE+CONTAINER 300197583
personal ornament Q111547470 object originally created to be worn on the human body or on clothing for ornamentation rather than for protection or as a body covering 97111 — Personal Ornament PERSONAL+ORNAMENT
personal symbol Q111547473 object originally created to communicate a particular personal belief, achievement, status or membership 97112 — Personal Symbol PERSONAL+SYMBOL
pestle Q907209 Blunt tool to grind things in a mortar 96392 — Pestle PESTLE 300024725
petroglyph Q42195 carved rock
rock carving
rock carvings
rock engravings
images carved on a rock surface as a form of rock art 95826 — Petroglyph PETROGLYPH 300312034
pew Q848162 pews long bench seat or enclosed box, used for seating members of an audience 96549 — Pew PEW 300038521 1086
phallus Q168552 phallic object aesthetic or practical object having penis-like quality, generally associated with rites and ceremonies of nature-worship supposed to have a magic influence in inducing fertility among the flocks and herds, as well as in the soil of the earth 95989 — Phallic Object PHALLIC+OBJECT
pharmaceutical tool Q111288126 pharmaceutical equipment tools used in the preparation of drugs and medicines 97087 — Medicine And Pharmacy MEDICINE+AND+PHARMACY 300430169 9475
phylactery Q30180689 religious amulet, especially the tefillin, leather boxes containing Torah verses worn by some Jews when praying 95988 — Phylactery PHYLACTERY
physical container Q987767 bin
storage container
device creating a partially or fully enclosed space that can be used to contain, store, and transport objects or materials 96817 — Container CONTAINER 300197197 11744
physical model Q11784425 Models, Structural
smaller or larger physical copy of an object 96473 — Model MODEL 300047753 13734
physical template Q12335479 example
a pattern entity for making or processing things of the same shape 96466 — Template TEMPLATE 300022539
physical tool Q39546 implement
physical item that can be used to achieve a goal 96982 — Tools And Equipment TOOLS+AND+EQUIPMENT 300024841
pickaxe Q232254 pick tool for breaking hard surfaces, with a long wooden handle and a curved metal bar with a sharp point 95795 — Pick
95796 — Pickaxe
pier Q335297 pillar
square column
architectural upright support for a structure or superstructure 97614 — Pier PIER 300000953
piercing equipment Q111547477 piercing tool equipment used to pierce or puncture other objects through the use of a point 97152 — Piercing Equipment PIERCING+EQUIPMENT
pigment container Q111547481 container used to hold substances for dying or painting 96391 — Pigment Container PIGMENT+CONTAINER
pike Q220016 boarding pike
weapon pike
pole weapon 95202 — Pike PIKE 300037033 8208
pilaster Q175112 decorative architectural element giving the appearance of a supporting column 96102 — Pilaster PILASTER 300002737 381
pilgrim badge Q488638 effects worn by Christian pilgrims 95986 — Pilgrim Badge PILGRIM+BADGE 300265066
pilgrim flask Q1396224 Pilgrim flasks
pilgrim bottle
pilgrim's bottle
pilgrim's flask
flat gourd-shaped bottles with one or two pairs of lugs at each side 96848 — Costrel Pilgrim+Bottle
pill organizer Q3388529 pill box
pill container
container for medications 95291 — Pill Box PILL+BOX 2904
pillar Q29052406 column supporting structures, detached vertical members, often rectangular shape 97615 — Pillar PILLAR 300264605 382
pillow Q99895 cushion for the head 96550 — Pillow PILLOW 1021
pin Q838312 fastening device used as an auxiliary tool for sewing, for attaching paper to a pinboard or other purposes 97288 — Pin PIN 300036423
pin beater Q111279933 pin-beater
thread picker
weft beater
cigar-shaped tool used to untangle threads in weaving 97081 — Weft Beater WEFT+BEATER
pincers Q840979 hand tool 96954 — Pincers PINCERS 300024743 5411
pincushion Q1083709 pin cushion small cushion used to store pins and needles 97047 — Pin Cushion PIN+CUSHION 300023455 6792
pinners bone Q111787313 pinner's bone
pinners' bone
piece of shaped animal bone with grooves in which pins are laid and held whilst being sharpened 140090 — pinners bone
pintle Q7196531 gudgeon pin generally, the pin or bolt around which a hinge pivots 96296 — Pintle PINTLE
pip Q3121375 kernel seed of a fruit that contains several seeds, such as an apple or an orange 169940 — Pip
pipe Q41551 pipes and tubes
tubular section or hollow cylinder for delivery of gases or fluids 100056 — Pipe (Architectural) PIPE+(ARCHITECTURAL) 300014662 68
pipe Q104526 smoking pipe
tobacco pipe
tool specifically made to smoke tobacco or other products 100082 — Pipe (Smoking)
97647 — Tobacco Pipe
pipe case Q111457185 fitted case for a smoking pipe 100073 — Case (Pipe) CASE+(PIPE)
pipe cleaner Q3355092 Pipe Brushes tool or brush for cleaning a smoking pipe 100083 — Pipe Cleaner PIPE+CLEANER 300248241 2958
pipe rack Q7197245 rack, stand, or shelf used to hold tobacco pipes 97617 — Pipe Rack PIPE+RACK 300375222 1432
pipe tamper Q111302667 pipe stopper
tobacco stopper
instrument used to compress a substance into a smoking pipe 100085 — Pipe Tamper PIPE+TAMPER 300255606 2982
pipkin Q59188803 earthenware cooking pot with a single straight handle used for cooking over direct heat from coals or a wood fire 96795 — Pipkin PIPKIN 3998
piscina Q423944 lavabo
sacristy piscina
shallow basin placed near the altar of a church 97402 — Piscina PISCINA 300007381
pistol Q1907525 type of handgun where the firing chamber is integral to the barrel 95204 — Pistol PISTOL 300037160 8278
piston Q45227 automotive piston moving component of reciprocating engines that is contained by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by piston rings 169993 — Piston 8928
pitcher Q132397 container with a spout used for storing and pouring liquids 96796 — Pitcher PITCHER 300194765 5246
pitchfork Q107293 agricultural/garden tool 97161 — Fork (Tool)
95797 — Pitchfork
plan Q611203 design plan drawings or diagrams used to describe an object 95392 — Plan PLAN 300263886
planchet Q653278 blank
Round metal disk that is ready to be struck as a coin 136753 — Coin Blank COIN+BLANK
plane Q204260 Planes tool for working with wood 96955 — Plane PLANE 300025379 7447
plank Q1355652 flat rectangular piece of timber 96103 — Plank PLANK
plano convex knife Q111337111 flint tool with a convex top and flat base 96378 — Plano Convex Knife PLANO+CONVEX+KNIFE
plant macro remains Q111360900 large vegetal remains such as fruit, seeds, plant parts, and buds 100094 — Plant Macro Remains PLANT+MACRO+REMAINS
plant micro remains Q111360904 microscropic remains of plants. 100096 — Plant Micro Remains PLANT+MICRO+REMAINS
plant remains Q107389621 vegetal remains remains of vegetal matter 100093 — Plant Remains PLANT+REMAINS
plaque Q4364339 plaquette flat, thin work set into a surface for decoration or to bear an inscription 97595 — Plaque PLAQUE
plasterer's float Q111637797 float tool for smoothing the surface of plaster 97215 — Float (Tool) FLOAT+(TOOL)
plasterwork Q572879 wall plaster construction or ornamentation done in plaster or a similar material 141189 — Wall Plaster WALL+PLASTER 300015343
plate Q57216 dish flat vessel on which food can be served 96797 — Plate PLATE 300042991
plate armor Q3391846 Bronze plate armour
suit of armor
suit of armour
armor consisting of anatomically shaped metal plates 95205 — Plate Armour PLATE+ARMOUR
plate brooch Q111304341 brooch with a flat plate to which the pin and catchplate are attached at the back 97115 — Plate Brooch PLATE+BROOCH
platter Q3391771 large piece of dishware 96882 — Platter PLATTER
playing card Q47883 game card
game cards
playing cards
card used as one of a set for playing card games 141250 — Playing Card 300211294 14230
plectrum Q181890 pick
small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument 95501 — Plectrum PLECTRUM 300042628 10636
pliers Q13049940 Pliers tool with two legs, can fix or modify a workpiece 96956 — Pliers PLIERS 300024744 6598
plough Q11464 plow tool and farm implement 95798 — Plough PLOUGH
plough spud Q111366528 ploughing spud
tool consisting of a small blade on a short handle for cleaning earth off ploughshares 97421 — Spud SPUD
plucked string instrument Q230262 plucked instruments type of string instrument 95519 — Plucked String Instrument PLUCKED+STRING+INSTRUMENT
plug Q111547495 object used to fill a hole 96298 — Plug PLUG
plug bayonet Q2314460 bayonet inserted in the barrel of a rifle 99650 — Plug Bayonet PLUG+BAYONET 300036992 8157
plumbline Q12826066 bob
plumb bob
plumb line
weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line 95347 — Plumb Bob PLUMB+BOB 300024253 8658
plume Q7205412 feather, as used on headgear 96499 — Plume PLUME 300203648 14052
poignard Q2100658 poniard type of dagger used in the past 95206 — Poignard POIGNARD 300037036 8171
point Q1700214 tool with a sharp tapering end used for piercing materials or as a weapon point 96379 — Point POINT
poker Q111311682 fire poker bar or rod, usually of metal, used to push another object into place eg to push coals within a fire 96957 — Poker POKER 300298928 1884
pole Q2180428 post oblong object, placed vertically (or somewhat obliquely), the width being approximately the same over the entire length 96393 — Pole
97616 — Post
300410341 387
pole weapon Q649107 pole-arm
staff weapon
edged weapon mounted on a long straight pole of wood or metal 97094 — Staff Weapon STAFF+WEAPON 300180692 8193
polished axehead Q111372557 axehead of flint or other stone 97405 — Polished Axehead POLISHED+AXEHEAD
polished knife Q111337181 stone tool, often only polished on the edge 97406 — Polished Knife POLISHED+KNIFE
polisher Q111302924 bone polisher polished bone used to burnish objects such as pottery 96958 — Polisher POLISHER
polishing iron Q111547696 tool used to polish leather 97048 — Polishing Iron POLISHING+IRON 300161606 11010
pollaxe Q1573577 Hache
pole axe
European polearm that was widely used by medieval infantry 95207 — Pole Axe POLE+AXE 300036987 8199
pollen Q79932 pollen grain fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants 100095 — Pollen POLLEN 300213002
pomander Q4736 pommander small pierced container to hold perfume 100069 — Pommander POMMANDER 300220822 2790
porringer Q3579073 cup
hemispherical cup
shallow bowl
shallow type of bowl, often used for drinking from 96798 — Porringer PORRINGER 300042964 4878
portable shrine Q7231373 miniature shrine
pocket shrine
travel altar
shrine for use by travelers 137079 — Portable Shrine
porthole Q513621 bull's-eye
bull's-eye window
side scuttle
round window of a ship 143029 — Porthole 12557
posset pot Q97016254 vessel for posset, a drink composed of hot milk curdled with ale, wine, or other liquor, often with sugar and spices, having two handles and a spout 96799 — Posset Pot POSSET+POT 300199713 4837
pot Q60310748 rounded container used for domestic purposes, such as cooking or serving 96380 — Pot POT 300045697
pot boiler Q1778130 stone that is heated in a fire and dropped into a pot of food to heat it 96800 — Pot Boiler POT+BOILER
potato masher Q12872 bean masher
pea masher
utensil used for preparing food 96788 — Masher MASHER 300207689
potter's wheel Q1128390 machine used in the shaping of round ceramic ware 97050 — Potters Wheel POTTERS+WHEEL 300022820 5463
potters stamp Q111547705 potter's stamp
potters' stamp
tool used to create a mark on pottery by the potter 97620 — Potters Stamp POTTERS+STAMP
potters tool Q111569623 potter's comb
potter's tool
potters comb
tool used to decorate pottery, especially for marking parallel lines 97049 — Potters Tool POTTERS+TOOL
pouch Q29480005 small or moderate size bag for carrying small articles, often having drawstrings, a flap, or closure hardware. (AAT) 96722 — Pouch POUCH 300194553 11778
pounce pot Q107616501 pounce dredger
small pot with a perforated cover used to contain pounce or fine sand for blotting wet ink 96883 — Pounce Pot POUNCE+POT 300198831
pouncet-box Q111259524 pierced metal box for perfume 96884 — Pouncet Box POUNCET+BOX 300430725 3114
pounder Q111324956 tool used to pound, crush or beat an object 100026 — Pounder POUNDER
powder flask Q14830135 gunpowderflask small container for gunpowder 95208 — Powder Flask POWDER+FLASK 300204665 7867
powder horn Q7236012 container for storing and dispensing gunpowder or priming powder 95209 — Powder Horn POWDER+HORN 300225671 7870
powder measure Q104854924 device for dispensing consistent amounts of gunpowder 95210 — Powder Measure POWDER+MEASURE
power symbol Q111325174 symbol with secular signifigance, particularly implying authority 99620 — Power Symbol POWER+SYMBOL
prayer bead Q111165681 Prayer Beads bead associated with a string of beads used in various religious traditions 95985 — Prayer Bead PRAYER+BEAD
prayer beads Q3129913 rosary string of beads used in various religious traditions 96058 — Rosary ROSARY 300264660 13974
prayer book Q1496857 prayer-book
book containing prayers and devotional readings 95418 — Prayer Book PRAYER+BOOK 300026476 13236
prayer scrolls Q111324928 rolled textual objects, variously made of plant fibers or animal skin, upon which are written prayers or petitions to the deity 95983 — Prayer Scroll PRAYER+SCROLL 300430768 13244
prayer stick Q7239053 stick-shaped object used for prayer by North American natives 95982 — Prayer Stick PRAYER+STICK 300263667 13214
press Q111547713 any device or tool for compressing, flattening, giving a denser consistency to, holding, or shaping an object or substance by exerting pressure 96959 — Press PRESS 300380004
pressing and crushing equipment Q111547720 equipment used to compress or crush items or substances 97157 — Pressing And Crushing Equipment PRESSING+AND+CRUSHING+EQUIPMENT
prick spur Q111569672 prick spurs type of early spur with a single spike for goading the horse 97407 — Prick Spur PRICK+SPUR 300203641 11978
pricket Q111324605 pricket candleholder
pricket candlestick
type of spike, often on candlesticks 97408 — Pricket PRICKET 300180554
priming flask Q96067116 container for gunpowder priming powder 95212 — Priming Flask PRIMING+FLASK 300430809
priming horn Q111547726 horn containing gun powder used for priming a firearm 96885 — Priming Horn PRIMING+HORN
probe Q96093522 tool that is inserted to explore 95292 — Probe PROBE
processional cross Q255956 cross or crucifix held during a Christian procession 95980 — Processional Cross PROCESSIONAL+CROSS 300263685
processional standard Q2378522 Khorugv
religious standard
flag or similar object carried as part of a religious procession (Khorugv in Eastern Christianity) 152478 — Religious Standard
projectile Q49393 any object thrown into space (empty or not) by the exertion of a force 100011 — Projectile PROJECTILE
projectile weapon Q1194773 gun
shooting weapon
weapon designed to discharge projectiles or other material 97097 — Projectile Weapon PROJECTILE+WEAPON 300203727
protective clothing Q14524031 protective wear
safety wear
garments worn for protection against dirt or danger 152471 — Protective Clothing 300209266 2592
prototype Q207977 technology demonstrator early sample or model built to test a concept or process, generally used to evaluate a new design by system analysts and advanced users 97621 — Prototype PROTOTYPE 300166391
protractor Q204984 Protractors angle measuring instrument 95345 — Protractor PROTRACTOR 300022525 10587
proving mortar Q111798668 short, squat cannon used to test the strength of blasting powder 144608 — Proving Mortar 300430894 8099
pruning hook Q111437015 tool used to prune plants 95801 — Pruning Hook PRUNING+HOOK 300430897 9011
pruning knife Q111337192 grafting knife tool consisting of a thin, slightly curved or straight iron blade attached to a short wooden handle, used for pruning plants 95802 — Pruning Knife PRUNING+KNIFE 300430898 9013
pruning shears Q144764 hand pruners
type of scissors for use with plants 95808 — Secateurs SECATEURS
psaltery Q1044408 psalterium
European box zither, named for ancient Greek psalterion harp 95517 — Psaltery PSALTERY 300042136 10812
pulley Q48378 block
type of simple machine; wheel on an axle or shaft fixed in a frame; used to change of direction of a cable 97051 — Pulley PULLEY 300024574 9206
pump Q134574 device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action 143239 — Pump 9208
pump housing Q111824159 casing enclosing the mechanism of a pump 143240 — pump housing
punch Q110548733 cutting tool used for punching out holes or designs in paper or other such materials 96960 — Punch PUNCH 300389696
punishment and restraint equipment Q111489393 regulative device objects relating to the punishment and restraint of humans 99614 — Punishment And Restraint PUNISHMENT+AND+RESTRAINT 300429873 10047
puppet Q1913135 inanimate object or representational figure animated or manipulated by an entertainer 95472 — Puppet PUPPET 14341
puzzle Q13698 puzzle game problem or enigma that tests the ingenuity of the solver 95637 — Puzzle PUZZLE 14785
puzzle cup Q111927492 Medieval cup with cut-outs or holes in the body 148398 — Puzzle Cup
puzzle jug Q4429804 trick drinking vessel 148313 — Puzzle Jug 300201319 4827
pygmy cup Q111547792 accessory vessel to a cremation 100070 — Pygmy Cup PYGMY+CUP
pyx Q736513 pix
small round container used in the Catholic, Old Catholic and Anglican Churches to carry the consecrated host 95979 — Pyx PYX 300083008 13141
quadrant Q841280 navigation instrument 95344 — Quadrant QUADRANT 300200381 10150
quarrel Q891691 bolt
crossbow bolt
projectile or arrow used in a crossbow 95179 — Crossbow Bolt CROSSBOW+BOLT
quart Q111590946 quart measure
quart pot
container for measuring a quart of liquid 100123 — Quart QUART
quarterstaff Q1154477 quarter-staff
short staff
traditional European pole weapon 97687 — Quarterstaff QUARTERSTAFF 300230287 8346
quern roughout Q111338165 initially worked quern that is still to be finished 97410 — Quern Roughout QUERN+ROUGHOUT
quern-stone Q1543947 grinding stone
stone tool for hand-grinding various materials, especially foodstuffs 96961 — Quern QUERN
quill Q4063215 quill pen writing implement made from the feather of a large bird 95393 — Quill QUILL 300022463 11577
quiver Q222560 Quivers container for arrows, bolts, or darts 95142 — Quiver QUIVER 300036930 7885
quoit Q111372927 ring thrown as part of the game quoits 95638 — Quoit QUOIT
rack with shelves Q2637814 shelving set of shelves, combined into one piece of furniture 97447 — Shelving SHELVING
rail Q111547798 horizontal structural member in a frame or paneling 97319 — Rail RAIL
rain gutter Q152833 bangaren tsarin fitar da ruwa don gini
eaves channelguttering
component of a water discharge system for a building 99613 — Guttering GUTTERING 300052565
rake Q200822 agricultural tool used for moving soil or other material 95803 — Rake RAKE 300247430 3406
rapier Q816745 slender, sharply pointed sword 95213 — Rapier RAPIER 300037085 8224
rasp Q277885 coarse form of file used for roughly shaping wood or other material 97411 — Rasp RASP 7322
ratchet Q954753 cog rattle
percussion instrument 95515 — Ratchet Rattle RATCHET+RATTLE 300195382 10767
rattles Q2132068 class of musical instruments 95502 — Rattle RATTLE 300041933 11205
razor Q13422881 shaver bladed tool or device to remove body hair 96160 — Razor RAZOR 300236438 3087
razor strop Q2142266 device for straightening and polishing blades 97065 — Strop STROP 3095
reamer Q863835 rotary cutting tool 97054 — Reamer REAMER 300157059 5421
reaper Q1367947 reaping machine harvesting machine 95804 — Reaper REAPER 300264859
reaping hook Q63436511 reaphook agricultural tool consisting of a blade on a wooden handle, used for gathering and cutting 95805 — Reaping Hook REAPING+HOOK 300395562
receiver Q111547800 container used in the distilling process 97320 — Receiver RECEIVER
reed instrument Q42896320 reed or free reed aerophone
instrument that produces sound by means of a vibrating reed (including free reeds) 97178 — Reed Blown Wind Instrument REED+BLOWN+WIND+INSTRUMENT 300199129
reed pipe Q3178239 type of organ pipe 95524 — Reed Pipe REED+PIPE 300041707 10853
rein Q2196000 reins item of horse tack, used to direct a horse or other animal used for riding or driving 97412 — Rein REIN 11962
relief sculpture Q245117 relief
relief work
sculpture created with relief technique 97139 — Relief RELIEF 300047230 12972
religious building fixture Q111547807 furniture, ornament, and other objects that are fastened in position and form part of a religious building but are not an integral part of the architecture itself 99632 — Religious Structural Object RELIGIOUS+STRUCTURAL+OBJECT 300003723
religious personal accessory Q111547802 object carried about the person for religious purposes 97301 — Religious Personal Accessory RELIGIOUS+PERSONAL+ACCESSORY
reliquary Q722604 feretrum container for religious relics 96065 — Reliquary RELIQUARY 300187549 13142
reliquary cross Q41670738 cross reliquary reliquary in the form of a cross 96063 — Reliquary Cross RELIQUARY+CROSS
reptile remains Q111360892 remains of any part of a reptile 100099 — Reptile Remains REPTILE+REMAINS
reservoir Q1047832 storage tank
storage container for fluids such as water, fuels, or gases 96892 — Tank TANK 300007714
retort Q638009 glassware device used for distillation or dry distillation of substances 96886 — Retort RETORT 8486
retouched flake Q111361003 flake that has had small flakes removed to blunt, sharpen, refine the outline or prepare the edge of the tool 96383 — Retouched Flake RETOUCHED+FLAKE
retractor Q1618837 surgical retractor surgical instrument 95293 — Retractors RETRACTORS 300429948 9681
ribbon Q6918773 band
narrow work
riband (ribbon)
riband ribbon
ribbon (material)
ribbon material
long, narrow woven textile, used for trimming, belts, filets, and straps of various kinds 97698 — Ribbon RIBBON 300014668
rice bin Q111547813 container for the storage of rice 95806 — Rice Bin RICE+BIN 3311
ridge tile Q58928910 tile which covers the ridge of a roof 96111 — Ridge Tile RIDGE+TILE
rifle Q124072 firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, and with a rifled barrel 95900 — Rifle RIFLE 8300
rigging spacer Q111771216 fitting for spacing ship's rigging elements and preventing entanglement 137082 — Rigging Spacer
rim sherd Q106990428 rimshard
sherd with part of the rim of a vessel 137052 — Rim Sherd 300263317 14906
ring Q46847 circular object worn as a type of ornamental jewellery 96691 — Finger Ring RING 300046012 1963
ring Q64176731 bagel
toroidal object
circular object of any material or size, used for various purposes 97660 — Ring RING 300263678
ring brooch Q107501467 annular brooch
ring fibula
jewelry for fastening clothing consisting of a ring and pin 97114 — Annular Brooch
96666 — Brooch Pin
ring flask Q111810781 flask with a hollow, ring-shaped form 148321 — Ring Flask
ring money Q111360907 penannular objects of late Bronze Age, usually gold and too small to be worn on arms 99624 — Ring Money (Non Currency) RING+MONEY+(NON+CURRENCY)
ring money Q111360911 silver rings believed to have been used as currency in the Hebrides and Irish Sea regions during the Viking period, and derived from Hiberno-Viking arm rings 95428 — Ring Money (Currency) RING+MONEY+(CURRENCY)
ripple Q111360942 rippler comb-like tool to remove seeds from flax 97055 — Rippler RIPPLER 300430023 6936
rivet Q212500 riveting permanent mechanical fastener 96300 — Rivet RIVET 300036425
roasting jack Q7339914 jack
spit engine
spit jack
device for turning a spit 100104 — Jack (Cooking) JACK+(COOKING) 300430046 4418
robe Q345127 loose-fitting outer garment, worn in many historical periods and contexts 96598 — Robe ROBE 300209852 2459
rod Q111360956 slender, cylindrical object 97574 — Rod ROD 300014669
rommelpot Q9097454 friction drum Northern European friction drum 95516 — Rommelpot ROMMELPOT
rood screen Q837995 chancel screen
choir screen
partition between the chancel and nave found in medieval church architecture 97316 — Rood Screen ROOD+SCREEN 300265155
roof shingle Q2227106 shingle overlapping plates for covering a roof 96116 — Shingle SHINGLE
300014898 440
300 csetény 300
roof slab Q111547871 thick, rectangular rough piece of stone used to roof structures 96113 — Roof Slab ROOF+SLAB
roof slate Q9394806 roofing slates
dark grey material for roofing, often perforated 96114 — Roof Slate ROOF+SLATE
roof tile Q268547 roofing tile tile designed mainly to keep out rain 96115 — Roof Tile ROOF+TILE 300010699 455
rope Q31029 linear collection of plies, yarns or strands which are twisted or braided together 100188 — Rope ROPE 300014248 6548
rotary key Q111547873 lever lock key 99626 — Rotary Key ROTARY+KEY
rotary quern Q14551603 quern that uses circular motions to grind the material 96962 — Rotary Quern ROTARY+QUERN
roughout Q111325948 rough-out intially worked object, prepared to be made into a final product 97453 — Roughout ROUGHOUT
rounded beaker Q111908810 in archaeology, a small drinking vessel with a concave profile and no spout or handle 148387 — Rounded Beaker
rounded bowl Q111847544 bowl with convex sides 148351 — Rounded Bowl
rounded cup Q111927075 cup with concave sides 148394 — Rounded Cup
rounded jar Q111836364 jar with an evenly rounded profile. 148332 — Rounded Jar
rounded jug Q111806198 jug with an evenly rounded profile and a discernible basal angle 148305 — Rounded Jug
rounded mug Q111958455 mug with a rounded body below a deep neck 148404 — Rounded Mug
rove Q111547874 small metal ring through which a nail or rivet is passed and fixed 96301 — Rove ROVE
rowel spur Q111269793 rowel spurs
spur with the goad in the form of a star-shaped rotating disc 97513 — Rowel Spur ROWEL+SPUR
rowlock Q1424332 gate
component attached to the gunwale of a boat to hold an oar 95436 — Rowlock ROWLOCK 300429642 12476
rubble Q1225329 brash
broken stone, of irregular size, shape and texture 142877 — Rubble 300011693
ruff Q653053 ruffled collar tightly gathered collar set into formal or informal pleats 96728 — Ruff RUFF 300210072 2029
rug Q104602244 carpet
textile floor covering 97203 — Rug RUG 300185749 1042
ruler Q104555 line gauge
tape measure
tool used to draw or measure distances along a straight line 95343 — Rule RULE
300266529 10351
runestone Q815241 rune stone
runic stone
raised stone with a runic inscription 96057 — Rune Stone RUNE+STONE 300380235 530
rushlight Q56651 rush light lighting made by dipping the pith of a rush in tallow or grease 96220 — Rush Light RUSH+LIGHT 300180642 1793
sabaton Q1664669 solleret part of Medieval armour that protects the foot and ankle 95185 — Foot Guard FOOT+GUARD 300036868 8138
saber Q231204 sabre type of backsword with a curved blade 100064 — Sabre SABRE
sacrificial knife Q111337298 knife used for ritual sacrifices 96055 — Sacrificial Knife SACRIFICIAL+KNIFE 300434971 13194
sacrificial object Q111475275 libational object object for making an offering to a deity 97302 — Sacrificial Or Libational Object SACRIFICIAL+OR+LIBATIONAL+OBJECT
saddle Q192249 Saddles supportive structure for a rider or other load, fastened to an animal's back by a girth 95687 — Saddle SADDLE 300212972 11968
saddle quern Q111269883 grinding stone
stone with a concave upper surface on which grain was ground by using a rubbing stone 96964 — Saddle Quern SADDLE+QUERN 300263933 6004
safe Q471898 coffer
secure lockable box used for securing valuable objects 96888 — Safe SAFE 300198932 1528
sailmaker's palm Q65158262 Sailor's palm
hand sailors palm
roping palm
sail palm
sailmaker's glove
sewing palm
hand protection 143019 — Palm
salt cellar Q5771190 salt
low, wide table salt container popular before salt shakers 137084 — Salt Cellar 300203164 5211
salt ship Q111824262 large trough or vessel commonly created from a hollowed out tree trunk for the storage of brine prior to processing for salt 146450 — salt ship
sample Q485146 aliquot
material sample
sample of a material
single sample
limited quantity of material which is intended to be similar to and represent a larger amount of that material 97697 — Sample SAMPLE
sand shaker Q111269811 ink sander
container for fine sand, for drying ink 95396 — Sandshaker SANDSHAKER
300216737 11545
sandal Q131704 type of footwear 96569 — Sandal SANDAL 300046077 2185
sanitary ware Q59282504 sanitary ceramic
sanitary facilities
sanitation ceramic
plumbing fixtures and similar freestanding objects made of ceramic or 'porcelain' 144561 — Sanitary Ware
sarcophagus Q48634 box-like funeral receptacle 96050 — Sarcophagus SARCOPHAGUS 300005947 12999
sash Q1370565 Sashes band or strip of fabric wrapped around the waist or worn over the shoulder or hips and usually tied 96729 — Sash SASH 300216864 2095
saucepan Q7724780 flat-bottomed pan with a long handle and a lid for stove-top cooking 96890 — Saucepan SAUCEPAN 300042987 4003
saucer Q1422576 tea saucer type of small dishware 96801 — Saucer SAUCER 300195535 4879
saucer brooch Q111699908 Anglo-Saxon disc brooch with an upturned rim 141243 — Saucer Brooch
saw Q125356 saws tool used to cut through wood or other materials 96469 — Saw SAW 300024671 6603
scabbard Q661140 sheath sheath for large blades 95214 — Scabbard SCABBARD 300037139 7888
scale armour Q574602 scale armor early form of personal armor made of idividual scales mounted on a backing material 100014 — Scale Armour SCALE+ARMOUR
scalpel Q207172 X-Acto knife
hobby knife
surgical knife
surgical lance
sharp bladed instrument used for surgery 95294 — Scalpel SCALPEL 300262233 9666
scarab Q2442735 scaraboid scarab beetle-shaped amulets and impression seals of ancient Egypt 96049 — Scarab
97311 — Scarab Amulet
scarab ring Q60744726 ring with a scarab motif 97313 — Scarab Ring SCARAB+RING
scaraboid seal Q7430243 scarab object in form of a scarab beetle (Scarabaeus sacer) used for sealing and as an amulet 97312 — Scarab Seal
scarf Q191022 garment of fabric worn around neck or head 96730 — Scarf SCARF 300046123 2098
sceptre Q152065 scepter symbolic ornamental staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch 95717 — Sceptre SCEPTRE 300214161 14096
schnelle Q2247681 schnellen conical German drinking vessel 148401 — Schnelle 300196975
scientific and industrial container Q111547888 container used for industrial or scientific purposes 97233 — Scientific And Industrial Container SCIENTIFIC+AND+INDUSTRIAL+CONTAINER
scissors Q40847 pair of scissors
hand-operated cutting instrument 96468 — Scissors SCISSORS 300023459 6604
scold's bridle Q2230940 brank's bridle
gossip's brindle
witch's bridle
16th-century instrument of punishment or torture 100131 — Scolds Bridle
scoop Q744849 disher
ice cream spoon
kind of spoon for serving 96411 — Scoop SCOOP 300200062 6605
scourge Q30718 flagellum whip or lash, especially a multi-thong type used to inflict severe corporal punishment or self-mortification on the back 95971 — Scourge
96060 — Ritual Flail
scraper Q1644824 scraping instrument class of musical instruments with a surface rasped by a stick 97182 — Scraper (Musical) SCRAPER+(MUSICAL) 300041650 10761
scraper Q2605626 stone hand-tool 97183 — Scraper (Tool) SCRAPER+(TOOL)
screen Q56147119 screen in Christian religious building barrier for the subdivision of a church into areas of differing function and liturgical significance 97300 — Religious Screen RELIGIOUS+SCREEN 300265151
screw Q11022 fastener that has a thread wrapped around a cylinder 96302 — Screw SCREW 300080948
scriber Q111475231 sharp point used to cut a design into metal, wood, or other material 96965 — Scriber SCRIBER 300022479
scroll Q720106 roll roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper containing writing 95397 — Scroll SCROLL 300028629 13790
sculpture Q860861 piece of sculpture
sculptural work
three-dimensional work of art 95830 — Sculpture SCULPTURE 300047090 12956
scutching knife Q111337062 flax scutcher
flax swingle
swingling knife
tool used in the separation of fibres from the bark in flax working 96966 — Scutching Knife SCUTCHING+KNIFE 300023433 6982
scythe Q130912 agricultural hand tool for mowing grass or reaping crops 95807 — Scythe SCYTHE 300024371 3424
seal Q162919 mark of a personal distinctive emblem intended to guarantee the authenticity of the author of a document onto which it is printed, embossed or affixed 95398 — Seal SEAL 300417667
seal Q2081159 seal matrix
seal ring
seal stone
object bearing designs, emblems, letters, names, words, etc. in intaglio used for making an impression in relief on substances such as clay or wax or for stamping a flat surface 95402 — Seal Matrix SEAL+MATRIX 300028877 13997
seal box Q2282985 small, usually hinged, box to protect a seal 95400 — Seal Box SEAL+BOX 300444080
sealing wax Q1505624 sealing-wax material of a seal 95403 — Sealing Wax SEALING+WAX 300311202 11555
seat Q2207370 bench
seating furniture
object for sitting on 96551 — Seat SEAT 300037769 1071
seax Q58122 bladed weapon 95143 — Seax Scramasax
secure storage container Q111547889 container designed to be difficult to access 97231 — Secure Storage Container SECURE+STORAGE+CONTAINER
seed Q1762933 seed of cultivated plants
seed stock
sowing seed
dry, dormant, generative reproductive organs such as seeds, fruits, pseudo-fruits, inflorescences or parts thereof 142984 — Seeds
segmented armor Q111475890 segmented armour body armor made up segmentally, usually of bands of material 100015 — Segmented Armour SEGMENTED+ARMOUR
sequin Q674273 paillet
disk, lozenge, or other shape used as trimming 97631 — Spangle SPANGLE 300183896 6859
serrated implement Q111547894 tool with one or more serrated or tooth-like edges 97623 — Serrated Implement SERRATED+IMPLEMENT
set square Q952519 triangle
triangle ruler
triangular plate
geometry device used for technical drawing 95338 — Set Square
97140 — Geometry Instrument
300022536 7625
setting Q111749680 armature or framework of metal or another material in which a jewel is mounted or set 143243 — Setting 300387700
sewing needle Q142690 needle elongated, thin tool made ​​of hard material used for sewing 96950 — Needle NEEDLE 300024789 6889
sextant Q179430 angle measurement navigational instrument 95337 — Sextant SEXTANT 300201687 10160
shackles Q111398574 irons ring or chain used to restrain, typically around wrists or ankles 95714 — Shackle SHACKLE 300247514 10093
shadow box Q17131134 enclosed glass-front display case 95336 — Shadow Box SHADOW+BOX 300431903
shard Q1463658 potsherd
fragment of pottery, ceramics, or glass 300117132
sharpener Q111535476 tool sharpener tool used to sharpen another tool or object 96467 — Sharpener SHARPENER 300434889 6185
sharpening equipment Q111507961 sharpening tool tool used to sharpen other objects 97158 — Sharpening Equipment SHARPENING+EQUIPMENT
sharpening stone Q507559 hone
water stone
stone used to sharpen the edges of steel tools and implements through grinding and honing 96475 — Whetstone WHETSTONE
300023299 6189
shaum Q111337707 medieval wind instrument 95504 — Shaum SHAUM
shave Q111507931 tool used to remove shavings from an object 97057 — Shave SHAVE
shaving basin Q8239473 barber's basin
shaving bowl
shallow bowl with a semicircular cut-out for the neck 96161 — Shaving Bowl SHAVING+BOWL 300227367 3074
shaving brush Q199990 shave brush small brush used to create shaving cream and apply it to the face 97123 — Shaving Brush SHAVING+BRUSH 300236442 3076
shaving equipment Q111507727 tools used for shaving 97691 — Shaving Item SHAVING+ITEM
shawl Q3354532 simple item of clothing, loosely worn over the shoulders, upper body and arms 96597 — Shawl SHAWL 300209991 2587
shears Q111337721 pair of shears large scissors used for cutting, pruning or trimming 95809 — Shears SHEARS 300024672
sheath Q29487717 case or covering for any sharp tool such as a sword, knife, scissors, or knitting needles 97241 — Sheath SHEATH 300198733 7893
sheet pan Q502335 baker sheet
baking pan
baking sheet
baking tray
cookie sheet
flat bakeware 148381 — baking tray 300200744 3970
shelf Q45242859 shelves flat horizontal plane used for storage 96553 — Shelf SHELF 300165847 1313
shepherd's crook Q3108909 crook hooked walking stick used by shepherds 97353 — Crook CROOK 300432154 3624
shield Q131559 🛡 item of armour carried to intercept attacks or projectiles 95215 — Shield SHIELD 300036869 8139
shield boss Q721086 boss
part of shield 95241 — Shield Boss Shield+Boss
ship Q11446 marine vessel
water vessel
large buoyant watercraft 100147 — Ship 300082981 12684
ship element Q15688633 element of a ship
ship part
vessel element
watercraft component
part of a ship 170082 — Vessel Component
170083 — Watercraft Component
300212614 12407
ships timber Q111972047 ship timber
ship's timber
any piece of timber that makes up the body of a maritime vessel, including the frame, decks, and masts 170084 — ships timber
shirt Q76768 garment for the upper body 96616 — Shirt SHIRT 300212499 2463
shirt stud Q7498986 small removable closure, usually made in sets, for shirts 96644 — Shirt Stud SHIRT+STUD 300432204 2117
shoe Q22676 foot gear
pair of shoes
footwear 96570 — Shoe SHOE 300046065 2188
shoe component Q50759282 footwear component
shoe part
physical part of a shoe or boot 97124 — Footwear Component FOOTWEAR+COMPONENT 300412023
shoe iron Q111508014 metal bar to strengthen the heel and or sole of a piece of footwear 96579 — Shoe Iron SHOE+IRON
shoe making waste Q111848707 shoemaking waste waste resulting from the processes associated with the making of shoes 142878 — Shoe Making Waste
shot Q278938 bird shot
lead shot
type of ammunition 95144 — Shot SHOT 300014652
shotgun Q486396 fowling piece
smoothbore firearm which can fire one or more projectiles in a single firing 95901 — Shotgun SHOTGUN 300037153
shouldered jar Q111836445 jar with a roughly cylindrical or slightly flaring lower body and a rounded, inward sloping shoulder 148334 — Shouldered Jar
shouldered jug Q111806423 roughly cylindrical jug with a pronounced inward-sloping shoulder and a marked neck/body angle 148307 — Shouldered Jug
shovel Q7220961 pan tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials 95810 — Shovel SHOVEL 300024300 8704
shroud Q1365316 burial shroud
grave clothes
mound shroud
cloth in which a corpse is wrapped for burial 96042 — Shroud Burial+Cloth
300215011 12508
shutter Q1096423 window shutter window screen formed by either a solid panel or a louvered scheme 96554 — Shutter SHUTTER 300003173
shuttle Q519840 Weaving Shuttle
boat shuttle
bobbin shuttle
weaver's shuttle
weavers shuttle
weaving shuttle
tool designed to neatly and compactly store a holder that carries the thread of the weft yarn while weaving with a loom 96967 — Shuttle SHUTTLE 7089
sickle Q42233 agricultural tool 95811 — Sickle SICKLE 3379
side scraper Q111535504 prehistoric scraper with retouch at right angles to the bulb of percussion 97143 — Side Scraper SIDE+SCRAPER
sideboard Q1762308 buffet
item of dining room furniture: a set of cabinets, or cupboards, and one or more drawers, topped by a surface for holding food, serving dishes, or lighting devices 100105 — Sideboard SIDEBOARD 300039306 1302
sieve Q381155 seive
sieve (kitchen)
winnow basket
tool for breaking or separation of solid materials 96412 — Sieve SIEVE 300201088 4394
signal lamp Q2006782 Aldis lamp
Directional Flashlight
Morse lamp
visual signaling device for optical communication 144027 — Aldis Lamp
sill beam Q111508028 base of a door, window frame, or wall 96117 — Sill Beam SILL+BEAM
silt Q270699 classification of soil or sediment 148287 — Sil 300379483
single-handled bowl Q111889209 one-handle bowl
single handled bowl
bowl with one handle 148364 — Single Handled Bowl
single-handled jar Q111837132 one-handled jar
single handled jar
jar with a single handled added on one side 148335 — Single Handled Jar
skep Q66491086 bee skep
bee skepp
beehive made of woven straw 99628 — Bee Skep BEE+SKEP 300380019 3620
skewer Q1323569 pointed bar for food preparation and serving 96968 — Skewer SKEWER 300199829 4216
ski Q172226 esqui
ski table
narrow strip of semi-rigid material used (usually in a pair) for gliding over snow ie skiing 97137 — Ski SKI 300230122 14639
skillet Q111426638 historic cooking vessel with three or four feet or which sat on a tripod, for cooking on a hearth 96803 — Skillet SKILLET 300042990
skirt Q2160801 type of clothing worn from the waist downwards 96617 — Skirt SKIRT 300209932 2485
skittle Q28792653 upright pin used in some games 95648 — Skittle SKITTLE
slag Q271768 glass-like by-product left over after a desired metal has been separated from its raw ore 97418 — Slag SLAG 300011790
slate Q1371902 slate tablet
writing slate
thin piece of flat material used as a medium for writing 97626 — Writing Slate WRITING+SLATE
slave chains Q104212273 chains used to restrain enslaved people 95715 — Slave Chain SLAVE+CHAIN
slave collar Q111507783 collar, usually metal, used to signify slavery and to inhibit freedom, usually with a chain attached 97419 — Slave Collar SLAVE+COLLAR 300432816 10089
sled Q181388 Sleds
animal-powered land vehicle used for sliding across snow or ice 95433 — Sledge (Vehicle) SLEDGE+(VEHICLE)
300216402 14358
sledgehammer Q10981947 sledge tool 100159 — Sledgehammer SLEDGEHAMMER
300023160 6037
sleeve Q256458 part of clothing that covers the arms 96618 — Sleeve SLEEVE 300210530 2104
slicker Q111508189 sleeker leather finishing tool consisting of a stone or a blunt blade of metal, glass, or plastic set into a wooden handle, used to gently scrape, smooth, and remove excess moisture or to work dubbin into a skin 97058 — Slicker SLICKER 300263652
slide key Q111508201 type of tumbler lock key 96303 — Slide Key SLIDE+KEY
sling bullet Q2239392 projectile fired from a slingshot 95220 — Sling Bullet SLING+BULLET
slingshot Q13672 Shanghai flip
bean shooter
sling shot
projectile weapon 95218 — Sling Shot SLING+SHOT 300201658 8349
slipper Q876824 house shoe
light footwear made for indoor wear, generally without means of fastening 96571 — Slipper SLIPPER 300046083 2210
small-long brooch Q111699713 small long brooch small, often of about two inches or less in length, version of the long brooch usually made of less expensive materials than other brooch types and frequently worn in pairs. 141441 — Small Long Brooch
smoothing equipment Q111337442 equipment used to scrape and smooth objects 97153 — Smoothing Equipment SMOOTHING+EQUIPMENT
snaffle bit Q7546894 common type of bit for a horse
snaphance musket Q111280036 type of musket 100021 — Snaphance Musket SNAPHANCE+MUSKET
snarling iron Q16920564 metalworking tool 97060 — Snarling Iron SNARLING+IRON 300023203 6055
sock Q43663 socks item of clothing for the feet 96572 — Sock SOCK 300046087 2169
socket bayonet Q111337447 bayonet designed to fit over the muzzle of a musket or rifle, allowing the gun still to be fired 99651 — Socket Bayonet SOCKET+BAYONET 300036993 8158
socketed axehead Q111399313 type of axehead of late Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe 96430 — Socketed Axehead SOCKETED+AXEHEAD
socketed bowl Q111889227 bowl with a single straight handle projecting horizontally or diagonally upwards from the rim 148365 — Socketed Bowl
soldering lamp Q111508207 tool used to impart heat in order to fuse two or more metal surfaces together 96969 — Soldering Lamp SOLDERING+LAMP 300433396 6063
sole Q1308336 footwear sole undersurface of a shoe, boot, or other footwear 96581 — Sole SOLE 300400785 2050
solifluction lobe Q3835948 solifluction deposit landmass which has moved downslope due to freeze-thaw or periglacial activity 142919 — Solifluction Deposit
sorting grab Q2303623 demolition grab
demolition grapple
selector grab
selector grapple
sorting grapple
detachable tool for mechanical diggers 170767 — Selector Grab
sound board Q1189953 soundboard musical instrument part 95538 — Soundboard SOUNDBOARD 300212502
sound box Q660436 soundbox
sounding box
musical instrument part; open chamber in the body of a musical instrument which modifies the sound of the instrument, and helps transfer that sound to the surrounding air 95539 — Soundbox SOUNDBOX 300217618
sounding lead Q1382947 lead
sounding line
weight in a graduated line, used for measuring waters' depths 95335 — Sounding Lead SOUNDING+LEAD 300433446 10120
spacer bead Q111337450 spacer
spacer plate
bead used to create a space or interval within a necklace or bracelet 97493 — Spacer Bead SPACER+BEAD
spade Q216642 spade iron
spade shoe
tool for digging 95812 — Spade SPADE 300024335 3247
spatula Q15148 flexible, wide blade, used to lift, smear, mix, spread, or scrape material, including foods, drugs, plaster, and paint 95295 — Spatula SPATULA
speaking tube Q1319005 voicepipe air pipe through which speech can be transmitted over an extended distance 95404 — Speaking Tube SPEAKING+TUBE
spear Q44475 Spears
weapon or tool consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head that is used for thrusting or throwing 95145 — Spear SPEAR 300204480
speargun Q11682006 underwater fishing implement 97420 — Spear Gun SPEAR+GUN
spearhead Q29477178 spear head
spear point
spear tip
tip of spear
tip of a spear or similar pole arm 97404 — Spearhead SPEARHEAD
spheroidal carbonaceous particle Q111749688 SCP component of soot produced from combustion of fossil fuels 147279 — Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles (SCPs)
spigot Q111366564 tap
tap key
type of valve or cock used to control the flow of liquid through a tap on a container 96413 — Spigot SPIGOT 300197240 5022
spike Q102004561 stout, sharp-pointed piece of metal, wood, or other material, or sharp projection on an object 96304 — Spike SPIKE 300036427
spill Q98825255 small wood stick or paper twist used to transfer a flame from an original source to light lamps, pipes, fires, etc. 96185 — Spill SPILL 300433529 1817
spindle Q213761 spike used for spinning fibers into yarn 96970 — Spindle SPINDLE 300265738 7095
spindle whorl Q2474386 whorl
whorl spindle
weight to increase the rotation of a spindle 97061 — Spindle Whorl SPINDLE+WHORL 300263796 7127
spiral auger Q111508721 center-bit auger
screw auger
twist auger
auger bit which creates its hole by drilling into the material 97070 — Twist Auger TWIST+AUGER 300161835 7168
spirit level Q207988 bubble
bubble level
instrument with a sealed tube of liquid, designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb) 95353 — Level LEVEL 300206339 7427
spit Q20181361 cooking device used to rotate food over a fire or other heat source 96804 — Spit SPIT 4433
spittoon Q552446 cuspidor
spit bucket
spitting box
receptacle used for spitting 96891 — Spittoon SPITTOON 300215618 1429
split pin Q1412569 cotter key
cotter keys
cotter pin
cotter pins
kotter pin
kotter pins
split cotter
split cotters
split kotter
split pins
metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation 96305 — Split Pin SPLIT+PIN
spokeshave Q2304176 woodworking hand tool used to shape and smooth workpieces 97062 — Spokeshave SPOKESHAVE 300024099 7409
sponge Q1210980 cleaning sponge
kitchen sponge
sponge tool
cleaning tool made from soft and porous usually synthetic or rarely natural material 96167 — Sponge SPONGE 300386524 9087
sponge iron Q1451118 Bloom A porous mass of iron and slag produced in bloomery furnace 97335 — Bloom BLOOM
spoon Q81895 utensil consisting of a small shallow bowl, oval or round, at the end of a handle 96805 — Spoon SPOON 300043149
spoon auger Q111366578 auger to scoop out material 97063 — Spoon Auger SPOON+AUGER 300433618 7169
spoon bit Q111508266 chair bit
dowel bit
pin bit
quill but
half-cylinder shaped bit which scoops out material 97064 — Spoon Bit SPOON+BIT 300024909 7216
sports equipment Q768186 Sporting Goods
physical training equipment
sport equipement
sporting equipement
sporting goods
object used for sport or exercise 97090 — Sports And Games SPORTS+AND+GAMES 14449
spout Q54803638 beak tubular protruberances through which the contents of a vessel may be poured or sometimes drunk 137088 — Spout 300197224 14523
spouted bowl Q111847981 bowl of any shape with a spout on one side 148353 — Spouted Bowl
spouted pitcher Q111809652 jug of various profiles with a short, narrow neck and rim and an applied spout 148315 — Spouted Pitcher
spring Q102836 mechanical spring elastic mechanical device in any shape 96306 — Spring SPRING
spring scale Q772032 newton meter
spring balance
weighing scale; consists of spring fixed at one end with a hook to attach an object at the other;works by Hooke's Law (the scale markings on the spring balance are equally spaced); can not measure mass, only weight 95251 — Spring Balance SPRING+BALANCE 300203455
spur Q740732 boot spike
metal tool used in horsemanship 95689 — Spur SPUR 300036923 11976
square Q64667461 handtools for marking and checking 90° and 45° angles 95333 — Square SQUARE 300024257 7620
square-headed brooch Q111699862 square headed brooch highly decorated Anglo-Saxon long brooch, often made of silver or bronze, worn by women 141244 — Square-Headed Brooch
staddle stone Q7596069 steddle stone one of group of stones used to lift an agricultural storage building above the ground to protect the contents from vermin and damp 142976 — Staddle Stone
stained glass window Q21061279 stained-glass window window with a image created by pieces of stained glass, historically found in religious and civic architecture 96119 — Stained Glass (Window) STAINED+GLASS+(WINDOW) 300417960
stake Q111366307 piece of pointed wood, usually to be driven into the ground 96307 — Stake STAKE 300247473
stamp Q10677498 punch tool for making imprint and stamping 96972 — Stamp STAMP 300024819
staple Q377164 insulated staple connecting element for fixing flat items (paper, fabric, foil etc.) to each other or to another item 96308 — Staple STAPLE
300077960 11519
statue Q179700 sculpture primarily conceived as a representational figure 95827 — Statue STATUE 300047600 12977
stave Q111366370 shaped piece of wood that makes up a structure, cask, or barrel 96456 — Stave STAVE 300014680 7634
steelyard balance Q1650330 steelyard scale having a fixed fulcrum and a movable counterweight whose distance along a horizontal graduated beam is moved to balance a suspended object 95315 — Steelyard STEELYARD 300207749
steelyard weight Q111366443 weight made to be hung from a steelyard 97502 — Steelyard Weight STEELYARD+WEIGHT
step Q13222221 run
stair step
staircase step
stairway step
step of staircase
step of stairway
elevated portion of a walkway that often forms one part of staircase 95999 — Step STEP
stirrup Q191657 Stirrups
light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider 95686 — Stirrup STIRRUP 11980
stirrup terminal Q111771225 decorative stirrup fitting arranged in pairs, on either side of the footplate 137089 — Stirrup Terminal
stirrup-strap mount Q111771230 stirrup strap mount decorative stirrup fitting often triangular or trapezoidal in shape, mounted at the junction of the stirrup and stirrup strap 137090 — Stirrup Strap Mount
stocking Q193017 stockings hosiery that covers the feet and legs to the knee or higher 96626 — Stocking STOCKING 300046088 2175
stocks Q1484064 a punishment device in the form of a wooden block, primarily intended to restrain feet (ankles) 95718 — Stocks STOCKS 10064
stole Q732034 long narrow cloth band worn around the neck and falling from the shoulders as part of ecclesiastical dress 96736 — Stole
96740 — Tippet (Stole)
300221756 2589
stomacher Q1615371 placard decorative panel to fill in the front opening of a dress or bodice 96737 — Stomacher STOMACHER 300215860 2113
stone Q3757650 fruitstone seed from a stone fruit 169942 — Fruitstone
stone tool Q479257 lithic implement
any tool, partially or entirely, made out of stone 97566 — Lithic Implement LITHIC+IMPLEMENT
stool Q33163 simple seating furniture without backrest and armrest 96555 — Stool STOOL 300038418 1158
stool pan Q111847423 flared bowl of medium depth to deep, with a wide, horizontal everted rim 148348 — Stool Pan
stop Q111366466 part of a musical instrument that is used to modify or limit the sound of a note 95540 — Stop (Music) STOP+(MUSIC)
storage bin Q111366670 container for the storing of substances 97239 — Storage Bin STORAGE+BIN 300433930 11752
storage container Q111366677 container for storing materials 97230 — Storage Container STORAGE+CONTAINER 300197582
stoup Q99596481 drinking-vessel of various forms, typically made of pewter 96038 — Stoup (Drinking Vessel) STOUP+(DRINKING+VESSEL) 4838
stove Q203789 heating stove device that consumes energy to heat the room around it or items on top of it 97422 — Stove STOVE 300052201
stove tile Q19921342 ceramic tile on a tile stove 137091 — Stove Tile
straight-sided bowl Q111847619 cylindrical bowl
straight sided bowl
bowl with straight sides which are at an approximate right angle to the base 148352 — Straight Sided Bowl
strainer Q3363853 tool for straining off liquids 96385 — Strainer STRAINER 300201087
strap Q3217573 strip
strip of flexible material, especially leather, used for fastening or holding things together 96311 — Strap STRAP 300049015 6575
strap fitting Q111269249 strap hardware any of various functional or decorative parts attached to a strap 97424 — Strap Fitting STRAP+FITTING
strap hinge Q111785684 surface-mounted hinge with one leaf or both leaves elongated to accommodate additional fasteners 137092 — Strap Hinge 300065869 265
straw splitter Q111889873 tool used to cut straw into narrow splints for straw plaiting 159346 — Straw Splitter
strigil Q282837 curved blade used by ancient Greeks and Romans to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin after exercise or while bathing 96168 — Strigil STRIGIL 300343767 3165
strike-a-light Q111366770 strike a light fire-starting device that produces sparks 96230 — Strike A Light STRIKE+A+LIGHT 300434000 1818
striking tool Q111303664 tool for striking, hitting, or beating objects 97151 — Striking Equipment STRIKING+EQUIPMENT 300024822
string Q11064354 line
long, flexible structure made from fibers or plies twisted together 96417 — String STRING 300014249 6549
string instrument Q1798603 chordophone
string musical instrument
stringed instrument
stringed instruments
musical instrument that generates tones by one or more strings stretched between two points 100191 — String Instrument STRING+INSTRUMENT 300203062 10771
structural timber Q111372194 substantial piece of timber which is part of, and integral to, the structure of a building 96123 — Structural Timber STRUCTURAL+TIMBER
stud Q100397014 clothing stud
dress stud
stud fastener
removable decorative closure for clothing 96646 — Dress Stud
96647 — Stud Fastener
stud Q111366696 projection on which an object is fastened or which can pass through eyelets to fasten 96503 — Stud STUD
stylus Q2647209 writing utensil or small tool for marking or shaping 95405 — Stylus STYLUS 300022483
sugar loaf mould Q106421402 sugar cone mould
sugar mould
144563 — Sugar Mould 300434084 4214
sun disc Q111366730 sun disk object representing the sun, made of bronze or gold, usually dating from the European Bronze Age 96037 — Sun Disc SUN+DISC
sundial Q80793 sun dial device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky 95316 — Sundial SUNDIAL 300041614 10302
surgical instrument Q1074814 surgical instruments
surgical tool
tool for surgery or operation 95297 — Surgical Instrument SURGICAL+INSTRUMENT 300080597 9620
surveying staff Q111372217 long graduated staff used in surveying to help measure distance or height 97688 — Surveying Staff SURVEYING+STAFF
swage Q111372226 swedge tool used to shape metal to the desired form 97066 — Swage SWAGE 300023217 6210
sweater Q232191 jumper knitted garment from the upper body 96603 — Jumper JUMPER 300209900 2526
sword Q12791 Swords bladed weapon longer than a knife or dagger 95221 — Sword SWORD 300037048 8217
sword belt Q66467330 belt with a hanger for carrying a sword 95222 — Sword Belt SWORD+BELT 300210007 7824
symbol Q80071 Zsym
something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity 100141 — Signs Or Symbols SIGNS+OR+SYMBOLS 300055878
syringe Q273318 syringes pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube, instrument used for injecting or withdrawing fluids 95299 — Syringe SYRINGE 6612
table Q14748 piece of furniture with a flat top 96556 — Table TABLE 300039548 1349
table linen Q111366781 Table Linens
table linens
household linens used to dress a dining table, such as tablecloths and napkins 96557 — Table Linen TABLE+LINEN 300216616 5006
tableman Q111367264 playing piece for the medieval game of table 100142 — Tableman TABLEMAN
tag Q111700846 decorative ending for a textile tape, band, ribbon, or lace, for lacing or with a hook 96643 — Tag TAG
tailpiece Q896967 musical instrument part 170768 — Tailpiece
tally stick Q933008 tally ancient memory aid device used to record and document quantities 95317 — Tally Tally+Stick
300434329 10429
tambourine Q193666 a string instrument 95505 — Tambourine TAMBOURINE 300041759 10764
tampion Q3515436 tompion cover for the muzzle of a gun 143484 — Tampion 8038
tankard Q3446398 drinking vessel 96807 — Tankard TANKARD 300043256 4833
tap Q656656 faucet
water taps
valve controlling the release of a liquid or gas from a pipe 96314 — Tap TAP 279
tap key Q111372291 tap inserted into a barrel to allow liquid to be drawn from it 96521 — Tap Key TAP+KEY
taper Q111372302 slender candle, or wick thinly coated with fat or wax, used for transferring flame 96221 — Taper TAPER 300180966 1769
tapestry Q184296 gobelin
woven tapestry
textile artwork, traditionally woven on a vertical loom using tapestry weaving techniques, sometimes embellished with embroidery or paint 96558 — Tapestry TAPESTRY 300205002 12984
targe Q2119869 target shield used by European infantry troops from the 13th to 16th centuries 95223 — Targe
97425 — Target
300036879 8143
tazza Q1932496 shallow cup on a stemmed foot 96893 — Tazza TAZZA
tegula Q16725947 flat roof tile used with an imbrex 96125 — Tegula TEGULA
tent Q170544 Tents
camping tent
temporary accommodation which can be easily dismantled and which is portable 96315 — Tent TENT 300005694 954
tenterhook Q7700839 tenter hook
hooked nail for use in a tenterframe 96973 — Tenterhook TENTERHOOK 7102
tephra Q209245 tuff fragmental material produced by a volcanic eruption 142925 — Tephra 300380038
terracotta Q60424 fired clay
terra cotta
clay-based unglazed ceramic 141191 — Terracotta 300010669
tessera Q2484793 mosaic tile
individual tile used in a mosaic 96126 — Tessera TESSERA 300010730 445
textile Q28823 fabric
textile material
various fiber-based materials 97632 — Textile TEXTILE 300231565
textile arts tool Q19394283 textile working equipment equipment used in the production of textiles 99619 — Textile Equipment TEXTILE+EQUIPMENT 300163224
thatch weight Q111786817 weight used to hold thatch in place 137093 — Thatch Weight
thatching needle Q111367786 needle used to sew together thatch for roofing 96974 — Thatching Needle THATCHING+NEEDLE 300434604 3793
thawb Q378648 Saudi thobe
thawb Saudi
thobe long 97427 — Tobe TOBE 2530
thermometer Q646 temperature sensor
device that measures temperature or a temperature gradient 95319 — Thermometer THERMOMETER 300198647 10249
thimble Q322483 thimbles protective cup used during sewing 96975 — Thimble THIMBLE 300247551 6883
thistle brooch Q111710697 rosette brooch
thistle-rosette brooch
brooch or fibula with a P-shaped profile, a cylindrical or semi-cylindrical spring cover and a round or lozenge-shaped centre plate below a bow 141245 — thistle brooch
threshing machine Q506839 Threshing machine
thrashing machine
agricultural machine 95815 — Thresher THRESHER 300024375
threshing tray Q111367809 tray used for separating the grain from husks and straw 95816 — Threshing Tray THRESHING+TRAY
throne Q189233 seat of state of a potentate or dignitary 96024 — Throne THRONE 300038141
throwing axe Q4172210 throwing ax small axe designed for use as a hand-thrown projectile 95938 — Throwing Axe THROWING+AXE 300228714 8237
thumb nail scraper Q111372337 small semi circular scraper current in the Bronze Age 97144 — Thumb Nail Scraper THUMB+NAIL+SCRAPER
thumbscrew Q1172972 thumb screw torture instrument for crushing digits 97426 — Thumbscrew THUMBSCREW 300391002 10070
tiara Q749249 Papal crown
head ornament 96738 — Tiara TIARA 300046046 14098
tie bar Q111372368 piece of metal or timber holding two elements together 97637 — Tie Bar TIE+BAR
tile Q468402 flat, durable material used for flooring and roofing 96127 — Tile TILE 300010676 446
till Q427711 glacial till glacial sediment 142917 — Till
time capsule Q348 time capsules
cache of goods or data secured for some time to be opened at a date in the future 170764 — Time Capsule 300251054 13578
timepiece Q42622779 time indicator
time-measuring instrument
timekeeping device
device for measuring or recording the passage of time 97142 — Time Measuring Instrument TIME+MEASURING+INSTRUMENT 300041573 10304
tinderbox Q2373617 tinder box container for fire-starting materials - flint, firesteel, and tinder 100109 — Tinder Box TINDER+BOX 300395613 1880
tine Q15043709 prong
spike on a tool or utensil 96381 — Prong PRONG
tippet Q13650530 palatine
scarflike cape of fur or cloth which fasten around the neck and hang down in front; worn over vestments by clergy and as fashionable wraps in the 18th century 96739 — Tippet (Cape) TIPPET+(CAPE) 300221437
tire Q169545 Tires
automotive tire
ring-shaped covering that fits around a wheel's rim 100146 — Tyre TYRE 300266412 11868
tobacco holder Q56148255 container for smoking and tobacco use
tobacco container
any of various containers for the storage of tobacco or tobacco products 97639 — Tobacco Holder TOBACCO+HOLDER 300198649 1419
tobacco pouch Q776933 Tobacco pouch small bag for holding tobacco 95573 — Tobacco Pouch 300434803 2977
toe ring Q184493 toe-ring ring worn on any toe 96741 — Toe Ring TOE+RING 300262944 1967
toggle Q63774813 oblong button, designed to pass through a loop 96641 — Toggle TOGGLE 300254540 6846
toilet article Q111269283 personal grooming equipment
personal grooming object
equipment used for grooming or personal hygiene 97689 — Personal Grooming And Hygiene Item
97116 — Toilet Article
300434832 2987
token Q20826861 type of coin 95429 — Token TOKEN 300037334
tomb Q381885 burial place 96022 — Tomb TOMB 300005926 584
tombstone Q203443 gravestone
stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave 95977 — Gravestone
96021 — Tombstone
300005923 13022
tongs Q3276479 pair of tongs hand tool used for picking up items 96464 — Tongs TONGS 300024748
tool by-product Q111347319 tool-making by-product in an archaeological context, by-product created during the manufacture of a tool, especially a stone tool 97579 — Tool By Product TOOL+BY+PRODUCT
tool making equipment Q111372471 tool-making equipment equipment used in the making of tools 97159 — Tool Making Equipment TOOL+MAKING+EQUIPMENT
toothbrush Q134205 tooth brush
oral hygiene instrument used to clean the teeth, gums, and tongue 100088 — Toothbrush TOOTHBRUSH 300236465 3146
toothpick Q41331 tooth pick
small stick for cleaning teeth 96169 — Tooth Pick TOOTH+PICK 300236468 3149
top Q23856 spinning top
toy designed to spin rapidly on the ground, the motion of which causes it to remain precisely balanced on its tip because of its rotational inertia 100144 — Spinning Top SPINNING+TOP 300180400
torc Q397447 grivna
grivna (jewellery)
rigid, usually twisted ring worn around the neck or arm, often of precious metal 96743 — Torc TORC
300263462 1951
touchstone Q1482030 small tablet of dark stone used for assaying precious metal alloys 97649 — Touchstone TOUCHSTONE
toy Q11422 plaything object intended to be played with 95642 — Toy TOY 300211037 14815
tranchet axe Q2232541 tranchet
tranchet axehead
type of edged stone tool 97428 — Tranchet Axehead TRANCHET+AXEHEAD
tranchet flake Q7833385 waste flake struck off in the manufacture of adzes 100111 — Tranchet Flake TRANCHET+FLAKE
transportation equipment Q111535541 transport equipment
transport object
transportation object
object used or associated with the movement of goods or people 95069 — Transport TRANSPORT
transverse arrowhead Q7835421 petite tranchet arrowhead arrowhead with a straight cutting edge 95224 — Transverse Arrowhead TRANSVERSE+ARROWHEAD
trap Q7835525 device for catching an intruder or prey; type of tactic 95817 — Trap TRAP
tray Q613972 shallow platform designed for carrying things 96897 — Tray TRAY 11781
tray alms Q107194194 offering tray kind of offertory 97611 — Offering Tray OFFERING+TRAY 300429681 13119
treenail Q7837705 trenail
wooden fastener, pin or small dowel 96317 — Trenail TRENAIL
300068625 7316
trencher Q3537296 flat piece of wood on which meat or sweetmeats were served 97429 — Trencher TRENCHER 300043078 5166
trial piece Q111372430 motif piece
practice piece
piece of work used to test a pattern or process 97069 — Trial Piece TRIAL+PIECE
triangle Q201735 Musical Triangles idiophone type of musical instrument in the percussion family 95514 — Triangle TRIANGLE 300041911 10765
triangular arrowhead Q111787406 three-cornered arrowhead 141184 — Triangular Arrowhead
trident Q271628 three-prong spear 95225 — Trident TRIDENT 8216
trigger guard Q3089351 firearm part surrounding the trigger to hinder accidental discharge 170112 — Trigger Guard 300201525
triple vase Q111508331 vessel consisting of three small pots joined, often on a hollow ring, at the base 97652 — Triple Vase TRIPLE+VASE
tripod pipkin Q111837225 jar or pot with a single straight handle and three legs 148341 — Tripod Pipkin
tripod pitcher Q111809636 jug with three applied feet, a type specific to southern England in the 12th and early 13th centuries 148314 — Tripod Pitcher
tripod vessel Q111372519 container with three legs 97651 — Tripod Vessel TRIPOD+VESSEL
triptych Q79218 three-part panel artwork artwork that contains three parts or panels 95834 — Triptych (Religious) TRIPTYCH+(RELIGIOUS) 300178234 13221
trivet Q2569925 stand with three short legs, especially for cooking over a fire 96808 — Trivet TRIVET 300216958 4036
trompe Q185003 Galician harp
Jew's harp
Ozark harp
jaw harp
jaw's harp
juice harp
lamellophone instrument 95488 — Jews Harp JEWS+HARP 300042576 10754
trough Q3999608 long open container 96386 — Trough TROUGH 300220971
trousers Q39908 pant
clothing for the legs and lower body 96620 — Trousers TROUSERS 300209935 2434
trowel Q747382 masonry trowel one of many kinds of small hand tools used for digging, applying, smoothing, or moving small amounts of viscous or particulate material; common varieties include the masonry trowel, garden trowel, and float trowel 96976 — Trowel TROWEL 300023093 5818
truck Q43193 lorry commercial or utilitarian large motor vehicle 167294 — Lorry 12213
trumpet Q8338 B-flat trumpet
Bb trumpet
B♭ trumpet
natural trumpet
slide trumpet
valve trumpet
musical instrument 95506 — Trumpet TRUMPET 300042339 10676
trumpet brooch Q111710815 brooch or fibula often worn in pairs linked with a chain, characterized by a distinctive head resembling the mouth of a trumpet 141247 — Trumpet Brooch
trunk Q2668288 travel trunk
trolley bag
Type of luggage 96899 — Trunk TRUNK 300215543 2944
tub Q38942 laundry tub large open container usually for holding liquid 96561 — Tub TUB 300195311
tuff Q193685 porous limestone rock 142923 — Tufa 300011712
tumbler Q16180001 flat-bottomed drinking glass 96900 — Tumbler TUMBLER 300043257
tumbrel Q7852593 tumbril two-wheeled cart or wagon 100118 — Tumbrel TUMBREL 300431672 12073
tunic Q201714 tunica simple T-shaped or sleeveless garment, usually unfitted, of archaic origin 96621 — Tunic TUNIC 300209869 2534
tuning peg Q303790 musical instrument part 95507 — Tuning Peg TUNING+PEG 300395597
turban Q2460567 headwear 96594 — Turban TURBAN 300046127 2352
turf cutter Q111476178 sod cutter groundskeeping tool 95818 — Turf Cutter TURF+CUTTER 300433174 8978
tuyere Q31865476 tew-iron
nozzle through which air is forced into a forge or blast furnace 97430 — Tuyere TUYERE 300380255 6268
tweezers Q192504 forceps
surgical tweezers
thumb forceps
tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the human hands 96152 — Tweezers TWEEZERS 300024749 6623
twist bit Q111508728 drill bit used in metal and wood working 97071 — Twist Bit TWIST+BIT 300431729 6526
two-piece Colchester brooch Q111733603 brooch type characterized by the attachment of the separate spring and pin through two holes in a lug behind the head, which projects to form a crest atop the bow 141436 — Two-Piece Colchester Brooch
tyg Q7859825 tig drinking cup with three or more handles, most often of potteryware 96809 — Tyg TYG 300197098 4834
tympanum Q223209 tympanony architectural element; the vertical, triangular space enclosed by the horizontal and raking cornices of a pediment 170748 — Tympanum 459
umbrella Q41607 brella
canopy designed to protect against inclement weather, particularly rain and sun 96745 — Umbrella UMBRELLA 300046227
undergarment Q198763 underclothes
clothes worn under other clothes 97109 — Underwear UNDERWEAR 300209267 2626
unguent pot Q111508840 container for ointments or perfume 96901 — Unguent Pot UNGUENT+POT
unguentarium Q15020961 Tear Bottle
ampulla unguenti
small ceramic or glass bottle found frequently by archaeologists at Hellenistic and Roman sites 95950 — Lachrymatory (Container)
96153 — Unguent Bottle
unidentified object Q18563147 unidentified artifact object whose purpose or use cannot be determined 97484 — Unidentified Object UNIDENTIFIED+OBJECT 300431978 14923
urinal Q1432027 bottle for urination used in health care 97432 — Urinal (Medical) URINAL+(MEDICAL)
urn Q11083119 Urn
burial jar
jar burial
vase, often with a cover, with a typically narrowed neck above a rounded body and a footed pedestal 96810 — Urn URN 300129425
ushabti Q726826 shabti
funerary figurine used in ancient Egyptian religion 97417 — Shabti SHABTI 300184956 13015
valve Q208443 device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid or a gas 96507 — Valve VALVE 300079072 269
vambrace Q2388208 arm guard
lower cannon
plate armor for the arm; often specifically ancient or medieval armor for the forearm 97103 — Arm Guard ARM+GUARD 300224857
varvel Q109046385 vervel metal ring bearing the owner's name or coat of arms, attached to a hawk's jesses 97666 — Vervel VERVEL
vase Q191851 open container 96562 — Vase VASE 300132254 1508
vat Q107194445 container for liquids, often stave-built 96387 — Vat VAT 300194541
vault springer Q111972011 bottom stone of a vault, which lies on its impost or support 151972 — Vault Springer
vehicle Q42889 mobile machine
mobile machine used for transport, whether it has an engine or not, including wheeled and tracked vehicles, air-, water-, and space-craft 100148 — Vehicle VEHICLE 300219258
vehicle component Q60673395 vehicle part machine element of a vehicle 97250 — Vehicle Component VEHICLE+COMPONENT 300178758
vehicle fitting Q111457084 non-structural fitting on a vehicle 95431 — Vehicle Fitting VEHICLE+FITTING
veil Q6497446 any lightweight covering for the head or face or both 96595 — Veil VEIL 300046128 2328
vertebrate remains Q111360660 remains of any of the groups of animals characterized by having a bony or cartilaginous spinal column 141194 — Vertebrate Remains
vessel Q96952903 bin container, especially for domestic preparation or serving of food and drink 97224 — Drink Serving Container
97221 — Food And Drink Serving Container
97653 — Vessel
300193015 11785
vessel for serving and consuming food Q56147902 food service container
food serving container
any of various containers used for serving and eating food, as contrasted with containers for food preparation and cooking 97223 — Food Serving Container FOOD+SERVING+CONTAINER 300198938
vial Q894640 flacon
small bottle for medicines, toilet preparations, or chemicals 95290 — Phial PHIAL 300198822 11798
vinaigrette Q1670918 small receptacles to contain scented vinegar or smelling salts, formerly used to ward off faintness 100068 — Vinaigrette VINAIGRETTE 300220758 2733
violin Q8355 fiddle bowed string instrument 95508 — Violin VIOLIN 300042215 10790
vise Q475638 vice mechanical apparatus used to secure an object to allow work to be performed on it 97073 — Vice VICE 300024750 9240
visual work Q110910970 visual communication object work that conveys information through visual perception 97212 — Visual Communications 300179869
votive model Q111509151 miniature object presented as a votive offering. 96017 — Votive Model VOTIVE+MODEL
votive tank Q111535545 container for holding votive offering 96016 — Votive Tank VOTIVE+TANK
voussoir Q3316819 arch-stone building element 97654 — Voussoir VOUSSOIR 300001177 86
wager cup Q902383 Jungfrayenbecher
bridal cup
maiden beaker
marriage cup
puzzle cup
cup offered as a prize in a contest 95643 — Wager Cup WAGER+CUP 300201253 14192
wagon Q859281 waggon
four wheeled vehicle (mostly pulled by draught animals) 95430 — Wagon WAGON 300219578 12074
waisted beaker Q111908829 in archaeology, a beaker with a constriction above the base to form a waisted profile 148388 — Waisted Beaker
waisted jug Q111806507 jug with a constriction between the upper and lower body sections 148308 — Waisted Jug
walking stick Q1347864 cane
canes & walking stick
walking cane
stick used to assist with walking, especially one carried as a fashionable accessory 96735 — Staff
96747 — Walking Stick
300221268 2805
wall Q42948 walls vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area 96129 — Wall WALL 300002469 396
wall covering Q64597509 wall-covering
textile, paper, or other material for covering interior walls 96563 — Wall Covering WALL+COVERING 300037353 399
wall hanging Q44740228 wall hangings object, often of textile material, hung on walls for warmth or decoration 96547 — Wall Hanging WALL+HANGING 300204886 1448
wall hook Q82173007 bent piece of material used for hanging things on a wall 96318 — Wall Hook WALL+HOOK 300298924 1552
wall painting Q99516640 mural painting
painted decoration or scene applied to a prepared wall or ceiling surface 96517 — Wall Painting WALL+PAINTING 300033644
wall sherd Q106990472 body sherd sherd of the vessel body 137054 — Body Sherd 14905
wall tie Q7800938 tie building component used to tie together internal and external walls in a cavity wall design 96132 — Wall Tie WALL+TIE
wallpaper Q191529 material used to cover and decorate interior walls 96564 — Wallpaper WALLPAPER 421
war hammer Q824271 warhammer late medieval weapon 95226 — War Hammer WAR+HAMMER 300201648 8344
wash basin Q2383211 tub
wash bowl
wash tub
water basin
type of large bowl typically for washing 96171 — Washing Bowl WASHING+BOWL 300195311
washer Q637321 thin plate with a hole, normally used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener 96319 — Washer WASHER 300036432 6580
waste Q45701 garbage
unwanted or unusable material 96463 — Waste WASTE 300194441
waste deposit Q111811553 deposit formed of discarded material or by-products of a manufacturing process 142933 — Waste Deposit
waster Q107131757 ceramic waster
kiln waster
pottery waster
discarded piece of defective pottery 97433 — Waster WASTER
watch Q178794 Watches
personal timepiece 95321 — Watch WATCH 300041615 10306
watch glass Q679538 piece of labratory glassware 143235 — Watch Glass
water cooler Q1809623 water dispenser device that cools and dispenses water 96902 — Water Cooler WATER+COOLER 300045663 5231
water dropper Q111535674 tool to produce drops of liquid 96903 — Water Dropper WATER+DROPPER
water pipeline Q373609 water conduit
water pipe
system of pipes and devices for water supply and transport 100086 — Water Pipe (Architectural) WATER+PIPE+(ARCHITECTURAL) 300263308
water well Q43483 Well
village pump
excavation or structure created in the ground to access groundwater 100055 — Well WELL 300152327 799
watercraft Q1229765 Watercraft
marine vessel
sea vessel
water vehicle
water vessel
vehicles that are intended for locomotion on or in the water 97204 — Water Craft WATER+CRAFT 300042940 12599
watercraft equipment Q111509138 water craft equipment tools and equipment used in conjunction with watercraft 97206 — Water Craft Equipment WATER+CRAFT+EQUIPMENT 300212975
watering can Q50643 Watering Cans
watering pot
portable container used to water plants by hand 96904 — Watering Can WATERING+CAN 300197360 8972
watering pot Q111367259 container, usually ceramic, used to water plants 97656 — Watering Pot WATERING+POT
waterlogged sample Q111526018 sample taken from waterlogged conditions 100092 — Waterlogged Sample WATERLOGGED+SAMPLE
wax tablet Q1428312 diptych
writing tablet
two or more tablets of wood, filled with wax, for writing upon 95408 — Writing Tablet WRITING+TABLET 300192670
weapon Q728 arm
tool intended or likely to inflict damage or harm 100059 — Weapon WEAPON 300036926 7734
weather vane Q524738 weather cock
wind vane
meteorological instrumentation used for showing the direction of the wind 95322 — Weather Vane WEATHER+VANE
300192061 9884
weaving comb Q107194525 toothed comb used to beat the weft against the cloth in weaving 96977 — Weaving Comb WEAVING+COMB 300432885 6934
weaving tablet Q13138579 card
high-warp loom
tablet loom
flat tablet traditionally of wood, bone, horn, or other material with holes for threads to pass through, used in groups to manipulate the warp threads in tablet weaving 97076 — Weaving Tablet WEAVING+TABLET
wedding object Q111546020 marriage object object used in preparation for or during wedding ceremonies 97303 — Marriage Object MARRIAGE+OBJECT 300432895 13253
wedding ring Q842096 wedding band finger ring which indicates that its wearer is married 95996 — Marriage Ring Wedding+Ring
300312100 13262
wedge Q131408 mechanical device; triangular shaped tool; portable inclined plane; one of the six classical simple machines 96462 — Wedge WEDGE 300024101 9241
weeding hook Q111280143 type of weeding tool 95819 — Weeding Hook WEEDING+HOOK 300432907 3262
weighing scale Q134566 balance
balance (mass)
mass balance
mass scale
scale (mass)
scale (measuring device)
scale (weight)
instrument used in measuring the weight or mass of an object 95306 — Balance BALANCE
weight Q1320546 balance weight
object with indicated mass used for weighing 95311 — Balance Weight
95324 — Weight
300197555 10332
well winder Q111535695 windlass used to wind rope around to raise and lower the bucket in a water well 96459 — Well Winder WELL+WINDER
wheat Q15645384 wheat grain widely cultivated cereal grain 169932 — Wheat Grain
wheel Q446 wheels circular item that rotates about an axial bearing; one of the six simple machines 95463 — Wheel Gemaljevic je otkrio Tocak(wheel) Mateja Gemaljevic je otkrio Tocak(wheel) 9243
wheelbarrow Q175334 wheel barrow small hand-propelled vehicle 97534 — Wheelbarrow WHEELBARROW 300212906 12156
wheellock musket Q111280017 wheelock musket type of musket 100020 — Wheellock Musket WHEELLOCK+MUSKET 300432971 8275
whip Q152910 Whips
tool designed to strike animals or people to aid in guidance or exert control through pain compliance or fear of pain 96396 — Whip WHIP 300255555 10071
whip-top Q111508879 whip top
whipping top
type of spinning toy 95649 — Whipping Top WHIPPING+TOP 300211264 14895
whipping post Q241212 pillory a post to which a person is bound, often using chains or ropes, for public punishment or humiliation, typically involving whipping 95719 — Pillory
95723 — Whipping Post
whistle Q204917 instrument which produces sound from a stream of forced air 95416 — Whistle WHISTLE 300042706 11209
wick Q118978194 part of a lamp, candle, or other light fixture which holds a flame 96222 — Wick WICK
wig Q105507 head covering mimicking hair 96596 — Wig WIG 300046049 1994
wig curler Q111437081 object, usually of pipe clay, used to add curls to a wig 96159 — Wig Curler WIG+CURLER
wigwam Q277986 wetu
type of tent or dwelling used by Indigenous North Americans 96320 — Wigwam WIGWAM 300005700 777
wind instrument Q173453 wind instruments
wind musical instrument
class of musical instruments 95522 — Wind Instrument WIND+INSTRUMENT
windchest Q352289 mechanism in a pipe organ 95543 — Windchest WINDCHEST
winding key Q111212984 key
timepiece key
tool for winding a clockwork mechanism 145062 — Key (Winding) KEY+(WINDING) 300434740 10294
window Q35473 windows opening to admit light or air 96134 — Window WINDOW 300002944 150
window blind Q321046 window shade
type of window covering 96528 — Blind BLIND 1895
window covering Q3001801 material used to cover windows for protection, privacy, sunlight or decorative purposes 96565 — Window Covering WINDOW+COVERING
window fitting Q111508886 window furniture
window hardware
removable object attached to a window 96321 — Window Fitting WINDOW+FITTING
300080680 257
window glass Q3561314 any type of glass used in a window 96138 — Window Glass WINDOW+GLASS
wine bottle Q23490 bottle used for holding wine 96905 — Wine Bottle WINE+BOTTLE 300045639 5226
wine cooler Q18812395 wine bucket large container used to cool bottles 96812 — Wine Cooler WINE+COOLER 300040023
wine glass Q1531435 wineglass drinking vessel 142881 — Wine Glass 300043246 4815
wineskin Q21094365 wine-skin stoop for holding wine 96814 — Wineskin WINESKIN 300221009
winged axehead Q111508919 type of bronze axehead of middle or late Bronze Age date 97516 — Winged Axehead WINGED+AXEHEAD
winnower Q111280132 device used to separate grain from the lighter chaff 95820 — Winnower WINNOWER 300433227 3450
winnowing basket Q111280058 grain sifter
threshing tray
winnowing scoop
wide, shallow, generally semi-circular, flat-bottomed container made of wicker, strips of wood or bark used for separating grain from chaff 95822 — Winnowing Basket WINNOWING+BASKET 300248102 3451
winnowing fan Q111535744 fan used to create an air current to separate grain from chaff 95823 — Winnowing Fan WINNOWING+FAN
winnowing fork Q111535752 large fork with a lot of space between twines used to throw grain etc into a breeze to separate grain from chaff 95821 — Winnowing Fork WINNOWING+FORK
winnowing tray Q111213769 tray for separating grain from chaff 96906 — Winnowing Tray WINNOWING+TRAY 300024321 3455
wire Q551997 metal wire
metallic wire
flexible strand or rod of metal composed of one or more strands 97658 — Wire WIRE 300011063
witch bottle Q1616764 counter-magical item used as protection against witchcraft 96008 — Witch Bottle WITCH+BOTTLE 13125
wood board Q72926076 board
wooden board
a board which is made of wood 96490 — Board BOARD 300162666 63
wood working waste Q111848688 woodworking waste waste resulting from the working of wood or associated with a carpenter's workshop 142879 — Wood Working Waste
wool weight Q111280042 weight used for the measurement of wool 95325 — Wool Weight WOOL+WEIGHT
workbench Q347690 bench
lab bench
work bench
work station
table set up for a specific type of work atop it 97333 — Bench (Table) BENCH+(TABLE) 300161823 1401
worked object Q111367765 worked material any object of stone or organic material showing signs of being worked 97323 — Worked Object WORKED+OBJECT 300433315 14908
wrap Q8037573 simple length of fabric worn as clothing 96622 — Wrap WRAP
wrench Q154411 spanner tool used to provide grip and mechanical advantage 96980 — Wrench
170099 — Spanner
WRENCH 300024714 6282
wrist clasp Q41570610 sleeve clasp decorative clasp to fix sleeve cuffs together 96731 — Sleeve Clasp Wrist+Clasp
wristband Q1549506 wrist band any band or strap worn around the wrist 96748 — Wrist Band WRIST+BAND
writing and drawing equipment Q111372979 equipment used in conjunction with inscribing words and images on paper or parchment 97213 — Writing And Drawing Equipment WRITING+AND+DRAWING+EQUIPMENT
writing brush Q111490119 brush used for calligraphy 95407 — Writing Brush WRITING+BRUSH 300433344 11559
writing case Q3579004 writing box container for implements and a surface for writing 97234 — Writing Container WRITING+CONTAINER
written item Q111535766 object which has words inscribed, engraved, carved or written upon it 97490 — Written Item WRITTEN+ITEM
yarn twister Q111367764 tool used to twist fibres together to create yarn 97082 — Yarn Twister YARN+TWISTER
yoke Q203290 wooden beam used on the necks of a pair of oxen or other animals to enable them to pull together on a load 97456 — Yoke (Animal) YOKE+(ANIMAL)
300255560 11999
æstel Q60172605 aestel
pointer or guide for following lines of text in a manuscript 97285 — Aestel AESTEL 300411983
End of automatically generated list.